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final class HttpException extends \Exception
2022-05-11 23:34:18 +03:00
// todo: move this somewhere useful, possibly into a function
'100' => 'Continue',
'101' => 'Switching Protocols',
'200' => 'OK',
'201' => 'Created',
'202' => 'Accepted',
'203' => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
'204' => 'No Content',
'205' => 'Reset Content',
'206' => 'Partial Content',
'300' => 'Multiple Choices',
'302' => 'Found',
'303' => 'See Other',
'304' => 'Not Modified',
'305' => 'Use Proxy',
'400' => 'Bad Request',
'401' => 'Unauthorized',
'402' => 'Payment Required',
'403' => 'Forbidden',
'404' => 'Not Found',
'405' => 'Method Not Allowed',
'406' => 'Not Acceptable',
'407' => 'Proxy Authentication Required',
'408' => 'Request Timeout',
'409' => 'Conflict',
'410' => 'Gone',
'411' => 'Length Required',
'412' => 'Precondition Failed',
'413' => 'Request Entity Too Large',
'414' => 'Request-URI Too Long',
'415' => 'Unsupported Media Type',
'416' => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
'417' => 'Expectation Failed',
'429' => 'Too Many Requests',
'500' => 'Internal Server Error',
'501' => 'Not Implemented',
'502' => 'Bad Gateway',
'503' => 'Service Unavailable',
'504' => 'Gateway Timeout',
'505' => 'HTTP Version Not Supported'
2022-05-11 23:34:18 +03:00
* Fetch data from an http url
* @param array $httpHeaders E.g. ['Content-type: text/plain']
* @param array $curlOptions Associative array e.g. [CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 3]
* @param bool $returnFull Whether to return an array:
* [
* 'code' => int,
* 'header' => array,
* 'content' => string,
* 'status_lines' => array,
* ]
2022-05-11 23:34:18 +03:00
* @return string|array
function getContents(
string $url,
array $httpHeaders = [],
array $curlOptions = [],
bool $returnFull = false
) {
$cacheFactory = new CacheFactory();
2022-06-22 19:29:28 +03:00
$cache = $cacheFactory->create(Configuration::getConfig('cache', 'type'));
$cache->purgeCache(86400); // 24 hours (forced)
$config = [
'headers' => $httpHeaders,
'curl_options' => $curlOptions,
if (defined('PROXY_URL') && !defined('NOPROXY')) {
$config['proxy'] = PROXY_URL;
if (!Debug::isEnabled() && $cache->getTime()) {
$config['if_not_modified_since'] = $cache->getTime();
$result = _http_request($url, $config);
$response = [
'code' => $result['code'],
'status_lines' => $result['status_lines'],
'header' => $result['headers'],
'content' => $result['body'],
switch ($result['code']) {
case 200:
case 201:
case 202:
if (isset($result['headers']['cache-control'])) {
$cachecontrol = $result['headers']['cache-control'];
$lastValue = array_pop($cachecontrol);
$directives = explode(',', $lastValue);
$directives = array_map('trim', $directives);
if (in_array('no-cache', $directives) || in_array('no-store', $directives)) {
// Don't cache as instructed by the server
case 304: // Not Modified
$response['content'] = $cache->loadData();
throw new HttpException(
'%s %s',
RSSBRIDGE_HTTP_STATUS_CODES[$result['code']] ?? ''
if ($returnFull === true) {
return $response;
return $response['content'];
2018-11-16 23:48:59 +03:00
* Private function used internally
* Fetch content from url
2018-11-16 23:48:59 +03:00
* @throws HttpException
2018-11-16 23:48:59 +03:00
function _http_request(string $url, array $config = []): array
$defaults = [
'useragent' => Configuration::getConfig('http', 'useragent'),
'timeout' => Configuration::getConfig('http', 'timeout'),
'headers' => [],
'proxy' => null,
'curl_options' => [],
'if_not_modified_since' => null,
'retries' => 3,
$config = array_merge($defaults, $config);
action: Add action to check bridge connectivity (#1147) * action: Add action to check bridge connectivity It is currently not simply possible to check if the remote server for a bridge is reachable or not, which means some of the bridges might no longer work because the server is no longer on the internet. In order to find those bridges we can either check each bridge individually (which takes a lot of effort), or use an automated script to do this for us. If a server is no longer reachable it could mean that it is temporarily unavailable, or shutdown permanently. The results of this script will at least help identifying such servers. * [Connectivity] Use Bootstrap container to properly display contents * [Connectivity] Limit connectivity checks to debug mode Connectivity checks take a long time to execute and can require a lot of bandwidth. Therefore, administrators should be able to determine when and who is able to utilize this action. The best way to prevent regular users from accessing this action is by making it available in debug mode only (public servers should never run in debug mode anyway). * [Connectivity] Split implemenation into multiple files * [Connectivity] Make web page responsive to user input * [Connectivity] Make status message sticky * [Connectivity] Add icon to the status message * [contents] Add the ability for getContents to return header information * [Connectivity] Add header information to the reply Json data * [Connectivity] Add new status (blue) for redirected sites Also adds titles to status icons (Successful, Redirected, Inactive, Failed) * [Connectivity] Fix show doesn't work for inactive bridges * [Connectivity] Fix typo * [Connectivity] Catch errors in promise chains * [Connectivity] Allow search by status and update dynamically * [Connectivity] Add a progress bar * [Connectivity] Use bridge factory * [Connectivity] Import Bootstrap v4.3.1 CSS
