The Tiktok Website was totally changed using some "scraping" protection
(passing as parameter value generated somewhere in the bunch of
javascript to the "API URL" that was before). The iframe embed does not
have such protection. It has less information (no date, ...) but it's
better than nothing !
* [TikTokBridge] Use another way to get videos infos to include video link
* [TikTokBridge] Use cover if dynamicCover is empty
* [TikTokBridge] Add support for the rest of item params
* fix(asrocknews): Trying to get property src of non-object
Trying to get property 'src' of non-object at bridges/ASRockNewsBridge.php line 37
* refactor(http): tweak max redirs config
* fix(tiktok)
* fix(gizmodo)
* fix(craig)
* fix(nationalg)
* fix(roadandtrack)
* fix(etsy)