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2018-11-16 21:48:59 +01:00
* This file is part of RSS-Bridge, a PHP project capable of generating RSS and
* Atom feeds for websites that don't have one.
* For the full license information, please view the UNLICENSE file distributed
* with this source code.
* @package Core
* @license http://unlicense.org/ UNLICENSE
* @link https://github.com/rss-bridge/rss-bridge
2018-11-16 21:48:59 +01:00
* Configuration module for RSS-Bridge.
* This class implements a configuration module for RSS-Bridge.
final class Configuration
* Holds the current release version of RSS-Bridge.
* Do not access this property directly!
* Use {@see Configuration::getVersion()} instead.
* @var string
* @todo Replace this property by a constant.
public static $VERSION = 'dev.2022-06-14';
* Holds the configuration data.
* Do not access this property directly!
* Use {@see Configuration::getConfig()} instead.
* @var array|null
private static $config = null;
* Throw an exception when trying to create a new instance of this class.
* @throws \LogicException if called.
public function __construct()
throw new \LogicException('Can\'t create object of this class!');
* Verifies the current installation of RSS-Bridge and PHP.
* Returns an error message and aborts execution if the installation does
* not satisfy the requirements of RSS-Bridge.
* **Requirements**
* - PHP 7.1.0 or higher
* - `openssl` extension
* - `libxml` extension
* - `mbstring` extension
* - `simplexml` extension
* - `curl` extension
* - `json` extension
* - The cache folder specified by {@see PATH_CACHE} requires write permission
* - The whitelist file specified by {@see WHITELIST} requires write permission
* @link http://php.net/supported-versions.php PHP Supported Versions
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/book.openssl.php OpenSSL
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/book.libxml.php libxml
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/book.mbstring.php Multibyte String (mbstring)
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/book.simplexml.php SimpleXML
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php Client URL Library (curl)
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/book.json.php JavaScript Object Notation (json)
* @return void
public static function verifyInstallation()
// Check PHP version
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.4.0') === -1) {
self::reportError('RSS-Bridge requires at least PHP version 7.4.0!');
// extensions check
if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) {
self::reportError('"openssl" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"');
if (!extension_loaded('libxml')) {
self::reportError('"libxml" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"');
if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
self::reportError('"mbstring" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"');
if (!extension_loaded('simplexml')) {
self::reportError('"simplexml" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"');
// Allow RSS-Bridge to run without curl module in CLI mode without root certificates
if (!extension_loaded('curl') && !(php_sapi_name() === 'cli' && empty(ini_get('curl.cainfo')))) {
self::reportError('"curl" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"');
if (!extension_loaded('json')) {
self::reportError('"json" extension not loaded. Please check "php.ini"');
* Loads the configuration from disk and checks if the parameters are valid.
* Returns an error message and aborts execution if the configuration is invalid.
* The RSS-Bridge configuration is split into two files:
* - {@see FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT} The default configuration file that ships
* with every release of RSS-Bridge (do not modify this file!).
* - {@see FILE_CONFIG} The local configuration file that can be modified
* by server administrators.
* RSS-Bridge will first load {@see FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT} into memory and then
* replace parameters with the contents of {@see FILE_CONFIG}. That way new
* parameters are automatically initialized with default values and custom
* configurations can be reduced to the minimum set of parametes necessary
* (only the ones that changed).
* The configuration files must be placed in the root folder of RSS-Bridge
* (next to `index.php`).
* _Notice_: The configuration is stored in {@see Configuration::$config}.
