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synced 2025-03-14 20:21:14 +03:00
[TwitterBridge] Migration to API V1.1 (#2433)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 166 additions and 155 deletions
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class TwitterBridge extends BridgeAbstract {
'q' => array(
'name' => 'Keyword or #hashtag',
'required' => true,
'exampleValue' => 'rss-bridge',
'exampleValue' => 'rss-bridge OR rssbridge',
'title' => <<<EOD
* To search for multiple words (must contain all of these words), put a space between them.
@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ EOD
private $apiKey = null;
private $guestToken = null;
private $authHeader = array();
public function detectParameters($url){
$params = array();
@ -198,48 +202,65 @@ EOD
private function getApiURI() {
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'By keyword or hashtag':
return self::API_URI
. '/2/search/adaptive.json?q='
. urlencode($this->getInput('q'))
. '&tweet_mode=extended&tweet_search_mode=live';
case 'By username':
// use search endpoint if without replies or without retweets enabled
if ($this->getInput('noretweet') || $this->getInput('norep')) {
$query = 'from:' . $this->getInput('u');
// Twitter's from: search excludes retweets by default
if (!$this->getInput('noretweet')) $query .= ' include:nativeretweets';
if ($this->getInput('norep')) $query .= ' exclude:replies';
return self::API_URI
. '/2/search/adaptive.json?q='
. urlencode($query)
. '&tweet_mode=extended&tweet_search_mode=live';
} else {
return self::API_URI
. '/2/timeline/profile/'
. $this->getRestId($this->getInput('u'))
. '.json?tweet_mode=extended';
case 'By list':
return self::API_URI
. '/2/timeline/list.json?list_id='
. $this->getListId($this->getInput('user'), $this->getInput('list'))
. '&tweet_mode=extended';
case 'By list ID':
return self::API_URI
. '/2/timeline/list.json?list_id='
. $this->getInput('listid')
. '&tweet_mode=extended';
default: returnServerError('Invalid query context !');
public function collectData(){
$html = '';
$page = $this->getURI();
$data = json_decode($this->getApiContents($this->getApiURI()));
// $data will contain an array of all found tweets (unfiltered)
$data = null;
// Contains user data (when in by username context)
$user = null;
// Array of all found tweets
$tweets = array();
// Get authentication information
// Try to get all tweets
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'By username':
$user = $this->makeApiCall('/1.1/users/show.json', array('screen_name' => $this->getInput('u')));
if (!$user) {
returnServerError('Requested username can\'t be found.');
$params = array(
'user_id' => $user->id_str,
'tweet_mode' => 'extended'
$data = $this->makeApiCall('/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json', $params);
case 'By keyword or hashtag':
$params = array(
'q' => urlencode($this->getInput('q')),
'tweet_mode' => 'extended',
'tweet_search_mode' => 'live',
$data = $this->makeApiCall('/1.1/search/tweets.json', $params)->statuses;
case 'By list':
$params = array(
'slug' => strtolower($this->getInput('list')),
'owner_screen_name' => strtolower($this->getInput('user')),
'tweet_mode' => 'extended',
$data = $this->makeApiCall('/1.1/lists/statuses.json', $params);
case 'By list ID':
$params = array(
'list_id' => $this->getInput('listid'),
'tweet_mode' => 'extended',
$data = $this->makeApiCall('/1.1/lists/statuses.json', $params);
returnServerError('Invalid query context !');
if(!$data) {
switch($this->queriedContext) {
@ -252,65 +273,33 @@ EOD
$hidePictures = $this->getInput('nopic');
// Filter out unwanted tweets
foreach ($data as $tweet) {
// Filter out retweets to remove possible duplicates of original tweet
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'By keyword or hashtag':
if (isset($tweet->retweeted_status) && substr($tweet->full_text, 0, 4) === 'RT @') {
continue 2;
$tweets[] = $tweet;
$promotedTweetIds = array_reduce($data->timeline->instructions[0]->addEntries->entries, function($carry, $entry) {
if (!isset($entry->content->item)) {
return $carry;
$tweet = $entry->content->item->content->tweet;
if (isset($tweet->promotedMetadata)) {
$carry[] = $tweet->id;
return $carry;
}, array());
$hidePictures = $this->getInput('nopic');
$hidePinned = $this->getInput('nopinned');
if ($hidePinned) {
$pinnedTweetId = null;
if (isset($data->timeline->instructions[1]) && isset($data->timeline->instructions[1]->pinEntry)) {
$pinnedTweetId = $data->timeline->instructions[1]->pinEntry->entry->content->item->content->tweet->id;
$tweets = array();
// Extract tweets from timeline property when in username mode
// This fixes number of issues:
// * If there's a retweet of a quote tweet, the quoted tweet will not appear in results (since it wasn't retweeted directly)
// * Pinned tweets do not get stuck at the bottom
if ($this->queriedContext === 'By username') {
foreach($data->timeline->instructions[0]->addEntries->entries as $tweet) {
if (!isset($tweet->content->item)) continue;
$tweetId = $tweet->content->item->content->tweet->id;
$selectedTweet = $this->getTweet($tweetId, $data->globalObjects);
if (!$selectedTweet) continue;
// If this is a retweet, it will contain shorter text and will point to the original full tweet (retweeted_status_id_str).