2019-11-01 00:02:38 +03:00
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $config['headers']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $config['useragent']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $config['timeout']);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, '');
if ($config['proxy']) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $config['proxy']);
if (curl_setopt_array($ch, $config['curl_options']) === false) {
throw new \Exception('Tried to set an illegal curl option');
2022-05-11 23:34:18 +03:00
if ($config['if_not_modified_since']) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE, $config['if_not_modified_since']);
$responseStatusLines = [];
$responseHeaders = [];
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, function ($ch, $rawHeader) use (&$responseHeaders, &$responseStatusLines) {
$len = strlen($rawHeader);
if ($rawHeader === "\r\n") {
return $len;
if (preg_match('#^HTTP/(2|1.1|1.0)#', $rawHeader)) {
$responseStatusLines[] = $rawHeader;
return $len;
$header = explode(':', $rawHeader);
if (count($header) === 1) {
return $len;
$name = mb_strtolower(trim($header[0]));
$value = trim(implode(':', array_slice($header, 1)));
if (!isset($responseHeaders[$name])) {
$responseHeaders[$name] = [];
$responseHeaders[$name][] = $value;
return $len;
$attempts = 0;
while (true) {
$data = curl_exec($ch);
if ($data !== false) {
// The network call was successful, so break out of the loop
if ($attempts > $config['retries']) {
// Finally give up
throw new HttpException(sprintf('%s (%s)', curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch)));
action: Add action to check bridge connectivity (#1147) * action: Add action to check bridge connectivity It is currently not simply possible to check if the remote server for a bridge is reachable or not, which means some of the bridges might no longer work because the server is no longer on the internet. In order to find those bridges we can either check each bridge individually (which takes a lot of effort), or use an automated script to do this for us. If a server is no longer reachable it could mean that it is temporarily unavailable, or shutdown permanently. The results of this script will at least help identifying such servers. * [Connectivity] Use Bootstrap container to properly display contents * [Connectivity] Limit connectivity checks to debug mode Connectivity checks take a long time to execute and can require a lot of bandwidth. Therefore, administrators should be able to determine when and who is able to utilize this action. The best way to prevent regular users from accessing this action is by making it available in debug mode only (public servers should never run in debug mode anyway). * [Connectivity] Split implemenation into multiple files * [Connectivity] Make web page responsive to user input * [Connectivity] Make status message sticky * [Connectivity] Add icon to the status message * [contents] Add the ability for getContents to return header information * [Connectivity] Add header information to the reply Json data * [Connectivity] Add new status (blue) for redirected sites Also adds titles to status icons (Successful, Redirected, Inactive, Failed) * [Connectivity] Fix show doesn't work for inactive bridges * [Connectivity] Fix typo * [Connectivity] Catch errors in promise chains * [Connectivity] Allow search by status and update dynamically * [Connectivity] Add a progress bar * [Connectivity] Use bridge factory * [Connectivity] Import Bootstrap v4.3.1 CSS
2019-11-01 00:02:38 +03:00
$statusCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
return [
'code' => $statusCode,
'status_lines' => $responseStatusLines,
'headers' => $responseHeaders,
'body' => $data,
2018-11-16 23:48:59 +03:00
* Gets contents from the Internet as simplhtmldom object.
* @param string $url The URL.
* @param array $header (optional) A list of cURL header.
* For more information follow the links below.
* *
* *
* @param array $opts (optional) A list of cURL options as associative array in
* the format `$opts[$option] = $value;`, where `$option` is any `CURLOPT_XXX`
* option and `$value` the corresponding value.
* For more information see
* @param bool $lowercase Force all selectors to lowercase.
* @param bool $forceTagsClosed Forcefully close tags in malformed HTML.
* _Remarks_: Forcefully closing tags is great for malformed HTML, but it can
* lead to parsing errors.
* @param string $target_charset Defines the target charset.
* @param bool $stripRN Replace all occurrences of `"\r"` and `"\n"` by `" "`.
* @param string $defaultBRText Specifies the replacement text for `<br>` tags
* when returning plaintext.
* @param string $defaultSpanText Specifies the replacement text for `<span />`
* tags when returning plaintext.
* @return false|simple_html_dom Contents as simplehtmldom object.
2018-11-16 23:48:59 +03:00
function getSimpleHTMLDOM(
$header = [],
$opts = [],
$lowercase = true,
$forceTagsClosed = true,
$target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET,
$stripRN = true,
$defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT,
$defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT
) {
$content = getContents(
$header ?? [],
$opts ?? []
return str_get_html(
2018-11-16 23:48:59 +03:00
* Gets contents from the Internet as simplhtmldom object. Contents are cached
* and re-used for subsequent calls until the cache duration elapsed.
