AboutDlg About qBittorrent 關於 qBittorrent About 關於 Author 作者 Name: 姓名: Country: 國籍: E-mail: E-mail: Christophe Dumez Christophe Dumez France 法國 Translation 翻譯 License 授權 <h3><b>qBittorrent</b></h3> <h3><b>qBittorrent</b></h3> chris@qbittorrent.org chris@qbittorrent.org Thanks to 感謝 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';">A Bittorrent client programmed in C++, based on Qt4 toolkit </span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';">and libtorrent-rasterbar. <br /><br />Copyright ©2006-2010 Christophe Dumez<br /><br /></span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; text-decoration: underline;">Home Page:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';"> </span><a href="http://www.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.qbittorrent.org</span></a><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';"><br /></span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; text-decoration: underline;">Forum:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';"> </span><a href="http://forum.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://forum.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; text-decoration: underline;">IRC:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';"> #qbittorrent on Freenode</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';">一個使用 C++ 編寫, 基於 QT4 的 Bittorrent 客戶端 </span></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';">以及 libtorrent-rasterbar。 <br /><br />Copyright ©2006-2010 Christophe Dumez<br /><br /></span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; text-decoration: underline;">首頁:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';"> </span><a href="http://www.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.qbittorrent.org</span></a><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';"><br /></span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; text-decoration: underline;">論壇:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';"> </span><a href="http://forum.qbittorrent.org"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://forum.qbittorrent.org</span></a></p> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans'; text-decoration: underline;">IRC:</span><span style=" font-family:'DejaVu Sans';"> #qbittorrent on Freenode</span></p></body></html> AdvancedSettings Property 屬性 Value Ignore transfer limits on local network 忽略本地網路的傳輸限制 Include TCP/IP overhead in transfer limits 將 TCP/IP 加載包含於傳輸限制中 Disk write cache size 磁碟寫入快取大小 MiB MiB Outgoing ports (Min) [0: Disabled] 連出埠 (最小) [0: 停用] Outgoing ports (Max) [0: Disabled] 連出埠 (最大) [0: 停用] Recheck torrents on completion 完成後重新檢查 torrent Transfer list refresh interval 傳輸清單更新間隔 ms milliseconds ms Resolve peer countries (GeoIP) 解析下載者的國家 (GeoIP) Resolve peer host names 解析下載者的主機名 Maximum number of half-open connections [0: Disabled] 最大半開啟連線數 [0: 停用] Strict super seeding 嚴格超級種子 Network Interface (requires restart) 網路介面 (需要重新啟動) Any interface i.e. Any network interface 任何介面 Display program notification baloons 顯示程式通知氣球 Display program notification balloons Enable embedded tracker Embedded tracker port AutomatedRssDownloader Automated RSS Downloader Enable the automated RSS downloader Download rules Rule definition Must contain: Must not contain: ... ... Assign label: Apply rule to feeds: Matching RSS articles Save to a different directory Save to: Import... 