2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
class PepperBridgeAbstract extends BridgeAbstract
const CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
public function collectData()
switch ($this->queriedContext) {
case $this->i8n('context-keyword'):
return $this->collectDataKeywords();
case $this->i8n('context-group'):
return $this->collectDataGroup();
case $this->i8n('context-talk'):
return $this->collectDataTalk();
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the Deal data from the choosen group in the choosed order
protected function collectDataGroup()
$url = $this->getGroupURI();
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the Deal data from the choosen keywords and parameters
protected function collectDataKeywords()
/* Even if the original website uses POST with the search page, GET works too */
$url = $this->getSearchURI();
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the Deal data using the given URL
protected function collectDeals($url)
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOM($url);
2024-02-16 03:58:15 +01:00
$list = $html->find('article[id][class*=thread--deal]]');
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
// Deal Description CSS Selector
$selectorDescription = implode(
' ', /* Notice this is a space! */
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
// If there is no results, we don't parse the content because it display some random deals
2024-04-18 01:43:53 +02:00
$noresult = $html->find('div[id=content-list]', 0)->find('h2', 0);
if ($noresult !== null) {
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
$this->items = [];
} else {
foreach ($list as $deal) {
2024-01-05 07:23:40 +01:00
// Get the JSON Data stored as vue
$jsonDealData = $this->getDealJsonData($deal);
2025-02-03 15:35:48 +01:00
$dealMeta = Json::decode($deal->find('div[class=js-vue2]', 1)->getAttribute('data-vue2'));
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
$item = [];
$item['uri'] = $this->getDealURI($jsonDealData);
$item['title'] = $this->getTitle($jsonDealData);
$item['author'] = $this->getDealAuthor($jsonDealData);
2024-01-05 07:23:40 +01:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
$item['content'] = '<table><tr><td><a href="'
. $item['uri']
2024-02-16 03:58:15 +01:00
. '">'
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
. $this->getImage($deal)
2024-02-16 03:58:15 +01:00
. '</td><td>'
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
. $this->getHTMLTitle($jsonDealData)
2024-02-06 02:23:12 +01:00
. $this->getPrice($jsonDealData)
. $this->getDiscount($jsonDealData)
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
. $this->getShipsFrom($dealMeta)
. $this->getShippingCost($jsonDealData)
2024-01-05 07:23:40 +01:00
. $this->getSource($jsonDealData)
2025-02-03 15:35:48 +01:00
. $this->getDealLocation($jsonDealData)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
. $deal->find('div[class*=' . $selectorDescription . ']', 0)->innertext
. '</td><td>'
2024-01-05 07:23:40 +01:00
. $this->getTemperature($jsonDealData)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
. '</td></table>';
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
$item['timestamp'] = $this->getPublishedDate($jsonDealData);
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
$this->items[] = $item;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the Talk lastest comments
protected function collectDataTalk()
$threadURL = $this->getInput('url');
$onlyWithUrl = $this->getInput('only_with_url');
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
// Get Thread ID from url passed in parameter
$threadSearch = preg_match('/-([0-9]{1,20})$/', $threadURL, $matches);
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
// Show an error message if we can't find the thread ID in the URL sent by the user
if ($threadSearch !== 1) {
$threadID = $matches[1];
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
$url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri') . 'graphql';
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
// Get Cookies header to do the query
2023-10-01 20:46:51 +02:00
$cookiesHeaderValue = $this->getCookiesHeaderValue($url);
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
// GraphQL String
// This was extracted from https://www.dealabs.com/assets/js/modern/common_211b99.js
// This string was extracted during a Website visit, and minified using this neat tool :
// https://codepen.io/dangodev/pen/Baoqmoy
$graphqlString = <<<'HEREDOC'
query comments($filter:CommentFilter!,$limit:Int,$page:Int){comments(filter:$filter,limit:$limit,page:$page){
items{...commentFields}pagination{...paginationFields}}}fragment commentFields on Comment{commentId threadId url
preparedHtmlContent user{...userMediumAvatarFields...userNameFields...userPersonaFields bestBadge{...badgeFields}}
reactionCounts{type count}deletable currentUserReaction{type}reported reportable source status createdAt updatedAt
ignored popular deletedBy{username}notes{content createdAt user{username}}lastEdit{reason timeAgo userId}}fragment
userMediumAvatarFields on User{userId isDeletedOrPendingDeletion imageUrls(slot:"default",variations:
["user_small_avatar"])}fragment userNameFields on User{userId username isUserProfileHidden isDeletedOrPendingDeletion}
fragment userPersonaFields on User{persona{type text}}fragment badgeFields on Badge{badgeId level{...badgeLevelFields}}
fragment badgeLevelFields on BadgeLevel{key name description}fragment paginationFields on Pagination{count current last
next previous size order}
