/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #ifndef TORRENTADDITION_H #define TORRENTADDITION_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bittorrent.h" #include "misc.h" #include "proplistdelegate.h" #include "ui_torrentadditiondlg.h" #include "torrentpersistentdata.h" #include "torrentfilesmodel.h" #include "preferences.h" using namespace libtorrent; class torrentAdditionDialog : public QDialog, private Ui_addTorrentDialog{ Q_OBJECT private: Bittorrent *BTSession; QString fileName; QString hash; QString filePath; QString from_url; TorrentFilesModel *PropListModel; PropListDelegate *PropDelegate; unsigned int nbFiles; boost::intrusive_ptr t; QStringList files_path; bool is_magnet; public: torrentAdditionDialog(QWidget *parent, Bittorrent* _BTSession) : QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); BTSession = _BTSession; // Set Properties list model PropListModel = new TorrentFilesModel(); torrentContentList->setModel(PropListModel); torrentContentList->hideColumn(PROGRESS); PropDelegate = new PropListDelegate(); torrentContentList->setItemDelegate(PropDelegate); connect(torrentContentList, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex&)), torrentContentList, SLOT(edit(const QModelIndex&))); connect(torrentContentList, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(displayContentListMenu(const QPoint&))); connect(collapseAllButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), torrentContentList, SLOT(collapseAll())); connect(expandAllButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), torrentContentList, SLOT(expandAll())); // Remember columns width readSettings(); //torrentContentList->header()->setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Stretch); savePathTxt->setText(Preferences::getSavePath()); if(Preferences::addTorrentsInPause()) { addInPause->setChecked(true); addInPause->setEnabled(false); } #ifndef LIBTORRENT_0_15 addInSeed->setVisible(false); #endif } ~torrentAdditionDialog() { saveSettings(); delete PropDelegate; delete PropListModel; } void readSettings() { QSettings settings(QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent"), QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent")); // Restore size and position resize(settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("TorrentAdditionDlg/size"), size()).toSize()); move(settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("TorrentAdditionDlg/pos"), screenCenter()).toPoint()); // Restore column width QVariantList contentColsWidths = settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("TorrentAdditionDlg/filesColsWidth"), QVariantList()).toList(); if(contentColsWidths.empty()) { torrentContentList->header()->resizeSection(0, 200); } else { for(int i=0; isetColumnWidth(i, contentColsWidths.at(i).toInt()); } } } // Screen center point QPoint screenCenter() const{ int scrn = 0; QWidget *w = this->topLevelWidget(); if(w) scrn = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(w); else if(QApplication::desktop()->isVirtualDesktop()) scrn = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(QCursor::pos()); else scrn = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(this); QRect desk(QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(scrn)); return QPoint((desk.width() - this->frameGeometry().width()) / 2, (desk.height() - this->frameGeometry().height()) / 2); } void saveSettings() { if(is_magnet) return; QSettings settings(QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent"), QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent")); QVariantList contentColsWidths; // -1 because we hid PROGRESS column for(int i=0; icolumnCount()-1; ++i) { contentColsWidths.append(torrentContentList->columnWidth(i)); } settings.setValue(QString::fromUtf8("TorrentAdditionDlg/filesColsWidth"), contentColsWidths); settings.setValue("TorrentAdditionDlg/size", size()); settings.setValue("TorrentAdditionDlg/pos", pos()); } void showLoadMagnetURI(QString magnet_uri) { show(); is_magnet = true; this->from_url = magnet_uri; int hidden_height = 0; // Disable useless widgets hidden_height += torrentContentList->height(); torrentContentList->setVisible(false); hidden_height += torrentContentLbl->height(); torrentContentLbl->setVisible(false); hidden_height += collapseAllButton->height(); collapseAllButton->setVisible(false); expandAllButton->setVisible(false); // Get torrent hash hash = misc::magnetUriToHash(magnet_uri); if(hash.isEmpty()) { BTSession->addConsoleMessage(tr("Unable to decode magnet link:")+QString::fromUtf8(" '")+from_url+QString::fromUtf8("'"), QString::fromUtf8("red")); return; } fileName = misc::magnetUriToName(magnet_uri); if(fileName.isEmpty()) fileName = tr("Magnet Link"); fileNameLbl->setText(QString::fromUtf8("
