createTorrentDialog 0 0 592 658 Torrent Creation Tool 0 27 16777215 27 75 true Torrent file creation Qt::AlignCenter File or folder to add to the torrent: Add file Add folder Tracker URLs: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter Web seeds urls: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter Comment: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter 0 0 false 0 0 You can separate tracker tiers / groups with an empty line. false false Piece size: false false 4 16 KiB 32 KiB 64 KiB 128 KiB 256 KiB 512 KiB 1 MiB 2 MiB 4 MiB 8 MiB 16 MiB Auto true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Private (won't be distributed on DHT network if enabled) Start seeding after creation true Ignore share ratio limits for this torrent Progress: 0 Qt::Horizontal 131 31 Create and save... Cancel Qt::Horizontal 40 20 checkStartSeeding clicked(bool) checkIgnoreShareLimits setEnabled(bool) 295 532 295 555