From 2427b4eaf74d996ab712d2193826a0167347e25d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chocobo1 Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 17:06:55 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Use consistent line ending character `LF` --- ...on-MSVC-2013-(x86_64)-(dynamic-linkage).md | 652 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 326 insertions(+), 326 deletions(-) diff --git a/Compilation-MSVC-2013-(x86_64)-(dynamic-linkage).md b/Compilation-MSVC-2013-(x86_64)-(dynamic-linkage).md index d155e7a..c1f75e7 100644 --- a/Compilation-MSVC-2013-(x86_64)-(dynamic-linkage).md +++ b/Compilation-MSVC-2013-(x86_64)-(dynamic-linkage).md @@ -1,326 +1,326 @@ -This page describes the process of building qBittorrent on Windows targeting x86\_64 (aka x64 aka AMD64 aka 64-bit) architecture. Building for x86\_64 arch is only supported by Visual Studio Professional or better, Express edition won't do. - -> Note: Even though this article tries to be as full as possible, it is not recommended for users without basic knowledge in programming and windows shell scripting. -> -> Final note: Resulting binary will not support Windows XP 64-bit Edition and Windows Server 2003 64-bit Edition unless you follow special notes describing how to make it compatible with those systems. - -# Table of Contents # - -1. [Software Requirements](#software-requirements) -1. [Source Requirements](#source-requirements) -1. [Preparing Directory Structure](#preparing-directory-structure) -1. [Build Zlib](#build-zlib) -1. [Build OpenSSL](#build-openssl) -1. [Build Boost](#build-boost) -1. [Build libtorrent](#build-libtorrent) -1. [Build Qt](#build-qt) -1. [Build qBittorrent](#build-qbittorrent) -1. [Using resulting binaries on different computers](#using-resulting-binaries-on-different-computers) - -*** - -# Software Requirements # - -1. At least Windows 7 SP1 64-bit -1. At least Visual Studio 2013 Professional Edition. -1. Perl. [ActiveState Perl x86]( is known to work. -1. Latest version of [NASM assembler]( - -# Source Requirements # - -1. Latest version of [Zlib]( - + [1.2.8]( is used in this article. -1. Latest version of [OpenSSL]( Be sure to download the one _**without**_ fips in the name. - + [1.0.1i]( is used in this article. -1. Latest version of [Qt]( Look for `The source code is also available as a single zip` on download page. This is what you need, not the prebuilt binaries. - - > Note: Qt5 is currently not supported by qBittorrent. - + [4.8.6]( is used in this article. -1. Latest version of [Boost]( - + [1.56]( is used in this article. -1. Latest version of [libtorrent-rasterbar]( - + [0.16.17]( is used in this article. -1. Latest version of [qBittorrent]( or you can [Download Master Branch from GitHub]( - + []( is used in this article. -1. Maxmind [GeoIP Database]( - -# Preparing Directory Structure # - -1. First of all you will need a working directory structure for source code and compiled binaries. Create something like that: - - C:\work - \sources - \install - - -1. In this article I'm using a drive as a working directory, so I have something like that: - - T: - \sources - \install - - - > This directory structure will be used as an example. - -# Build Zlib # - -1. Unpack Zlib into `\sources\zlib\`. -1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt` usually found in `Start->All Programs->Visual Studio 2013->Visual Studio Tools` -1. Navigate to Zlib source folder. -1. Edit `.\win32\Makefile.msc` and do the following changes: - - + Find the line starting with `AS` and on that line: - + Replace `ml` **with** `ml64` - + Find the line starting with `ASFLAGS` and on that line: - + Replace `-coff -Zi $(LOC)` **with** `$(LOC)` - + Find the line starting with `CFLAGS` and on that line: - + Replace `-nologo -MD -W3 -O2 -Oy- -Zi -Fd"zlib" $(LOC)` **with** `-nologo -MD -O2 -w -favor:blend -GL -GR- -Y- -MP -EHs-c- $(LOC)` - + Find the line starting with `LDFLAGS` and on that line: - + Replace `-nologo -debug -incremental:no -opt:ref` **with** `-nologo -incremental:no -opt:ref -opt:icf=5 -ltcg` - + Find the line starting with `ARFLAGS` and on that line: - + Replace `-nologo` **with** `-nologo -ltcg` - -1. Build Zlib: - - - nmake -f .\win32\Makefile.msc AS=ml64 LOC="-DASMV -DASMINF -DNDEBUG -I." OBJA="inffasx64.obj gvmat64.obj inffas8664.obj" - nmake -f .