")); // Update display updateDiskSpaceLabels(); // Load custom labels QSettings settings(QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent"), QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent")); settings.beginGroup(QString::fromUtf8("TransferListFilters")); QStringList customLabels = settings.value("customLabels", QStringList()).toStringList(); comboLabel->addItem(""); foreach(const QString& label, customLabels) { comboLabel->addItem(label); } // Show dialog //show(); setMinimumSize(0, 0); resize(width(), height()-hidden_height); } void showLoad(QString filePath, QString from_url=QString::null){ is_magnet = false; if(!QFile::exists(filePath)) { close(); return; } this->filePath = filePath; this->from_url = from_url; // Getting torrent file informations try { t = new torrent_info(filePath.toLocal8Bit().data()); if(!t->is_valid()) throw std::exception(); } catch(std::exception&) { qDebug("Caught error loading torrent"); if(!from_url.isNull()){ BTSession->addConsoleMessage(tr("Unable to decode torrent file:")+QString::fromUtf8(" '")+from_url+QString::fromUtf8("'"), QString::fromUtf8("red")); QFile::remove(filePath); }else{ BTSession->addConsoleMessage(tr("Unable to decode torrent file:")+QString::fromUtf8(" '")+filePath+QString::fromUtf8("'"), QString::fromUtf8("red")); } close(); return; } nbFiles = t->num_files(); // Setting file name fileName = misc::toQString(t->name()); hash = misc::toQString(t->info_hash()); // Use left() to remove .old extension QString newFileName; if(fileName.endsWith(QString::fromUtf8(".old"))){ newFileName = fileName.left(fileName.size()-4); }else{ newFileName = fileName; } fileNameLbl->setText(QString::fromUtf8("
")); // List files in torrent PropListModel->setupModelData(*t); // Expand first item if possible torrentContentList->expand(PropListModel->index(0, 0)); connect(PropDelegate, SIGNAL(filteredFilesChanged()), this, SLOT(updateDiskSpaceLabels())); //torrentContentList->expandAll(); connect(savePathTxt, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateDiskSpaceLabels())); updateDiskSpaceLabels(); // Load custom labels QSettings settings(QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent"), QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent")); settings.beginGroup(QString::fromUtf8("TransferListFilters")); QStringList customLabels = settings.value("customLabels", QStringList()).toStringList(); comboLabel->addItem(""); foreach(const QString& label, customLabels) { comboLabel->addItem(label); } // Loads files path in the torrent for(uint i=0; ifile_at(i).path.string()); } // Show the dialog show(); } public slots: void displayContentListMenu(const QPoint&) { QMenu myFilesLlistMenu; QModelIndexList selectedRows = torrentContentList->selectionModel()->selectedRows(0); QAction *actRename = 0; if(selectedRows.size() == 1) { actRename = myFilesLlistMenu.addAction(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/Icons/oxygen/edit_clear.png")), tr("Rename...")); //myFilesLlistMenu.addSeparator(); } else { return; } // Call menu QAction *act = myFilesLlistMenu.exec(QCursor::pos()); if(act) { if(act == actRename) { renameSelectedFile(); } } } void renameSelectedFile() { QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = torrentContentList->selectionModel()->selectedRows(0); Q_ASSERT(selectedIndexes.size() == 1); QModelIndex index = selectedIndexes.first(); // Ask for new name bool ok; QString new_name_last = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Rename the file"), tr("New name:"), QLineEdit::Normal, index.data().toString(), &ok); if (ok && !new_name_last.isEmpty()) { if(PropListModel->getType(index)==TFILE) { // File renaming uint file_index = PropListModel->getFileIndex(index); QString old_name = files_path.at(file_index); QStringList path_items = old_name.split(QDir::separator()); path_items.removeLast(); path_items << new_name_last; QString new_name = path_items.join(QDir::separator()); if(old_name == new_name) { qDebug("Name did not change"); return; } // Check if that name is already used for(uint i=0; isetData(index, new_name_last); } else { // Folder renaming QStringList path_items; path_items << index.data().toString(); QModelIndex parent = PropListModel->parent(index); while(parent.isValid()) { path_items.prepend(parent.data().toString()); parent = PropListModel->parent(parent); } QString old_path = path_items.join(QDir::separator()); path_items.removeLast(); path_items << new_name_last; QString new_path = path_items.join(QDir::separator()); // Check for overwriting for(uint i=0; isetData(index, new_name_last); } } } void updateDiskSpaceLabels() { long long available = misc::freeDiskSpaceOnPath(misc::expandPath(savePathTxt->text())); lbl_disk_space->setText(misc::friendlyUnit(available)); if(!is_magnet) { // Determine torrent size qulonglong torrent_size = 0; unsigned int nbFiles = t->num_files(); std::vector priorities = PropListModel->getFilesPriorities(nbFiles); for(unsigned int i=0; i 0) torrent_size += t->file_at(i).size; } lbl_torrent_size->setText(misc::friendlyUnit(torrent_size)); // Check if free space is sufficient if(available > 0) { if((unsigned long long)available > torrent_size) { // Space is sufficient label_space_msg->setText(tr("(%1 left after torrent download)", "e.g. (100MiB left after torrent download)").arg(misc::friendlyUnit(available-torrent_size))); } else { // Space is unsufficient label_space_msg->setText(""+tr("(%1 more are required to download)", "e.g. (100MiB more are required to download)").arg(misc::friendlyUnit(torrent_size-available))+""); } } else { // Available disk space is unknown label_space_msg->setText(""); } } } void on_browseButton_clicked(){ QString dir; QString save_path = misc::expandPath(savePathTxt->text()); QDir saveDir(save_path); if(!save_path.isEmpty() && saveDir.exists()){ dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose save path"), saveDir.absolutePath()); }else{ dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose save path"), QDir::homePath()); } if(!dir.isNull()){ savePathTxt->setText(dir); } } void on_CancelButton_clicked(){ close(); } bool allFiltered() const { return PropListModel->allFiltered(); } void savePiecesPriorities(){ qDebug("Saving pieces priorities"); std::vector priorities = PropListModel->getFilesPriorities(t->num_files()); TorrentTempData::setFilesPriority(hash, priorities); } void on_OkButton_clicked(){ if(savePathTxt->text().trimmed().isEmpty()){ QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Empty save path"), tr("Please enter a save path")); return; } QDir savePath(misc::expandPath(savePathTxt->text())); // Check if savePath exists if(!savePath.exists()){ if(!savePath.mkpath(savePath.path())){ QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Save path creation error"), tr("Could not create the save path")); return; } } // Save savepath TorrentTempData::setSavePath(hash, savePath.path()); qDebug("Torrent label is: %s", comboLabel->currentText().trimmed().toLocal8Bit().data()); TorrentTempData::setLabel(hash, comboLabel->currentText().trimmed()); // Is download sequential? TorrentTempData::setSequential(hash, checkIncrementalDL->isChecked()); // Save files path // Loads files path in the torrent if(!is_magnet) { bool path_changed = false; for(uint i=0; ifile_at(i).path.string()), Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) { #else if(files_path.at(i).compare(misc::toQString(t->file_at(i).path.string()), Qt::CaseSensitive) != 0) { #endif path_changed = true; break; } } if(path_changed) { TorrentTempData::setFilesPath(hash, files_path); } } #ifdef LIBTORRENT_0_15 // Skip file checking and directly start seeding if(addInSeed->isChecked()) { // Check if local file(s) actually exist if(is_magnet || savePath.exists(misc::toQString(t->name()))) { TorrentTempData::setSeedingMode(hash, true); } else { QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Seeding mode error"), tr("You chose to skip file checking. However, local files do not seem to exist in the current destionation folder. Please disable this feature or update the save path.")); return; } } #endif // Check if there is at least one selected file if(!is_magnet && allFiltered()){ QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Invalid file selection"), tr("You must select at least one file in the torrent")); return; } // save filtered files if(!is_magnet) savePiecesPriorities(); // Add to download list QTorrentHandle h; if(is_magnet) h = BTSession->addMagnetUri(from_url, false); else h = BTSession->addTorrent(filePath, false, from_url); if(addInPause->isChecked() && h.is_valid()) h.pause(); close(); } }; #endif