diff --git a/bridges/NakedSecurityBridge.php b/bridges/NakedSecurityBridge.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec2eeb90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bridges/NakedSecurityBridge.php
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+maintainer = 'ORelio';
+ $this->name = $this->getName();
+ $this->uri = $this->getURI();
+ $this->description = 'Returns the newest articles.';
+ $this->update = '2016-04-30';
+ }
+ public function collectData(array $param) {
+ function StripRecursiveHTMLSection($string, $tag_name, $tag_start) {
+ $open_tag = '<'.$tag_name;
+ $close_tag = ''.$tag_name.'>';
+ $close_tag_length = strlen($close_tag);
+ if (strpos($tag_start, $open_tag) === 0) {
+ while (strpos($string, $tag_start) !== false) {
+ $max_recursion = 100;
+ $section_to_remove = null;
+ $section_start = strpos($string, $tag_start);
+ $search_offset = $section_start;
+ do {
+ $max_recursion--;
+ $section_end = strpos($string, $close_tag, $search_offset);
+ $search_offset = $section_end + $close_tag_length;
+ $section_to_remove = substr($string, $section_start, $section_end - $section_start + $close_tag_length);
+ $open_tag_count = substr_count($section_to_remove, $open_tag);
+ $close_tag_count = substr_count($section_to_remove, $close_tag);
+ } while ($open_tag_count > $close_tag_count && $max_recursion > 0);
+ $string = str_replace($section_to_remove, '', $string);
+ }
+ }
+ return $string;
+ }
+ $feedUrl = 'https://feeds.feedburner.com/nakedsecurity?format=xml';
+ $html = file_get_html($feedUrl) or $this->returnError('Could not request '.$this->getName().': '.$feedUrl, 500);
+ $limit = 0;
+ foreach ($html->find('item') as $element) {
+ if ($limit < 10) {
+ //Retrieve article Uri and get that page
+ $article_uri = $element->find('guid', 0)->plaintext;
+ $article_html = file_get_html($article_uri) or $this->returnError('Could not request '.$this->getName().': '.$article_uri, 500);
+ //Build article contents from corresponding elements
+ $article_title = trim($element->find('title', 0)->plaintext);
+ $article_image = $article_html->find('img.wp-post-image', 0)->src;
+ $article_summary = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($element->find('description', 0)->plaintext));
+ $article_content = $article_html->find('div.entry-content', 0)->innertext;
+ $article_content = StripRecursiveHTMLSection($article_content , 'div', '

+ //Build and add final item
+ $item = new \Item();
+ $item->uri = $article_uri;
+ $item->title = $article_title;
+ $item->thumbnailUri = $article_image;
+ $item->author = $article_html->find('a[rel=author]', 0)->plaintext;
+ $item->timestamp = strtotime($element->find('pubDate', 0)->plaintext);
+ $item->content = $article_content;
+ $this->items[] = $item;
+ $limit++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function getName() {
+ return 'Naked Security';
+ }
+ public function getURI() {
+ return 'https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/';
+ }
+ public function getCacheDuration() {
+ return 3600; //1 hour
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bridges/YoutubeBridge.php b/bridges/YoutubeBridge.php
index 596fef48..f178ca96 100644
--- a/bridges/YoutubeBridge.php
+++ b/bridges/YoutubeBridge.php
@@ -8,16 +8,15 @@
class YoutubeBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
public function loadMetadatas() {
- $this->name = "Youtube Bridge";
+ $this->name = 'YouTube Bridge';
+ $this->homepage = $this->getURI();
+ $this->description = 'Returns the 10 newest videos by username/channel/playlist or search';
+ $this->maintainer = 'mitsukarenai';
+ $this->update = '02/05/2016';
- $this->homepage = "https://youtube.com";
- $this->description = "Returns the 10 newest videos by username/channel/playlist or search";
- $this->maintainer = "mitsukarenai";
- $this->parameters["By username"] =
+ $this->parameters['By username'] =
"type" : "text",
@@ -31,10 +30,10 @@ class YoutubeBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
$this->parameters['By channel id'] =
- "type" : "text",
+ "type" : "number",
"identifier" : "c",
"name" : "channel id",
- "exampleValue" : "test",
+ "exampleValue" : "15",
"required" : "required"
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ class YoutubeBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