// Construct the JSON object to send to the Website
$queryArray = [
'query' => $graphqlString,
'variables' => [
'filter' => [
'threadId' => [
'eq' => $threadID,
'order' => [
'direction' => 'Descending',
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
'page' => 1,
$queryJSON = json_encode($queryArray);
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
// HTTP headers
$header = [
'Content-Type: application/json',
'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*',
'X-Pepper-Txn: threads.show',
'X-Request-Type: application/vnd.pepper.v1+json',
'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest',
2023-10-01 20:46:51 +02:00
"Cookie: $cookiesHeaderValue",
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
// CURL Options
$opts = [
$json = getContents($url, $header, $opts);
$objects = json_decode($json);
foreach ($objects->data->comments->items as $comment) {
$item = [];
$item['uri'] = $comment->url;
$item['title'] = $comment->user->username . ' - ' . $comment->createdAt;
$item['author'] = $comment->user->username;
$item['content'] = $comment->preparedHtmlContent;
$item['uid'] = $comment->commentId;
// Timestamp handling needs a new parsing function
if ($onlyWithUrl == true) {
[PepperBridgeAbstract,DealabsBridge,HotUKDealsBridge,MydealsBridge] Fix search URL, No results handling fixed, Thread title and Message URL handling (#4053)
* [PepperBridgeAbstract,DealabsBridge,HotUKDealsBridge,MydealsBridge] Fix search URL, No results handling fixed, Thread title and Message URL handling
Search URL has been updated according to the website.
If a search doesn't return any results, the HTML won't contain any
specific text now : the HTML structure is slightly different, so the
bridge has been updated.
The unnneded 'no-results' text is now removed from the specific bridges.
The board thread title has been removed from the content, so now we use
the page <title> element.
In case a board message is empty, there was an exception during the
filtering of message without URL.
* [PepperBridgeAbstract,DealabsBridge,HotUKDealsBridge,MydealsBridge] Fix search URL, No results handling fixed, Thread title and Message URL handling
Coding policy fixes
2024-04-04 04:08:29 +02:00
// Only parse the comment if it is not empry
if ($item['content'] != '') {
// Count Links and Quote Links
$content = str_get_html($item['content']);
$countLinks = count($content->find('a[href]'));
$countQuoteLinks = count($content->find('a[href][class=userHtml-quote-source]'));
// Only add element if there are Links and more links tant Quote links
if ($countLinks > 0 && $countLinks > $countQuoteLinks) {
$this->items[] = $item;
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
} else {
$this->items[] = $item;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2023-10-01 20:46:51 +02:00
private function getCookiesHeaderValue($url)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2023-10-01 20:46:51 +02:00
$response = getContents($url, [], [], true);
2024-07-31 17:30:06 +02:00
$setCookieHeaders = $response->getHeader('set-cookie', true);
2023-10-01 20:46:51 +02:00
$cookies = array_map(fn($c): string => explode(';', $c)[0], $setCookieHeaders);
2024-07-31 17:30:06 +02:00
2023-10-01 20:46:51 +02:00
return implode('; ', $cookies);
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Check if the string $str contains any of the string of the array $arr
* @return boolean true if the string matched anything otherwise false
private function contains($str, array $arr)
foreach ($arr as $a) {
if (stripos($str, $a) !== false) {
return true;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
return false;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the Price from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal price
2024-02-06 02:23:12 +01:00
private function getPrice($jsonDealData)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2024-02-06 02:23:12 +01:00
if ($jsonDealData['props']['thread']['discountType'] == null) {
$price = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['price'];
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('price') . ' : '
. $price . ' ' . $this->i8n('currency') . '</div>';
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
} else {
return '';
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
* Get the Publish Date from a Deal if it exists
* @return integer Timestamp of the published date of the deal
private function getPublishedDate($jsonDealData)
return $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['publishedAt'];
* Get the Deal Author from a Deal if it exists
* @return String Author of the deal
private function getDealAuthor($jsonDealData)
return $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['user']['username'];
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the Title from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal title
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
private function getTitle($jsonDealData)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
$title = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['title'];
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
return $title;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the Title from a Talk if it exists
* @return string String of the Talk title
private function getTalkTitle()
[PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management (#4336)
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Since groups can change URLs, be created, or removed at the discretion
of website administrators, maintaining a valid and functional list of
groups is impractical.
