added Alpine Linux build instructions

Userdocs 2021-05-30 15:48:08 +01:00
parent 52c10f4ef7
commit a4c6b91fba

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
# Alpine Linux build instructions
This guide will help you install qBittorrent on Alpine Linux using a combination of packages installed using `apk` and dependencies built using `cmake`.
This guide should work in any [Alpine arch]( as long as the required [packages dependencies]( are available to install for that arch. This guide was tested on `x86_64`
This guide will install qBittorrent and dependencies using shared libraries. At the point of writing this guide the latest version of Alpine is `3.13`
The majority of these commands are copy and paste but some can be modified. For example, in the libtorrent section there is a choice between libtorrent `v1` or `v2`. Check the notes and commented commands for more information.
## Build dependencies
These are the build dependencies we need to install using `apk`
apk add autoconf automake build-base cmake curl git libtool linux-headers perl pkgconf python3 python3-dev re2c tar
## Application dependencies
These are application dependencies we need to install using `apk`
The `iconv` libraries needed for `libtorrent` v1.2 are built into `/usr/lib/` so we do not need to install `iconv` as a dependency.
apk add icu-dev libexecinfo-dev openssl-dev qt5-qtbase-dev qt5-qttools-dev zlib-dev qt5-qtsvg-dev
## cmake helpful info
This is a reference section with some helpful `cmake` tweaks you can apply if you need to debug or change anything during the build process.
💡 To see the configuration options available you can use this command in the cloned git folder.
cmake -LAH .
To see project specific variables we can do this to see results after a specific option
After you have run at least one configure command you can see and edit the project settings using `ccmake` to have an interactive method.
ccmake .
💡 To set `cxx` flags you can add this to your `cmake` commands but it's optional.
For example, these options can be set `-w` - no warnings `-s` - strip unneeded symbols
💡 Ninja build is quiet by default. To enable verbose build information you have these options
Pass `--verbose` to the build command (recommended)
cmake --build build --verbose
Add it as cmake variable at configure time.
## Ninja build
⚠️ There is no `apk` version for Alpine `3.12` or greater so we need to build it. It won't take long.
git clone --shallow-submodules --recurse-submodules ~/ninja && cd ~/ninja
git checkout "$(git tag -l --sort=-v:refname "v*" | head -n 1)"
cmake -Wno-dev -B build \
cmake --build build
cmake --install build
## Boost build files
All we need to bootstrap boost is to download and extract the files. There is nothing to build at this step.
Download and extract the boost files.
curl -sNLk -o "$HOME/boost_1_76_0.tar.gz"
tar xf "$HOME/boost_1_76_0.tar.gz" -C "$HOME"
## Libtorrent
Download and build libtorrent by checking out the `RC_1_2` branch. You can also change the `git checkout` command filter `"v1*"` to `"v2*"` to use the latest version of a specific tag
Any tag can be used to checkout the version you want -
git clone --shallow-submodules --recurse-submodules ~/libtorrent && cd ~/libtorrent
# git checkout "$(git tag -l --sort=-v:refname "v2*" | head -n 1)" # always checkout the latest release of libtorrent v2
git checkout "$(git tag -l --sort=-v:refname "v1*" | head -n 1)" # always checkout the latest release of libtorrent v1
cmake -Wno-dev -G Ninja -B build \
-D Boost_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/boost_1_76_0/" \
cmake --build build
cmake --install build
## qBittorrent
Build and install qBittorrent
⚠️ If you do not want the GUI you can set `-D GUI=OFF` to only build and install `qbittorrent-nox`
Any tag can be used to checkout the version you want -
git clone --shallow-submodules --recurse-submodules ~/qbittorrent && cd ~/qbittorrent
git checkout "$(git tag -l --sort=-v:refname | head -n 1)" # always checkout the latest release of qbittorrent
cmake -Wno-dev -G Ninja -B build \
-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="release" \
-D Boost_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/boost_1_76_0/" \
cmake --build build
cmake --install build
Tidy up the downloaded build files
cd && rm -rf qbittorrent libtorrent ninja boost_1_76_0 boost_1_76_0.tar.gz
## Post build
You can now run `qbittorrent` as it will be in the path.