- $this->parameters["Search result"] =
+ $this->parameters['Search result'] =
"type" : "text",
@@ -68,105 +67,98 @@ class YoutubeBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
- public function collectData(array $param){
+ private function ytBridgeQueryVideoInfo($vid, &$author, &$desc, &$time) {
+ $html = file_get_html($this->getURI()."watch?v=$id");
+ $author = $html->innertext;
+ $author = substr($author, strpos($author, '"author=') + 8);
+ $author = substr($author, 0, strpos($author, '\u0026'));
+ $desc = $html->find('div#watch-description-text', 0)->innertext;
+ $time = strtotime($html->find('meta[itemprop=datePublished]', 0)->getAttribute('content'));
+ }
- function getPublishDate($id) {
- $html2 = file_get_html("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$id");
- $timestamp = strtotime($html2->find('meta[itemprop=datePublished]', 0)->getAttribute('content') );
- return $timestamp;
- }
+ private function ytBridgeAddItem($vid, $title, $author, $desc, $time) {
+ $item = new \Item();
+ $item->id = $vid;
+ $item->title = $title;
+ $item->author = $author;
+ $item->timestamp = $time;
+ $item->uri = $this->getURI().'watch?v='.$vid;
+ $item->thumbnailUri = str_replace('/www.', '/img.', $this->getURI()).'vi/'.$vid.'/0.jpg';
+ $item->content = '

+ $this->items[] = $item;
+ }
+ private function ytBridgeParseXmlFeed($xml) {
+ foreach ($xml->find('entry') as $element) {
+ $title = $element->find('title',0)->plaintext;
+ $author = $element->find('name', 0)->plaintext;
+ $desc = $element->find('media:description', 0)->innertext;
+ $vid = str_replace('yt:video:', '', $element->find('id', 0)->plaintext);
+ $time = strtotime($element->find('published', 0)->plaintext);
+ $this->ytBridgeAddItem($vid, $title, $author, $desc, $time);
+ }
+ }
- $html = '';
- $limit = 10;
- $count = 0;
+ private function ytBridgeParseHtmlListing($html, $element_selector, $title_selector) {
+ $limit = 10; $count = 0;
+ foreach ($html->find($element_selector) as $element) {
+ if ($count < $limit) {
+ $author = ''; $desc = ''; $time = 0;
+ $vid = str_replace('/watch?v=', '', $element->find('a', 0)->href);
+ $title = trim($element->find($title_selector, 0)->plaintext);
+ $this->ytBridgeQueryVideoInfo($vid, $author, $desc, $time);
+ $this->ytBridgeAddItem($vid, $title, $author, $desc, $time);
+ $count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (isset($param['u'])) { /* user timeline mode */
+ public function collectData(array $param) {
+ $xml = '';
+ $html = '';
+ $url_feed = '';
+ $url_listing = '';
+ if (isset($param['u'])) { /* User and Channel modes */
$this->request = $param['u'];
- $html = file_get_html('https://www.youtube.com/user/'.urlencode($this->request).'/videos') or $this->returnError('Could not request Youtube.', 404);
- foreach($html->find('li.channels-content-item') as $element) {
- if($count < $limit) {
- $item = new \Item();
- $videoquery = parse_url($element->find('a',0)->href, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($videoquery, $videoquery);
- $item->id = $videoquery['v'];
- $item->uri = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='.$item->id;
- $item->thumbnailUri = $element->find('img',0)->src;
- $item->title = trim($element->find('h3',0)->plaintext);
- $item->timestamp = getPublishDate($item->id);
- $item->content = '
' . $item->title . '';
- $this->items[] = $item;
- $count++;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (isset($param['c'])) { /* channel timeline mode */
+ $url_feed = $this->getURI().'feeds/videos.xml?user='.urlencode($this->request);
+ $url_listing = $this->getURI().'user/'.urlencode($this->request).'/videos';
+ } else if (isset($param['c'])) {
$this->request = $param['c'];
- $html = file_get_html('https://www.youtube.com/channel/'.urlencode($this->request).'/videos') or $this->returnError('Could not request Youtube.', 404);
- foreach($html->find('li.channels-content-item') as $element) {
- if($count < $limit) {
- $item = new \Item();
- $videoquery = parse_url($element->find('a',0)->href, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($videoquery, $videoquery);
- $item->id = $videoquery['v'];
- $item->uri = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='.$item->id;
- $item->thumbnailUri = $element->find('img',0)->src;
