AboutDlgUmAddNewTorrentDialogSetja í gang torrentCategoryFilterModelAlltCategoryFilterWidgetEyða torrentsHttpServerHætta qBittorrentAðeins eins vefslóð í hverja línuÓþekktRangt notandanafn eða lykilorð.LykilorðSkrá innUpprunalegir höfundarVirkjaBætaUpload torrent files to qBittorent using WebUIMeiri upplýsingarSave Files to: Watch Folder / Default Folder / Other...Annað...Schedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...MánudagurSchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...ÞriðjudagurSchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...MiðvikudagurSchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...FimmtudagurSchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...FöstudagurSchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...LaugardagurSchedule the use of alternative rate limits on ...SunnudagurSkrá útVistaqBittorrent hefur verið lokað.MainWindowBreytaVerkfæriSkráHjálpSýnValkostir...Lágmarks ForgangurHámarks forgangMinnka ForgangAuka ForgangTölfræðiUmEyðaJáNeiD = Download; U = Upload; %3 is qBittorrent version[D: %1, U: %2] qBittorrent %3OptionsDialogTengingHraðiTungumálNotandanafn:Lykilorð:KiB/sfrom (time1 to time2)time1 to time2DaglegaPeerListWidgetTengingi.e.: Client applicationi.e: % downloadedFramföri.e: Download speedi.e: Upload speedi.e: total data downloadedSótti.e: total data uploadedi.e: How relevant this peer is to us. How many pieces it has that we don't.i.e. files that are being downloaded right nowSkrárPropListDelegateNormal (priority)VenjulegtHigh (priority)HárMaximum (priority)HámarkPropTabBarAlmennurPropertiesWidgetTime (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)Tengingar:UpplýsingarUmsögnHeildar stærð:Aldrei(torrent pieces) eg 152 x 4MB (have 25)%1 x %2 (hafa %3)%1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 max)%1 (%2 mest)%1 and %2 are numbers, e.g. 3 (10 total)%1 (%2 alls)%1 and %2 are speed rates, e.g. 200KiB/s (100KiB/s avg.)ScanFoldersModelSpeedLimitDialogKiB/sStatsDialogTölfræðiStatusBarStatusFilterWidgetthis is for the status filterAllt (0)Sæki (0)Lokið (0)Villur (0)Allt (%1)Sæki (%1)Lokið (%1)Villur (%1)TorrentContentModelNafnStærðFramförNiðurhal forgangurEftirTransferListModeli.e: torrent nameNafni.e: torrent sizeStærð% DoneLokiðTorrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused)Staðai.e. full sources (often untranslated)i.e. partial sources (often untranslated)i.e: Download speedi.e: Upload speedShare ratioi.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time leftTorrent was added to transfer list on 01/01/2010 08:00Torrent was completed on 01/01/2010 08:00i.e: Download limiti.e: Upload limitAmount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB)SóttAmount of data uploaded (e.g. in MB)Amount of data downloaded since program open (e.g. in MB)Amount of data uploaded since program open (e.g. in MB)Amount of data left to download (e.g. in MB)EftirTime (duration) the torrent is active (not paused)Torrent save pathAmount of data completed (e.g. in MB)LokiðUpload share ratio limitIndicates the time when the torrent was last seen complete/wholeTime passed since a chunk was downloaded/uploadedi.e. Size including unwanted dataHeildar stærðTrackerListWidgetVefslóðStaðaSkilaboðTrackersAdditionDialogTransferListDelegatee.g.: 1h 20m ago%1 síðanTransferListFiltersWidgetStaðaTransferListWidgetEndurnefnaResume/start the torrentForce Resume/start the torrentPause the torrentDelete the torrentEyðai.e. move up in the queueFara uppi.e. Move down in the queueFara niðuri.e. Move to top of the queueFæra efsti.e. Move to bottom of the queueFæra neðstAfrita nafnNew category...Reset categoryForgangurAfrita magnet slóðEndurnefnaUpDownRatioDialogaboutconfirmDeletionDlgEinnig eyða skrám af harðadiskidownloadFromURLNiðurhalmiscbytesBkibibytes (1024 bytes)KiBmebibytes (1024 kibibytes)MiBgibibytes (1024 mibibytes)GiBtebibytes (1024 gibibytes)TiBpebibytes (1024 tebibytes)exbibytes (1024 pebibytes)per second/se.g: 3hours 5minutes%1h %2me.g: 2days 10hours%1d %2hUnknown (size)Óþekkt< 1 minute< 1me.g: 10minutes%1mTorrentsControllerPluginSourceDlgSearchEngineWidgetPluginSelectDlgSearchResultsTableSearchPluginsTable