# Global TEMPLATE = app CONFIG += qt thread # Windows specific configuration win32 { include(../winconf.pri) } # Mac specific configuration macx { include(../macxconf.pri) } # Unix specific configuration unix:!macx { include(../unixconf.pri) } # eCS(OS/2) specific configuration os2 { include(../os2conf.pri) } nox { QT -= gui TARGET = qbittorrent-nox DEFINES += DISABLE_GUI } else { QT += xml TARGET = qbittorrent } QT += network # Vars LANG_PATH = lang ICONS_PATH = Icons CONFIG(debug, debug|release):message(Project is built in DEBUG mode.) CONFIG(release, debug|release):message(Project is built in RELEASE mode.) # Disable debug output in release mode CONFIG(release, debug|release) { message(Disabling debug output.) DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT } # VERSION DEFINES include(../version.pri) DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII # Fast concatenation (Qt >= 4.6) DEFINES += QT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS # Fixes compilation with Boost >= v1.46 where boost # filesystem v3 is the default. DEFINES += BOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION=2 INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD # Resource files RESOURCES += icons.qrc \ lang.qrc \ about.qrc # Source code usesystemqtsingleapplication { nox { CONFIG += qtsinglecoreapplication } else { CONFIG += qtsingleapplication } } else { nox { include(qtsingleapp/qtsinglecoreapplication.pri) } else { include(qtsingleapp/qtsingleapplication.pri) } } include(qtlibtorrent/qtlibtorrent.pri) include(webui/webui.pri) include(tracker/tracker.pri) include (preferences/preferences.pri) !nox { include(lineedit/lineedit.pri) include(properties/properties.pri) include(searchengine/searchengine.pri) include(rss/rss.pri) include(torrentcreator/torrentcreator.pri) include(geoip/geoip.pri) include(powermanagement/powermanagement.pri) } HEADERS += misc.h \ fs_utils.h \ downloadthread.h \ stacktrace.h \ torrentpersistentdata.h \ filesystemwatcher.h \ scannedfoldersmodel.h \ qinisettings.h \ smtp.h \ dnsupdater.h SOURCES += main.cpp \ downloadthread.cpp \ scannedfoldersmodel.cpp \ misc.cpp \ fs_utils.cpp \ smtp.cpp \ dnsupdater.cpp nox { HEADERS += headlessloader.h } else { HEADERS += mainwindow.h\ transferlistwidget.h \ transferlistdelegate.h \ transferlistfilterswidget.h \ torrentcontentmodel.h \ torrentcontentmodelitem.h \ torrentcontentmodelfolder.h \ torrentcontentmodelfile.h \ torrentcontentfiltermodel.h \ deletionconfirmationdlg.h \ statusbar.h \ reverseresolution.h \ ico.h \ speedlimitdlg.h \ about_imp.h \ previewselect.h \ previewlistdelegate.h \ downloadfromurldlg.h \ trackerlogin.h \ hidabletabwidget.h \ sessionapplication.h \ torrentimportdlg.h \ executionlog.h \ iconprovider.h \ updownratiodlg.h \ loglistwidget.h \ addnewtorrentdialog.h SOURCES += mainwindow.cpp \ ico.cpp \ transferlistwidget.cpp \ torrentcontentmodel.cpp \ torrentcontentmodelitem.cpp \ torrentcontentmodelfolder.cpp \ torrentcontentmodelfile.cpp \ torrentcontentfiltermodel.cpp \ sessionapplication.cpp \ torrentimportdlg.cpp \ executionlog.cpp \ previewselect.cpp \ iconprovider.cpp \ updownratiodlg.cpp \ loglistwidget.cpp \ addnewtorrentdialog.cpp win32 { HEADERS += programupdater.h SOURCES += programupdater.cpp } macx { HEADERS += qmacapplication.h \ programupdater.h SOURCES += qmacapplication.cpp \ programupdater.cpp } FORMS += mainwindow.ui \ about.ui \ preview.ui \ login.ui \ downloadfromurldlg.ui \ bandwidth_limit.ui \ updownratiodlg.ui \ confirmdeletiondlg.ui \ torrentimportdlg.ui \ executionlog.ui \ addnewtorrentdialog.ui } DESTDIR = . # OS specific config OTHER_FILES += ../winconf.pri ../macxconf.pri ../unixconf.pri ../os2conf.pri # compiler specific config OTHER_FILES += ../winconf-mingw.pri ../winconf-msvc.pri # version file OTHER_FILES += ../version.pri # Translations TRANSLATIONS = $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_fr.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_zh.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_zh_TW.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_en.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ca.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_es.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_pl.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ko.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_de.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_nl.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_tr.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_sv.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_el.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ru.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_uk.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_bg.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_it.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_sk.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ro.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_pt.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_nb.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_fi.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_da.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ja.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_hu.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_pt_BR.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_cs.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_sr.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ar.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_hr.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_gl.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_hy.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_lt.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_ka.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_be.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_eu.ts \ $$LANG_PATH/qbittorrent_he.ts