\win32\Makefile.msc test - - - - > Last command will run a short test to make sure that Zlib is working. - -1. Install Zlib into `\install\zlib` folder: - - > Technical note: because Makefile does not provide an install target, we need to do it ourselves. - - - IF EXIST T:\install\zlib RD /S /Q T:\install\zlib - MD T:\install\zlib - FOR %X IN (bin lib include) DO ( - MD T:\install\zlib\%X - ) - XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\*.dll T:\install\zlib\bin\ - XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\*.lib T:\install\zlib\lib\ - XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\zconf.h T:\install\zlib\include\ - XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\zlib.h T:\install\zlib\include\ - -# Build OpenSSL # - -1. Unpack OpenSSL into `\sources\openssl\`. -1. Install Perl if you haven't. In this article Perl is installed in `T:\Perl`. - - > It is recommended to install both perl and NASM to directory structure without spaces. - -1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. -1. Navigate to OpenSSL source folder. -1. If you still haven't installed NASM, now is the best time. In this article NASM is installed in `T:\NASM`. -1. Adjust `PATH` variable: - - SET "PATH=T:\NASM;%PATH%" - - -1. Configure OpenSSL: - - perl Configure VC-WIN64A threads shared zlib -IT:\install\zlib\include -LT:\install\zlib\lib --prefix=T:\install\openssl - .\ms\do_win64a.bat - - -1. Edit `.\ms\ntdll.mak` and do the following changes: - + Find the line starting with `CFLAG=` and on that line: - + Replace `/Ox` **with** `/O2 /favor:blend /GL /Y-` - + Find the line starting with `LFLAGS=` - + Replace `/debug` **with** `/OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG` - + Find the line starting with `MLFLAGS=` - + Replace `/debug` **with** `/OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG` - + Find the line starting with `ASM=` - + Remove `-g` from that line - + Find the line containing `zlib1.lib $(EX_LIBS)` - + Replace `zlib1.lib` **with** `zlib.lib` in line -1. Build OpenSSL: - - nmake -f .\ms\ntdll.mak - - -1. ***Optional***. Test OpenSSL: - - nmake -f .\ms\ntdll.mak test - - - Somewhere near the end of test you should see: - - Available compression methods: - 1: zlib compression - - - And in the very end you should see `passed all tests`. - -1. Install OpenSSL: - - nmake -f .\ms\ntdll.mak install - - -# Build Boost # - -1. Unpack Boost into `\sources\boost\`. -1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. -1. Navigate to Boost source folder. -1. Build and install bjam (aka Boost-Build): - - CD .\tools\build - .\bootstrap.bat vc12 - .\b2.exe --toolset=msvc architecture=x86 address-model=64 --prefix=T:\install\bjam link=shared runtime-link=shared variant=release debug-symbols=off warnings=off warnings-as-errors=off inlining=full optimization=speed "cflags=/O2 /GL /Gy /favor:blend" "linkflags=/NOLOGO /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG" install - CD ..\..\ - - -1. Build and install Boost: - - SET "PATH=T:\install\bjam\bin;%PATH%" - bjam -j2 -q --with-system --toolset=msvc --layout=system --prefix=T:\install\boost link=shared runtime-link=shared variant=release debug-symbols=off threading=multi address-model=64 host-os=windows target-os=windows embed-manifest=on architecture=x86 warnings=off warnings-as-errors=off inlining=full optimization=speed "cflags=/O2 /GL /favor:blend" "linkflags=/NOLOGO /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG" install - XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\*.jam T:\install\boost\ - COPY /Y Jamroot T:\install\boost\ - - -# Build libtorrent # - -1. Unpack libtorrent into `\sources\libtorrent\`. -1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. -1. Navigate to libtorrent source folder. -1. Edit `include/libtorrent/escape_string.hpp` to fix symbol export with dynamic linking: - + Replace `TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT std::string base32decode(std::string const& s);` **with**