Users can now enter the part of the URL that defines the group in a text
field, rather than searching through a lengthy, likely outdated list.
The way the RSS feed title is retrieved had to be adjusted accordingly.
Titles are now cached for 15 days to avoid unnecessary website access
and to prevent potential bot blocking.
Existing feeds will continue to work, as their parameters remain
unchanged; only the method for inputting them has been modified.
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Coding policy fixes
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Fix wrong comment
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Add Example values for Group context
2024-11-23 19:11:36 +01:00
$cacheKey = $this->getInput('url') . 'TITLE';
$title = $this->loadCacheValue($cacheKey);
// The cache does not contain the title of the bridge, we must get it and save it in the cache
if ($title === null) {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($this->getInput('url'));
$title = $html->find('title', 0)->plaintext;
// Save the value in the cache for the next 15 days
$this->saveCacheValue($cacheKey, $title, 86400 * 15);
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
return $title;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
[PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management (#4336)
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Since groups can change URLs, be created, or removed at the discretion
of website administrators, maintaining a valid and functional list of
groups is impractical.
Users can now enter the part of the URL that defines the group in a text
field, rather than searching through a lengthy, likely outdated list.
The way the RSS feed title is retrieved had to be adjusted accordingly.
Titles are now cached for 15 days to avoid unnecessary website access
and to prevent potential bot blocking.
Existing feeds will continue to work, as their parameters remain
unchanged; only the method for inputting them has been modified.
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Coding policy fixes
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Fix wrong comment
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Add Example values for Group context
2024-11-23 19:11:36 +01:00
* Get the Title from a Group if it exists
* @return string String of the Talk title
private function getGroupTitle()
$cacheKey = $this->getInput('group') . 'TITLE';
$title = $this->loadCacheValue($cacheKey);
// The cache does not contain the title of the bridge, we must get it and save it in the cache
if ($title == null) {
$html = getSimpleHTMLDOMCached($this->getGroupURI());
// Search the title in the javascript mess
preg_match('/threadGroupName":"([^"]*)","threadGroupUrlName":"' . $this->getInput('group') . '"/m', $html, $matches);
$title = $matches[1];
// Save the value in the cache for the next 15 days
$this->saveCacheValue($cacheKey, $title, 86400 * 15);
$order = $this->getKey('order');
return $title . ' - ' . $order;
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the HTML Title code from an item
* @return string String of the deal title
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
private function getHTMLTitle($jsonDealData)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
$html = '<h2><a href="' . $this->getDealURI($jsonDealData) . '">'
. $this->getTitle($jsonDealData) . '</a></h2>';
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
return $html;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the URI from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal URI
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
private function getDealURI($jsonDealData)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
$dealSlug = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['titleSlug'];
$dealId = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['threadId'];
$uri = $this->i8n('bridge-uri') . $this->i8n('uri-deal') . $dealSlug . '-' . $dealId;
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
return $uri;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the Shipping costs from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal shipping Cost
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
private function getShippingCost($jsonDealData)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
$isFree = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['shipping']['isFree'];
$price = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['shipping']['price'];
if ($isFree !== null) {
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('shipping') . ' : '
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
. $price . ' ' . $this->i8n('currency')
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
. '</div>';
} else {
return '';
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2023-12-13 21:09:48 +01:00
* Get the temperature from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal temperature
2024-01-05 07:23:40 +01:00
private function getTemperature($data)
2023-12-13 21:09:48 +01:00
return $data['props']['thread']['temperature'] . '°';
