diff --git a/bridges/BundestagParteispendenBridge.php b/bridges/BundestagParteispendenBridge.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..446e61c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bridges/BundestagParteispendenBridge.php
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Eingang der Spende:
+ public function getIcon()
+ {
+ return 'https://www.bundestag.de/static/appdata/includes/images/layout/favicon.ico';
+ }
+ public function collectData()
+ {
+ $ajaxUri = <<find('a', 0)
+ or returnServerError('Could not find the proper HTML element.');
+ $url = 'https://www.bundestag.de' . $firstAnchor->href;
+ // Get the actual page with the soft money donations
+ $html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($url, self::CACHE_TIMEOUT)
+ or returnServerError('Could not request ' . $url);
+ $rows = $html->find('table.table > tbody > tr')
+ or returnServerError('Could not find the proper HTML elements.');
+ foreach($rows as $row) {
+ $item = $this->generateItemFromRow($row);
+ if (is_array($item)) {
+ $item['uri'] = $url;
+ $this->items[] = $item;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private function generateItemFromRow(simple_html_dom_node $row)
+ {
+ // The row must have 5 columns. There are monthly header rows, which are ignored here.
+ if(count($row->children) != 5)
+ return null;
+ $item = array();
+ // | column | paragraph inside column
+ $party = $row->children[0]->children[0]->innertext;
+ $amount = $row->children[1]->children[0]->innertext . ' €';
+ $donor = $row->children[2]->children[0]->innertext;
+ $date = $row->children[3]->children[0]->innertext;
+ $dip = $row->children[4]->children[0]->find('a.dipLink', 0);
+ // Strip whitespace from date string.
+ $date = str_replace(' ', '', $date);
+ $content = sprintf(self::CONTENT_TEMPLATE, $party, $amount, $donor, $date);
+ $item = array(
+ 'title' => $party . ': ' . $amount,
+ 'content' => $content,
+ 'uid' => sha1($content),
+ );
+ // Try to get the link to the official document
+ if ($dip != null)
+ $item['enclosures'] = array($dip->href);
+ // Try to parse the date
+ $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('d.m.Y', $date);
+ if ($dateTime !== FALSE)
+ $item['timestamp'] = $dateTime->getTimestamp();
+ return $item;
+ }