- `TORRENT_EXPORT std::string base32decode(std::string const& s);` -1. Build and install libtorrent: - - SET "PATH=T:\install\bjam\bin;%PATH%" - bjam -j2 -q --toolset=msvc --prefix=T:\install\libtorrent boost=system boost-link=shared link=shared runtime-link=shared variant=release debug-symbols=off resolve-countries=on full-stats=on export-extra=off ipv6=on dht-support=on character-set=unicode geoip=static encryption=openssl windows-version=vista threading=multi address-model=64 host-os=windows target-os=windows embed-manifest=on architecture=x86 warnings=off warnings-as-errors=off inlining=full optimization=speed "cflags=/O2 /GL /favor:blend" "linkflags=/NOLOGO /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG" "include=T:\install\OpenSSL\include" "include=T:\install\Boost\include" "library-path=T:\install\OpenSSL\lib" "library-path=T:\install\Boost\lib" "define=BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB" install - + If you want to build For XP 64-bit or WinServer 2003 64-bit you must build with `windows-version=xp` instead of `windows-version=vista` - -# Build Qt # - -1. Unpack Qt into `\sources\Qt\`. -1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. -1. Navigate to Qt source folder. -1. Build Qt: - - - .\configure.exe -release -shared -opensource -confirm-license -platform win32-msvc2013 -arch windows -ltcg -no-fast -exceptions -no-accessibility -stl -no-xmlpatterns -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-psql -no-sql-oci -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-tds -no-sql-db2 -qt-sql-sqlite -no-sql-sqlite2 -no-sql-ibase -no-qt3support -no-opengl -no-openvg -graphicssystem raster -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -no-dsp -no-vcproj -no-incredibuild-xge -plugin-manifests -process -mp -rtti -no-3dnow -mmx -sse -sse2 -openssl -no-dbus -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-multimedia -no-audio-backend -no-webkit -no-script -no-scripttools -no-declarative -no-declarative-debug -no-style-s60 -no-style-windowsmobile -no-style-windowsce -no-style-cde -no-style-motif -qt-style-cleanlooks -qt-style-plastique -qt-style-windows -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -no-native-gestures -no-directwrite -qmake -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake docs -I T:\install\OpenSSL\include -L T:\install\OpenSSL\lib -prefix T:\install\Qt - nmake sub-src - nmake sub-translations-make_default-ordered - - -1. Install Qt: - - nmake install - - -# Build qBittorrent # - -1. Unpack qbittorrent into `\sources\qbt\`. -1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. -1. Navigate to qbittorrent source folder. -1. Prepare qBt sources: - + Unpack Maxmind GeoIP.dat file into `.\src\geoip\` - + Edit `.\src\`: - + Find and remove line `DEFINES += BOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION=2` - + Edit `winconf-msvc.pri`: - + Find - - CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { - LIBS += libtorrentd.lib \ - libboost_system-vc90-mt-sgd-1_51.lib - } else { - LIBS += libtorrent.lib \ - libboost_system-vc90-mt-s-1_51.lib - } - - - and replace with - - CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { - LIBS += torrent.lib \ - boost_system.lib - } else { - LIBS += torrent.lib \ - boost_system.lib - } - + Edit `winconf.pri` and adjust paths accordingly (remember that `T:\install\` is used as an example): - + Find `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/boost_1_51_0)`
- and replace with
- `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(T:/install/Boost/include)` - + Find `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/RC_0_16/include)`
- and replace with - `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(T:/install/libtorrent/include)`
- + Find `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/Zlib/include)`
- and replace with - `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(T:/install/Zlib/include)`
- and insert `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(T:/install/OpenSSL/include)` on next line - + Find `LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/boost_1_51_0/stage/lib)`
- and replace with - `LIBS += $$quote(-LT:/install/Boost/lib)` - + Find `LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/RC_0_16/bin/)`
- and replace with - `LIBS += $$quote(-LT:/install/libtorrent/lib)`
- + Find `LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/Zlib/lib)`
- and replace with - `LIBS += $$quote(-LT:/install/Zlib/lib)`
- and insert `LIBS += $$quote(-LT:/install/OpenSSL/lib)` on next line - + Find and remove the following lines:
- and insert - - DEFINES += BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK - DEFINES += BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK - - - on previous line - + Find `DEFINES += TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL`
