AboutDlgAbout qBittorrentAboutAuthorName:Country:E-mail:GreeceCurrent maintainerOriginal authorLibrariesThis version of qBittorrent was built against the following libraries:FranceTranslationThanks toAddNewTorrentDialogSave asSet as default save pathNever show againTorrent settingsStart torrentLabel:Skip hash checkTorrent InformationSize:Comment:Date:NormalHighMaximumDo not downloadI/O ErrorThe torrent file does not exist.Invalid torrentFailed to load the torrent: %1Already in download listThis comment is unavailableThis date is unavailableNot availableInvalid magnet linkThis magnet link was not recognisedMagnet linkRetrieving metadata...This size is unavailable.Choose save pathRename the fileNew name:The file could not be renamedThis file name contains forbidden characters, please choose a different one.This name is already in use in this folder. Please use a different name.The folder could not be renamedRename...PriorityParsing metadata...Metadata retrieval completeAdvancedSettingsDisk write cache size MiBOutgoing ports (Min) [0: Disabled]Outgoing ports (Max) [0: Disabled]Recheck torrents on completionTransfer list refresh interval milliseconds msSettingValue set for this settingValue (auto) seconds sDisk cache expiry interval minutesResolve peer countries (GeoIP)Resolve peer host namesMaximum number of half-open connections [0: Disabled]Strict super seedingNetwork Interface (requires restart)Exchange trackers with other peersAlways announce to all trackersi.e. Any network interfaceAny interfaceHow often the fastresume file is saved.IP Address to report to trackers (requires restart)Display program on-screen notificationsEnable embedded trackerEmbedded tracker portCheck for software updatesUse system icon themeConfirm torrent deletionIgnore transfer limits on local networkApplicationqBittorrent v3.2.0alpha startedInformationAutomatedRssDownloaderAutomated RSS DownloaderEnable the automated RSS downloaderDownload rulesRule definitionMust contain:Must not contain:Use regular expressionsImport...Export...Assign label:Save to a different directorySave to:... X daysApply rule to feeds:Matching RSS articlesexample X will matchUnknownNew rule namePlease type the name of the new download rule.Rule name conflictA rule with this name already exists, please choose another name.Are you sure you want to remove the download rule named %1?Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules?Rule deletion confirmationDestination directoryInvalid actionThe list is empty, there is nothing to export.Where would you like to save the list?Rules list (*.rssrules)I/O ErrorFailed to create the destination filePlease point to the RSS download rules fileImport ErrorFailed to import the selected rules fileAdd new rule...Delete ruleRename rule...Delete selected rulesRule renamingPlease type the new rule nameRegex mode: use Perl-like regular expressionsWildcard mode: you can use<ul><li>? to match any single character</li><li>* to match zero or more of any characters</li><li>White-spaces count as AND operators</li></ul>Wildcard mode: you can use<ul><li>? to match any single character</li><li>* to match zero or more of any characters</li><li>| is used as OR operator</li></ul>BitTorrent::Session'xxx.avi' was removed...'xxx.avi' was removed...e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait...e.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881e.g: qBittorrent failed to listen on any interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: no such interfacee.g: qBittorrent is trying to listen on interface port: TCP/6881qBittorrent didn't find an IPv4 local address to listen onRecursive download of test.torrent embedded in torrent test2e.g: Unable to resume torrent 'hash'.%1 is a numberSuccessfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied.'torrent name' was resumed. (fast resume)'torrent name' was added to download list.this peer was blocked due to ip filter.this peer was blocked due to port filter.this peer was blocked due to i2p mixed mode restrictions.this peer was blocked because it has a low port.this peer was blocked because μTP is disabled.this peer was blocked because TCP is disabled.e.g: qBittorrent is successfully listening on interface port: TCP/6881e.g: qBittorrent failed listening on interface port: TCP/6881. Reason: already in usee.g. External IP: managementAs in Key/Value pairKeyAs in Key/Value pairValueDeletionConfirmationDlgAre you sure you want to delete "ubuntu-linux-iso" from the transfer list?Are you sure you want to delete these 5 torrents from the transfer list?ExecutionLogGeneralBlocked IPsx.y.z.w was blockedx.y.z.w was blockedx.y.z.w was bannedFeedListWidgetRSS feedsUnreadFilterParserThreadGeoIPDatabaseHttpServerFileEditHelpDownload Torrents from their URL or Magnet linkOnly one link per lineDownload local torrentDownloadMaximum number of connections limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Maximum number of connections per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Maximum number of upload slots per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled.Unable to save program preferences, qBittorrent is probably unreachable.LanguageLoginDownloadingSeedingPausedIs the file downloaded or not?DownloadedThe Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long.The Web UI password must be at least 3 characters long.SaveqBittorrent client is not reachableHTTP ServerThe following parameters are supported:Torrent pathTorrent nameqBittorrent has been shutdown.LabelFiltersListthis is for the label filterthis is for the label filterlabel_name (10)New LabelLabel:Invalid label namePlease don't use any special characters in the label name.LineEditClear the textLogListWidgetCopyClearMainWindow&Edit&Tools&File&Help&View&Options...&ResumeR&esume All&AboutExit&Pause&DeleteP&ause AllOptionsResumePauseDelete&DocumentationShowLock qBittorrentIf you like qBittorrent, please donate!Execution LogClear the passwordTransfersTorrent file associationqBittorrent is not the default application to open torrent files or Magnet links.
Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links?UI lock passwordPlease type the UI lock password:The password should contain at least 3 charactersPassword updateThe UI lock password has been successfully updatedAre you sure you want to clear the password?RSSSearchTransfers (%1)Download completione.g: xxx.avi has finished downloading.%1 has finished downloading.i.e: Input/Output ErrorI/O Errore.g: An error occurred for torrent xxx.avi.
Reason: disk is full.An I/O error occurred for torrent %1.
Reason: %2Recursive download confirmationThe torrent %1 contains torrent files, do you want to proceed with their download?YesNoNeverGlobal Upload Speed LimitGlobal Download Speed Limit&No&YesDownload errorInvalid passwordThe password is invalide.g: Download speed: 10 KiB/se.g: Upload speed: 10 KiB/sD = Download; U = Upload; %3 is qBittorrent versionHideExiting qBittorrentSome files are currently transferring.
Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent?Open Torrent FilesTorrent FilesOptions were saved successfully.Net::DNSUpdaterNet::DownloadHandlerI/O ErrorNet::GeoIPManagerNet::PortForwarderNet::SmtpPeerListDelegate/second (i.e. per second)/sPeerListWidgetIPPortFlagsConnectioni.e.: Client applicationClienti.e: % downloadedProgressi.e: Download speedDown Speedi.e: Upload speedUp Speedi.e: total data downloadedDownloadedi.e: total data uploadedUploadedi.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't.Add a new peer...Ban peer permanentlyPeer additionAre you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers?&Yes&NoManually banning peer %1...PeersAdditionDlgPreferencesDownloadsConnectionSpeedWeb UIAdvanced(Requires restart)In transfer list, one every two rows will have grey background.Use alternating row coloursStart / Stop TorrentNo actionAppend .!qB extension to incomplete filesCopy .torrent files to:The following parameters are supported:
<li>%f: Torrent path</li>
<li>%n: Torrent name</li>
</ul>Connections LimitsProxy ServerGlobal Rate LimitsApply rate limit to uTP connectionsApply rate limit to transport overheadAlternative Global Rate LimitsSchedule the use of alternative rate limitsEnable Local Peer Discovery to find more peersEncryption mode:Prefer encryptionRequire encryptionDisable encryption (<a href="http://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/Anonymous-Mode">More information</a>)Maximum active downloads:Maximum active uploads:Maximum active torrents:When adding a torrentBehaviourLanguageDisplay torrent content and some optionsPort used for incoming connections:RandomGlobal maximum number of connections:Maximum number of connections per torrent:Maximum number of upload slots per torrent:Upload:Download:KiB/sRemove foldertime1 to time2toEvery dayWeekdaysWeekendsExchange peers with compatible Bittorrent clients (µTorrent, Vuze, ...)Host:SOCKS4Type:OptionsAction on double-clickDownloading torrents:Open destination folderCompleted torrents:DesktopShow splash screen on start upStart qBittorrent minimisedMinimise qBittorrent to notification areai.e: The systray tray icon will still be visible when closing the main window.Close qBittorrent to notification areaTray icon style:NormalMonochrome (Dark theme)Monochrome (Light theme)User Interface Language:Transfer ListStart qBittorrent on Windows start upShow qBittorrent in notification areaFile associationUse qBittorrent for .torrent filesUse qBittorrent for magnet linksPower ManagementInhibit system sleep when torrents are activeThe torrent will be added to download list in pause stateDo not start the download automaticallyBring torrent dialogue to the frontHard DiskSave files to location:Append the label of the torrent to the save pathPre-allocate disk space for all filesKeep incomplete torrents in:Automatically add torrents from:Add folder...Copy .torrent files for finished downloads to:E-mail notification upon download completionDestination e-mail:SMTP server:This server requires a secure connection (SSL)Run an external program on torrent completionListening PortUse UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my