* @return void
public static function loadConfiguration()
if (!file_exists(FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT)) {
self::reportError('The default configuration file is missing at ' . FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT);
Configuration::$config = parse_ini_file(FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT, true, INI_SCANNER_TYPED);
if (!Configuration::$config) {
self::reportError('Error parsing ' . FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT);
if (file_exists(FILE_CONFIG)) {
// Replace default configuration with custom settings
foreach (parse_ini_file(FILE_CONFIG, true, INI_SCANNER_TYPED) as $header => $section) {
foreach ($section as $key => $value) {
Configuration::$config[$header][$key] = $value;
foreach (getenv() as $envkey => $value) {
// Replace all settings with their respective environment variable if available
$keyArray = explode('_', $envkey);
if ($keyArray[0] === 'RSSBRIDGE') {
$header = strtolower($keyArray[1]);
$key = strtolower($keyArray[2]);
if ($value === 'true' || $value === 'false') {
$value = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
Configuration::$config[$header][$key] = $value;
if (
!is_string(self::getConfig('system', 'timezone'))
|| !in_array(self::getConfig('system', 'timezone'), timezone_identifiers_list(DateTimeZone::ALL_WITH_BC))
) {
self::reportConfigurationError('system', 'timezone');
date_default_timezone_set(self::getConfig('system', 'timezone'));
if (!is_string(self::getConfig('proxy', 'url'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('proxy', 'url', 'Is not a valid string');
if (!empty(self::getConfig('proxy', 'url'))) {
/** URL of the proxy server */
define('PROXY_URL', self::getConfig('proxy', 'url'));
if (!is_bool(self::getConfig('proxy', 'by_bridge'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('proxy', 'by_bridge', 'Is not a valid Boolean');
/** True if proxy usage can be enabled selectively for each bridge */
define('PROXY_BYBRIDGE', self::getConfig('proxy', 'by_bridge'));
if (!is_string(self::getConfig('proxy', 'name'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('proxy', 'name', 'Is not a valid string');
/** Name of the proxy server */
define('PROXY_NAME', self::getConfig('proxy', 'name'));
if (!is_string(self::getConfig('cache', 'type'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('cache', 'type', 'Is not a valid string');
if (!is_bool(self::getConfig('cache', 'custom_timeout'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('cache', 'custom_timeout', 'Is not a valid Boolean');
/** True if the cache timeout can be specified by the user */
define('CUSTOM_CACHE_TIMEOUT', self::getConfig('cache', 'custom_timeout'));
if (!is_bool(self::getConfig('authentication', 'enable'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('authentication', 'enable', 'Is not a valid Boolean');
if (!is_string(self::getConfig('authentication', 'username'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('authentication', 'username', 'Is not a valid string');
if (!is_string(self::getConfig('authentication', 'password'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('authentication', 'password', 'Is not a valid string');
if (
!empty(self::getConfig('admin', 'email'))
&& !filter_var(self::getConfig('admin', 'email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)
) {
self::reportConfigurationError('admin', 'email', 'Is not a valid email address');
if (!is_bool(self::getConfig('admin', 'donations'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('admin', 'donations', 'Is not a valid Boolean');
if (!is_string(self::getConfig('error', 'output'))) {
self::reportConfigurationError('error', 'output', 'Is not a valid String');
if (
!is_numeric(self::getConfig('error', 'report_limit'))
|| self::getConfig('error', 'report_limit') < 1
) {
self::reportConfigurationError('admin', 'report_limit', 'Value is invalid');
* Returns the value of a parameter identified by section and key.
* @param string $section The section name.
* @param string $key The property name (key).
* @return mixed|null The parameter value.
public static function getConfig($section, $key)
if (array_key_exists($section, self::$config) && array_key_exists($key, self::$config[$section])) {
return self::$config[$section][$key];
return null;
* Returns the current version string of RSS-Bridge.
* This function returns the contents of {@see Configuration::$VERSION} for
* regular installations and the git branch name and commit id for instances
* running in a git environment.
* @return string The version string.
public static function getVersion()
$headFile = PATH_ROOT . '.git/HEAD';
// '@' is used to mute open_basedir warning
if (@is_readable($headFile)) {
$revisionHashFile = '.git/' . substr(file_get_contents($headFile), 5, -1);
$parts = explode('/', $revisionHashFile);
if (isset($parts[3])) {
$branchName = $parts[3];
if (file_exists($revisionHashFile)) {
return 'git.' . $branchName . '.' . substr(file_get_contents($revisionHashFile), 0, 7);
return Configuration::$VERSION;
* Reports an configuration error for the specified section and key to the
* user and ends execution
* @param string $section The section name
* @param string $key The configuration key
* @param string $message An optional message to the user
* @return void
private static function reportConfigurationError($section, $key, $message = '')
$report = "Parameter [{$section}] => \"{$key}\" is invalid!" . PHP_EOL;
if (file_exists(FILE_CONFIG)) {
$report .= 'Please check your configuration file at ' . FILE_CONFIG . PHP_EOL;
} elseif (!file_exists(FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT)) {
$report .= 'The default configuration file is missing at ' . FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$report .= 'The default configuration file is broken.' . PHP_EOL
. 'Restore the original file from ' . REPOSITORY . PHP_EOL;
$report .= $message;
* Reports an error message to the user and ends execution
* @param string $message The error message
* @return void
private static function reportError($message)
header('Content-Type: text/plain', true, 500);
die('Configuration error' . PHP_EOL . $message);