* _Notice_: Cached contents are forcefully removed after 24 hours (86400 seconds).
* @param string $url The URL.
* @param int $duration Cache duration in seconds.
* @param array $header (optional) A list of cURL header.
* For more information follow the links below.
* *
* *
* @param array $opts (optional) A list of cURL options as associative array in
* the format `$opts[$option] = $value;`, where `$option` is any `CURLOPT_XXX`
* option and `$value` the corresponding value.
* For more information see
* @param bool $lowercase Force all selectors to lowercase.
* @param bool $forceTagsClosed Forcefully close tags in malformed HTML.
* _Remarks_: Forcefully closing tags is great for malformed HTML, but it can
* lead to parsing errors.
* @param string $target_charset Defines the target charset.
* @param bool $stripRN Replace all occurrences of `"\r"` and `"\n"` by `" "`.
* @param string $defaultBRText Specifies the replacement text for `<br>` tags
* when returning plaintext.
* @param string $defaultSpanText Specifies the replacement text for `<span />`
* tags when returning plaintext.
* @return false|simple_html_dom Contents as simplehtmldom object.
function getSimpleHTMLDOMCached(
$duration = 86400,
$header = [],
$opts = [],
$lowercase = true,
$forceTagsClosed = true,
$target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET,
$stripRN = true,
$defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT,
$defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT
) {
Debug::log('Caching url ' . $url . ', duration ' . $duration);
// Initialize cache
$cacheFac = new CacheFactory();
2022-06-22 19:29:28 +03:00
$cache = $cacheFac->create(Configuration::getConfig('cache', 'type'));
$cache->purgeCache(86400); // 24 hours (forced)
$params = [$url];
// Determine if cached file is within duration
$time = $cache->getTime();
if (
$time !== false
&& (time() - $duration < $time)
&& !Debug::isEnabled()
) { // Contents within duration
$content = $cache->loadData();
} else { // Content not within duration
$content = getContents(
$header ?? [],
$opts ?? []
if ($content !== false) {
return str_get_html(
Catching up | [Main] Debug mode, parse utils, MIME | [Bridges] Add/Improve 20 bridges (#802) * Debug mode improvements - Improve debug warning message - Restore error reporting in debug mode - Fix 'notice' messages for unset fields * Add parsing utility functions html.php - extractFromDelimiters - stripWithDelimiters - stripRecursiveHTMLSection - markdownToHtml (partial) bridges - remove now-duplicate functions - call functions from html.php instead * [Anidex] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Anime-Ultime] Restore thumbnail * [CNET] Recreate bridge Full rewrite as the previous one was broken * [Dilbert] Minor URI fix Use new self::URI property * [EstCeQuonMetEnProd] Fix content extraction Bridge was broken * [Facebook] Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label ... which was taking space in item title * [Futura-Sciences] Use HTTPS, More cleanup Use HTTPS as FS now offer HTTPS Clean additional useless HTML elements * [GBATemp] Multiple fixes - Fix categories: missing "break" statements - Restore thumbnail as enclosure - Fix date extraction - Fix user blog post extraction - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [JapanExpo] Fix bridge, HTTPS, thumbnails - Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call - Upgrade to HTTPS as JE now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails as enclosures * [LeMondeInformatique] Fix bridge, HTTPS - Upgrade to HTTPS as LMI now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails using small images - Fix content extraction - Fix text encoding issue * [Nextgov] Fix content extraction - Restore thumbnail and use small image - Field extraction fixes * [NextInpact] Add categories and filtering by type - Offer all RSS feeds - Allow filtering by article type - Implement extraction for brief articles - Remove article limit, many brief articles are publied all at once * [NyaaTorrents] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Releases3DS] Cache content, restore thumbnail - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [TheHackerNews] Fix bridge - Fix content extraction including article body - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [WeLiveSecurity] HTTPS, Fix content extraction - Upgrade to HTTPS as WLS now offers HTTPS - Fix content extraction including article body * [WordPress] Reduce timeout, more content selectors - Reduce timeout to use default one (1h) - Add new content selector (articleBody) - Find thumbnail and set as enclosure - Fix <script> cleanup * [YGGTorrent] Increase limit, use cache - Increase item limit as uploads are very frequent - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [ZDNet] Rewrite with FeedExpander - Upgrade to HTTPS as ZD now offers HTTPS - Use FeedExpander for secondary fields - Fix content extraction for article body * [Main] Handle MIME type for enclosures Many feed readers will ignore enclosures (e.g. thumbnails) with no MIME type. This commit adds automatic MIME type detection based on file extension (which may be inaccurate but is the only way without fetching the content). One can force enclosure type using #.ext anchor (hacky, needs improving) * [FeedExpander] Improve field extraction - Add support for passing enclosures - Improve author and uri extraction - Fix 'notice' PHP error messages * [Pull] Coding style fixes for #802 * [Pull] Implementing changes for #802 - Fix coding style issues with str append - Remove useless CACHE_TIMEOUT - Use count() instead of $limit - Use defaultLinkTo() + handle strings - Use http_build_query() - Fix missing </em> - Remove error_reporting(0) - warning CSS (@LogMANOriginal) - Fix typo in FeedExpander comment * [Main] More documentation for markdownToHtml See #802 for more details
2018-09-09 22:20:13 +03:00
2018-11-16 23:48:59 +03:00
* Determines the MIME type from a URL/Path file extension.
