From feb2a686d7b963e14c83dd2358e6f695ed67085b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ORelio <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:58:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [CssSelectorBridge] Move metadata retrieval to lib (#3913)

May become handy for making other bridges
 bridges/CssSelectorBridge.php | 251 +--------------------------------
 lib/bootstrap.php             |   1 +
 lib/seotags.php               | 256 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/seotags.php

diff --git a/bridges/CssSelectorBridge.php b/bridges/CssSelectorBridge.php
index 5b2625a9..ac3261bf 100644
--- a/bridges/CssSelectorBridge.php
+++ b/bridges/CssSelectorBridge.php
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class CssSelectorBridge extends BridgeAbstract
         $entry_html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($entry_url);
-        $item = $this->entryHtmlRetrieveMetadata($entry_html);
+        $item = html_find_seo_metadata($entry_html);
         if (empty($item['uri'])) {
             $item['uri'] = $entry_url;
@@ -306,253 +306,4 @@ class CssSelectorBridge extends BridgeAbstract
         return $item;
-    /**
-     * Retrieve metadata from entry HTML: title, author, date published, etc. from metadata intended for social media embeds and SEO
-     * @param obj $entry_html DOM object representing the webpage HTML
-     * @return array Entry data collected from Metadata
-     */
-    protected function entryHtmlRetrieveMetadata($entry_html)
-    {
-        $item = [];
-        // == First source of metadata: Meta tags ==
-        // Facebook Open Graph (og:KEY) -
-        // Twitter (twitter:KEY) -
-        // Standard meta tags -
-        // Standard time tag -
-        // Each Entry field mapping defines a list of possible <meta> tags names that contains the expected value
-        static $meta_mappings = [
-            // <meta property="article:KEY" content="VALUE" />
-            // <meta property="og:KEY" content="VALUE" />
-            // <meta property="KEY" content="VALUE" />
-            // <meta name="twitter:KEY" content="VALUE" />
-            // <meta name="KEY" content="VALUE">
-            // <link rel="canonical" href="URL" />
-            'uri' => [
-                'og:url',
-                'twitter:url',
-                'canonical',
-            ],
-            'title' => [
-                'og:title',
-                'twitter:title',
-            ],
-            'content' => [
-                'og:description',
-                'twitter:description',
-                'description',
-            ],
-            'timestamp' => [
-                'article:published_time',
-                'og:article:published_time',
-                'releaseDate',
-                'releasedate',
-                'article:modified_time',
-                'og:article:modified_time',
-                'lastModified',
-                'lastmodified',
-                'time',
-            ],
-            'enclosures' => [
-                'og:image:secure_url',
-                'og:image:url',
-                'og:image',
-                'twitter:image',
-                'thumbnailImg',
-                'thumbnailimg',
-            ],
-            'author' => [
-                'article:author',
-                'og:article:author',
-                'author',
-                'article:author:username',
-                'profile:first_name',
-                'profile:last_name',
-                'article:author:first_name',
-                'article:author:last_name',
-                'twitter:creator',
-            ],
-        ];
-        $author_first_name = null;
-        $author_last_name = null;
-        // For each Entry property, look for corresponding HTML tags using a list of candidates
-        foreach ($meta_mappings as $property => $field_list) {
-            foreach ($field_list as $field) {
-                // Look for HTML meta tag
-                $element = null;
-                if ($field === 'canonical') {
-                    $element = $entry_html->find('link[rel=canonical]');
-                } else if ($field === 'time') {
-                    $element = $entry_html->find('time[datetime]');
-                } else {
-                    $element = $entry_html->find("meta[property=$field], meta[name=$field]");
-                }
-                // Found something? Extract the value and populate Entry field
-                if (!empty($element)) {
-                    $element = $element[0];
-                    $field_value = '';
-                    if ($field === 'canonical') {
-                        $field_value = $element->href;
-                    } else if ($field === 'time') {
-                        $field_value = $element->datetime;
-                    } else {
-                        $field_value = $element->content;
-                    }
-                    if (!empty($field_value)) {
-                        if ($field === 'article:author:first_name' || $field === 'profile:first_name') {
-                            $author_first_name = $field_value;
-                        } else if ($field === 'article:author:last_name' || $field === 'profile:last_name') {
-                            $author_last_name = $field_value;
-                        } else {
-                            $item[$property] = $field_value;
-                            break; // Stop on first match, e.g. og:url has priority over canonical url.
