Vladimir Golovnev (Glassez) 27d8dbf13b
Redesign Web API
Normalize Web API method names.
Allow to use alternative Web UI.
Switch Web API version to standard form (i.e. "2.0").
Improve Web UI translation code.
Retranslate changed files.
Add Web API for RSS subsystem.
2018-01-28 19:16:24 +03:00

473 lines
21 KiB

* Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent.
* Copyright (C) 2018 Vladimir Golovnev <glassez@yandex.ru>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to
* link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with
* modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library),
* and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public
* License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you
* modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
* but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
* exception statement from your version.
#include "synccontroller.h"
#include <QJsonObject>
#include "base/bittorrent/peerinfo.h"
#include "base/bittorrent/session.h"
#include "base/bittorrent/torrenthandle.h"
#include "base/net/geoipmanager.h"
#include "base/preferences.h"
#include "base/utils/fs.h"
#include "base/utils/string.h"
#include "apierror.h"
#include "isessionmanager.h"
#include "serialize/serialize_torrent.h"
// Sync main data keys
const char KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_QUEUEING[] = "queueing";
const char KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_USE_ALT_SPEED_LIMITS[] = "use_alt_speed_limits";
const char KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL[] = "refresh_interval";
// Sync torrent peers keys
const char KEY_SYNC_TORRENT_PEERS_SHOW_FLAGS[] = "show_flags";
// Peer keys
const char KEY_PEER_IP[] = "ip";
const char KEY_PEER_PORT[] = "port";
const char KEY_PEER_COUNTRY_CODE[] = "country_code";
const char KEY_PEER_COUNTRY[] = "country";
const char KEY_PEER_CLIENT[] = "client";
const char KEY_PEER_PROGRESS[] = "progress";
const char KEY_PEER_DOWN_SPEED[] = "dl_speed";
const char KEY_PEER_UP_SPEED[] = "up_speed";
const char KEY_PEER_TOT_DOWN[] = "downloaded";
const char KEY_PEER_TOT_UP[] = "uploaded";
const char KEY_PEER_CONNECTION_TYPE[] = "connection";
const char KEY_PEER_FLAGS[] = "flags";
const char KEY_PEER_FLAGS_DESCRIPTION[] = "flags_desc";
const char KEY_PEER_RELEVANCE[] = "relevance";
const char KEY_PEER_FILES[] = "files";
// TransferInfo keys
const char KEY_TRANSFER_DLSPEED[] = "dl_info_speed";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_DLDATA[] = "dl_info_data";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_DLRATELIMIT[] = "dl_rate_limit";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_UPSPEED[] = "up_info_speed";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_UPDATA[] = "up_info_data";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_UPRATELIMIT[] = "up_rate_limit";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_DHT_NODES[] = "dht_nodes";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_CONNECTION_STATUS[] = "connection_status";
// Statistics keys
const char KEY_TRANSFER_ALLTIME_DL[] = "alltime_dl";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_ALLTIME_UL[] = "alltime_ul";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_TOTAL_WASTE_SESSION[] = "total_wasted_session";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_GLOBAL_RATIO[] = "global_ratio";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_TOTAL_PEER_CONNECTIONS[] = "total_peer_connections";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_READ_CACHE_HITS[] = "read_cache_hits";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_TOTAL_BUFFERS_SIZE[] = "total_buffers_size";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_WRITE_CACHE_OVERLOAD[] = "write_cache_overload";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_READ_CACHE_OVERLOAD[] = "read_cache_overload";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_QUEUED_IO_JOBS[] = "queued_io_jobs";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_AVERAGE_TIME_QUEUE[] = "average_time_queue";
const char KEY_TRANSFER_TOTAL_QUEUED_SIZE[] = "total_queued_size";
const char KEY_FULL_UPDATE[] = "full_update";
const char KEY_RESPONSE_ID[] = "rid";
const char KEY_SUFFIX_REMOVED[] = "_removed";
