if (UNIX AND (NOT APPLE) AND (NOT CYGWIN)) find_package(LibtorrentRasterbar QUIET ${requiredLibtorrentVersion} COMPONENTS torrent-rasterbar) if (NOT LibtorrentRasterbar_FOUND) include(FindPkgConfig) pkg_check_modules(LIBTORRENT_RASTERBAR IMPORTED_TARGET GLOBAL "libtorrent-rasterbar>=${requiredLibtorrentVersion}") if (NOT LIBTORRENT_RASTERBAR_FOUND) message( FATAL_ERROR "Package LibtorrentRasterbar >= ${requiredLibtorrentVersion} not found" " with CMake or pkg-config.\n- Set LibtorrentRasterbar_DIR to a directory containing" " a LibtorrentRasterbarConfig.cmake file or add the installation prefix of LibtorrentRasterbar" " to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.\n- Alternatively, make sure there is a valid libtorrent-rasterbar.pc" " file in your system's pkg-config search paths (use the system environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH" " to specify additional search paths if needed)." ) endif() add_library(LibtorrentRasterbar::torrent-rasterbar ALIAS PkgConfig::LIBTORRENT_RASTERBAR) # force a fake package to show up in the feature summary set_property(GLOBAL APPEND PROPERTY PACKAGES_FOUND "LibtorrentRasterbar via pkg-config (required version >= ${requiredLibtorrentVersion})" ) set_package_properties("LibtorrentRasterbar via pkg-config (required version >= ${requiredLibtorrentVersion})" PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED ) else() set_package_properties(LibtorrentRasterbar PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED) endif() else() find_package(LibtorrentRasterbar ${requiredLibtorrentVersion} REQUIRED COMPONENTS torrent-rasterbar) endif() # force variable type so that it always shows up in ccmake/cmake-gui frontends set_property(CACHE LibtorrentRasterbar_DIR PROPERTY TYPE PATH) find_package(Boost ${requiredBoostVersion} REQUIRED) find_package(OpenSSL ${requiredOpenSSLVersion} REQUIRED) find_package(ZLIB ${requiredZlibVersion} REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5 ${requiredQtVersion} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Network Xml LinguistTools) if (DBUS) find_package(Qt5 ${requiredQtVersion} REQUIRED COMPONENTS DBus) set_package_properties(Qt5DBus PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Qt5 module for inter-process communication over the D-Bus protocol" PURPOSE "Required by the DBUS feature" ) endif() # automatically call Qt moc, rcc and uic as needed for all targets by default set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) # create interface-only target libraries with common compile options/definitions to link to include(MacroQbtCommonConfig) qbt_common_config() # include directories - ideally, would be done per target instead of global directory scope include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) add_subdirectory(base) if (GUI) find_package(Qt5 ${requiredQtVersion} REQUIRED COMPONENTS Widgets Svg) if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Darwin") find_package(Qt5 ${requiredQtVersion} REQUIRED COMPONENTS MacExtras) elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") find_package(Qt5 ${requiredQtVersion} REQUIRED COMPONENTS WinExtras) endif() add_subdirectory(gui) endif() if (WEBUI) add_subdirectory(webui) endif() add_subdirectory(app)