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Populate author from first name and last name if all we have is nothing or Twitter @username
-        if ((!isset($item['author']) || $item['author'][0] === '@') && (is_string($author_first_name) || is_string($author_last_name))) {
-            $author = '';
-            if (is_string($author_first_name)) {
-                $author = $author_first_name;
-            }
-            if (is_string($author_last_name)) {
-                $author = $author . ' ' . $author_last_name;
-            }
-            $item['author'] = trim($author);
-        }
-        // == Second source of metadata: Embedded JSON ==
-        // JSON linked data -
-        // JSON linked data is COMPLEX and MAY BE LESS RELIABLE than <meta> tags. Used for fields not found as <meta> tags.
-        // The implementation below will load all ld+json we can understand and attempt to extract relevant information.
-        // ld+json object types that hold article metadata
-        // Each mapping define item fields and a list of possible JSON field for this field
-        // Each candiate JSON field is either a string (field name) or a list (path to nested field)
-        static $ldjson_article_types = ['webpage', 'article', 'newsarticle', 'blogposting'];
-        static $ldjson_article_mappings = [
-            'uri' => ['url', 'mainEntityOfPage'],
-            'title' => ['headline'],
-            'content' => ['description'],
-            'timestamp' => ['dateModified', 'datePublished'],
-            'enclosures' => ['image'],
-            'author' => [['author', 'name'], ['author', '@id'], 'author'],
-        ];
-        // ld+json object types that hold author metadata
-        $ldjson_author_types = ['person', 'organization'];
-        $ldjson_author_mappings = []; // ID => Name
-        $ldjson_author_id = null;
-        // Utility function for checking if JSON array matches one of the desired ld+json object types
-        // A JSON object may have a single ld+json @type as a string OR several types at once as a list
-        $ldjson_is_of_type = function ($json, $allowed_types) {
-            if (isset($json['@type'])) {
-                $json_types = $json['@type'];
-                if (!is_array($json_types)) {
-                    $json_types = [ $json_types ];
-                }
-                foreach ($json_types as $item_type) {
-                    if (in_array(strtolower($item_type), $allowed_types)) {
-                        return true;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return false;
-        };
-        // Process ld+json objects embedded in the HTML DOM
-        foreach ($entry_html->find('script[type=application/ld+json]') as $html_ldjson_node) {
-            $json_raw = json_decode($html_ldjson_node->innertext, true);
-            if (is_array($json_raw)) {
-                // The JSON we just loaded may contain directly a single ld+json object AND/OR several ones under the '@graph' key
-                $json_items = [ $json_raw ];
-                if (isset($json_raw['@graph'])) {
-                    foreach ($json_raw['@graph'] as $json_raw_sub_item) {
-                        $json_items[] = $json_raw_sub_item;
-                    }
-                }
-                // Now that we have a list of distinct JSON items, we can process them individually
-                foreach ($json_items as $json) {
-                    // JSON item that holds an ld+json Article object (or a variant)
-                    if ($ldjson_is_of_type($json, $ldjson_article_types)) {
-                        // For each item property, look for corresponding JSON fields and populate the item
-                        foreach ($ldjson_article_mappings as $property => $field_list) {
-                            // Skip fields already found as <meta> tags, except Twitter @username (because we might find a better name)
-                            if (!isset($item[$property]) || ($property === 'author' && $item['author'][0] === '@')) {
-                                foreach ($field_list as $field) {
-                                    $json_root = $json;
-                                    // If necessary, navigate inside the JSON object to access a nested field
-                                    if (is_array($field)) {
-                                        // At this point, $field = ['author', 'name'] and $json_root = {"author": {"name": "John Doe"}}
-                                        $json_navigate_ok = true;
