/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez, Arnaud Demaiziere * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org arnaud@qbittorrent.org */ #include "rss.h" #include /** RssFolder **/ RssFolder::RssFolder(RssFolder *parent, RssManager *rssmanager, bittorrent *BTSession, QString name): parent(parent), rssmanager(rssmanager), BTSession(BTSession), name(name) { downloader = new downloadThread(this); connect(downloader, SIGNAL(downloadFinished(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(processFinishedDownload(QString, QString))); connect(downloader, SIGNAL(downloadFailure(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(handleDownloadFailure(QString, QString))); } RssFolder::~RssFolder() { qDebug("Deleting downloader thread"); qDeleteAll(this->values()); delete downloader; } unsigned int RssFolder::getNbUnRead() const { // FIXME return 0; } RssFile::FileType RssFolder::getType() const { return RssFile::FOLDER; } QStringList RssFolder::getPath() const { QStringList path; if(parent) { path = parent->getPath(); path.append(name); } return path; } void RssFolder::refreshAll(){ qDebug("Refreshing all rss feeds"); QList items = this->values(); for(int i=0; igetType() == RssFile::STREAM) { RssStream* stream = (RssStream*) item; QString url = stream->getUrl(); if(stream->isLoading()) return; stream->setLoading(true); downloader->downloadUrl(url); if(!stream->hasCustomIcon()){ downloader->downloadUrl(stream->getIconUrl()); } } else { RssFolder *folder = (RssFolder*)item; folder->refreshAll(); } } } void RssFolder::removeFile(QStringList full_path) { QString name = full_path.last(); if(full_path.size() == 1) { Q_ASSERT(this->contains(name)); delete this->take(name); } else { QString subfolder_name = full_path.takeFirst(); Q_ASSERT(this->contains(subfolder_name)); RssFolder *subfolder = (RssFolder*)this->value(subfolder_name); subfolder->removeFile(full_path); } } RssFolder* RssFolder::addFolder(QStringList full_path) { QString name = full_path.last(); if(full_path.size() == 1) { Q_ASSERT(!this->contains(name)); RssFolder *subfolder = new RssFolder(this, rssmanager, BTSession, name); (*this)[name] = subfolder; return subfolder; } else { QString subfolder_name = full_path.takeFirst(); // Check if the subfolder exists and create it if it does not if(!this->contains(subfolder_name)) { qDebug("Creating subfolder %s which did not exist", subfolder_name.toLocal8Bit().data()); (*this)[subfolder_name] = new RssFolder(this, rssmanager, BTSession, subfolder_name); } Q_ASSERT(this->contains(subfolder_name)); RssFolder *subfolder = (RssFolder*)this->value(subfolder_name); return subfolder->addFolder(full_path); } } RssStream* RssFolder::addStream(QStringList full_path) { QString url = full_path.last(); if(full_path.size() == 1) { if(this->contains(url)){ qDebug("Not adding the Rss stream because it is already in the list"); return 0; } RssStream* stream = new RssStream(this, rssmanager, BTSession, url); (*this)[url] = stream; refresh(full_path); return stream; } else { QString subfolder_name = full_path.takeFirst(); // Check if the subfolder exists and create it if it does not if(!this->contains(subfolder_name)) { qDebug("Creating subfolder %s which did not exist", subfolder_name.toLocal8Bit().data()); (*this)[subfolder_name] = new RssFolder(this, rssmanager, BTSession, subfolder_name); } Q_ASSERT(this->contains(subfolder_name)); RssFolder *subfolder = (RssFolder*)this->value(subfolder_name); return subfolder->addStream(full_path); } } void RssFolder::refresh(QStringList full_path) { QString url = full_path.last(); if(full_path.size() == 1) { qDebug("Refreshing feed: %s", url.toLocal8Bit().data()); Q_ASSERT(this->contains(url)); RssStream *stream = (RssStream*)this->value(url); if(stream->isLoading()) return; stream->setLoading(true); downloader->downloadUrl(url); if(!stream->hasCustomIcon()){ downloader->downloadUrl(stream->getIconUrl()); }else{ qDebug("No need to download this feed's icon, it was already downloaded"); } } else { QString subfolder_name = full_path.takeFirst(); Q_ASSERT(this->contains(subfolder_name)); RssFolder *subfolder = (RssFolder*)this->value(subfolder_name); subfolder->refresh(full_path); } } RssFile* RssFolder::getFile(QStringList full_path) const { QString name = full_path.last(); if(full_path.size() == 1) { Q_ASSERT(this->contains(name)); return (*this)[name]; } else { QString subfolder_name = full_path.takeFirst(); Q_ASSERT(this->contains(subfolder_name)); RssFolder *subfolder = (RssFolder*)this->value(subfolder_name); return subfolder->getFile(full_path); } } QList RssFolder::getContent() const { return this->values(); } unsigned int RssFolder::getNbFeeds() const { unsigned int nbFeeds = 0; foreach(RssFile* item, this->values()) { if(item->getType() == RssFile::FOLDER) nbFeeds += ((RssFolder*)item)->getNbFeeds(); else nbFeeds += 1; } return nbFeeds; } void RssFolder::processFinishedDownload(QString url, QString path) { if(url.endsWith("favicon.ico")){ // Icon downloaded QImage fileIcon; if(fileIcon.load(path)) { QList res = findFeedsWithIcon(url); RssStream* stream; foreach(stream, res){ stream->setIconPath(path); if(!stream->isLoading()) rssmanager->forwardFeedIconChanged(stream->getUrl(), stream->getIconPath()); } }else{ qDebug("Unsupported icon format at %s", (const char*)url.toLocal8Bit()); } return; } RssStream *stream = (RssStream*)this->value(url, 0); if(!stream){ qDebug("This rss stream was deleted in the meantime, nothing to update"); return; } stream->processDownloadedFile(path); stream->setLoading(false); // If the feed has no alias, then we use the title as Alias // this is more user friendly if(stream->getName().isEmpty()){ if(!stream->getTitle().isEmpty()) stream->rename(QStringList(), stream->getTitle()); } rssmanager->forwardFeedInfosChanged(url, stream->getName(), stream->getNbUnRead()); } void RssFolder::handleDownloadFailure(QString url, QString reason) { if(url.endsWith("favicon.ico")){ // Icon download failure qDebug("Could not download icon at %s, reason: %s", (const char*)url.toLocal8Bit(), (const char*)reason.toLocal8Bit()); return; } RssStream *stream = (RssStream*)this->value(url, 0); if(!stream){ qDebug("This rss stream was deleted in the meantime, nothing to update"); return; } stream->setLoading(false); qDebug("Could not download Rss at %s, reason: %s", (const char*)url.toLocal8Bit(), (const char*)reason.toLocal8Bit()); stream->setDownloadFailed(); rssmanager->forwardFeedInfosChanged(url, stream->getName(), stream->getNbUnRead()); } QList RssFolder::findFeedsWithIcon(QString icon_url) const { QList res; RssFile* item; foreach(item, this->values()){ if(item->getType() == RssFile::STREAM && ((RssStream*)item)->getIconUrl() == icon_url) res << (RssStream*)item; } return res; } QString RssFolder::getName() const { return name; } void RssFolder::rename(QStringList full_path, QString new_name) { if(full_path.size() == 1) { name = new_name; } else { QString child_name = full_path.takeFirst(); Q_ASSERT(this->contains(child_name)); RssFile *child = (RssFile*)this->value(child_name); if(full_path.empty()) { // Child is renamed, update QHash Q_ASSERT(!this->contains(new_name)); (*this)[new_name] = this->take(child_name); } child->rename(full_path, new_name); } } void RssFolder::markAllAsRead() { foreach(RssFile *item, this->values()) { item->markAllAsRead(); } } QList RssFolder::getAllFeeds() const { QList streams; foreach(RssFile *item, this->values()) { if(item->getType() == RssFile::STREAM) { streams << ((RssStream*)item); } else { foreach(RssStream* stream, ((RssFolder*)item)->getAllFeeds()) { streams << stream; } } } return streams; } void RssFolder::removeFileRef(RssFile* item) { if(item->getType() == RssFile::STREAM) { Q_ASSERT(this->contains(((RssStream*)item)->getUrl())); this->remove(((RssStream*)item)->getUrl()); } else { Q_ASSERT(this->contains(((RssFolder*)item)->getName())); this->remove(((RssFolder*)item)->getName()); } } void RssFolder::addFile(RssFile * item) { if(item->getType() == RssFile::STREAM) { Q_ASSERT(!this->contains(((RssStream*)item)->getUrl())); (*this)[((RssStream*)item)->getUrl()] = item; } else { Q_ASSERT(!this->contains(((RssFolder*)item)->getName())); (*this)[((RssFolder*)item)->getName()] = item; } } /** RssManager **/ RssManager::RssManager(bittorrent *BTSession): RssFolder(0, this, BTSession, QString::null) { loadStreamList(); connect(&newsRefresher, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refreshAll())); QSettings settings(QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent"), QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent")); refreshInterval = settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("Preferences/RSS/RSSRefresh"), 