Dialog 0 0 545 530 463 389 Options -- qBittorrent 9 6 Sans Serif 12 75 false true false false Options Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Horizontal QTabWidget::North QTabWidget::Rounded 0 22 22 Qt::ElideLeft Connection 9 6 Main 9 6 0 6 0 6 Download Limit: spin_download Upload Limit: Max Connects: spin_port_min Port range: spin_port_min Share ratio: 0 6 0 6 false 1000000 1 200 64 0 KiB/s Disable true Qt::Horizontal 61 25 0 6 false 1000000 1 10 64 0 KiB/s Disable true Qt::Horizontal 61 25 0 6 false 1000 1 600 88 0 connections true Disable true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 6 65525 1000 6881 Qt::AlignCenter 65525 1000 6889 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 6 1 KiB DL = false Qt::AlignHCenter 1 99.900000000000006 1.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 1.000000000000000 82 0 KiB UP max. Disable true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Peer eXchange (PeX) 9 6 Disable Peer eXchange (PeX) 0 6 DHT (trackerless) 9 6 Disable DHT (Trackerless) DHT configuration 9 6 0 6 DHT port: 6 0 65525 1000 6881 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 UPnP port forwarding 9 6 true Disable UPnP port forwarding true false UPnP configuration 9 6 0 6 UPnP port: 6 0 65525 1000 50000 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Behaviour 9 6 Torrent addition 9 6 Display a torrent addition dialog everytime I add a torrent true false Default save path 9 6 0 6 Save Path: proxy_username 0 6 ... Main window 9 6 Exit confirmation when the download list is not empty true Go to systray when minimizing window true Go to systray when closing main window Disable systray integration Systray messages 9 6 Always display systray messages true Display systray messages only when window is hidden Never display systray messages Qt::Vertical 466 31 Language 9 6 Localization 9 6 0 6 Language: 300 25 QComboBox::AdjustToContents 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 <b>Note:</b> Changes will be applied after qBittorrent is restarted. <b>Translators note:</b> If qBittorrent is not available in your language, <br/>and if you would like to translate it in your mother tongue, <br/>please contact me (chris@qbittorrent.org). Qt::Vertical 20 40 IP Filter 9 6 Activate IP Filtering false Filter Settings 9 6 0 171 Sans Serif 8 50 false false false false QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection false Start IP End IP Origin Comment 0 6 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Add Range Remove Range Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 6 ipfilter.dat Path: ... Proxy 9 6 Enable connection through a proxy server false Proxy Settings 9 6 0 6 Server IP or url: 15 QLineEdit::Normal Qt::Horizontal 21 20 Port: 65525 8080 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 6 Proxy type: HTTP SOCKS5 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Proxy server requires authentication false Authentication 9 6 0 6 0 6 User Name: Password: 0 6 1000 QLineEdit::Normal 1000 QLineEdit::Password 0 110 Affected connections 10 20 341 22 Use proxy for connections to trackers true 10 40 341 22 Use proxy for connections to regular peers true 10 60 341 22 Use proxy for connections to web seeds true 10 80 341 22 Use proxy for DHT messages true Qt::Vertical 20 21 Misc 9 6 Directory scan 9 6 Enable directory scan (auto add torrent files inside) 0 6 false Scanned Dir: proxy_username 0 6 false false ... Preview program 9 6 0 6 Audio/Video player: ... Style (Look 'n Feel) 9 6 Plastique style (KDE like) true Cleanlooks style (GNOME like) Motif style (default Qt style on Unix systems) CDE style (Common Desktop Environment like) false MacOS style (MacOSX only) false WindowsXP style (Windows XP only) Qt::Vertical 466 41 0 6 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::NoButton|QDialogButtonBox::Ok true