- and insert `DEFINES += TORRENT_LINKING_SHARED` on next line - + Find `DEFINES += _WIN32_WINNT=0x0500`
- and replace with `DEFINES += _WIN32_WINNT=0x0600` - + If you want to build For XP 64-bit or WinServer 2003 64-bit replace `DEFINES += _WIN32_WINNT=0x0500` with `DEFINES += _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501` - -1. Build qBt: - - SET "PATH=T:\install\Qt\bin;%PATH%" - + Update translations - - CD .\src - lupdate -no-obsolete ./ - CD ..\ - + Build - - MD build - CD build - qmake -config release -r ../ "CONFIG += warn_off msvc_mp rtti ltcg mmx sse sse2" "CONFIG -= 3dnow" - nmake - -1. Install qBt: - - XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\src\release\qbittorrent.exe T:\install\qBittorrent\ - FOR %X IN (QtCore4.dll QtGui4.dll QtNetwork4.dll QtXml4.dll) DO ( - COPY /Y T:\install\Qt\bin\%X T:\install\qBittorrent\ - ) - XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\install\Qt\plugins\imageformats\qico4.dll T:\install\qBittorrent\plugins\imageformats\ - FOR /F "usebackq" %X IN (`DIR /B "T:\sources\qbt\src\qt-translations\"`) DO ( - IF EXIST "T:\install\Qt\translations\%X" ( - COPY /Y "T:\install\Qt\translations\%X" "T:\sources\qbt\src\qt-translations\" - ) - ) - XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\sources\qbt\src\qt-translations\qt_* T:\install\qBittorrent\translations\ - XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\install\OpenSSL\bin\*.dll T:\install\qBittorrent\ - XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\install\libtorrent\lib\torrent.dll T:\install\qBittorrent\ - XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\install\Boost\lib\*.dll T:\install\qBittorrent\ - echo [Paths] > T:\install\qBittorrent\qt.conf - echo Translations = ./translations >> T:\install\qBittorrent\qt.conf - echo Plugins = ./plugins >> T:\install\qBittorrent\qt.conf - -# Using resulting binaries on different computers # - -If you want to use the resulting binaries on other Windows computers (or redistribute them) you will need [Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 (x64)]( Users must have it installed in order to use any x86\_64 software compiled with Visual Studio 2013. If you are using qBt on computer, which was used for building it, you don't need VC++ 2013 x64 Redistributable Package, because you already have it installed (it came with Visual Studio 2013). - -Alternatively you can copy redistributable dlls into program folder like this: -> XCOPY /Y /Q /I "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.CRT\\*.dll" T:\install\qBittorrent\ \ No newline at end of file +This page describes the process of building qBittorrent on Windows targeting x86\_64 (aka x64 aka AMD64 aka 64-bit) architecture. Building for x86\_64 arch is only supported by Visual Studio Professional or better, Express edition won't do. + +> Note: Even though this article tries to be as full as possible, it is not recommended for users without basic knowledge in programming and windows shell scripting. +> +> Final note: Resulting binary will not support Windows XP 64-bit Edition and Windows Server 2003 64-bit Edition unless you follow special notes describing how to make it compatible with those systems. + +# Table of Contents # + +1. [Software Requirements](#software-requirements) +1. [Source Requirements](#source-requirements) +1. [Preparing Directory Structure](#preparing-directory-structure) +1. [Build Zlib](#build-zlib) +1. [Build OpenSSL](#build-openssl) +1. [Build Boost](#build-boost) +1. [Build libtorrent](#build-libtorrent) +1. [Build Qt](#build-qt) +1. [Build qBittorrent](#build-qbittorrent) +1. [Using resulting binaries on different computers](#using-resulting-binaries-on-different-computers) + +*** + +# Software Requirements # + +1. At least Windows 7 SP1 64-bit +1. At least Visual Studio 2013 Professional Edition. +1. Perl. [ActiveState Perl x86]( is known to work. +1. Latest version of [NASM assembler]( + +# Source Requirements # + +1. Latest version of [Zlib]( + + [1.2.8]( is used in this article. +1. Latest version of [OpenSSL]( Be sure to download the one _**without**_ fips in the name. + + [1.0.1i]( is used in this article. +1. Latest version of [Qt]( Look for `The source code is also available as a single zip` on download page. This is what you need, not the prebuilt binaries. + + > Note: Qt5 is currently not supported by qBittorrent. + + [4.8.6]( is