5).toInt(); newsRefresher.start(refreshInterval*60000); } RssManager::~RssManager(){ qDebug("Deleting RSSManager"); saveStreamList(); qDebug("RSSManager deleted"); } void RssManager::loadStreamList(){ QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent"); QStringList streamsUrl = settings.value("Rss/streamList").toStringList(); QStringList aliases = settings.value("Rss/streamAlias").toStringList(); if(streamsUrl.size() != aliases.size()){ std::cerr << "Corrupted Rss list, not loading it\n"; return; } unsigned int i = 0; foreach(QString s, streamsUrl){ QStringList path = s.split("\\"); if(path.empty()) continue; RssStream *stream = this->addStream(path); QString alias = aliases.at(i); if(!alias.isEmpty()) { stream->rename(QStringList(), alias); } ++i; } qDebug("NB RSS streams loaded: %d", streamsUrl.size()); } void RssManager::forwardFeedInfosChanged(QString url, QString aliasOrUrl, unsigned int nbUnread) { emit feedInfosChanged(url, aliasOrUrl, nbUnread); } void RssManager::forwardFeedIconChanged(QString url, QString icon_path) { emit feedIconChanged(url, icon_path); } void RssManager::moveFile(QStringList old_path, QStringList new_path) { RssFile* item = getFile(old_path); RssFolder* src_folder = item->getParent(); QString new_name = new_path.takeLast(); RssFolder* dest_folder = (RssFolder*)getFile(new_path); dest_folder->addFile(item); src_folder->removeFileRef(item); } void RssManager::saveStreamList(){ QList > streamsList; QStringList streamsUrl; QStringList aliases; QList streams = getAllFeeds(); foreach(RssStream *stream, streams) { streamsUrl << stream->getPath().join("\\"); aliases << stream->getName(); } QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent"); settings.beginGroup("Rss"); // FIXME: Empty folder are not saved settings.setValue("streamList", streamsUrl); settings.setValue("streamAlias", aliases); settings.endGroup(); } /** RssStream **/ RssStream::RssStream(RssFolder* parent, RssManager *rssmanager, bittorrent *BTSession, QString _url): parent(parent), rssmanager(rssmanager), BTSession(BTSession), url(_url), alias(""), iconPath(":/Icons/rss16.png"), refreshed(false), downloadFailure(false), currently_loading(false) { qDebug("RSSStream constructed"); QSettings qBTRSS("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent-rss"); QHash all_old_items = qBTRSS.value("old_items", QHash()).toHash(); QVariantList old_items = all_old_items.value(url, QVariantList()).toList(); qDebug("Loading %d old items for feed %s", old_items.size(), getName().toLocal8Bit().data()); foreach(const QVariant &var_it, old_items) { QHash item = var_it.toHash(); RssItem *rss_item = RssItem::fromHash(item); if(rss_item->isValid()) listItem << rss_item; } } RssStream::~RssStream(){ if(refreshed) { QSettings qBTRSS("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent-rss"); QVariantList old_items; foreach(RssItem *item, listItem) { old_items << item->toHash(); } qDebug("Saving %d old items for feed %s", old_items.size(), getName().toLocal8Bit().data()); QHash all_old_items = qBTRSS.value("old_items", QHash()).toHash(); all_old_items[url] = old_items; qBTRSS.setValue("old_items", all_old_items); } removeAllItems(); if(QFile::exists(filePath)) QFile::remove(filePath); if(QFile::exists(iconPath) && !iconPath.startsWith(":/")) QFile::remove(iconPath); } RssFile::FileType RssStream::getType() const { return RssFile::STREAM; } void RssStream::refresh() { QStringList path; path << url; parent->refresh(path); } QStringList RssStream::getPath() const { QStringList path = parent->getPath(); path.append(url); return path; } // delete all the items saved void RssStream::removeAllItems() { qDeleteAll(listItem); listItem.clear(); } bool RssStream::itemAlreadyExists(QString hash) { RssItem * item; foreach(item, listItem) { if(item->getHash() == hash) return true; } return false; } void RssStream::setLoading(bool val) { currently_loading = val; } bool RssStream::isLoading() { return currently_loading; } QString RssStream::getTitle() const{ return title; } void RssStream::rename(QStringList, QString new_name){ qDebug("Renaming stream to %s", new_name.toLocal8Bit().data()); alias = new_name; } // Return the alias if the stream has one, the url if it has no alias QString RssStream::getName() const{ if(!alias.isEmpty()) { qDebug("getName() returned alias: %s", (const char*)alias.toLocal8Bit()); return