匯入... Export... 匯出... New rule name Please type the name of the new download rule. Rule name conflict A rule with this name already exists, please choose another name. Are you sure you want to remove the download rule named %1? Are you sure you want to remove the selected download rules? Rule deletion confirmation Destination directory Invalid action The list is empty, there is nothing to export. Where would you like to save the list? Rules list (*.rssrules) I/O Error I/O 錯誤 Failed to create the destination file Please point to the RSS download rules file Rules list (*.rssrules *.filters) Import Error Failed to import the selected rules file Add new rule... Delete rule Rename rule... Delete selected rules Rule renaming Please type the new rule name Bittorrent %1 reached the maximum ratio you set. %1 已經到達你設定的最大比率了。 qBittorrent is bound to port: TCP/%1 e.g: qBittorrent is bound to port: 6881 qBittorrent 綁定埠: TCP/%1 UPnP support [ON] UPnP 支援 [開啟] UPnP support [OFF] UPnP 支援 [關閉] NAT-PMP support [ON] NAT-PMP 支援 [開啟] NAT-PMP support [OFF] NAT-PMP 支援 [關閉] DHT support [ON], port: UDP/%1 DHT 支援 [開啟], 埠: UDP/%1 DHT support [OFF] DHT 支援 [關閉] PeX support [ON] PeX 支援 [開啟] Local Peer Discovery [ON] 本地下載者搜尋 [開啟] Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] 本地下載者搜尋支援 [關閉] Encryption support [ON] 加密支援 [開啟] Encryption support [FORCED] 加密支援 [強迫] Encryption support [OFF] 加密支援 [關閉] Web User Interface Error - Unable to bind Web UI to port %1 Web UI 錯誤 - 無法綁定 Web UI 到埠 %1 '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' 已經從傳輸清單和硬碟中刪除了。 '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' 已經從傳輸清單中刪除了。 '%1' is not a valid magnet URI. '%1' 不是一個有效的磁性 URI。 '%1' is already in download list. e.g: 'xxx.avi' is already in download list. '%1' 已經在下載清單裡了。 '%1' resumed. (fast resume) '/home/y/xxx.torrent' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' 已恢復下載。(快速恢復) '%1' added to download list. '/home/y/xxx.torrent' was added to download list. '%1' 已增加到下載清單。 Unable to decode torrent file: '%1' e.g: Unable to decode torrent file: '/home/y/xxx.torrent' 無法解碼 torrent 檔案: '%1' This file is either corrupted or this isn't a torrent. 這個檔案不是損壞就是並非 torrent。 <font color='red'>%1</font> <i>was blocked due to your IP filter</i> x.y.z.w was blocked <font color='red'>%1</font> <i>因為你的 IP 過濾器而被封鎖了</i> <font color='red'>%1</font> <i>was banned due to corrupt pieces</i> x.y.z.w was banned <font color='red'>%1</font> <i>因為有損壞的分塊而被踢出</i> Recursive download of file %1 embedded in torrent %2 Recursive download of test.torrent embedded in torrent test2 遞迴下載在 torrent %2 裡的檔案 %1 Unable to decode %1 torrent file. 無法解碼 torrent 檔案 %1 。 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: 埠映射失敗, 訊息: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: 埠映射成功, 訊息: %1 Fast resume data was rejected for torrent %1, checking again... 快速恢復資料被 torrent %1 拒絕, 重新檢查... Url seed lookup failed for url: %1, message: %2 找不到 URL: %1 的 URL 種子, 訊息: %2 Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... 