routerUse different port on each start-upGlobal maximum number of upload slots:Otherwise, the proxy server is only used for tracker connectionsUse proxy for peer connectionsIP FilteringReload the filterEnable bandwidth management (uTP)from (time1 to time2)fromWhen:PrivacyEnable DHT (decentralised network) to find more peersEnable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peersLook for peers on your local networkEnable anonymous modeDo not count slow torrents in these limitsSeed torrents until their ratio reachesthenPause themRemove themUse UPnP / NAT-PMP to forward the port from my routerUse HTTPS instead of HTTPImport SSL CertificateImport SSL KeyCertificate:Key:<a href=http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/ssl/ssl_faq.html#aboutcerts>Information about certificates</a>Bypass authentication for localhostUpdate my dynamic domain nameService:RegisterDomain name:(None)BitTorrentHTTPPort:AuthenticationUsername:Password:Torrent QueueingShare Ratio LimitingEnable Web User Interface (Remote control)SOCKS5Filter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b):PreviewSelectNameSizeProgressPreview impossibleSorry, we can't preview this filePropListDelegateNot downloadedNormal (priority)NormalHigh (priority)HighMixed (prioritiesMixedMaximum (priority)MaximumPropTabBarGeneralTrackersPeersHTTP SourcesContentSpeedPropertiesWidgetDownloaded:Availability:Progress:TransferTime (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)Uploaded:Wasted:Connections:InformationComment:Torrent content:Select AllSelect NoneNormalHighMaximumDo not downloadthis session/second (i.e. per second)/se.g. Seeded for 3m10sSeeded for %1e.g. 10 max%1 maxe.g. (10 total)e.g. (100KiB/s avg.)Never(torrent pieces) eg 152 x 4MB (have 25)I/O ErrorThis file does not exist yet.This folder does not exist yet.Rename...PriorityNew Web seedRemove Web seedCopy Web seed URLEdit Web seed URLRename the fileNew name:The file could not be renamedThis file name contains forbidden characters, please choose a different one.This name is already in use in this folder. Please use a different name.The folder could not be renamedqBittorrentNew HTTP sourceWeb seed editingWeb seed URL:QObject--random-parameter is an unknown command line parameter.HelpCancelThe torrent was downloaded in 1 hour and 20 secondsRSSSearchNew subscriptionMark items readUpdate allRSS Downloader...Settings...<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Torrents:</span> <span style=" font-style:italic;">(double-click to download)</span></p></body></html>DeleteRename...RenameUpdateNew subscription...Update all feedsDownload torrentOpen news URLCopy feed URLNew folder...Manage cookies...Refresh RSS streamsRSSImpStream URL:Are you sure? -- qBittorrent&Yes&NoPlease choose a folder nameFolder name:New folderAre you sure you want to delete these elements from the list?Are you sure you want to delete this element from the list?Please choose a new name for this RSS feedNew feed name:Name already in useThis name is already used by another item, please choose another one.Date: Author: UnreadRssFeedAutomatically downloading %1 torrent from %2 RSS feed...RssParserFailed to open downloaded RSS file.Invalid RSS feed at %1.RssSettingsDlgRSS Reader SettingsRSS feeds refresh interval:minutesMaximum number of articles per feed:ScanFoldersModelWatched FolderDownload hereSearchCategoriesAll categoriesMoviesTV showsMusicGamesAnimeSoftwarePicturesBooksSearchEngineSearchEmpty search patternPlease type a search pattern firstResultsSearching...StopSearch EngineSearch has finishedAn error occurred during search...Search abortedSearch returned no resultsi.e: Search resultsResultsSearchListDelegateUnknownSearchTabi.e: file nameNamei.e: file sizeSizei.e: Number of full sourcesSeedersi.e: Number of partial sourcesLeechersSearch engineShutdownConfirmDlgShutdown confirmationSpeedLimitDialogKiB/sSpeedPlotViewSpeedWidgetStatsDialogStatusBarConnection status:No direct connections. This may indicate network configuration problems.DHT: %1 nodesqBittorrent needs to be restartedqBittorrent