Add modern compilation guide for MSVC 2019 static builds

Francisco Pombal 2020-10-05 00:51:01 +01:00
parent 2b778f244d
commit 4195259537

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# Introduction
**NOTE:** for qBittorrent revisions older than `63ff5e3` (2020-09-19), use the [legacy guide]( instead.
This page describes how to compile qBittorrent 64-bit/x64/x86-64/amd64(*) using MSVC 2019 under Windows 10(**).
(*): as of writing, compiling 32-bit/x86 versions is also possible but not recommended.
(**): as of writing, it is still possible to compile on/for older versions of Windows, but support for that should be dropped soon.
# Install the toolchain and dependencies
## Toolchain
NOTE: For those who don't have a Windows system or would like a clean isolated environment for compiling qBittorrent, Microsoft provides [free VMs for developers compatible with many mainstream virtualization platforms]( These VMs have all or most of these tools already installed and set up for you.
You will need:
- The MSVC 2019 compiler. You can get it by installing [Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition](
- The following MSVC 2019 individual components (open Visual Studio and go to `Tools` -> `Get Tools and Features`). Some or all of these may already be installed (where applicable, feel free to choose between the Spectre-mitigated alternatives or the normal versions):
- `MSBuild`
- `C++ core features`
- `Text template transformation`
- `C++ 2019 Redistributable Update`
- `C++ ATL for latest v142 build tools with Spectre Mitigations (x86 & x64)`
- `C++ MFC for latest v142 build tools with Spectre Mitigations (x86 & x64)`
- `MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools` (whatever the latest version is)
- `MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build Spectre-mitigated libs` (whatever the latest version is)
- `Windows 10 SDK` (whatever the latest version is)
- [CMake]( (the portable zip version is recommended) and [Ninja]( (download them and [add the directories where the executables are located to the system's `PATH`](
- [git for Windows]( or `git` via WSL/WSL 2, if you have WSL/WSL 2 enabled.
This guide assumes you will use `cmd`, `powershell`, or `pwsh` (Powershell Core) for runing all commands (except `git` commands, which you may run via another shell in WSL/WSL 2 if you want). If you don't already have it, the new [Windows Terminal]( is recommended for comfortably using and managing multiple shells on Windows.
## Dependencies (static linkage)
None of qBittorrent's dependencies have officially released builds of statically linked binaries. The best way to get good general-purpose builds of recent versions of the dependencies easily is to install them via the `vcpkg` package manager. `vcpkg` can also be used to install `libtorrent`.
The nice thing about `vcpkg` is that it also allows you to easily patch any of the packages that it installs, should you need/want to do so. Furthermore, you can even compile some dependencies with `vcpkg`, others manually, and mix-and-match when building qBittorrent.
### Install and build `vcpkg`
git clone
cd .\vcpkg
.\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -disableMetrics
.\vcpkg integrate install
### Install the base dependencies
.\vcpkg install boost-circular-buffer:x64-windows-static openssl:x64-windows-static qt5-base:x64-windows-static qt5-svg:x64-windows-static qt5-tools:x64-windows-static qt5-winextras:x64-windows-static
Note that by default, `vcpkg` keeps all the buildtrees after each package installation. This is useful for patching and rebuilding, but they can take up a lot of space, so if you don't need them, you can additionally pass the `--clean-after-build` flag to the above command so that the buildtrees are deleted automatically after the installation. Or just delete them manually after the build is done.
### Install libtorrent, option 1 - just install it via `vcpkg`
.\vcpkg install libtorrent:x64-windows-static
NOTE: Currently, `vcpkg` doesn't have versioning support, so this command will install whatever `libtorrent` version was present in the commit that `vcpkg` was at when you cloned the repository. At the time of writing, you could use `--head` to get the latest `RC_1_2` commit instead, but if you want a specific commit/branch, you should go for **option 2** instead.
### Install libtorrent, option 2 - manually from source, using `vcpkg` dependencies
The easiest way to install `libtorrent`'s dependencies via `vcpkg` is to actually install it and remove it right after; `vcpkg` will install all dependencies automatically in the process. To save time, interrupt the installation process once it reaches the `libtorrent` package itself:
.\vcpkg install libtorrent:x64-windows-static
.\vcpkg remove libtorrent:x64-windows-static
Then, clone the repository, checkout your preferred commit/tag, apply any patches you want to apply, and build and install it yourself (change the toolchain file path as needed):
git clone
git checkout RC_1_2
cmake -G "Ninja" -B cmake-build-dir -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="C:\path\to\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake" -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="x64-windows-static" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -Dstatic_runtime=ON -Ddeprecated-functions=OFF
cmake --build cmake-build-dir
cmake --install cmake-build-dir --prefix C:\some\folder\not\requiring\admin\privileges\libtorrent-install-dir
# Build qBittorrent
Download and extract a `.tar` archive from [the GitHub releases page]( or clone the repository and checkout the branch/tag of your choice.
Then, configure and build with CMake, using the `vcpkg` toolchain file (change the path to the file as needed):
- Assuming `libtorrent` was installed via `vcpkg` (**option 1**):
cmake -G "Ninja" -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="C:\path\to\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake" -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="x64-windows-static" -DMSVC_RUNTIME_DYNAMIC=OFF
cmake --build build
- Assuming `libtorrent` was built manually, but still with `vcpkg`-installed dependencies (**option 2**):
Same as above, but also pass `-DLibtorrentRasterbar_DIR=C:\path\to\libtorrent-install-dir\lib\cmake\LibtorrentRasterbar` to the configure command line.
Check out the [common information]( page to learn more about the available build configuration options (for compiling without WebUI functionality, for instance).
Once qBittorrent is built, you can run it straight from the build directory.