used in this article. +1. Latest version of [Boost]( + + [1.56]( is used in this article. +1. Latest version of [libtorrent-rasterbar]( + + [0.16.17]( is used in this article. +1. Latest version of [qBittorrent]( or you can [Download Master Branch from GitHub]( + + []( is used in this article. +1. Maxmind [GeoIP Database]( + +# Preparing Directory Structure # + +1. First of all you will need a working directory structure for source code and compiled binaries. Create something like that: + + C:\work + \sources + \install + + +1. In this article I'm using a drive as a working directory, so I have something like that: + + T: + \sources + \install + + + > This directory structure will be used as an example. + +# Build Zlib # + +1. Unpack Zlib into `\sources\zlib\`. +1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt` usually found in `Start->All Programs->Visual Studio 2013->Visual Studio Tools` +1. Navigate to Zlib source folder. +1. Edit `.\win32\Makefile.msc` and do the following changes: + + + Find the line starting with `AS` and on that line: + + Replace `ml` **with** `ml64` + + Find the line starting with `ASFLAGS` and on that line: + + Replace `-coff -Zi $(LOC)` **with** `$(LOC)` + + Find the line starting with `CFLAGS` and on that line: + + Replace `-nologo -MD -W3 -O2 -Oy- -Zi -Fd"zlib" $(LOC)` **with** `-nologo -MD -O2 -w -favor:blend -GL -GR- -Y- -MP -EHs-c- $(LOC)` + + Find the line starting with `LDFLAGS` and on that line: + + Replace `-nologo -debug -incremental:no -opt:ref` **with** `-nologo -incremental:no -opt:ref -opt:icf=5 -ltcg` + + Find the line starting with `ARFLAGS` and on that line: + + Replace `-nologo` **with** `-nologo -ltcg` + +1. Build Zlib: + + + nmake -f .\win32\Makefile.msc AS=ml64 LOC="-DASMV -DASMINF -DNDEBUG -I." OBJA="inffasx64.obj gvmat64.obj inffas8664.obj" + nmake -f .\win32\Makefile.msc test + + + + > Last command will run a short test to make sure that Zlib is working. + +1. Install Zlib into `\install\zlib` folder: + + > Technical note: because Makefile does not provide an install target, we need to do it ourselves. + + + IF EXIST T:\install\zlib RD /S /Q T:\install\zlib + MD T:\install\zlib + FOR %X IN (bin lib include) DO ( + MD T:\install\zlib\%X + ) + XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\*.dll T:\install\zlib\bin\ + XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\*.lib T:\install\zlib\lib\ + XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\zconf.h T:\install\zlib\include\ + XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\zlib.h T:\install\zlib\include\ + +# Build OpenSSL # + +1. Unpack OpenSSL into `\sources\openssl\`. +1. Install Perl if you haven't. In this article Perl is installed in `T:\Perl`. + + > It is recommended to install both perl and NASM to directory structure without spaces. + +1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. +1. Navigate to OpenSSL source folder. +1. If you still haven't installed NASM, now is the best time. In this article NASM is installed in `T:\NASM`. +1. Adjust `PATH` variable: + + SET "PATH=T:\NASM;%PATH%" + + +1. Configure OpenSSL: + + perl Configure VC-WIN64A threads shared zlib -IT:\install\zlib\include -LT:\install\zlib\lib --prefix=T:\install\openssl + .\ms\do_win64a.bat + + +1. Edit `.\ms\ntdll.mak` and do the following changes: + + Find the line starting with `CFLAG=` and on that line: + + Replace `/Ox` **with** `/O2 /favor:blend /GL /Y-` + + Find the line starting with `LFLAGS=` + + Replace `/debug` **with** `/OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG` + + Find the line starting with `MLFLAGS=` + + Replace `/debug` **with** `/OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG` + + Find the line starting with `ASM=` + + Remove `-g` from that line + + Find the line containing `zlib1.lib $(EX_LIBS)` + + Replace `zlib1.lib` **with** `zlib.lib` in line +1. Build OpenSSL: + + nmake -f .\ms\ntdll.mak + + +1. ***Optional***. Test OpenSSL: + + nmake -f .\ms\ntdll.mak test + + + Somewhere near the end of test you should see: + + Available compression methods: + 1: zlib compression + + + And in the very end you should see `passed all tests`. + +1. Install OpenSSL: + + nmake -f .\ms\ntdll.mak install + + +# Build Boost # + +1. Unpack Boost into `\sources\boost\`. +1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. +1. Navigate to Boost source folder. +1. Build and install bjam (aka Boost-Build): + + CD .