下載 '%1' 中, 請稍候... Using a disk cache size of %1 MiB 使用磁碟快取大小為 %1 MiB PeX support [OFF] PeX 支援 [關閉] Restart is required to toggle PeX support 切換 PeX 支援需重新啟動 The Web UI is listening on port %1 Web UI 監聽的埠為: %1 HTTP user agent is %1 HTTP 使用者代理是: %1 Reason: %1 原因: %1 Note: new trackers were added to the existing torrent. 備註: 新 tracker 已增加到現有的 torrent 中。 Note: new URL seeds were added to the existing torrent. 備註: URL 種子已增加到現有 torrent 中。 An I/O error occured, '%1' paused. 發生 I/O 錯誤, '%1' 已暫停。 Removing torrent %1... 移除 torrent %1... Pausing torrent %1... 暫停 torrent %1... Error: The torrent %1 does not contain any file. 錯誤: Torrent %1 沒有包含任何檔案。 File sizes mismatch for torrent %1, pausing it. 檔案大小和 torrent %1 不合, 暫停。 Torrent name: %1 Torrent 名稱: %1 Torrent size: %1 Torrent 大小: %1 Save path: %1 儲存路徑: %1 The torrent was downloaded in %1. The torrent was downloaded in 1 hour and 20 seconds Torrent 已於 %1 下載完成。 Thank you for using qBittorrent. 感謝您使用 qBittorrent。 [qBittorrent] %1 has finished downloading [qBittorrent] 已下載完成 %1 ConsoleDlg General 一般 Blocked IPs 被封鎖的 IP qBittorrent log viewer qBittorrent 紀錄檢視器 CookiesDlg Cookies management Cookie 管理 Key Value Common keys for cookies are : '%1', '%2'. You should get this information from your Web browser preferences. Cookie 的常見值為: '%1', '%2'。 你可從網路瀏覽器的偏好設定中取得這些資訊。 EventManager %1/s e.g. 120 KiB/s %1/s Working 有效 Updating... 更新中... Not working 無效 Not contacted yet 尚未連接 this session 此作業階段 /s /second (i.e. per second) /s Seeded for %1 e.g. Seeded for 3m10s 已做種 %1 %1 max e.g. 10 max 最大 %1 FeedDownloader RSS Feed downloader RSS feed 下載器 RSS feed: RSS feed: Feed name feed 名稱 Automatically download torrents from this feed 自動從這個feed 下載 torrent Download filters 下載過濾器 Filters: 過濾器: Filter settings 過濾器設定 Matches: 符合: Does not match: 不符合: Destination folder: 目的地資料夾: ... ... Filter testing 過濾器測試 Torrent title: torrent 標題: Result: 結果: Test 測試 Import... 匯入... Export... 匯出... Rename filter 重新命名過濾器 Remove filter 移除過濾器 Add filter 增加過濾器 FeedDownloaderDlg New filter 新過濾器 Please choose a name for this filter 請為此過濾器取一個名稱 Filter name: 過濾器名稱: Invalid filter name 無效的過濾器名稱 The filter name cannot be left empty. 過濾器名稱不可以空白。 This filter name is already in use. 此過濾器名稱已使用。 Filter testing error 過濾器測試錯誤 Please specify a test torrent name. 請指定一個測試的 torrent 名稱。 matches 符合 does not match 不符合 Select file to import 選擇匯入的檔案 Filters Files 過濾器檔案 Import successful 匯入成功 Filters import was successful. 匯入過濾器成功。 Import failure 匯入失敗 Filters could not be imported due to an I/O error. 因 I/O 錯誤導致過濾器不能匯入。 Select destination file 選擇目的地檔案 Export successful 匯出成功 Filters export was successful. 過濾器匯出成功。 Export failure 匯出失敗 Filters could not be exported due to an I/O error. 因 I/O 錯誤導致過濾器不能匯出。 Choose save path 選擇儲存路徑 FeedList Unread 未讀 FeedListWidget RSS feeds RSS feeds Unread 未讀 GUI Open Torrent Files 開啟 torrent 檔案 Torrent Files torrent 檔案 qBittorrent %1 e.g: qBittorrent v0.x qBittorrent %1 qBittorrent qBittorrent DL speed: %1 KiB/s e.g: Download speed: 10 KiB/s 下載速度: %1 KiB/s UP speed: %1 KiB/s e.g: Upload speed: 10 KiB/s 上傳速度: %1 KiB/s %1 has finished downloading. e.g: xxx.avi has finished downloading. %1 已經下載完成。 I/O Error i.e: Input/Output Error I/O 錯誤 Search 搜尋 RSS RSS An I/O error occured for torrent %1. Reason: %2 e.g: An error occured for torrent xxx.avi. Reason: disk is full. Torrent %1 發生了 I/O 錯誤。 