void processMap(const QVariantMap &prevData, const QVariantMap &data, QVariantMap &syncData);
void processHash(QVariantHash prevData, const QVariantHash &data, QVariantMap &syncData, QVariantList &removedItems);
void processList(QVariantList prevData, const QVariantList &data, QVariantList &syncData, QVariantList &removedItems);
QVariantMap generateSyncData(int acceptedResponseId, const QVariantMap &data, QVariantMap &lastAcceptedData, QVariantMap &lastData);
QVariantMap getTranserInfo()
QVariantMap map;
const BitTorrent::SessionStatus &sessionStatus = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->status();
const BitTorrent::CacheStatus &cacheStatus = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->cacheStatus();
map[KEY_TRANSFER_DLSPEED] = sessionStatus.payloadDownloadRate;
map[KEY_TRANSFER_DLDATA] = sessionStatus.totalPayloadDownload;
map[KEY_TRANSFER_UPSPEED] = sessionStatus.payloadUploadRate;
map[KEY_TRANSFER_UPDATA] = sessionStatus.totalPayloadUpload;
map[KEY_TRANSFER_DLRATELIMIT] = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->downloadSpeedLimit();
map[KEY_TRANSFER_UPRATELIMIT] = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->uploadSpeedLimit();
quint64 atd = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->getAlltimeDL();
quint64 atu = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->getAlltimeUL();
map[KEY_TRANSFER_TOTAL_WASTE_SESSION] = sessionStatus.totalWasted;
map[KEY_TRANSFER_GLOBAL_RATIO] = ((atd > 0) && (atu > 0)) ? Utils::String::fromDouble(static_cast<qreal>(atu) / atd, 2) : "-";
map[KEY_TRANSFER_TOTAL_PEER_CONNECTIONS] = sessionStatus.peersCount;
qreal readRatio = cacheStatus.readRatio;
map[KEY_TRANSFER_READ_CACHE_HITS] = (readRatio >= 0) ? Utils::String::fromDouble(100 * readRatio, 2) : "-";
map[KEY_TRANSFER_TOTAL_BUFFERS_SIZE] = cacheStatus.totalUsedBuffers * 16 * 1024;
// num_peers is not reliable (adds up peers, which didn't even overcome tcp handshake)
quint32 peers = 0;
foreach (BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent, BitTorrent::Session::instance()->torrents())
peers += torrent->peersCount();
map[KEY_TRANSFER_WRITE_CACHE_OVERLOAD] = ((sessionStatus.diskWriteQueue > 0) && (peers > 0)) ? Utils::String::fromDouble((100. * sessionStatus.diskWriteQueue) / peers, 2) : "0";
map[KEY_TRANSFER_READ_CACHE_OVERLOAD] = ((sessionStatus.diskReadQueue > 0) && (peers > 0)) ? Utils::String::fromDouble((100. * sessionStatus.diskReadQueue) / peers, 2) : "0";
map[KEY_TRANSFER_QUEUED_IO_JOBS] = cacheStatus.jobQueueLength;
map[KEY_TRANSFER_AVERAGE_TIME_QUEUE] = cacheStatus.averageJobTime;
map[KEY_TRANSFER_TOTAL_QUEUED_SIZE] = cacheStatus.queuedBytes;
map[KEY_TRANSFER_DHT_NODES] = sessionStatus.dhtNodes;
if (!BitTorrent::Session::instance()->isListening())
map[KEY_TRANSFER_CONNECTION_STATUS] = sessionStatus.hasIncomingConnections ? "connected" : "firewalled";
return map;
// Compare two structures (prevData, data) and calculate difference (syncData).
// Structures encoded as map.
void processMap(const QVariantMap &prevData, const QVariantMap &data, QVariantMap &syncData)
// initialize output variable
QVariantList removedItems;
foreach (QString key, data.keys()) {
switch (static_cast<QMetaType::Type>(data[key].type())) {
case QMetaType::QVariantMap: {
QVariantMap map;
processMap(prevData[key].toMap(), data[key].toMap(), map);
if (!map.isEmpty())
syncData[key] = map;
case QMetaType::QVariantHash: {
QVariantMap map;
processHash(prevData[key].toHash(), data[key].toHash(), map, removedItems);
if (!map.isEmpty())
syncData[key] = map;
if (!removedItems.isEmpty())
syncData[key + KEY_SUFFIX_REMOVED] = removedItems;
case QMetaType::QVariantList: {
QVariantList list;
processList(prevData[key].toList(), data[key].toList(), list, removedItems);
if (!list.isEmpty())
syncData[key] = list;
if (!removedItems.isEmpty())
syncData[key + KEY_SUFFIX_REMOVED] = removedItems;
case QMetaType::QString:
case QMetaType::LongLong:
case QMetaType::Float:
case QMetaType::Int:
case QMetaType::Bool:
case QMetaType::Double:
case QMetaType::ULongLong:
case QMetaType::UInt:
case QMetaType::QDateTime:
if (prevData[key] != data[key])
syncData[key] = data[key];
Q_ASSERT_X(false, "processMap"
, QString("Unexpected type: %1")
// Compare two lists of structures (prevData, data) and calculate difference (syncData, removedItems).
// Structures encoded as map.
