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synced 2025-01-10 17:17:29 +03:00
Normalize Web API method names. Allow to use alternative Web UI. Switch Web API version to standard form (i.e. "2.0"). Improve Web UI translation code. Retranslate changed files. Add Web API for RSS subsystem.
118 lines
3.4 KiB
118 lines
3.4 KiB
* JS counterpart of the function in src/misc.cpp
function friendlyUnit(value, isSpeed) {
units = [
if (value < 0)
return "QBT_TR(Unknown)QBT_TR[CONTEXT=misc]";
var i = 0;
while (value >= 1024.0 && i < 6) {
value /= 1024.0;
function friendlyUnitPrecision(sizeUnit) {
if (sizeUnit <= 2) return 1; // KiB, MiB
else if (sizeUnit === 3) return 2; // GiB
else return 3; // TiB, PiB, EiB
var ret;
if (i === 0)
ret = value + " " + units[i];
else {
var precision = friendlyUnitPrecision(i);
var offset = Math.pow(10, precision);
// Don't round up
ret = (Math.floor(offset * value) / offset).toFixed(precision) + " " + units[i];
if (isSpeed)
ret += "QBT_TR(/s)QBT_TR[CONTEXT=misc]";
return ret;
* JS counterpart of the function in src/misc.cpp
function friendlyDuration(seconds) {
var MAX_ETA = 8640000;
if (seconds < 0 || seconds >= MAX_ETA)
return "∞";
if (seconds === 0)
return "0";
if (seconds < 60)
return "QBT_TR(< 1m)QBT_TR[CONTEXT=misc]";
var minutes = seconds / 60;
if (minutes < 60)
return "QBT_TR(%1m)QBT_TR[CONTEXT=misc]".replace("%1", parseInt(minutes));
var hours = minutes / 60;
minutes = minutes % 60;
if (hours < 24)
return "QBT_TR(%1h %2m)QBT_TR[CONTEXT=misc]".replace("%1", parseInt(hours)).replace("%2", parseInt(minutes));
var days = hours / 24;
hours = hours % 24;
if (days < 100)
return "QBT_TR(%1d %2h)QBT_TR[CONTEXT=misc]".replace("%1", parseInt(days)).replace("%2", parseInt(hours));
return "∞";
function friendlyPercentage(value) {
var percentage = (value * 100).round(1);
if (isNaN(percentage) || (percentage < 0))
percentage = 0;
if (percentage > 100)
percentage = 100;
return percentage.toFixed(1) + "%";
* From: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/toISOString
if (!Date.prototype.toISOString) {
(function() {
function pad(number) {
if (number < 10) {
return '0' + number;
return number;
Date.prototype.toISOString = function() {
return this.getUTCFullYear() +
'-' + pad(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) +
'-' + pad(this.getUTCDate()) +
'T' + pad(this.getUTCHours()) +
':' + pad(this.getUTCMinutes()) +
':' + pad(this.getUTCSeconds()) +
'.' + (this.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1000).toFixed(3).slice(2, 5) +
* JS counterpart of the function in src/misc.cpp
function parseHtmlLinks(text) {
var exp = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig;
return text.replace(exp,"<a target='_blank' href='$1'>$1</a>");
function escapeHtml(str) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
return div.innerHTML;