原因: %2 Alt+1 shortcut to switch to first tab Alt+1 Url download error URL 下載錯誤 Couldn't download file at url: %1, reason: %2. 無法從 URL: %1 下載檔案, 原因: %2。 Ctrl+F shortcut to switch to search tab Ctrl+F Options were saved successfully. 選項儲存成功。 Transfers 傳輸 Download completion 下載完成 Some files are currently transferring. Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? 有些檔案還在傳輸中。 你確定要退出 qBittorrent 嗎? Alt+2 shortcut to switch to third tab Alt+2 Alt+3 shortcut to switch to fourth tab Alt+3 Global Upload Speed Limit 全域上傳速度限制 Global Download Speed Limit 全域下載速度限制 qBittorrent %1 (Down: %2/s, Up: %3/s) %1 is qBittorrent version qBittorrent %1 (下載速度: %2/s, 上傳速度: %3/s) Recursive download confirmation 遞迴下載確認 The torrent %1 contains torrent files, do you want to proceed with their download? Torrent %1 包含 torrent 檔案, 你想要執行下載作業嗎? Torrent file association Torrent 檔案關聯 qBittorrent is not the default application to open torrent files or Magnet links. Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? qBittorrent 不是你開啟 torrent 檔案或磁性連結的預設程式。 你想要以 qBittorrent 開啟 torrent 檔案和磁性連結嗎? Transfers (%1) 傳輸 (%1) Yes No Never 從不 Always 總是 Exiting qBittorrent 退出 qBittorrent Set the password... 設定密碼... Password update 更新密碼 The UI lock password has been successfully updated UI 鎖定密碼已經更新了 UI lock password UI 鎖定密碼 Please type the UI lock password: 請輸入 UI 鎖定密碼: Invalid password 無效的密碼 The password is invalid 密碼是無效的 A newer version is available A newer version of qBittorrent is available on Sourceforge. Would you like to update qBittorrent to version %1? Impossible to update qBittorrent qBittorrent failed to update, reason: %1 GeoIP Australia 澳洲 Argentina 阿根廷 Austria 奧地利 United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯聯合大公國 Brazil 巴西 Bulgaria 保加利亞 Belarus 白俄羅斯 Belgium 比利時 Bosnia 波士尼亞 Canada 加拿大 Czech Republic 捷克 China 中國 Costa Rica 哥斯大黎加 Switzerland 瑞士 Germany 德國 Denmark 丹麥 Algeria 阿爾及利亞 Spain 西班牙 Egypt 埃及 Finland 芬蘭 France 法國 United Kingdom 英國 Greece 希臘 Georgia 喬治亞 Hungary 匈牙利 Croatia 克羅埃西亞 Italy 義大利 India 印度 Israel 以色列 Ireland 愛爾蘭 Iceland 冰島 Indonesia 印尼 Japan 日本 South Korea 南韓 Luxembourg 盧森堡 Malaysia 馬來西亞 Mexico 墨西哥 Serbia 塞爾維亞 Morocco 摩洛哥 Netherlands 荷蘭 Norway 挪威 New Zealand 紐西蘭 Portugal 葡萄牙 Poland 波蘭 Pakistan 巴基斯坦 Philippines 菲律賓 Russia 俄國 Romania 羅馬尼亞 France (Reunion Island) 法國 (留尼旺島) Sweden 瑞典 Slovakia 斯洛伐克 Singapore 新加坡 Slovenia 斯洛維尼亞 Taiwan 臺灣 Turkey 土耳其 Thailand 泰國 USA 美國 Ukraine 烏克蘭 South Africa 南非 Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯 HeadlessLoader Information 資訊 To control qBittorrent, access the Web UI at http://localhost:%1 要控制 qBittorrent, 從 http://localhost:%1 存取 Web UI The Web UI administrator user name is: %1 Web UI 管理者名稱是: %1 The Web UI administrator password is still the default one: %1 Web UI 管理者密碼仍是預設的: %1 This is a security risk, please consider changing your password from program preferences. 這有安全性風險, 請考慮從程式偏好設定更改你的密碼。 HttpConnection Your IP address has been banned after too many failed authentication attempts. 經過多次授權要求失敗之後, 你的 IP 已經被封鎖了。 D: %1/s - T: %2 Download speed: x KiB/s - Transferred: x MiB 下載速度: %1/s - 已傳輸: %2 U: %1/s - T: %2 Upload speed: x KiB/s - Transferred: x MiB 上傳速度: %1/s - 已傳輸: %2 HttpServer File 檔案 Edit 編輯 Help 幫助 Delete from HD 從硬碟刪除 Download Torrents from their URL or Magnet link 從他們的 URL 或磁性連結下載 torrent Only one link per line 一線僅一連結 Download 下載 Download local torrent 下載本地 torrent Torrent files were correctly added to download list. Torrent 檔案已正確地加到下載清單中。 