-                                        while (count($field) > 1) {
-                                            $sub_field = array_shift($field);
-                                            if (array_key_exists($sub_field, $json_root)) {
-                                                $json_root = $json_root[$sub_field];
-                                                if (array_is_list($json_root) && count($json_root) === 1) {
-                                                    $json_root = $json_root[0]; // Unwrap list of single item e.g. {"author":[{"name":"John Doe"}]}
-                                                }
-                                            } else {
-                                                // Desired path not found in JSON, stop navigating
-                                                $json_navigate_ok = false;
-                                                break;
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                        if (!$json_navigate_ok) {
-                                            continue; //Desired path not found in JSON, skip this field
-                                        }
-                                        $field = $field[0];
-                                        // At this point, $field = "name" and $json_root = {"name": "John Doe"}
-                                    }
-                                    // Now we can check for desired field in JSON and populate $item accordingly
-                                    if (isset($json_root[$field])) {
-                                        $field_value = $json_root[$field];
-                                        if (is_array($field_value) && isset($field_value[0])) {
-                                            $field_value = $field_value[0]; // Different versions of the same enclosure? Take the first one
-                                        }
-                                        if (is_string($field_value) && !empty($field_value)) {
-                                            if ($property === 'author' && $field === '@id') {
-                                                $ldjson_author_id = $field_value; // Author is referred to by its ID: We'll see later if we can resolve it
-                                            } else {
-                                                $item[$property] = $field_value;
-                                                break; // Stop on first match, e.g. {"author":{"name":"John Doe"}} has priority over {"author":"John Doe"}
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    // JSON item that holds an ld+json Author object (or a variant)
-                    } else if ($ldjson_is_of_type($json, $ldjson_author_types)) {
-                        if (isset($json['@id']) && isset($json['name'])) {
-                            $ldjson_author_mappings[$json['@id']] = $json['name'];
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Attempt to resolve ld+json author if all we have is nothing or Twitter @username
-        if ((!isset($item['author']) || $item['author'][0] === '@') && !is_null($ldjson_author_id) && isset($ldjson_author_mappings[$ldjson_author_id])) {
-            $item['author'] = $ldjson_author_mappings[$ldjson_author_id];
-        }
-        // Adjust item field types
-        if (isset($item['enclosures'])) {
-            $item['enclosures'] = [ $item['enclosures'] ];
-        }
-        if (isset($item['timestamp'])) {
-            $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($item['timestamp']);
-        }
-        return $item;
-    }
diff --git a/lib/bootstrap.php b/lib/bootstrap.php
index fe2069d3..9a69d756 100644
--- a/lib/bootstrap.php
+++ b/lib/bootstrap.php
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ $files = [
     __DIR__ . '/../lib/http.php',
     __DIR__ . '/../lib/logger.php',
     __DIR__ . '/../lib/url.php',
+    __DIR__ . '/../lib/seotags.php',
     // Vendor
     __DIR__ . '/../vendor/parsedown/Parsedown.php',
     __DIR__ . '/../vendor/php-urljoin/src/urljoin.php',
diff --git a/lib/seotags.php b/lib/seotags.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52657ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/seotags.php
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ * Process HTML DOM to retrieve standard metadata intended for social media embeds and SEO.
+ * @param string|object $html Webpage HTML. Supports HTML objects or string objects.
+ * @return array Entry generated from Metadata: 'title', 'author', 'timestamp', etc.