\tools\build + .\bootstrap.bat vc12 + .\b2.exe --toolset=msvc architecture=x86 address-model=64 --prefix=T:\install\bjam link=shared runtime-link=shared variant=release debug-symbols=off warnings=off warnings-as-errors=off inlining=full optimization=speed "cflags=/O2 /GL /Gy /favor:blend" "linkflags=/NOLOGO /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG" install + CD ..\..\ + + +1. Build and install Boost: + + SET "PATH=T:\install\bjam\bin;%PATH%" + bjam -j2 -q --with-system --toolset=msvc --layout=system --prefix=T:\install\boost link=shared runtime-link=shared variant=release debug-symbols=off threading=multi address-model=64 host-os=windows target-os=windows embed-manifest=on architecture=x86 warnings=off warnings-as-errors=off inlining=full optimization=speed "cflags=/O2 /GL /favor:blend" "linkflags=/NOLOGO /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG" install + XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\*.jam T:\install\boost\ + COPY /Y Jamroot T:\install\boost\ + + +# Build libtorrent # + +1. Unpack libtorrent into `\sources\libtorrent\`. +1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. +1. Navigate to libtorrent source folder. +1. Edit `include/libtorrent/escape_string.hpp` to fix symbol export with dynamic linking: + + Replace `TORRENT_EXTRA_EXPORT std::string base32decode(std::string const& s);` **with**
+ `TORRENT_EXPORT std::string base32decode(std::string const& s);` +1. Build and install libtorrent: + + SET "PATH=T:\install\bjam\bin;%PATH%" + bjam -j2 -q --toolset=msvc --prefix=T:\install\libtorrent boost=system boost-link=shared link=shared runtime-link=shared variant=release debug-symbols=off resolve-countries=on full-stats=on export-extra=off ipv6=on dht-support=on character-set=unicode geoip=static encryption=openssl windows-version=vista threading=multi address-model=64 host-os=windows target-os=windows embed-manifest=on architecture=x86 warnings=off warnings-as-errors=off inlining=full optimization=speed "cflags=/O2 /GL /favor:blend" "linkflags=/NOLOGO /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF=5 /LTCG" "include=T:\install\OpenSSL\include" "include=T:\install\Boost\include" "library-path=T:\install\OpenSSL\lib" "library-path=T:\install\Boost\lib" "define=BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB" install + + If you want to build For XP 64-bit or WinServer 2003 64-bit you must build with `windows-version=xp` instead of `windows-version=vista` + +# Build Qt # + +1. Unpack Qt into `\sources\Qt\`. +1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. +1. Navigate to Qt source folder. +1. Build Qt: + + + .\configure.exe -release -shared -opensource -confirm-license -platform win32-msvc2013 -arch windows -ltcg -no-fast -exceptions -no-accessibility -stl -no-xmlpatterns -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-psql -no-sql-oci -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-tds -no-sql-db2 -qt-sql-sqlite -no-sql-sqlite2 -no-sql-ibase -no-qt3support -no-opengl -no-openvg -graphicssystem raster -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -no-dsp -no-vcproj -no-incredibuild-xge -plugin-manifests -process -mp -rtti -no-3dnow -mmx -sse -sse2 -openssl -no-dbus -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-multimedia -no-audio-backend -no-webkit -no-script -no-scripttools -no-declarative -no-declarative-debug -no-style-s60 -no-style-windowsmobile -no-style-windowsce -no-style-cde -no-style-motif -qt-style-cleanlooks -qt-style-plastique -qt-style-windows -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -no-native-gestures -no-directwrite -qmake -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake docs -I T:\install\OpenSSL\include -L T:\install\OpenSSL\lib -prefix T:\install\Qt + nmake sub-src + nmake sub-translations-make_default-ordered + + +1. Install Qt: + + nmake install + + +# Build qBittorrent # + +1. Unpack qbittorrent into `\sources\qbt\`. +1. Open `VS2013 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt`. +1. Navigate to qbittorrent source folder. +1. Prepare qBt sources: + + Unpack Maxmind GeoIP.dat file into `.\src\geoip\` + + Edit `.\src\`: + + Find and remove line `DEFINES += BOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION=2` + + Edit `winconf-msvc.pri`: + + Find + + CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { + LIBS += libtorrentd.lib \ + libboost_system-vc90-mt-sgd-1_51.lib + } else { + LIBS += libtorrent.lib \ + libboost_system-vc90-mt-s-1_51.lib + } + + + and replace with + + CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { + LIBS += torrent.lib \ + boost_system.lib + } else { + LIBS += torrent.lib \ + boost_system.lib + } + + Edit `winconf.pri` and adjust paths accordingly (remember that `T:\install\` is used as an example): + + Find `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/boost_1_51_0)`