Point to torrent file 指向 torrent 檔案 Are you sure you want to delete the selected torrents from the transfer list and hard disk? 你確定要從傳輸清單及硬碟裡刪除所選擇的 torrent 嗎? Download rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. 下載速度限制必須大於 0 或停用。 Upload rate limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. 上傳速度限制必須大於 0 或停用。 Maximum number of connections limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. 最大連線數限制必須大於 0 或停用。 Maximum number of connections per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. 每個 torrent 的最大下載者連線數限制必須大於 0 或停用。 Maximum number of upload slots per torrent limit must be greater than 0 or disabled. 每個 torrent 上傳位置的最大數限制必須大於 0 或停用。 Unable to save program preferences, qBittorrent is probably unreachable. 無法儲存程式偏好設定, qBittorrent 可能無法連線。 Language 語言 The port used for incoming connections must be greater than 1024 and less than 65535. 進來連線的埠號必須大於 1024 且小於 65535。 The port used for the Web UI must be greater than 1024 and less than 65535. Web UI 使用的負號必須大於 1024 且小於 65535。 The Web UI username must be at least 3 characters long. Web UI 使用者名稱必須至少 3 字元長。 The Web UI password must be at least 3 characters long. Web UI 密碼必須至少 3 字元長。 Downloaded Is the file downloaded or not? 已下載 LegalNotice Legal Notice 法律聲明 Legal notice 法律聲明 Cancel 取消 I Agree 我同意 qBittorrent is a file sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. No further notices will be issued. qBittorrent 是一個檔案分享程式。當你執行一個 torrent 時, 它的資料會上傳給其他人。所以, 你分享的任何內容, 你都負有完全的責任。 之後不會再有其他提醒。 Press %1 key to accept and continue... 請按 %1 來接受並繼續... LineEdit Clear the text 清除文字 MainWindow &Edit 編輯(&E) &File 檔案(&F) &Help 幫助(&H) Preview file 預覽檔案 Clear log 清除紀錄 Decrease priority 降低優先度 Increase priority 增加優先度 &Tools 工具 (&T) &View 檢視 (&V) &Add File... 增加檔案 (&A)... E&xit 離開 (&X) &Options... 選項 (&O)... Add &URL... 增加 &URL... Torrent &creator Torrent 建立器 (&C) Set upload limit... 設定上傳限制... Set download limit... 設定下載限制... Set global download limit... 設定全域下載限制... Set global upload limit... 設定全域上傳限制... &Log viewer... 紀錄檢視器 (&L)... Top &tool bar 最上方的工具列 (&T) Display top tool bar 顯示最上方的工具列 &Speed in title bar 在標題列顯示速度 (&S) Show transfer speed in title bar 在標題列顯示傳輸速度 Alternative speed limits 額外的速度限制 &About 關於 (&A) &Pause 暫停 (&P) &Delete (&D)刪除 P&ause All 全部暫停 (&A) Visit &Website 瀏覽網站 (&W) Report a &bug 回報錯誤 (&B) &Documentation 文件 (&D) &RSS reader &RSS 閱讀器 Search &engine 搜尋引擎 (&E) Log viewer 紀錄檢視器 Lock qBittorrent 鎖定 qBittorrent Ctrl+L Ctrl+L Shutdown computer when downloads complete 當下載結束後將電腦關機 &Resume 繼續 (&R) R&esume All 全部繼續 (&E) Shutdown qBittorrent when downloads complete Exit Import torrent... Donate money If you like qBittorrent, please donate! qBittorrent %1 e.g: qBittorrent v0.x qBittorrent %1 Set the password... 設定密碼... Transfers 傳輸 Torrent file association Torrent 檔案關聯 qBittorrent is not the default application to open torrent files or Magnet links. Do you want to associate qBittorrent to torrent files and Magnet links? qBittorrent 不是你開啟 torrent 檔案或磁性連結的預設程式。 