Vladimir Golovnev (Glassez) ff9a281b72 Change project directory structure.
Change project directory structure according to application structure.
Change 'nox' configuration option to something more meaningful 'nogui'.
Rename 'Icons' folder to 'icons' (similar to other folders).
Partially add 'nowebui' option support.
Remove QConf project file.
2015-02-05 19:10:26 +03:00

297 lines
8.5 KiB

/*** UAC Plug-in ***
Interactive User (MediumIL) Admin user (HighIL)
***[Setup.exe]************* ***[Setup.exe]**************
* * * *
* +++[.OnInit]+++++++++++ * * +++[.OnInit]++++++++++++ *
* + UAC_RunElevated >---+-+----> * + + *
* + NSIS.Quit + * * + + *
* +++++++++++++++++++++++ * * ++++++++++++++++++++++++ *
* * * *
* * * *
* +++[Section]+++++++++++ * * +++[Section]++++++++++++ *
* + + * /--+-+-<UAC_AsUser_ExecShell+ *
* +++++++++++++++++++++++ * | * ++++++++++++++++++++++++ *
* * | * *
* Win32.ShellExecute <---+--/ * *
* * * *
*************************** ****************************
!ifndef UAC_HDR__INC
!verbose push
!verbose 3
!define UAC_VERBOSE 3
!verbose ${UAC_VERBOSE}
!define UAC_HDR__INC 0x00020400 ;MMmmbbrr
!include LogicLib.nsh
/* UAC_RunElevated
** Starts the elevation operation.
** Return values:
** $0: Win32 error code (0 on success, 1223 if user aborted elevation dialog, anything else should be treated as a fatal error)
** $1: If $0==0:
** 0 UAC is not supported by the OS
** 1 Started a elevated child process, the current process should act like a wrapper (Call Quit without any further processing)
** 2 The process is already running @ HighIL (Member of admin group)
** 3 You should call RunElevated again (This can happen if a user without admin priv. is used in the runas dialog)
** $2: If $0==0 && $1==1: ExitCode of the elevated fork process (The NSIS errlvl is also set)
** $3: If $0==0: 1 if the user is a member of the admin group or 0 otherwise
!macro UAC_RunElevated
UAC::_ 0
!macro UAC_PageElevation_RunElevated
UAC::_ 0
/*!macro UAC_OnInitElevation_RunElevated
UAC::_ 0
!macro UAC_OnInitElevation_OnGuiInit
/* UAC_GetIntegrityLevel <NSISVar:Output | "s">
** Get integrity level of current process
!macro UAC_GetIntegrityLevel outvar
UAC::_ 6
!if "${outvar}" != "s"