2024-01-05 07:23:40 +01:00
* Get the Deal data from the "data-vue2" JSON attribute
* @return array Array containg the deal properties contained in the "data-vue2" attribute
private function getDealJsonData($deal)
$data = Json::decode($deal->find('div[class=js-vue2]', 0)->getAttribute('data-vue2'));
return $data;
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the source of a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal source
2024-01-05 07:23:40 +01:00
private function getSource($jsonData)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2024-01-05 07:23:40 +01:00
if ($jsonData['props']['thread']['merchant'] != null) {
$path = $this->i8n('uri-merchant') . $jsonData['props']['thread']['merchant']['merchantId'];
$text = $jsonData['props']['thread']['merchant']['merchantName'];
2023-08-09 17:36:02 +02:00
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('origin') . ' : <a href="' . static::URI . $path . '">' . $text . '</a></div>';
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
} else {
return '';
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the original Price and discout from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal original price and discount
2024-02-06 02:23:12 +01:00
private function getDiscount($jsonDealData)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2024-02-06 02:23:12 +01:00
$oldPrice = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['nextBestPrice'];
$newPrice = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['price'];
$percentage = $jsonDealData['props']['thread']['percentage'];
if ($oldPrice != 0) {
// If there is no percentage calculated, then calculate it manually
if ($percentage == 0) {
$percentage = round(100 - ($newPrice * 100 / $oldPrice), 2);
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
return '<div>' . $this->i8n('discount') . ' : <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">'
2024-02-06 02:23:12 +01:00
. $oldPrice . ' ' . $this->i8n('currency')
. '</span> -'
. $percentage
. ' %</div>';
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
} else {
return '';
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
* Get the Deal location if it exists
* @return string String of the deal location
2025-02-03 15:35:48 +01:00
private function getDealLocation($jsonDealData)
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
2025-02-03 15:35:48 +01:00
if ($jsonDealData['props']['thread']['isLocal']) {
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
$content = '<div>' . $this->i8n('deal-type') . ' : ' . $this->i8n('localdeal') . '</div>';
} else {
$content = '';
return $content;
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the Picture URL from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal Picture URL
private function getImage($deal)
2024-02-05 23:30:18 +01:00
// Get thread Image JSON content
2025-02-03 15:35:48 +01:00
$content = Json::decode($deal->find('div[class=js-vue2]', 0)->getAttribute('data-vue2'));
//return '<img src="' . $content['props']['threadImageUrl'] . '"/>';
return '<img src="' . $this->i8n('image-host') . $content['props']['thread']['mainImage']['path'] . '/'
. $content['props']['thread']['mainImage']['name'] . '/re/202x202/qt/70/'
. $content['props']['thread']['mainImage']['uid'] . '"/>';
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Get the originating country from a Deal if it exists
* @return string String of the deal originating country
2024-03-28 19:44:27 +01:00
private function getShipsFrom($dealMeta)
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2025-02-03 15:35:48 +01:00
$metas = $dealMeta['props']['metaRibbons'] ?? [];
2024-02-06 02:23:12 +01:00
$shipsFrom = null;
foreach ($metas as $meta) {
if ($meta['type'] == 'dispatched-from') {
$shipsFrom = $meta['text'];
2023-07-02 06:40:25 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2024-02-06 02:23:12 +01:00
if ($shipsFrom != null) {
return '<div>' . $shipsFrom . '</div>';
2023-07-02 06:40:25 +02:00
return '';
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Returns the RSS Feed title according to the parameters
* @return string the RSS feed Tiyle
public function getName()
switch ($this->queriedContext) {
case $this->i8n('context-keyword'):
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-keyword') . ' : ' . $this->getInput('q');
case $this->i8n('context-group'):
[PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management (#4336)
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Since groups can change URLs, be created, or removed at the discretion
of website administrators, maintaining a valid and functional list of
groups is impractical.
Users can now enter the part of the URL that defines the group in a text
field, rather than searching through a lengthy, likely outdated list.
The way the RSS feed title is retrieved had to be adjusted accordingly.
Titles are now cached for 15 days to avoid unnecessary website access
and to prevent potential bot blocking.
Existing feeds will continue to work, as their parameters remain
unchanged; only the method for inputting them has been modified.