* _Remarks_:
* * The built-in functions `mime_content_type` and `fileinfo` require fetching
* remote contents.
* * A caller can hint for a MIME type by appending `#.ext` to the URL (i.e. `#.image`).
Catching up | [Main] Debug mode, parse utils, MIME | [Bridges] Add/Improve 20 bridges (#802) * Debug mode improvements - Improve debug warning message - Restore error reporting in debug mode - Fix 'notice' messages for unset fields * Add parsing utility functions html.php - extractFromDelimiters - stripWithDelimiters - stripRecursiveHTMLSection - markdownToHtml (partial) bridges - remove now-duplicate functions - call functions from html.php instead * [Anidex] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Anime-Ultime] Restore thumbnail * [CNET] Recreate bridge Full rewrite as the previous one was broken * [Dilbert] Minor URI fix Use new self::URI property * [EstCeQuonMetEnProd] Fix content extraction Bridge was broken * [Facebook] Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label ... which was taking space in item title * [Futura-Sciences] Use HTTPS, More cleanup Use HTTPS as FS now offer HTTPS Clean additional useless HTML elements * [GBATemp] Multiple fixes - Fix categories: missing "break" statements - Restore thumbnail as enclosure - Fix date extraction - Fix user blog post extraction - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [JapanExpo] Fix bridge, HTTPS, thumbnails - Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call - Upgrade to HTTPS as JE now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails as enclosures * [LeMondeInformatique] Fix bridge, HTTPS - Upgrade to HTTPS as LMI now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails using small images - Fix content extraction - Fix text encoding issue * [Nextgov] Fix content extraction - Restore thumbnail and use small image - Field extraction fixes * [NextInpact] Add categories and filtering by type - Offer all RSS feeds - Allow filtering by article type - Implement extraction for brief articles - Remove article limit, many brief articles are publied all at once * [NyaaTorrents] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Releases3DS] Cache content, restore thumbnail - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [TheHackerNews] Fix bridge - Fix content extraction including article body - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [WeLiveSecurity] HTTPS, Fix content extraction - Upgrade to HTTPS as WLS now offers HTTPS - Fix content extraction including article body * [WordPress] Reduce timeout, more content selectors - Reduce timeout to use default one (1h) - Add new content selector (articleBody) - Find thumbnail and set as enclosure - Fix <script> cleanup * [YGGTorrent] Increase limit, use cache - Increase item limit as uploads are very frequent - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [ZDNet] Rewrite with FeedExpander - Upgrade to HTTPS as ZD now offers HTTPS - Use FeedExpander for secondary fields - Fix content extraction for article body * [Main] Handle MIME type for enclosures Many feed readers will ignore enclosures (e.g. thumbnails) with no MIME type. This commit adds automatic MIME type detection based on file extension (which may be inaccurate but is the only way without fetching the content). One can force enclosure type using #.ext anchor (hacky, needs improving) * [FeedExpander] Improve field extraction - Add support for passing enclosures - Improve author and uri extraction - Fix 'notice' PHP error messages * [Pull] Coding style fixes for #802 * [Pull] Implementing changes for #802 - Fix coding style issues with str append - Remove useless CACHE_TIMEOUT - Use count() instead of $limit - Use defaultLinkTo() + handle strings - Use http_build_query() - Fix missing </em> - Remove error_reporting(0) - warning CSS (@LogMANOriginal) - Fix typo in FeedExpander comment * [Main] More documentation for markdownToHtml See #802 for more details
2018-09-09 22:20:13 +03:00
* Based on
2018-11-16 23:48:59 +03:00
* @param string $url The URL or path to the file.
* @return string The MIME type of the file.