// Lists are encoded as hash table (indexed by structure key value) to improve ease of searching for removed items.
void processHash(QVariantHash prevData, const QVariantHash &data, QVariantMap &syncData, QVariantList &removedItems)
// initialize output variables
if (prevData.isEmpty()) {
// If list was empty before, then difference is a whole new list.
foreach (QString key, data.keys())
syncData[key] = data[key];
else {
foreach (QString key, data.keys()) {
switch (data[key].type()) {
case QVariant::Map:
if (!prevData.contains(key)) {
// new list item found - append it to syncData
syncData[key] = data[key];
else {
QVariantMap map;
processMap(prevData[key].toMap(), data[key].toMap(), map);
// existing list item found - remove it from prevData
if (!map.isEmpty())
// changed list item found - append its changes to syncData
syncData[key] = map;
if (!prevData.isEmpty()) {
// prevData contains only items that are missing now -
// put them in removedItems
foreach (QString s, prevData.keys())
removedItems << s;
// Compare two lists of simple value (prevData, data) and calculate difference (syncData, removedItems).
void processList(QVariantList prevData, const QVariantList &data, QVariantList &syncData, QVariantList &removedItems)
// initialize output variables
if (prevData.isEmpty()) {
// If list was empty before, then difference is a whole new list.
syncData = data;
else {
foreach (QVariant item, data) {
if (!prevData.contains(item))
// new list item found - append it to syncData
// unchanged list item found - remove it from prevData
if (!prevData.isEmpty())
// prevData contains only items that are missing now -
// put them in removedItems
removedItems = prevData;
QVariantMap generateSyncData(int acceptedResponseId, const QVariantMap &data, QVariantMap &lastAcceptedData, QVariantMap &lastData)
QVariantMap syncData;
bool fullUpdate = true;
int lastResponseId = 0;
if (acceptedResponseId > 0) {
lastResponseId = lastData[KEY_RESPONSE_ID].toInt();
if (lastResponseId == acceptedResponseId)
lastAcceptedData = lastData;
int lastAcceptedResponseId = lastAcceptedData[KEY_RESPONSE_ID].toInt();
if (lastAcceptedResponseId == acceptedResponseId) {
processMap(lastAcceptedData, data, syncData);
fullUpdate = false;
if (fullUpdate) {
syncData = data;
syncData[KEY_FULL_UPDATE] = true;
lastResponseId = lastResponseId % 1000000 + 1; // cycle between 1 and 1000000
lastData = data;
lastData[KEY_RESPONSE_ID] = lastResponseId;
syncData[KEY_RESPONSE_ID] = lastResponseId;
return syncData;
// The function returns the changed data from the server to synchronize with the web client.
// Return value is map in JSON format.
// Map contain the key:
// - "Rid": ID response
// Map can contain the keys:
// - "full_update": full data update flag
// - "torrents": dictionary contains information about torrents.
// - "torrents_removed": a list of hashes of removed torrents
// - "categories": list of categories
// - "categories_removed": list of removed categories
// - "server_state": map contains information about the state of the server
// The keys of the 'torrents' dictionary are hashes of torrents.
// Each value of the 'torrents' dictionary contains map. The map can contain following keys:
// - "name": Torrent name
// - "size": Torrent size
// - "progress: Torrent progress
// - "dlspeed": Torrent download speed
// - "upspeed": Torrent upload speed
// - "priority": Torrent priority (-1 if queuing is disabled)
// - "num_seeds": Torrent seeds connected to
// - "num_complete": Torrent seeds in the swarm
// - "num_leechs": Torrent leechers connected to
// - "num_incomplete": Torrent leechers in the swarm
// - "ratio": Torrent share ratio
// - "eta": Torrent ETA
// - "state": Torrent state
// - "seq_dl": Torrent sequential download state
// - "f_l_piece_prio": Torrent first last piece priority state
// - "completion_on": Torrent copletion time
// - "tracker": Torrent tracker
// - "dl_limit": Torrent download limit
// - "up_limit": Torrent upload limit
// - "downloaded": Amount of data downloaded
// - "uploaded": Amount of data uploaded
// - "downloaded_session": Amount of data downloaded since program open
// - "uploaded_session": Amount of data uploaded since program open
// - "amount_left": Amount of data left to download
// - "save_path": Torrent save path
// - "completed": Amount of data completed
// - "ratio_limit": Upload share ratio limit
// - "seen_complete": Indicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/whole
// - "last_activity": Last time when a chunk was downloaded/uploaded
// - "total_size": Size including unwanted data
// Server state map may contain the following keys:
// - "connection_status": connection status
// - "dht_nodes": DHT nodes count
// - "dl_info_data": bytes downloaded
// - "dl_info_speed": download speed
// - "dl_rate_limit: download rate limit
// - "up_info_data: bytes uploaded
// - "up_info_speed: upload speed
// - "up_rate_limit: upload speed limit
// - "queueing": priority system usage flag
// - "refresh_interval": torrents table refresh interval
// GET param:
// - rid (int): last response id
void SyncController::maindataAction()
auto lastResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastResponse")).toMap();
auto lastAcceptedResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastAcceptedResponse")).toMap();
QVariantMap data;
QVariantHash torrents;
BitTorrent::Session *const session = BitTorrent::Session::instance();
foreach (BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent, session->torrents()) {
QVariantMap map = serialize(*torrent);
// Calculated last activity time can differ from actual value by up to 10 seconds (this is a libtorrent issue).