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Coding policy fixes
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Fix wrong comment
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Add Example values for Group context
2024-11-23 19:11:36 +01:00
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-group') . ' : ' . $this->getGroupTitle();
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
case $this->i8n('context-talk'):
return $this->i8n('bridge-name') . ' - ' . $this->i8n('title-talk') . ' : ' . $this->getTalkTitle();
default: // Return default value
return static::NAME;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Returns the RSS Feed URI according to the parameters
* @return string the RSS feed Title
public function getURI()
switch ($this->queriedContext) {
case $this->i8n('context-keyword'):
return $this->getSearchURI();
case $this->i8n('context-group'):
return $this->getGroupURI();
case $this->i8n('context-talk'):
return $this->getTalkURI();
default: // Return default value
return static::URI;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Returns the RSS Feed URI for a keyword Feed
* @return string the RSS feed URI
private function getSearchURI()
$q = $this->getInput('q');
$hide_expired = $this->getInput('hide_expired');
$hide_local = $this->getInput('hide_local');
$priceFrom = $this->getInput('priceFrom');
$priceTo = $this->getInput('priceTo');
$url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri')
[PepperBridgeAbstract,DealabsBridge,HotUKDealsBridge,MydealsBridge] Fix search URL, No results handling fixed, Thread title and Message URL handling (#4053)
* [PepperBridgeAbstract,DealabsBridge,HotUKDealsBridge,MydealsBridge] Fix search URL, No results handling fixed, Thread title and Message URL handling
Search URL has been updated according to the website.
If a search doesn't return any results, the HTML won't contain any
specific text now : the HTML structure is slightly different, so the
bridge has been updated.
The unnneded 'no-results' text is now removed from the specific bridges.
The board thread title has been removed from the content, so now we use
the page <title> element.
In case a board message is empty, there was an exception during the
filtering of message without URL.
* [PepperBridgeAbstract,DealabsBridge,HotUKDealsBridge,MydealsBridge] Fix search URL, No results handling fixed, Thread title and Message URL handling
Coding policy fixes
2024-04-04 04:08:29 +02:00
. 'search?q='
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
. urlencode($q)
. '&hide_expired=' . $hide_expired
. '&hide_local=' . $hide_local
. '&priceFrom=' . $priceFrom
. '&priceTo=' . $priceTo
/* Some default parameters
* search_fields : Search in Titres & Descriptions & Codes
* sort_by : Sort the search by new deals
* time_frame : Search will not be on a limited timeframe
. '&search_fields[]=1&search_fields[]=2&search_fields[]=3&sort_by=new&time_frame=0';
return $url;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Returns the RSS Feed URI for a group Feed
* @return string the RSS feed URI
private function getGroupURI()
$group = $this->getInput('group');
$order = $this->getInput('order');
2025-02-03 15:35:48 +01:00
$subgroups = $this->getInput('subgroups');
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
[PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management (#4336)
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Since groups can change URLs, be created, or removed at the discretion
of website administrators, maintaining a valid and functional list of
groups is impractical.
Users can now enter the part of the URL that defines the group in a text
field, rather than searching through a lengthy, likely outdated list.
The way the RSS feed title is retrieved had to be adjusted accordingly.
Titles are now cached for 15 days to avoid unnecessary website access
and to prevent potential bot blocking.
Existing feeds will continue to work, as their parameters remain
unchanged; only the method for inputting them has been modified.
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Coding policy fixes
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Fix wrong comment
* [PepperBridgeAbstract, DealabsBridge, HotUKDealsBridge, MydealsBridge] Streamlining Group Management
Add Example values for Group context
2024-11-23 19:11:36 +01:00
// This permit to keep the existing Feed to work
if ($order == $this->i8n('context-hot')) {
$sortBy = 'temp';
} else if ($order == $this->i8n('context-new')) {
$sortBy = 'new';
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
$url = $this->i8n('bridge-uri')
2025-02-03 15:35:48 +01:00
. $this->i8n('uri-group') . $group . '?sortBy=' . $sortBy . '&groups=' . $subgroups;
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
return $url;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* Returns the RSS Feed URI for a Talk Feed
* @return string the RSS feed URI
private function getTalkURI()
$url = $this->getInput('url');
return $url;
2022-07-01 15:10:30 +02:00
2022-05-13 09:29:56 +02:00
* This is some "localisation" function that returns the needed content using
* the "$lang" class variable in the local class
* @return various the local content needed
protected function i8n($key)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->lang)) {
return $this->lang[$key];
} else {
return null;