Catching up | [Main] Debug mode, parse utils, MIME | [Bridges] Add/Improve 20 bridges (#802) * Debug mode improvements - Improve debug warning message - Restore error reporting in debug mode - Fix 'notice' messages for unset fields * Add parsing utility functions html.php - extractFromDelimiters - stripWithDelimiters - stripRecursiveHTMLSection - markdownToHtml (partial) bridges - remove now-duplicate functions - call functions from html.php instead * [Anidex] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Anime-Ultime] Restore thumbnail * [CNET] Recreate bridge Full rewrite as the previous one was broken * [Dilbert] Minor URI fix Use new self::URI property * [EstCeQuonMetEnProd] Fix content extraction Bridge was broken * [Facebook] Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label ... which was taking space in item title * [Futura-Sciences] Use HTTPS, More cleanup Use HTTPS as FS now offer HTTPS Clean additional useless HTML elements * [GBATemp] Multiple fixes - Fix categories: missing "break" statements - Restore thumbnail as enclosure - Fix date extraction - Fix user blog post extraction - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [JapanExpo] Fix bridge, HTTPS, thumbnails - Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call - Upgrade to HTTPS as JE now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails as enclosures * [LeMondeInformatique] Fix bridge, HTTPS - Upgrade to HTTPS as LMI now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails using small images - Fix content extraction - Fix text encoding issue * [Nextgov] Fix content extraction - Restore thumbnail and use small image - Field extraction fixes * [NextInpact] Add categories and filtering by type - Offer all RSS feeds - Allow filtering by article type - Implement extraction for brief articles - Remove article limit, many brief articles are publied all at once * [NyaaTorrents] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Releases3DS] Cache content, restore thumbnail - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [TheHackerNews] Fix bridge - Fix content extraction including article body - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [WeLiveSecurity] HTTPS, Fix content extraction - Upgrade to HTTPS as WLS now offers HTTPS - Fix content extraction including article body * [WordPress] Reduce timeout, more content selectors - Reduce timeout to use default one (1h) - Add new content selector (articleBody) - Find thumbnail and set as enclosure - Fix <script> cleanup * [YGGTorrent] Increase limit, use cache - Increase item limit as uploads are very frequent - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [ZDNet] Rewrite with FeedExpander - Upgrade to HTTPS as ZD now offers HTTPS - Use FeedExpander for secondary fields - Fix content extraction for article body * [Main] Handle MIME type for enclosures Many feed readers will ignore enclosures (e.g. thumbnails) with no MIME type. This commit adds automatic MIME type detection based on file extension (which may be inaccurate but is the only way without fetching the content). One can force enclosure type using #.ext anchor (hacky, needs improving) * [FeedExpander] Improve field extraction - Add support for passing enclosures - Improve author and uri extraction - Fix 'notice' PHP error messages * [Pull] Coding style fixes for #802 * [Pull] Implementing changes for #802 - Fix coding style issues with str append - Remove useless CACHE_TIMEOUT - Use count() instead of $limit - Use defaultLinkTo() + handle strings - Use http_build_query() - Fix missing </em> - Remove error_reporting(0) - warning CSS (@LogMANOriginal) - Fix typo in FeedExpander comment * [Main] More documentation for markdownToHtml See #802 for more details
2018-09-09 22:20:13 +03:00
function getMimeType($url)
static $mime = null;
Catching up | [Main] Debug mode, parse utils, MIME | [Bridges] Add/Improve 20 bridges (#802) * Debug mode improvements - Improve debug warning message - Restore error reporting in debug mode - Fix 'notice' messages for unset fields * Add parsing utility functions html.php - extractFromDelimiters - stripWithDelimiters - stripRecursiveHTMLSection - markdownToHtml (partial) bridges - remove now-duplicate functions - call functions from html.php instead * [Anidex] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Anime-Ultime] Restore thumbnail * [CNET] Recreate bridge Full rewrite as the previous one was broken * [Dilbert] Minor URI fix Use new self::URI property * [EstCeQuonMetEnProd] Fix content extraction Bridge was broken * [Facebook] Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label ... which was taking space in item title * [Futura-Sciences] Use HTTPS, More cleanup Use HTTPS as FS now offer HTTPS Clean additional useless HTML elements * [GBATemp] Multiple fixes - Fix categories: missing "break" statements - Restore thumbnail as enclosure - Fix date extraction - Fix user blog post extraction - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [JapanExpo] Fix bridge, HTTPS, thumbnails - Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call - Upgrade to HTTPS as JE now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails as enclosures * [LeMondeInformatique] Fix bridge, HTTPS - Upgrade to HTTPS as LMI now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails using small images - Fix content extraction - Fix text encoding issue * [Nextgov] Fix content extraction - Restore thumbnail and use small image - Field extraction fixes * [NextInpact] Add categories and filtering by type - Offer all RSS feeds - Allow filtering by article type - Implement extraction for brief articles - Remove article limit, many brief articles are publied all at once * [NyaaTorrents] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Releases3DS] Cache content, restore thumbnail - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [TheHackerNews] Fix bridge - Fix content