+ */
+function html_find_seo_metadata($html)
+    if (is_string($html)) {
+        $html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($html);
+    }
+    $item = [];
+    // == First source of metadata: Meta tags ==
+    // Facebook Open Graph (og:KEY) -
+    // Twitter (twitter:KEY) -
+    // Standard meta tags -
+    // Standard time tag -
+    // Each Entry field mapping defines a list of possible <meta> tags names that contains the expected value
+    // There are various source candidates per type of data, listed from most reliable to least reliable
+    static $meta_mappings = [
+        // <meta property="article:KEY" content="VALUE" />
+        // <meta property="og:KEY" content="VALUE" />
+        // <meta property="KEY" content="VALUE" />
+        // <meta name="twitter:KEY" content="VALUE" />
+        // <meta name="KEY" content="VALUE">
+        // <link rel="canonical" href="URL" />
+        // <time datetime="VALUE">text</time>
+        'uri' => [
+            'og:url',
+            'twitter:url',
+            'canonical',
+        ],
+        'title' => [
+            'og:title',
+            'twitter:title',
+        ],
+        'content' => [
+            'og:description',
+            'twitter:description',
+            'description',
+        ],
+        'timestamp' => [
+            'article:published_time',
+            'og:article:published_time',
+            'releaseDate',
+            'releasedate',
+            'article:modified_time',
+            'og:article:modified_time',
+            'lastModified',
+            'lastmodified',
+            'time',
+        ],
+        'enclosures' => [
+            'og:image:secure_url',
+            'og:image:url',
+            'og:image',
+            'twitter:image',
+            'thumbnailImg',
+            'thumbnailimg',
+        ],
+        'author' => [
+            'article:author',
+            'og:article:author',
+            'author',
+            'article:author:username',
+            'profile:first_name',
+            'profile:last_name',
+            'article:author:first_name',
+            'article:author:last_name',
+            'twitter:creator',
+        ],
+    ];
+    $author_first_name = null;
+    $author_last_name = null;
+    // For each Entry property, look for corresponding HTML tags using a list of candidates
+    foreach ($meta_mappings as $property => $field_list) {
+        foreach ($field_list as $field) {
+            // Look for HTML meta tag
+            $element = null;
+            if ($field === 'canonical') {
+                $element = $html->find('link[rel=canonical]');
+            } else if ($field === 'time') {
+                $element = $html->find('time[datetime]');
+            } else {
+                $element = $html->find("meta[property=$field], meta[name=$field]");
+            }
+            // Found something? Extract the value and populate Entry field
+            if (!empty($element)) {
+                $element = $element[0];
+                $field_value = '';
+                if ($field === 'canonical') {
+                    $field_value = $element->href;
+                } else if ($field === 'time') {
+                    $field_value = $element->datetime;
+                } else {
+                    $field_value = $element->content;
+                }
+                if (!empty($field_value)) {
+                    if ($field === 'article:author:first_name' || $field === 'profile:first_name') {
+                        $author_first_name = $field_value;
+                    } else if ($field === 'article:author:last_name' || $field === 'profile:last_name') {
+                        $author_last_name = $field_value;
+                    } else {
+                        $item[$property] = $field_value;
+                        break; // Stop on first match, e.g. og:url has priority over canonical url.
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Populate author from first name and last name if all we have is nothing or Twitter @username
+    if ((!isset($item['author']) || $item['author'][0] === '@') && (is_string($author_first_name) || is_string($author_last_name))) {
+        $author = '';
+        if (is_string($author_first_name)) {
+            $author = $author_first_name;
+        }
+        if (is_string($author_last_name)) {
+            $author = $author . ' ' . $author_last_name;
+        }
+        $item['author'] = trim($author);
+    }
+    // == Second source of metadata: Embedded JSON ==
+    // JSON linked data -
+    // JSON linked data is COMPLEX and MAY BE LESS RELIABLE than <meta> tags. Used for fields not found as <meta> tags.
+    // The implementation below will load all ld+json we can understand and attempt to extract relevant information.