+ and replace with
+ `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(T:/install/Boost/include)` + + Find `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/RC_0_16/include)`
+ and replace with + `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(T:/install/libtorrent/include)`
+ + Find `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(C:/qBittorrent/Zlib/include)`
+ and replace with + `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(T:/install/Zlib/include)`
+ and insert `INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(T:/install/OpenSSL/include)` on next line + + Find `LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/boost_1_51_0/stage/lib)`
+ and replace with + `LIBS += $$quote(-LT:/install/Boost/lib)` + + Find `LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/RC_0_16/bin/)`
+ and replace with + `LIBS += $$quote(-LT:/install/libtorrent/lib)`
+ + Find `LIBS += $$quote(-LC:/qBittorrent/Zlib/lib)`
+ and replace with + `LIBS += $$quote(-LT:/install/Zlib/lib)`
+ and insert `LIBS += $$quote(-LT:/install/OpenSSL/lib)` on next line + + Find and remove the following lines:
+ and insert + + DEFINES += BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK + DEFINES += BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK + + + on previous line + + Find `DEFINES += TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL`
+ and insert `DEFINES += TORRENT_LINKING_SHARED` on next line + + Find `DEFINES += _WIN32_WINNT=0x0500`
+ and replace with `DEFINES += _WIN32_WINNT=0x0600` + + If you want to build For XP 64-bit or WinServer 2003 64-bit replace `DEFINES += _WIN32_WINNT=0x0500` with `DEFINES += _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501` + +1. Build qBt: + + SET "PATH=T:\install\Qt\bin;%PATH%" + + Update translations + + CD .\src + lupdate -no-obsolete ./ + CD ..\ + + Build + + MD build + CD build + qmake -config release -r ../ "CONFIG += warn_off msvc_mp rtti ltcg mmx sse sse2" "CONFIG -= 3dnow" + nmake + +1. Install qBt: + + XCOPY /Y /Q /I .\src\release\qbittorrent.exe T:\install\qBittorrent\ + FOR %X IN (QtCore4.dll QtGui4.dll QtNetwork4.dll QtXml4.dll) DO ( + COPY /Y T:\install\Qt\bin\%X T:\install\qBittorrent\ + ) + XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\install\Qt\plugins\imageformats\qico4.dll T:\install\qBittorrent\plugins\imageformats\ + FOR /F "usebackq" %X IN (`DIR /B "T:\sources\qbt\src\qt-translations\"`) DO ( + IF EXIST "T:\install\Qt\translations\%X" ( + COPY /Y "T:\install\Qt\translations\%X" "T:\sources\qbt\src\qt-translations\" + ) + ) + XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\sources\qbt\src\qt-translations\qt_* T:\install\qBittorrent\translations\ + XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\install\OpenSSL\bin\*.dll T:\install\qBittorrent\ + XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\install\libtorrent\lib\torrent.dll T:\install\qBittorrent\ + XCOPY /Y /Q /I T:\install\Boost\lib\*.dll T:\install\qBittorrent\ + echo [Paths] > T:\install\qBittorrent\qt.conf + echo Translations = ./translations >> T:\install\qBittorrent\qt.conf + echo Plugins = ./plugins >> T:\install\qBittorrent\qt.conf + +# Using resulting binaries on different computers # + +If you want to use the resulting binaries on other Windows computers (or redistribute them) you will need [Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 (x64)]( Users must have it installed in order to use any x86\_64 software compiled with Visual Studio 2013. If you are using qBt on computer, which was used for building it, you don't need VC++ 2013 x64 Redistributable Package, because you already have it installed (it came with Visual Studio 2013). + +Alternatively you can copy redistributable dlls into program folder like this: +> XCOPY /Y /Q /I "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.CRT\\*.dll" T:\install\qBittorrent\