was just updated and needs to be restarted for the changes to be effective.Connection Status:Offline. This usually means that qBittorrent failed to listen on the selected port for incoming connections.OnlineClick to switch to alternative speed limitsClick to switch to regular speed limitsManual change of rate limits mode. The scheduler is disabled.Global Download Speed LimitGlobal Upload Speed LimitStatusFiltersWidgetthis is for the status filterTorrentContentModelNameSizeProgressPriorityTorrentCreatorDlgSelect a folder to add to the torrentSelect a file to add to the torrentNo input path setPlease type an input path firstSelect destination torrent fileTorrent FilesTorrent creationTorrent creation was unsuccessful, reason: %1Created torrent file is invalid. It won't be added to download list.Torrent was created successfully:TorrentImportDlgTorrent ImportThis assistant will help you share with qBittorrent a torrent that you have already downloaded.Torrent file to import:...Content location:Skip the data checking stage and start seeding immediatelyImportTorrent file to import%1 is a file extension (e.g. PDF)%1 Files%1 is a file namePlease provide the location of %1Please point to the location of the torrent: %1Invalid torrent fileThis is not a valid torrent file.TorrentModeli.e: torrent nameNamei.e: torrent sizeSize% DoneDoneTorrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused)Statusi.e. full sources (often untranslated)Seedsi.e. partial sources (often untranslated)Peersi.e: Download speedDown Speedi.e: Upload speedUp SpeedShare ratioRatioi.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time leftETALabelTorrent was added to transfer list on 01/01/2010 08:00Added OnTorrent was completed on 01/01/2010 08:00Completed OnTrackeri.e: Download limitDown Limiti.e: Upload limitUp LimitAmount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB)DownloadedAmount of data uploaded (e.g. in MB)UploadedAmount of data downloaded since program open (e.g. in MB)Amount of data uploaded since program open (e.g. in MB)Amount of data left to download (e.g. in MB)Time (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)Time ActiveTorrent save pathSave pathAmount of data completed (e.g. in MB)Upload share ratio limitIndicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/wholeTime passed since a chunk was downloaded/uploadedi.e. Size including unwanted dataTrackerFiltersListthis is for the label filteropenbittorrent.com (10)this is for the tracker filterTrackerListURLStatusPeersMessageWorkingDisabledThis torrent is privateUpdating...Not workingNot contacted yetTracker URL:Tracker editingTracker editing failedThe tracker URL entered is invalid.The tracker URL already exists.Add a new tracker...Edit selected tracker URLForce reannounce to all trackersRemove trackerTrackersAdditionDlgTrackers addition dialogueList of trackers to add (one per line):µTorrent compatible list URL:I/O ErrorError while trying to open the downloaded file.No changeNo additional trackers were found.Download errorThe trackers list could not be downloaded, reason: %1TransferListDelegateDownloadingused when loading a magnet linkDownloading metadataqBittorrent is allocating the files on diskAllocatingPausedi.e. torrent is queuedQueuedTorrent is complete and in upload-only modeSeedingTorrent is waiting for download to beginStalledused when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn't translate the F.used when the torrent is forced started. You probably shouldn't translate the F.Torrent local data is being checkedCheckingi.e. torrent is queued for hash checkingused when loading the torrents from disk after qbt is launched. It checks the correctness of the .fastresume file. Normally it is completed in a fraction of a second, unless loading many many torrents./second (.i.e per second)/sKiB/second (.i.e per second)KiB/se.g. Seeded for 3m10sSeeded for %1e.g.: 1h 20m agoTransferListFiltersWidgetStatusLabelsTrackersTransferListWidgetColumn visibilityLabelChoose save pathTorrent Download Speed LimitingTorrent Upload Speed LimitingRecheck