// Let's use the original tweet text.
if (isset($selectedTweet->retweeted_status_id_str)) {
$tweetId = $selectedTweet->retweeted_status_id_str;
$selectedTweet = $this->getTweet($tweetId, $data->globalObjects);
if (!$selectedTweet) continue;
// use $tweetId as key to avoid duplicates (e.g. user retweeting their own tweet)
$tweets[$tweetId] = $selectedTweet;
} else {
foreach($data->globalObjects->tweets as $tweet) {
$tweets[] = $tweet;
if ($user && $user->pinned_tweet_ids_str) {
$pinnedTweetId = $user->pinned_tweet_ids_str;
foreach($tweets as $tweet) {
/* Debug::log('>>> ' . json_encode($tweet)); */
// Skip spurious retweets
if (isset($tweet->retweeted_status_id_str) && substr($tweet->full_text, 0, 4) === 'RT @') {
// Skip promoted tweets
if (in_array($tweet->id_str, $promotedTweetIds)) {
// Skip own Retweets...
if (isset($tweet->retweeted_status) && $tweet->retweeted_status->user->id_str === $tweet->user->id_str) {
@ -319,37 +308,52 @@ EOD
$item = array();
// extract username and sanitize
$user_info = $this->getUserInformation($tweet->user_id_str, $data->globalObjects);
$item['username'] = $user_info->screen_name;
$item['fullname'] = $user_info->name;
$item['author'] = $item['fullname'] . ' (@' . $item['username'] . ')';
if (null !== $this->getInput('u') && strtolower($item['username']) != strtolower($this->getInput('u'))) {
$item['author'] .= ' RT: @' . $this->getInput('u');
switch($this->queriedContext) {
case 'By username':
if ($this->getInput('norep') && isset($tweet->in_reply_to_status_id))
continue 2;
$item['avatar'] = $user_info->profile_image_url_https;
$item['id'] = $tweet->id_str;
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $item['username'] . '/status/' . $item['id'];
// extract tweet timestamp
$item['timestamp'] = $tweet->created_at;
$item = array();
$realtweet = $tweet;
if (isset($tweet->retweeted_status)) {
// Tweet is a Retweet, so set author based on original tweet and set realtweet for reference to the right content
$realtweet = $tweet->retweeted_status;
$item['username'] = $realtweet->user->screen_name;
$item['fullname'] = $realtweet->user->name;
$item['avatar'] = $realtweet->user->profile_image_url_https;
$item['timestamp'] = $realtweet->created_at;
$item['id'] = $realtweet->id_str;
$item['uri'] = self::URI . $item['username'] . '/status/' . $item['id'];
$item['author'] = (isset($tweet->retweeted_status) ? 'RT: ' : '' )
. $item['fullname']
. ' (@'
. $item['username'] . ')';
// Convert plain text URLs into HTML hyperlinks
$cleanedTweet = $tweet->full_text;
$fulltext = $realtweet->full_text;
$cleanedTweet = $fulltext;
$foundUrls = false;
if (isset($tweet->entities->media)) {
foreach($tweet->entities->media as $media) {
if (substr($cleanedTweet, 0, 4) === 'RT @') {
$cleanedTweet = substr($cleanedTweet, 3);
if (isset($realtweet->entities->media)) {
foreach($realtweet->entities->media as $media) {
$cleanedTweet = str_replace($media->url,
'<a href="' . $media->expanded_url . '">' . $media->display_url . '</a>',
$foundUrls = true;
if (isset($tweet->entities->urls)) {
foreach($tweet->entities->urls as $url) {
if (isset($realtweet->entities->urls)) {
foreach($realtweet->entities->urls as $url) {
$cleanedTweet = str_replace($url->url,
'<a href="' . $url->expanded_url . '">' . $url->display_url . '</a>',
@ -359,7 +363,7 @@ EOD
if ($foundUrls === false) {
// fallback to regex'es
$reg_ex = '/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/';
if(preg_match($reg_ex, $tweet->full_text, $url)) {
if(preg_match($reg_ex, $realtweet->full_text, $url)) {
$cleanedTweet = preg_replace($reg_ex,
"<a href='{$url[0]}' target='_blank'>{$url[0]}</a> ",
@ -384,8 +388,8 @@ EOD;
// Get images
$media_html = '';
if(isset($tweet->extended_entities->media) && !$this->getInput('noimg')) {