extraction including article body - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [WeLiveSecurity] HTTPS, Fix content extraction - Upgrade to HTTPS as WLS now offers HTTPS - Fix content extraction including article body * [WordPress] Reduce timeout, more content selectors - Reduce timeout to use default one (1h) - Add new content selector (articleBody) - Find thumbnail and set as enclosure - Fix <script> cleanup * [YGGTorrent] Increase limit, use cache - Increase item limit as uploads are very frequent - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [ZDNet] Rewrite with FeedExpander - Upgrade to HTTPS as ZD now offers HTTPS - Use FeedExpander for secondary fields - Fix content extraction for article body * [Main] Handle MIME type for enclosures Many feed readers will ignore enclosures (e.g. thumbnails) with no MIME type. This commit adds automatic MIME type detection based on file extension (which may be inaccurate but is the only way without fetching the content). One can force enclosure type using #.ext anchor (hacky, needs improving) * [FeedExpander] Improve field extraction - Add support for passing enclosures - Improve author and uri extraction - Fix 'notice' PHP error messages * [Pull] Coding style fixes for #802 * [Pull] Implementing changes for #802 - Fix coding style issues with str append - Remove useless CACHE_TIMEOUT - Use count() instead of $limit - Use defaultLinkTo() + handle strings - Use http_build_query() - Fix missing </em> - Remove error_reporting(0) - warning CSS (@LogMANOriginal) - Fix typo in FeedExpander comment * [Main] More documentation for markdownToHtml See #802 for more details
2018-09-09 22:20:13 +03:00
if (is_null($mime)) {
// Default values, overriden by /etc/mime.types when present
$mime = [
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'gif' => 'image/gif',
'png' => 'image/png',
'image' => 'image/*',
'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg',
// '@' is used to mute open_basedir warning, see issue #818
if (@is_readable('/etc/mime.types')) {
$file = fopen('/etc/mime.types', 'r');
while (($line = fgets($file)) !== false) {
$line = trim(preg_replace('/#.*/', '', $line));
if (!$line) {
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $line);
if (count($parts) == 1) {
$type = array_shift($parts);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$mime[$part] = $type;
Catching up | [Main] Debug mode, parse utils, MIME | [Bridges] Add/Improve 20 bridges (#802) * Debug mode improvements - Improve debug warning message - Restore error reporting in debug mode - Fix 'notice' messages for unset fields * Add parsing utility functions html.php - extractFromDelimiters - stripWithDelimiters - stripRecursiveHTMLSection - markdownToHtml (partial) bridges - remove now-duplicate functions - call functions from html.php instead * [Anidex] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Anime-Ultime] Restore thumbnail * [CNET] Recreate bridge Full rewrite as the previous one was broken * [Dilbert] Minor URI fix Use new self::URI property * [EstCeQuonMetEnProd] Fix content extraction Bridge was broken * [Facebook] Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label ... which was taking space in item title * [Futura-Sciences] Use HTTPS, More cleanup Use HTTPS as FS now offer HTTPS Clean additional useless HTML elements * [GBATemp] Multiple fixes - Fix categories: missing "break" statements - Restore thumbnail as enclosure - Fix date extraction - Fix user blog post extraction - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [JapanExpo] Fix bridge, HTTPS, thumbnails - Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call - Upgrade to HTTPS as JE now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails as enclosures * [LeMondeInformatique] Fix bridge, HTTPS - Upgrade to HTTPS as LMI now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails using small images - Fix content extraction - Fix text encoding issue * [Nextgov] Fix content extraction - Restore thumbnail and use small image - Field extraction fixes * [NextInpact] Add categories and filtering by type - Offer all RSS feeds - Allow filtering by article type - Implement extraction for brief articles - Remove article limit, many brief articles are publied all at once * [NyaaTorrents] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Releases3DS] Cache content, restore thumbnail - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [TheHackerNews] Fix bridge - Fix content extraction including article body - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [WeLiveSecurity] HTTPS, Fix content extraction - Upgrade to HTTPS as WLS now offers HTTPS - Fix content extraction including article body * [WordPress] Reduce timeout, more content selectors - Reduce timeout to use default one (1h) - Add new content selector (articleBody) - Find thumbnail and set as enclosure - Fix <script> cleanup * [YGGTorrent] Increase limit, use cache - Increase item limit as uploads are very frequent - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [ZDNet] Rewrite with FeedExpander - Upgrade to HTTPS as ZD now offers HTTPS - Use FeedExpander for secondary fields - Fix content extraction for article body * [Main] Handle MIME type for enclosures Many feed readers will ignore enclosures (e.g. thumbnails) with no MIME type. This commit adds automatic MIME type detection based on file extension (which may be inaccurate but is the only way without fetching the content). One can force enclosure type using #.ext anchor (hacky, needs improving) * [FeedExpander] Improve field extraction - Add support for passing enclosures - Improve author and uri extraction - Fix 'notice' PHP error messages * [Pull] Coding style fixes for #802 * [Pull] Implementing changes for #802 - Fix coding style issues with str append - Remove useless CACHE_TIMEOUT - Use count() instead of $limit - Use defaultLinkTo() + handle strings - Use http_build_query() - Fix missing </em> - Remove error_reporting(0) - warning CSS (@LogMANOriginal) - Fix typo in FeedExpander comment * [Main] More documentation for markdownToHtml See #802 for more details