Pop ${outvar}
/* UAC_IsAdmin
** Is the current process running with administrator privileges? Result in $0
** ${If} ${UAC_IsAdmin} ...
!macro UAC_IsAdmin
UAC::_ 2
!define UAC_IsAdmin `"" UAC_IsAdmin ""`
!macro _UAC_IsAdmin _a _b _t _f
!insertmacro _UAC_MakeLL_Cmp _!= 0 2s
/* UAC_IsInnerInstance
** Does the current process have a NSIS/UAC parent process that is part of the elevation operation?
** ${If} ${UAC_IsInnerInstance} ...
!macro UAC_IsInnerInstance
UAC::_ 3
!define UAC_IsInnerInstance `"" UAC_IsInnerInstance ""`
!macro _UAC_IsInnerInstance _a _b _t _f
!insertmacro _UAC_MakeLL_Cmp _!= 0 3s
/* UAC_PageElevation_OnInit, UAC_PageElevation_OnGuiInit,
** Helper macros for elevation on a custom elevation page, see the DualMode example for more information.
!macro UAC_Notify_OnGuiInit
UAC::_ 4
!macro UAC_PageElevation_OnGuiInit
!insertmacro UAC_Notify_OnGuiInit
!macro UAC_PageElevation_OnInit
UAC::_ 5
${IfThen} ${Errors} ${|} Quit ${|}
/* UAC_AsUser_Call <Function|Label> <NSISAddressName> <UAC_* flags>
** Calls a function or label in the user process instance.
** All the UAC_AsUser_* macros use this helper macro.
;define UAC_SYNCSTACK 0x2
!define UAC_SYNCOUTDIR 0x4
!macro UAC_AsUser_Call type name flags
push $0
Get${type}Address $0 ${name}
!verbose push
!verbose ${UAC_VERBOSE}
!insertmacro _UAC_ParseDefineFlagsToInt _UAC_AsUser_Call__flags ${flags}
!verbose pop
StrCpy $0 "1$0:${_UAC_AsUser_Call__flags}"
!undef _UAC_AsUser_Call__flags
Exch $0
** UAC_AsUser_GetSection <Flags|InstTypes|Size|Text> <SectionIndex> <NSISVar:Output>
!macro UAC_AsUser_GetSection secprop secidx outvar
!insertmacro _UAC_AsUser_GenOp ${outvar} SectionGet${secprop} ${secidx} ""
** UAC_AsUser_GetGlobalVar <NSISVar:SourceAndOutput>
** UAC_AsUser_GetGlobal <NSISVar:Output> <NSISVar:Source>
!macro UAC_AsUser_GetGlobalVar var
!insertmacro _UAC_AsUser_GenOp ${var} StrCpy "" ${var}
!macro UAC_AsUser_GetGlobal outvar srcvar
!insertmacro _UAC_AsUser_GenOp ${outvar} StrCpy "" ${srcvar}
** UAC_AsUser_ExecShell <Verb> <ApplicationOrFile> <Parameters> <Working Directory> <SW_*>
** Call ExecShell in the user process instance.
!macro UAC_AsUser_ExecShell verb command params workdir show
!insertmacro _UAC_IncL
goto _UAC_L_E_${__UAC_L}
ExecShell "${verb}" "${command}" '${params}' ${show}
!if "${workdir}" != ""
push $outdir
SetOutPath "${workdir}"
!if "${workdir}" != ""
pop $outdir
SetOutPath $outdir
!macro _UAC_MakeLL_Cmp cmpop cmp pluginparams
!insertmacro _LOGICLIB_TEMP
UAC::_ ${pluginparams}
!insertmacro ${cmpop} $_LOGICLIB_TEMP ${cmp} `${_t}` `${_f}`
!macro _UAC_definemath def val1 op val2
!define /math _UAC_definemath "${val1}" ${op} ${val2}
!ifdef ${def}
!undef ${def}
!define ${def} "${_UAC_definemath}"
!undef _UAC_definemath
!macro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin parse outflags
!searchparse /noerrors ${${parse}} "" _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_f1 "|" _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_f2
!define _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_this ${_UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_f1}
!undef ${parse}
!define ${parse} ${_UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_f2}
!define _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_saveout ${${outflags}}
!undef ${outflags}
!define /math ${outflags} "${_UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_saveout}" | "${_UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_this}"
!undef _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_saveout
!undef _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_this
!ifdef _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_f1
!undef _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_f1
!undef _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin_f2
!macro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_Begin _outdef _in
!define _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_parse "${_in}"
!define _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_flags ""
!define _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_r 0
!insertmacro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_parse _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_flags ;0x1
!insertmacro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_parse _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_flags ;0x2
!insertmacro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_parse _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_flags ;0x4
!insertmacro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_parse _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_flags ;0x8
!insertmacro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_orin _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_parse _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_flags ;0x10
!macro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_End _outdef
!define ${_outdef} ${_UAC_PDF${_outdef}_r}
!undef _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_r
!undef _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_flags
!undef _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_parse
!macro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_IncludeFlag _outdef flag
!if ${_UAC_PDF${_outdef}_flags} & ${flag}
!insertmacro _UAC_definemath _UAC_PDF${_outdef}_r ${_UAC_PDF${_outdef}_r} | ${flag}
!macro _UAC_ParseDefineFlagsToInt _outdef _in
!insertmacro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_Begin _UAC_ParseDefineFlagsToInt_tmp "${_in}"
!define ${_outdef} ${_UAC_PDF_UAC_ParseDefineFlagsToInt_tmp_flags}
!insertmacro _UAC_ParseDefineFlags_End _UAC_ParseDefineFlagsToInt_tmp
!undef _UAC_ParseDefineFlagsToInt_tmp
!macro _UAC_IncL
!insertmacro _UAC_definemath __UAC_L "${__UAC_L}" + 1
!macro _UAC_AsUser_GenOp outvar op opparam1 opparam2
!define _UAC_AUGOGR_ID _UAC_AUGOGR_OP${outvar}${op}${opparam1}${opparam2}
!ifndef ${_UAC_AUGOGR_ID} ;Has this exact action been done before?
!if ${outvar} == $0
!define ${_UAC_AUGOGR_ID} $1
!define ${_UAC_AUGOGR_ID} $0
!if "${opparam1}" == ""
!define _UAC_AUGOGR_OPP2 ${opparam2}
!define _UAC_AUGOGR_OPP1 ${opparam1}
goto ${_UAC_AUGOGR_ID}_C
push ${${_UAC_AUGOGR_ID}}
!insertmacro UAC_AsUser_Call Label ${_UAC_AUGOGR_ID}_F ${UAC_SYNCREGISTERS}
StrCpy ${outvar} ${${_UAC_AUGOGR_ID}}
pop ${${_UAC_AUGOGR_ID}}
!verbose pop
!endif /* UAC_HDR__INC */