# Vars LANG_PATH = lang ICONS_PATH = Icons # Set the following variable to 1 to enable debug DEBUG_MODE = 0 # Global TEMPLATE = app TARGET = qbittorrent CONFIG += qt \ thread # Update this VERSION for each release DEFINES += VERSION=\\\"v2.0.0\\\" DEFINES += VERSION_MAJOR=2 DEFINES += VERSION_MINOR=0 DEFINES += VERSION_BUGFIX=0 # !mac:QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--as-needed contains(DEBUG_MODE, 1) { CONFIG += debug CONFIG -= release message(Debug build!) } contains(DEBUG_MODE, 0) { CONFIG -= debug CONFIG += release DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT message(Release build!) } # Install !win32 { # Binary exists(../conf.pri) { include(../conf.pri) # Target target.path = $$BINDIR INSTALLS += target } # Man page man.files = ../doc/qbittorrent.1 man.path = $$PREFIX/share/man/man1/ INSTALLS += man # Menu Icon menuicon.files = Icons/qBittorrent.desktop menuicon.path = $$PREFIX/share/applications/ INSTALLS += menuicon icon16.files = menuicons/16x16/apps/qbittorrent.png icon16.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/ icon22.files = menuicons/22x22/apps/qbittorrent.png icon22.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/ icon24.files = menuicons/24x24/apps/qbittorrent.png icon24.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/ icon32.files = menuicons/32x32/apps/qbittorrent.png icon32.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ icon36.files = menuicons/36x36/apps/qbittorrent.png icon36.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/36x36/apps/ icon48.files = menuicons/48x48/apps/qbittorrent.png icon48.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ icon64.files = menuicons/64x64/apps/qbittorrent.png icon64.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/ icon72.files = menuicons/72x72/apps/qbittorrent.png icon72.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/72x72/apps/ icon96.files = menuicons/96x96/apps/qbittorrent.png icon96.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/96x96/apps/ icon128.files = menuicons/128x128/apps/qbittorrent.png icon128.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/ icon192.files = menuicons/192x192/apps/qbittorrent.png icon192.path = $$PREFIX/share/icons/hicolor/192x192/apps/ INSTALLS += icon16 \ icon22 \ icon24 \ icon32 \ icon36 \ icon48 \ icon64 \ icon72 \ icon96 \ icon128 \ icon192 } # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += -fwrapv # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_DEBUG += -fwrapv unix:QMAKE_LFLAGS_SHAPP += -rdynamic CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG += "libtorrent-rasterbar" QT += network \ xml DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII # Windows # usually built as static # win32:LIBS += -ltorrent -lboost_system # win32:LIBS += -lz ? win32:LIBS += -lssl32 \ -lws2_32 \ -lwsock32 \ -ladvapi32 \ -lwinmm win32 { DEFINES += WITH_GEOIP_EMBEDDED message("On Windows, GeoIP database must be embedded.") } macx { DEFINES += WITH_GEOIP_EMBEDDED message("On Mac OS X, GeoIP database must be embedded.") } unix:!macx { contains(DEFINES, WITH_GEOIP_EMBEDDED) { message("You chose to embed GeoIP database in qBittorrent executable.") } } RESOURCES = icons.qrc \ lang.qrc \ search.qrc \ webui.qrc # Add GeoIP resource file if the GeoIP database # should be embedded in qBittorrent executable contains(DEFINES, WITH_GEOIP_EMBEDDED) { exists("geoip/GeoIP.dat") { message("GeoIP.dat was found in src/geoip/.") RESOURCES += geoip.qrc } else { DEFINES -= WITH_GEOIP_EMBEDDED error("GeoIP.dat was not found in src/geoip/ folder, please follow instructions in src/geoip/README.") } } else { message("GeoIP database will not be embedded in qBittorrent executable.") } # Translations TRANSLATIONS = $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_fr.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_zh.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_zh_TW.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_en.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ca.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_es.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_pl.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ko.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_de.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_nl.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_tr.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_sv.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_el.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ru.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_uk.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_bg.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_it.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_sk.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ro.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_pt.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_nb.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_fi.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_da.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ja.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_hu.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_pt_BR.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_cs.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_sr.ts # Source code HEADERS += GUI.h \ misc.h \ options_imp.h \ about_imp.h \ createtorrent_imp.h \ searchlistdelegate.h \ proplistdelegate.h \ previewselect.h \ previewlistdelegate.h \ trackerlogin.h \ downloadthread.h \ downloadfromurldlg.h \ torrentadditiondlg.h \ bittorrent.h \ searchEngine.h \ rss.h \ rss_imp.h \ speedlimitdlg.h \ qtorrenthandle.h \ engineselectdlg.h \ pluginsource.h \ qgnomelook.h \ httpserver.h \ httpconnection.h \ httprequestparser.h \ httpresponsegenerator.h \ json.h \ eventmanager.h \ filterparserthread.h \ trackersadditiondlg.h \ searchtab.h \ console_imp.h \ ico.h \ stacktrace.h \ torrentpersistentdata.h \ feeddownloader.h \ feedList.h \ supportedengines.h \ transferlistwidget.h \ transferlistdelegate.h \ transferlistfilterswidget.h \ propertieswidget.h \ torrentfilesmodel.h \ filesystemwatcher.h \ peerlistwidget.h \ peerlistdelegate.h \ reverseresolution.h \ preferences.h \ geoip.h \ peeraddition.h \ deletionconfirmationdlg.h \ statusbar.h \ trackerlist.h \ downloadedpiecesbar.h \ pieceavailabilitybar.h FORMS += ui/mainwindow.ui \ ui/options.ui \ ui/about.ui \ ui/createtorrent.ui \ ui/preview.ui \ ui/login.ui \ ui/downloadfromurldlg.ui \ ui/torrentadditiondlg.ui \ ui/search.ui \ ui/rss.ui \ ui/bandwidth_limit.ui \ ui/engineselect.ui \ ui/pluginsource.ui \ ui/trackersadditiondlg.ui \ ui/console.ui \ ui/feeddownloader.ui \ ui/propertieswidget.ui \ ui/peer.ui \ ui/confirmdeletiondlg.ui SOURCES += GUI.cpp \ main.cpp \ options_imp.cpp \ createtorrent_imp.cpp \ bittorrent.cpp \ searchengine.cpp \ rss_imp.cpp \ qtorrenthandle.cpp \ engineselectdlg.cpp \ downloadthread.cpp \ httpserver.cpp \ httpconnection.cpp \ httprequestparser.cpp \ httpresponsegenerator.cpp \ eventmanager.cpp \ searchtab.cpp \ ico.cpp \ rss.cpp \ transferlistwidget.cpp \ propertieswidget.cpp \ peerlistwidget.cpp DESTDIR = .