var lastShownContexMenu = null; var ContextMenu = new Class({ //implements Implements: [Options, Events], //options options: { actions: {}, menu: 'menu_id', stopEvent: true, targets: 'body', trigger: 'contextmenu', offsets: { x: 0, y: 0 }, onShow: $empty, onHide: $empty, onClick: $empty, fadeSpeed: 200 }, //initialization initialize: function(options) { //set options this.setOptions(options); //option diffs menu = $(; this.targets = $$(this.options.targets); //fx this.fx = new Fx.Tween(, { property: 'opacity', duration: this.options.fadeSpeed, onComplete: function() { if (this.getStyle('opacity')) { this.setStyle('visibility', 'visible'); } else { this.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden'); } }.bind( }); //hide and begin the listener this.hide().startListener(); //hide the menu{ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': '-900000px', 'display': 'block' }); }, adjustMenuPosition: function(e) { this.updateMenuItems(); var scrollableMenuMaxHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight * 0.75; if ('scrollableMenu'))'max-height', scrollableMenuMaxHeight); // draw the menu off-screen to know the menu dimentions{ left: '-999em', top: '-999em' }); // position the menu var xPosMenu = + this.options.offsets.x; var yPosMenu = + this.options.offsets.y; if (xPosMenu + > document.documentElement.clientWidth) xPosMenu -=; if (yPosMenu + > document.documentElement.clientHeight) yPosMenu = document.documentElement.clientHeight -; if (xPosMenu < 0) xPosMenu = 0; if (yPosMenu < 0) yPosMenu = 0;{ left: xPosMenu, top: yPosMenu, position: 'absolute', 'z-index': '2000' }); // position the sub-menu var uls ='ul'); for (var i = 0; i < uls.length; i++) { var ul = uls[i]; if (ul.hasClass('scrollableMenu')) ul.setStyle('max-height', scrollableMenuMaxHeight); var rectParent = ul.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); var xPosOrigin = rectParent.left; var yPosOrigin = rectParent.bottom; var xPos = xPosOrigin + rectParent.width - 1; var yPos = yPosOrigin - rectParent.height - 1; if (xPos + ul.offsetWidth > document.documentElement.clientWidth) xPos -= (ul.offsetWidth + rectParent.width - 2); if (yPos + ul.offsetHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight) yPos = document.documentElement.clientHeight - ul.offsetHeight; if (xPos < 0) xPos = 0; if (yPos < 0) yPos = 0; ul.setStyles({ 'margin-left': xPos - xPosOrigin, 'margin-top': yPos - yPosOrigin }); } }, addTarget: function(t) { this.targets[this.targets.length] = t; t.addEvent(this.options.trigger, function(e) { //enabled? if (!this.options.disabled) { //prevent default, if told to if (this.options.stopEvent) { e.stop(); } //record this as the trigger this.options.element = $(t); this.adjustMenuPosition(e); //show the menu; } }.bind(this)); t.addEvent('click', function(e) { this.hide(); }.bind(this)); }, //get things started startListener: function() { /* all elements */ this.targets.each(function(el) { /* show the menu */ el.addEvent(this.options.trigger, function(e) { //enabled? if (!this.options.disabled) { //prevent default, if told to if (this.options.stopEvent) { e.stop(); } //record this as the trigger this.options.element = $(el); this.adjustMenuPosition(e); //show the menu; } }.bind(this)); el.addEvent('click', function(e) { this.hide(); }.bind(this)); }, this); /* menu items */'a').each(function(item) { item.addEvent('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!item.hasClass('disabled')) { this.execute(item.get('href').split('#')[1], $(this.options.element)); this.fireEvent('click', [item, e]); } }.bind(this)); }, this); //hide on body click $(document.body).addEvent('click', function() { this.hide(); }.bind(this)); }, updateMenuItems: function () {}, //show menu show: function (trigger) { if (lastShownContexMenu && lastShownContexMenu != this) lastShownContexMenu.hide(); this.fx.start(1); this.fireEvent('show'); this.shown = true; lastShownContexMenu = this; return this; }, //hide the menu hide: function (trigger) { if (this.shown) { this.fx.start(0); //'out'); this.fireEvent('hide'); this.shown = false; } return this; }, setItemChecked: function (item, checked) {'a[href$=' + item + ']') = checked ? 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