你想要以 qBittorrent 開啟 torrent 檔案和磁性連結嗎? UI lock password UI 鎖定密碼 Please type the UI lock password: 請輸入 UI 鎖定密碼: Password update 更新密碼 The UI lock password has been successfully updated UI 鎖定密碼已經更新了 RSS RSS Search 搜尋 Transfers (%1) 傳輸 (%1) Download completion 下載完成 %1 has finished downloading. e.g: xxx.avi has finished downloading. %1 已經下載完成。 I/O Error i.e: Input/Output Error I/O 錯誤 An I/O error occured for torrent %1. Reason: %2 e.g: An error occured for torrent xxx.avi. Reason: disk is full. Torrent %1 發生了 I/O 錯誤。 原因: %2 Alt+1 shortcut to switch to first tab Alt+1 Alt+2 shortcut to switch to third tab Alt+2 Ctrl+F shortcut to switch to search tab Ctrl+F Alt+3 shortcut to switch to fourth tab Alt+3 Recursive download confirmation 遞迴下載確認 The torrent %1 contains torrent files, do you want to proceed with their download? Torrent %1 包含 torrent 檔案, 你想要執行下載作業嗎? Yes No Never 從不 Url download error URL 下載錯誤 Couldn't download file at url: %1, reason: %2. 無法從 URL: %1 下載檔案, 原因: %2。 Global Upload Speed Limit 全域上傳速度限制 Global Download Speed Limit 全域下載速度限制 Invalid password 無效的密碼 The password is invalid 密碼是無效的 Exiting qBittorrent 退出 qBittorrent Some files are currently transferring. Are you sure you want to quit qBittorrent? 有些檔案還在傳輸中。 你確定要退出 qBittorrent 嗎? Always 總是 Open Torrent Files 開啟 torrent 檔案 Torrent Files torrent 檔案 Options were saved successfully. 選項儲存成功。 qBittorrent qBittorrent DL speed: %1 KiB/s e.g: Download speed: 10 KiB/s 下載速度: %1 KiB/s UP speed: %1 KiB/s e.g: Upload speed: 10 KiB/s 上傳速度: %1 KiB/s qBittorrent %1 (Down: %2/s, Up: %3/s) %1 is qBittorrent version qBittorrent %1 (下載速度: %2/s, 上傳速度: %3/s) PeerAdditionDlg Invalid IP 無效的 IP The IP you provided is invalid. 你提供的 IP 是無效的。 PeerListDelegate /s /second (i.e. per second) /s PeerListWidget IP IP Client i.e.: Client application 客戶端 Progress i.e: % downloaded 進度 Down Speed i.e: Download speed 下載速度 Up Speed i.e: Upload speed 上傳速度 Downloaded i.e: total data downloaded 已下載 Uploaded i.e: total data uploaded 已上傳 Ban peer permanently 永遠封鎖下載者 Peer addition 增加下載者 The peer was added to this torrent. 下載者已增加到此 torrent 中。 The peer could not be added to this torrent. 下載者無法增加到此 torrent 中。 Are you sure? -- qBittorrent 你確定? --qBittorrent Are you sure you want to ban permanently the selected peers? 你確定要永遠封鎖所選擇的下載者嗎? &Yes 是(&Y) &No 否(&N) Manually banning peer %1... 手動封鎖下載者 %1... Upload rate limiting 上傳速度限制 Download rate limiting 下載速度限制 Add a new peer... 增加新下載者... Limit download rate... 限制下載速度... Limit upload rate... 限制上傳速度... Copy IP 複製 IP Preferences UI 使用者介面 Downloads 下載 Connection 連線 Bittorrent Bittorrent Proxy 代理伺服器 Web UI Web UI Language: 語言: (Requires restart) (需要重新啟動) Visual style: 視覺樣式: Transfer list 傳輸清單 Use alternating row colors In transfer list, one every two rows will have grey background. 列使用不同的顏色 File system 檔案系統 Torrent queueing torrent 排程 Maximum active downloads: 最大活躍的下載數: Maximum active uploads: 最大活躍的上傳數: Maximum active torrents: 最大活躍的 torrent: When adding a torrent 當增加 torrent 時 Display torrent content and some options 顯示 torrent 內容及其他選項 Listening port 監聽埠 Port used for incoming connections: 連入連線時使用的埠: Random 隨機 Enable UPnP port mapping 啟用 UPnP 埠映射 Enable NAT-PMP port mapping 啟用 NAT-PMP 埠映射 Connections limit 連線限制 Global maximum number of connections: 全域最大連線數: Maximum number of connections per torrent: 每個 torrent 的最大連線數: Maximum number of upload slots per torrent: 