2018-09-09 22:20:13 +03:00
if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) {
$url_temp = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '?'));
if (strpos($url, '#') !== false) {
$anchor = substr($url, strpos($url, '#'));
$url_temp .= $anchor;
$url = $url_temp;
Catching up | [Main] Debug mode, parse utils, MIME | [Bridges] Add/Improve 20 bridges (#802) * Debug mode improvements - Improve debug warning message - Restore error reporting in debug mode - Fix 'notice' messages for unset fields * Add parsing utility functions html.php - extractFromDelimiters - stripWithDelimiters - stripRecursiveHTMLSection - markdownToHtml (partial) bridges - remove now-duplicate functions - call functions from html.php instead * [Anidex] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Anime-Ultime] Restore thumbnail * [CNET] Recreate bridge Full rewrite as the previous one was broken * [Dilbert] Minor URI fix Use new self::URI property * [EstCeQuonMetEnProd] Fix content extraction Bridge was broken * [Facebook] Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label ... which was taking space in item title * [Futura-Sciences] Use HTTPS, More cleanup Use HTTPS as FS now offer HTTPS Clean additional useless HTML elements * [GBATemp] Multiple fixes - Fix categories: missing "break" statements - Restore thumbnail as enclosure - Fix date extraction - Fix user blog post extraction - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [JapanExpo] Fix bridge, HTTPS, thumbnails - Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call - Upgrade to HTTPS as JE now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails as enclosures * [LeMondeInformatique] Fix bridge, HTTPS - Upgrade to HTTPS as LMI now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails using small images - Fix content extraction - Fix text encoding issue * [Nextgov] Fix content extraction - Restore thumbnail and use small image - Field extraction fixes * [NextInpact] Add categories and filtering by type - Offer all RSS feeds - Allow filtering by article type - Implement extraction for brief articles - Remove article limit, many brief articles are publied all at once * [NyaaTorrents] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Releases3DS] Cache content, restore thumbnail - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [TheHackerNews] Fix bridge - Fix content extraction including article body - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [WeLiveSecurity] HTTPS, Fix content extraction - Upgrade to HTTPS as WLS now offers HTTPS - Fix content extraction including article body * [WordPress] Reduce timeout, more content selectors - Reduce timeout to use default one (1h) - Add new content selector (articleBody) - Find thumbnail and set as enclosure - Fix <script> cleanup * [YGGTorrent] Increase limit, use cache - Increase item limit as uploads are very frequent - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [ZDNet] Rewrite with FeedExpander - Upgrade to HTTPS as ZD now offers HTTPS - Use FeedExpander for secondary fields - Fix content extraction for article body * [Main] Handle MIME type for enclosures Many feed readers will ignore enclosures (e.g. thumbnails) with no MIME type. This commit adds automatic MIME type detection based on file extension (which may be inaccurate but is the only way without fetching the content). One can force enclosure type using #.ext anchor (hacky, needs improving) * [FeedExpander] Improve field extraction - Add support for passing enclosures - Improve author and uri extraction - Fix 'notice' PHP error messages * [Pull] Coding style fixes for #802 * [Pull] Implementing changes for #802 - Fix coding style issues with str append - Remove useless CACHE_TIMEOUT - Use count() instead of $limit - Use defaultLinkTo() + handle strings - Use http_build_query() - Fix missing </em> - Remove error_reporting(0) - warning CSS (@LogMANOriginal) - Fix typo in FeedExpander comment * [Main] More documentation for markdownToHtml See #802 for more details
2018-09-09 22:20:13 +03:00
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if (!empty($mime[$ext])) {
return $mime[$ext];
Catching up | [Main] Debug mode, parse utils, MIME | [Bridges] Add/Improve 20 bridges (#802) * Debug mode improvements - Improve debug warning message - Restore error reporting in debug mode - Fix 'notice' messages for unset fields * Add parsing utility functions html.php - extractFromDelimiters - stripWithDelimiters - stripRecursiveHTMLSection - markdownToHtml (partial) bridges - remove now-duplicate functions - call functions from html.php instead * [Anidex] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Anime-Ultime] Restore thumbnail * [CNET] Recreate bridge Full rewrite as the previous one was broken * [Dilbert] Minor URI fix Use new self::URI property * [EstCeQuonMetEnProd] Fix content extraction Bridge was broken * [Facebook] Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label ... which was taking space in item title * [Futura-Sciences] Use HTTPS, More cleanup Use HTTPS as FS now offer HTTPS Clean additional useless HTML elements * [GBATemp] Multiple fixes - Fix categories: missing "break" statements - Restore thumbnail as enclosure - Fix date extraction - Fix user blog post extraction - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [JapanExpo] Fix bridge, HTTPS, thumbnails - Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call - Upgrade to HTTPS as JE now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails as enclosures * [LeMondeInformatique] Fix bridge, HTTPS - Upgrade to HTTPS as LMI now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails using small images - Fix content extraction - Fix text encoding issue * [Nextgov] Fix content extraction - Restore thumbnail and use small image - Field extraction fixes * [NextInpact] Add categories and filtering by type - Offer all RSS feeds - Allow filtering by article type - Implement extraction for brief articles - Remove article limit, many brief articles are publied all at once * [NyaaTorrents] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Releases3DS] Cache content, restore thumbnail - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [TheHackerNews] Fix bridge - Fix content extraction including article body - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [WeLiveSecurity] HTTPS, Fix content extraction - Upgrade to HTTPS as WLS now offers HTTPS - Fix content extraction including article body * [WordPress] Reduce timeout, more content selectors - Reduce timeout to use default one (1h) - Add new content selector (articleBody) - Find thumbnail and set as enclosure - Fix <script> cleanup * [YGGTorrent] Increase limit, use cache - Increase item limit as uploads are very frequent - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [ZDNet] Rewrite with FeedExpander - Upgrade to HTTPS as ZD now offers HTTPS - Use FeedExpander for secondary fields - Fix content extraction for article body * [Main] Handle MIME type for enclosures Many feed readers will ignore enclosures (e.g. thumbnails) with no MIME type. This commit adds automatic MIME type detection based on file extension (which may be inaccurate but is the only way without fetching the content). One can force enclosure type using #.ext anchor (hacky, needs improving) * [FeedExpander] Improve field extraction - Add support for passing enclosures - Improve author and uri extraction - Fix 'notice' PHP error messages * [Pull] Coding style fixes for #802 * [Pull] Implementing changes for #802 - Fix coding style issues with str append - Remove useless CACHE_TIMEOUT - Use count() instead of $limit - Use defaultLinkTo() + handle strings - Use http_build_query() - Fix missing </em> - Remove error_reporting(0) - warning CSS (@LogMANOriginal) - Fix typo in FeedExpander comment * [Main] More documentation for markdownToHtml See #802 for more details
2018-09-09 22:20:13 +03:00
return 'application/octet-stream';
Catching up | [Main] Debug mode, parse utils, MIME | [Bridges] Add/Improve 20 bridges (#802) * Debug mode improvements - Improve debug warning message - Restore error reporting in debug mode - Fix 'notice' messages for unset fields * Add parsing utility functions html.php - extractFromDelimiters - stripWithDelimiters - stripRecursiveHTMLSection - markdownToHtml (partial) bridges - remove now-duplicate functions - call functions from html.php instead * [Anidex] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Anime-Ultime] Restore thumbnail * [CNET] Recreate bridge Full rewrite as the previous one was broken * [Dilbert] Minor URI fix Use new self::URI property * [EstCeQuonMetEnProd] Fix content extraction Bridge was broken * [Facebook] Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label ... which was taking space in item title * [Futura-Sciences] Use HTTPS, More cleanup Use HTTPS as FS now offer HTTPS Clean additional useless HTML elements * [GBATemp] Multiple fixes - Fix categories: missing "break" statements - Restore thumbnail as enclosure - Fix date extraction - Fix user blog post extraction - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [JapanExpo] Fix bridge, HTTPS, thumbnails - Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call - Upgrade to HTTPS as JE now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails as enclosures * [LeMondeInformatique] Fix bridge, HTTPS - Upgrade to HTTPS as LMI now offers HTTPS - Restore thumbnails using small images - Fix content extraction - Fix text encoding issue * [Nextgov] Fix content extraction - Restore thumbnail and use small image - Field extraction fixes * [NextInpact] Add categories and filtering by type - Offer all RSS feeds - Allow filtering by article type - Implement extraction for brief articles - Remove article limit, many brief articles are publied all at once * [NyaaTorrents] New bridge Anime torrent tracker * [Releases3DS] Cache content, restore thumbnail - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [TheHackerNews] Fix bridge - Fix content extraction including article body - Restore thumbnail as enclosure * [WeLiveSecurity] HTTPS, Fix content extraction - Upgrade to HTTPS as WLS now offers HTTPS - Fix content extraction including article body * [WordPress] Reduce timeout, more content selectors - Reduce timeout to use default one (1h) - Add new content selector (articleBody) - Find thumbnail and set as enclosure - Fix <script> cleanup * [YGGTorrent] Increase limit, use cache - Increase item limit as uploads are very frequent - Use getSimpleHTMLDOMCached * [ZDNet] Rewrite with FeedExpander - Upgrade to HTTPS as ZD now offers HTTPS - Use FeedExpander for secondary fields - Fix content extraction for article body * [Main] Handle MIME type for enclosures Many feed readers will ignore enclosures (e.g. thumbnails) with no MIME type. This commit adds automatic MIME type detection based on file extension (which may be inaccurate but is the only way without fetching the content). One can force enclosure type using #.ext anchor (hacky, needs improving) * [FeedExpander] Improve field extraction - Add support for passing enclosures - Improve author and uri extraction - Fix 'notice' PHP error messages * [Pull] Coding style fixes for #802 * [Pull] Implementing changes for #802 - Fix coding style issues with str append - Remove useless CACHE_TIMEOUT - Use count() instead of $limit - Use defaultLinkTo() + handle strings - Use http_build_query() - Fix missing </em> - Remove error_reporting(0) - warning CSS (@LogMANOriginal) - Fix typo in FeedExpander comment * [Main] More documentation for markdownToHtml See #802 for more details
2018-09-09 22:20:13 +03:00