foreach($tweet->extended_entities->media as $media) {
if(isset($realtweet->extended_entities->media) && !$this->getInput('noimg')) {
foreach($realtweet->extended_entities->media as $media) {
switch($media->type) {
case 'photo':
$image = $media->media_url_https . '?name=orig';
@ -480,7 +484,7 @@ EOD;
//The aim of this function is to get an API key and a guest token
//This function takes 2 requests, and therefore is cached
private function getApiKey() {
private function getApiKey($forceNew = 0) {
$cacheFac = new CacheFactory();
@ -505,7 +509,7 @@ EOD;
$data = $cache->loadData();
$apiKey = null;
if($data === null || (time() - $refresh) > self::GUEST_TOKEN_EXPIRY) {
if($forceNew || $data === null || (time() - $refresh) > self::GUEST_TOKEN_EXPIRY) {
$twitterPage = getContents('https://twitter.com');
$jsLink = false;
@ -542,7 +546,7 @@ EOD;
$guestTokenUses = $gt_cache->loadData();
$guestToken = null;
if($guestTokenUses === null || !is_array($guestTokenUses) || count($guestTokenUses) != 2
if($forceNew || $guestTokenUses === null || !is_array($guestTokenUses) || count($guestTokenUses) != 2
|| $guestTokenUses[0] <= 0 || (time() - $refresh) > self::GUEST_TOKEN_EXPIRY) {
$guestToken = $this->getGuestToken($apiKey);
if ($guestToken === null) {
@ -561,8 +565,14 @@ EOD;
$guestToken = $guestTokenUses[1];
return array($apiKey, $guestToken);
$this->apiKey = $apiKey;
$this->guestToken = $guestToken;
$this->authHeaders = array(
'authorization: Bearer ' . $apiKey,
'x-guest-token: ' . $guestToken,
return array($apiKey, $guestToken);
// Get a guest token. This is different to an API key,
@ -584,47 +594,48 @@ EOD;
return $guestToken;
private function getApiContents($uri) {
$apiKeys = $this->getApiKey();
$headers = array('authorization: Bearer ' . $apiKeys[0],
'x-guest-token: ' . $apiKeys[1],
return getContents($uri, $headers);
* Tries to make an API call to twitter.
* @param $api string API entry point
* @param $params array additional URI parmaeters
* @return object json data
private function makeApiCall($api, $params) {
$uri = self::API_URI . $api . '?' . http_build_query($params);
private function getRestId($username) {
$searchparams = urlencode('{"screen_name":"' . strtolower($username) . '", "withHighlightedLabel":true}');
$searchURL = self::API_URI . '/graphql/-xfUfZsnR_zqjFd-IfrN5A/UserByScreenName?variables=' . $searchparams;
$searchResult = $this->getApiContents($searchURL);
$searchResult = json_decode($searchResult);
return $searchResult->data->user->rest_id;
$retries = 1;
$retry = 0;
do {
$retry = 0;
private function getListId($username, $listName) {
$searchparams = urlencode('{"screenName":"'
. strtolower($username)
. '", "listSlug": "'
. $listName
. '", "withHighlightedLabel":false}');
$searchURL = self::API_URI . '/graphql/ErWsz9cObLel1BF-HjuBlA/ListBySlug?variables=' . $searchparams;
$searchResult = $this->getApiContents($searchURL);
$searchResult = json_decode($searchResult);
return $searchResult->data->user_by_screen_name->list->id_str;
private function getUserInformation($userId, $apiData) {
foreach($apiData->users as $user) {
if($user->id_str == $userId) {
return $user;
try {
$result = getContents($uri, $this->authHeaders, array(), true);
} catch (UnexpectedResponseException $e) {
switch ($e->getResponseCode()) {
case 401:
case 403:
if ($retries) {
$retry = 1;
continue 2;
$code = $e->getResponseCode();
$data = $e->getResponseBody();
Failed to make api call: $api
HTTP Status: $code
Errormessage: $data
} while ($retry);
private function getTweet($tweetId, $apiData) {
if (property_exists($apiData->tweets, $tweetId)) {
return $apiData->tweets->$tweetId;
} else {
return null;
$data = json_decode($result['content']);
return $data;
Add table
Reference in a new issue