alias; } if(!title.isEmpty()) { qDebug("getName() returned title: %s", (const char*)title.toLocal8Bit()); return title; } qDebug("getName() returned url: %s", (const char*)url.toLocal8Bit()); return url; } QString RssStream::getLink() const{ return link; } QString RssStream::getUrl() const{ return url; } QString RssStream::getDescription() const{ return description; } QString RssStream::getImage() const{ return image; } QString RssStream::getFilePath() const{ return filePath; } QString RssStream::getIconPath() const{ if(downloadFailure) return ":/Icons/oxygen/unavailable.png"; return iconPath; } bool RssStream::hasCustomIcon() const{ return !iconPath.startsWith(":/"); } void RssStream::setIconPath(QString path) { iconPath = path; } RssItem* RssStream::getItem(unsigned int index) const{ return listItem.at(index); } unsigned int RssStream::getNbNews() const{ return listItem.size(); } void RssStream::markAllAsRead() { RssItem *item; foreach(item, listItem){ if(!item->isRead()) item->setRead(); } } unsigned int RssStream::getNbUnRead() const{ unsigned int nbUnread=0; RssItem *item; foreach(item, listItem){ if(!item->isRead()) ++nbUnread; } return nbUnread; } QList RssStream::getNewsList() const{ return listItem; } // download the icon from the adress QString RssStream::getIconUrl() { QUrl siteUrl(url); return QString::fromUtf8("http://")+siteUrl.host()+QString::fromUtf8("/favicon.ico"); } // read and create items from a rss document short RssStream::readDoc(const QDomDocument& doc) { // is it a rss file ? QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); if(root.tagName() == QString::fromUtf8("html")){ qDebug("the file is empty, maybe the url is invalid or the server is too busy"); return -1; } else if(root.tagName() != QString::fromUtf8("rss")){ qDebug("the file is not a rss stream, omitted: %s", root.tagName().toLocal8Bit().data()); return -1; } QDomNode rss = root.firstChild(); QDomElement channel = root.firstChild().toElement(); while(!channel.isNull()) { // we are reading the rss'main info if (channel.tagName() == "channel") { QDomElement property = channel.firstChild().toElement(); while(!property.isNull()) { if (property.tagName() == "title") { title = property.text(); if(alias==getUrl()) rename(QStringList(), title); } else if (property.tagName() == "link") link = property.text(); else if (property.tagName() == "description") description = property.text(); else if (property.tagName() == "image") image = property.text(); else if(property.tagName() == "item") { RssItem * item = new RssItem(property); if(item->isValid() && !itemAlreadyExists(item->getHash())) { listItem.append(item); // Check if the item should be automatically downloaded FeedFilter * matching_filter = FeedFilters::getFeedFilters(url).matches(item->getTitle()); if(matching_filter != 0) { // Download the torrent BTSession->addConsoleMessage(tr("Automatically downloading %1 torrent from %2 RSS feed...").arg(item->getTitle()).arg(getName())); if(matching_filter->isValid()) { QString save_path = matching_filter->getSavePath(); if(save_path.isEmpty()) BTSession->downloadUrlAndSkipDialog(item->getTorrentUrl()); else BTSession->downloadUrlAndSkipDialog(item->getTorrentUrl(), save_path); } else { // All torrents are downloaded from this feed BTSession->downloadUrlAndSkipDialog(item->getTorrentUrl()); } // Item was downloaded, consider it as Read item->setRead(); // Clean up delete matching_filter; } } else { delete item; } } property = property.nextSibling().toElement(); } } channel = channel.nextSibling().toElement(); } sortList(); resizeList(); return 0; } void RssStream::insertSortElem(QList &list, RssItem *item) { int i = 0; while(i < list.size() && item->getDate() < list.at(i)->getDate()) { ++i; } list.insert(i, item); } void RssStream::sortList() { QList new_list; RssItem *item; foreach(item, listItem) { insertSortElem(new_list, item); } listItem = new_list; } void RssStream::resizeList() { QSettings settings(QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent"), QString::fromUtf8("qBittorrent")); unsigned int max_articles = settings.value(QString::fromUtf8("Preferences/RSS/RSSMaxArticlesPerFeed"), 100).toInt(); int excess = listItem.size() - max_articles; if(excess <= 0) return; for(int i=0; i= 0) { refreshed = true; } else { qDebug("OpenRss: Feed update Failed"); } } void RssStream::setDownloadFailed(){ downloadFailure = true; }