+    // ld+json object types that hold article metadata
+    // Each mapping define item fields and a list of possible JSON field for this field
+    // Each candiate JSON field is either a string (field name) or a list (path to nested field)
+    static $ldjson_article_types = ['webpage', 'article', 'newsarticle', 'blogposting'];
+    static $ldjson_article_mappings = [
+        'uri' => ['url', 'mainEntityOfPage'],
+        'title' => ['headline'],
+        'content' => ['description'],
+        'timestamp' => ['dateModified', 'datePublished'],
+        'enclosures' => ['image'],
+        'author' => [['author', 'name'], ['author', '@id'], 'author'],
+    ];
+    // ld+json object types that hold author metadata
+    $ldjson_author_types = ['person', 'organization'];
+    $ldjson_author_mappings = []; // ID => Name
+    $ldjson_author_id = null;
+    // Utility function for checking if JSON array matches one of the desired ld+json object types
+    // A JSON object may have a single ld+json @type as a string OR several types at once as a list
+    $ldjson_is_of_type = function ($json, $allowed_types) {
+        if (isset($json['@type'])) {
+            $json_types = $json['@type'];
+            if (!is_array($json_types)) {
+                $json_types = [ $json_types ];
+            }
+            foreach ($json_types as $item_type) {
+                if (in_array(strtolower($item_type), $allowed_types)) {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    };
+    // Process ld+json objects embedded in the HTML DOM
+    foreach ($html->find('script[type=application/ld+json]') as $html_ldjson_node) {
+        $json_raw = json_decode($html_ldjson_node->innertext, true);
+        if (is_array($json_raw)) {
+            // The JSON we just loaded may contain directly a single ld+json object AND/OR several ones under the '@graph' key
+            $json_items = [ $json_raw ];
+            if (isset($json_raw['@graph'])) {
+                foreach ($json_raw['@graph'] as $json_raw_sub_item) {
+                    $json_items[] = $json_raw_sub_item;
+                }
+            }
+            // Now that we have a list of distinct JSON items, we can process them individually
+            foreach ($json_items as $json) {
+                // JSON item that holds an ld+json Article object (or a variant)
+                if ($ldjson_is_of_type($json, $ldjson_article_types)) {
+                    // For each item property, look for corresponding JSON fields and populate the item
+                    foreach ($ldjson_article_mappings as $property => $field_list) {
+                        // Skip fields already found as <meta> tags, except Twitter @username (because we might find a better name)
+                        if (!isset($item[$property]) || ($property === 'author' && $item['author'][0] === '@')) {
+                            foreach ($field_list as $field) {
+                                $json_root = $json;
+                                // If necessary, navigate inside the JSON object to access a nested field
+                                if (is_array($field)) {
+                                    // At this point, $field = ['author', 'name'] and $json_root = {"author": {"name": "John Doe"}}
+                                    $json_navigate_ok = true;
+                                    while (count($field) > 1) {
+                                        $sub_field = array_shift($field);
+                                        if (array_key_exists($sub_field, $json_root)) {
+                                            $json_root = $json_root[$sub_field];
+                                            if (array_is_list($json_root) && count($json_root) === 1) {
+                                                $json_root = $json_root[0]; // Unwrap list of single item e.g. {"author":[{"name":"John Doe"}]}
+                                            }
+                                        } else {
+                                            // Desired path not found in JSON, stop navigating
+                                            $json_navigate_ok = false;
+                                            break;
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    if (!$json_navigate_ok) {
+                                        continue; //Desired path not found in JSON, skip this field
+                                    }
+                                    $field = $field[0];
+                                    // At this point, $field = "name" and $json_root = {"name": "John Doe"}
+                                }
+                                // Now we can check for desired field in JSON and populate $item accordingly
+                                if (isset($json_root[$field])) {
+                                    $field_value = $json_root[$field];
+                                    if (is_array($field_value) && isset($field_value[0])) {
+                                        $field_value = $field_value[0]; // Different versions of the same enclosure? Take the first one
+                                    }
+                                    if (is_string($field_value) && !empty($field_value)) {
+                                        if ($property === 'author' && $field === '@id') {
+                                            $ldjson_author_id = $field_value; // Author is referred to by its ID: We'll see later if we can resolve it
+                                        } else {
+                                            $item[$property] = $field_value;
+                                            break; // Stop on first match, e.g. {"author":{"name":"John Doe"}} has priority over {"author":"John Doe"}
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                // JSON item that holds an ld+json Author object (or a variant)
+                } else if ($ldjson_is_of_type($json, $ldjson_author_types)) {
+                    if (isset($json['@id']) && isset($json['name'])) {
+                        $ldjson_author_mappings[$json['@id']] = $json['name'];
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Attempt to resolve ld+json author if all we have is nothing or Twitter @username
+    if ((!isset($item['author']) || $item['author'][0] === '@') && !is_null($ldjson_author_id) && isset($ldjson_author_mappings[$ldjson_author_id])) {
+        $item['author'] = $ldjson_author_mappings[$ldjson_author_id];
+    }
+    // Adjust item field types
+    if (isset($item['enclosures'])) {
+        $item['enclosures'] = [ $item['enclosures'] ];
+    }
+    if (isset($item['timestamp'])) {
+        $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($item['timestamp']);
+    }
+    return $item;