confirmationAre you sure you want to recheck the selected torrent(s)?New LabelLabel:Invalid label namePlease don't use any special characters in the label name.RenameNew name:Resume/start the torrentResumeForce Resume/start the torrentPause the torrentPauseDelete the torrentDeletePreview file...Limit share ratio...Limit upload rate...Limit download rate...Open destination folderi.e. move up in the queueMove upi.e. Move down in the queueMove downi.e. Move to top of the queueMove to topi.e. Move to bottom of the queueMove to bottomSet location...PriorityForce recheckCopy magnet linkSuper seeding modeRename...Download in sequential orderDownload first and last piece firstNew label...New...Reset labelResetUpDownRatioDlgTorrent Upload/Download Ratio LimitingUse global ratio limitbuttonGroupSet no ratio limitSet ratio limit toWebUIaboutHome Page: Bug Tracker: Forum: IRC: #qbittorrent on FreenodeaddPeersDialogauthenticationTracker authenticationTracker:LoginUsername:Password:Log inCancelconfirmDeletionDlgDeletion confirmation - qBittorrentRemember choiceAlso delete the files on the hard diskcreateTorrentDialogCancelTorrent Creation ToolTorrent file creationAdd fileAdd folderFile or folder to add to the torrent:Tracker URLs:Web seeds URLs:Comment:A tracker tier is a group of trackers, consisting of a main tracker and its mirrors.You can separate tracker tiers / groups with an empty line.Piece size:512 KiB {16 ?}32 KiB64 KiB128 KiB256 KiB512 KiB1 MiB2 MiB4 MiB4 MiB {8 ?}4 MiB {16 ?}AutoPrivate (won't be distributed on DHT network if enabled)Start seeding after creationIgnore share ratio limits for this torrentCreate and save...Progress:downloadFromURLAdd torrent linksOne per line (HTTP links, Magnet links and info-hashes are supported)DownloadCancelDownload from URLsNo URL enteredPlease type at least one URL.engineSelectSearch plug-insInstalled search engines:NameURLEnabledYou can get new search engine plug-ins here: <a href="http://plugins.qbittorrent.org">http://plugins.qbittorrent.org</a>Install a new oneCheck for updatesCloseUninstallengineSelectDlgUninstall warningUninstall successThe link doesn't seem to point to a search engine plug-in.Select search plug-insSearch plug-in installYesNo%1 is the name of the search engineA more recent version of %1 search engine plugin is already installed.Search plug-in updateSorry, update server is temporarily unavailable.All your plug-ins are already up to date.%1 is the name of the search engine%1 search engine plug-in could not be updated, keeping old version.%1 is the name of the search engine%1 search engine plug-in could not be installed.All selected plug-ins were uninstalled successfully%1 is the name of the search engine%1 search engine plug-in was successfully updated.%1 is the name of the search engine%1 search engine plug-in was successfully installed.Invalid link%1 is the name of the search engineNew search engine plug-in URLURL:errorDialogCrash infofsutilsDownloadsmiscbytesBkibibytes (1024 bytes)KiBmebibytes (1024 kibibytes)MiBgibibytes (1024 mibibytes)GiBtebibytes (1024 gibibytes)TiBper second/se.g: 3hours 5minutes%1h %2me.g: 2days 10hours%1d %2hUnknown (size)UnknownqBittorrent will shutdown the computer now because all downloads are complete.< 1 minute< 1me.g: 10minutes%1mWorkingUpdating...Not workingNot contacted yetoptions_impChoose export directoryChoose a save directoryAdd directory to scanFolder is already being watched.Folder does not exist.Folder is not readable.FailureFailed to add Scan Folder '%1': %2FiltersParsing errorFailed to parse the provided IP filterSuccessfully refreshed%1 is a numberSuccessfully parsed the provided IP filter: %1 rules were applied.Invalid keyThis is not a valid SSL key.Invalid certificateThis is not a valid SSL certificate.The start time and the end time can't be the same.Time ErrorpluginSourceDlgPlug-in sourceSearch plug-in source:Local fileWeb linkpreviewPreview selectionThe following files support previewing, please select one of them:PreviewCancelsearch_engineSearchStatus:StoppedDownloadGo to description pageSearch engines...