- $item->title = trim($element->find('h3',0)->plaintext);
- $item->timestamp = getPublishDate($item->id);
- $item->content = '
' . $item->title . '';
- $this->items[] = $item;
- $count++;
- }
- }
+ $url_feed = $this->getURI().'feeds/videos.xml?channel_id='.urlencode($this->request);
+ $url_listing = $this->getURI().'channel/'.urlencode($this->request).'/videos';
+ }
+ if (!empty($url_feed) && !empty($url_listing)) {
+ if ($xml = file_get_html($url_feed)) {
+ $this->ytBridgeParseXmlFeed($xml);
+ } else if ($html = file_get_html($url_listing)) {
+ $this->ytBridgeParseHtmlListing($html, 'li.channels-content-item', 'h3');
+ } else $this->returnError("Could not request YouTube. Tried:\n - $url_feed\n - $url_listing", 500);
- else if (isset($param['p'])) { /* playlist mode */
+ else if (isset($param['p'])) { /* playlist mode */
$this->request = $param['p'];
- $html = file_get_html('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list='.urlencode($this->request).'') or $this->returnError('Could not request Youtube.', 404);
- foreach($html->find('tr.pl-video') as $element) {
- if($count < $limit) {
- $item = new \Item();
- $item->uri = 'https://www.youtube.com'.$element->find('.pl-video-title a',0)->href;
- $item->thumbnailUri = $element->find('img',0)->getAttribute('data-thumb');
- $item->title = trim($element->find('.pl-video-title a',0)->plaintext);
- $item->id = str_replace('/watch?v=', '', $element->find('a',0)->href);
- $item->timestamp = getPublishDate($item->id);
- $item->content = '
' . $item->title . '';
- $this->items[] = $item;
- $count++;
- }
- $this->request = 'Playlist '.trim(str_replace(' - YouTube', '', $html->find('title', 0)->plaintext)).', by '.$html->find('h1', 0)->plaintext;
- }
+ $url_listing = $this->getURI().'playlist?list='.urlencode($this->request);
+ $html = file_get_html($url_listing) or $this->returnError("Could not request YouTube. Tried:\n - $url_listing", 500);
+ $this->ytBridgeParseHtmlListing($html, 'tr.pl-video', '.pl-video-title a');
- else if (isset($param['s'])) { /* search mode */
- $this->request = $param['s']; $page = 1; if (isset($param['pa'])) $page = (int)preg_replace("/[^0-9]/",'', $param['pa']);
- $html = file_get_html('https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query='.urlencode($this->request).'&page='.$page.'&filters=video&search_sort=video_date_uploaded') or $this->returnError('Could not request Youtube.', 404);
- foreach($html->find('div.yt-lockup') as $element) {
- $item = new \Item();
- $item->uri = 'https://www.youtube.com'.$element->find('a',0)->href;
- $checkthumb = $element->find('img', 0)->getAttribute('data-thumb');
- if($checkthumb !== FALSE)
- $item->thumbnailUri = $checkthumb;
- else
- $item->thumbnailUri = ''.$element->find('img',0)->src;
- $item->title = trim($element->find('h3',0)->plaintext);
- $item->id = str_replace('/watch?v=', '', $element->find('a',0)->href);
- //$item->timestamp = getPublishDate($item->id); /* bogus: better not use it */
- $item->content = '
' . $item->title . '';
- $this->items[] = $item;
- }
- $this->request = 'Search: '.str_replace(' - YouTube', '', $html->find('title', 0)->plaintext);
- }
- else
- $this->returnError('You must either specify a Youtube username (?u=...) or a channel id (?c=...) or a playlist id (?p=...) or search (?s=...)', 400);
+ else if (isset($param['s'])) { /* search mode */
+ $this->request = $param['s']; $page = 1; if (isset($param['pa'])) $page = (int)preg_replace("/[^0-9]/",'', $param['pa']);
+ $url_listing = $this->getURI().'results?search_query='.urlencode($this->request).'&page='.$page.'&filters=video&search_sort=video_date_uploaded';
+ $html = file_get_html($url_listing) or $this->returnError("Could not request YouTube. Tried:\n - $url_listing", 500);
+ $this->ytBridgeParseHtmlListing($html, 'div.yt-lockup', 'h3');
+ $this->request = 'Search: '.str_replace(' - YouTube', '', $html->find('title', 0)->plaintext);
+ else { /* no valid mode */
+ $this->returnError("You must either specify either:\n - YouTube username (?u=...)\n - Channel id (?c=...)\n - Playlist id (?p=...)\n - Search (?s=...)", 400);
+ }
+ }
public function getName(){
- return (!empty($this->request) ? $this->request .' - ' : '') .'Youtube Bridge';
+ return (!empty($this->request) ? $this->request .' - ' : '') .'YouTube Bridge';
public function getURI(){