// So we don't need unnecessary updates of last activity time in response.
if (lastResponse.contains("torrents") && lastResponse["torrents"].toHash().contains(torrent->hash()) &&
lastResponse["torrents"].toHash()[torrent->hash()].toMap().contains(KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME)) {
uint lastValue = lastResponse["torrents"].toHash()[torrent->hash()].toMap()[KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME].toUInt();
if (qAbs(static_cast<int>(lastValue - map[KEY_TORRENT_LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME].toUInt())) < 15)
torrents[torrent->hash()] = map;
data["torrents"] = torrents;
QVariantList categories;
foreach (const QString &category, session->categories().keys())
categories << category;
data["categories"] = categories;
QVariantMap serverState = getTranserInfo();
serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_QUEUEING] = session->isQueueingSystemEnabled();
serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_USE_ALT_SPEED_LIMITS] = session->isAltGlobalSpeedLimitEnabled();
serverState[KEY_SYNC_MAINDATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL] = session->refreshInterval();
data["server_state"] = serverState;
const int acceptedResponseId {params()["rid"].toInt()};
setResult(QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(generateSyncData(acceptedResponseId, data, lastAcceptedResponse, lastResponse)));
sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastResponse"), lastResponse);
sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncMainDataLastAcceptedResponse"), lastAcceptedResponse);
// GET param:
// - hash (string): torrent hash
// - rid (int): last response id
void SyncController::torrentPeersAction()
auto lastResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastResponse")).toMap();
auto lastAcceptedResponse = sessionManager()->session()->getData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastAcceptedResponse")).toMap();
const QString hash {params()["hash"]};
BitTorrent::TorrentHandle *const torrent = BitTorrent::Session::instance()->findTorrent(hash);
if (!torrent)
throw APIError(APIErrorType::NotFound);
QVariantMap data;
QVariantHash peers;
QList<BitTorrent::PeerInfo> peersList = torrent->peers();
bool resolvePeerCountries = Preferences::instance()->resolvePeerCountries();
bool resolvePeerCountries = false;
data[KEY_SYNC_TORRENT_PEERS_SHOW_FLAGS] = resolvePeerCountries;
foreach (const BitTorrent::PeerInfo &pi, peersList) {
if (pi.address().ip.isNull()) continue;
QVariantMap peer;
if (resolvePeerCountries) {
peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY_CODE] = pi.country().toLower();
peer[KEY_PEER_COUNTRY] = Net::GeoIPManager::CountryName(pi.country());
peer[KEY_PEER_IP] = pi.address().ip.toString();
peer[KEY_PEER_PORT] = pi.address().port;
peer[KEY_PEER_CLIENT] = pi.client();
peer[KEY_PEER_PROGRESS] = pi.progress();
peer[KEY_PEER_DOWN_SPEED] = pi.payloadDownSpeed();
peer[KEY_PEER_UP_SPEED] = pi.payloadUpSpeed();
peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_DOWN] = pi.totalDownload();
peer[KEY_PEER_TOT_UP] = pi.totalUpload();
peer[KEY_PEER_CONNECTION_TYPE] = pi.connectionType();
peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS] = pi.flags();
peer[KEY_PEER_FLAGS_DESCRIPTION] = pi.flagsDescription();
peer[KEY_PEER_RELEVANCE] = pi.relevance();
peer[KEY_PEER_FILES] = torrent->info().filesForPiece(pi.downloadingPieceIndex()).join(QLatin1String("\n"));
peers[pi.address().ip.toString() + ":" + QString::number(pi.address().port)] = peer;
data["peers"] = peers;
const int acceptedResponseId {params()["rid"].toInt()};
setResult(QJsonObject::fromVariantMap(generateSyncData(acceptedResponseId, data, lastAcceptedResponse, lastResponse)));
sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastResponse"), lastResponse);
sessionManager()->session()->setData(QLatin1String("syncTorrentPeersLastAcceptedResponse"), lastAcceptedResponse);