每個 torrent 上傳位置的最大數: Upload: 上傳: Download: 下載: KiB/s KiB/s Bittorrent features Bittorrent 特性 Enable DHT network (decentralized) 啟用 DHT 網路 (分散式) Use a different port for DHT and Bittorrent DHT 和 Bittorrent 使用不同的埠 DHT port: DHT 埠: Enable Peer Exchange / PeX (requires restart) 啟用 PeX (需要重新啟動) Enable Local Peer Discovery 啟用本地下載者搜尋 Enabled 啟用 Forced 強迫 Disabled 停用 Type: 類型: (None) (無) HTTP HTTP Port: 埠: Authentication 驗證 Username: 使用者名稱: Password: 密碼: SOCKS5 SOCKS5 HTTP Server HTTP 伺服器 Filter path (.dat, .p2p, .p2b): 過濾路徑 (.dat, .p2p, .p2b): HTTP Communications (trackers, Web seeds, search engine) HTTP 連線 (trackers, 網頁種子, 搜尋引擎) Host: 主機: Peer Communications 下載者連接 SOCKS4 SOCKS4 Speed 速度 Global speed limits 全域速度限制 Alternative global speed limits 額外的全域速度限制 to time1 to time2 Every day 每天 Week days 工作天 Week ends 假日 Advanced 進階 Copy .torrent files to: 複製 torrent 檔案到: Remove folder 移除資料夾 No action 無行動 Options 選項 Visual Appearance 視覺外觀 Action on double-click 雙擊時的行動 Downloading torrents: 下載中的 torrent: Start / Stop 開始 / 停止 Open destination folder 開啟目的地資料夾 Completed torrents: 已完成的 torrent: Desktop 桌面 Show splash screen on start up 啟動時顯示啟始畫面 Start qBittorrent minimized 啟動時最小化 qBittorrent Show qBittorrent icon in notification area 在通知區域顯示 qBittorrent 圖示 Minimize qBittorrent to notification area 最小化 qBittorrent 到通知區域 Close qBittorrent to notification area i.e: The systray tray icon will still be visible when closing the main window. 關閉 qBittorrent 到通知區域 Do not start the download automatically The torrent will be added to download list in pause state 不要自動開始下載 Save files to location: 儲存檔案到: Append the label of the torrent to the save path 附加 torrent 的標籤到儲存路徑 Pre-allocate disk space for all files 為所有檔案事先分配磁碟空間 Keep incomplete torrents in: 保留未完成的 torrent 於: Append .!qB extension to incomplete files' names 在未完成檔案加上 .!qB 副檔名 Automatically add torrents from: 自動載入 torrent 檔案: Add folder... 增加資料夾... IP Filtering IP 過濾 Schedule the use of alternative speed limits 排程使用額外的速度限制 from from (time1 to time2) When: 何時: Look for peers on your local network 在本地網路找尋下載者 Protocol encryption: 協定加密: Enable Web User Interface (Remote control) 啟用 Web UI (遠端控制) Share ratio limiting 分享率限制 Seed torrents until their ratio reaches 對 torrent 做種直到達到分享率 then 然後 Pause them 暫停它們 Remove them 移除它們 Exchange peers with compatible Bittorrent clients (µTorrent, Vuze, ...) 與相容的 Bittorrent 客戶端 (µTorrent, Vuze, ...) 交換下載者資訊 Email notification upon download completion 下載完成時使用 Email 通知 Destination email: 目的地 email: SMTP server: SMTP 伺服器: Run an external program on torrent completion 當 torrent 下載完成時執行外部程式 Use %f to pass the torrent path in parameters 使用 %f 在參數中傳遞 torrent 路徑 Proxy server ProgramUpdater Could not create the file %1 Failed to download the update at %1 %1 is an URL PropListDelegate Normal Normal (priority) 一般 High High (priority) Maximum Maximum (priority) 最高 Not downloaded 沒有下載 Mixed Mixed (priorities PropTabBar General 一般 Trackers Trackers Peers 下載者 URL Seeds Files 檔案 PropertiesWidget Save path: 儲存路徑: Torrent hash: torrent 雜湊: Comment: 註解: Share ratio: 分享率: General 一般 Trackers Trackers URL seeds URL 種子 Files 檔案 Priority 優先度 New url seed New HTTP source 新 URL 種子 New url seed: 新 URL 種子: qBittorrent qBittorrent This url seed is already in the list. 這個 URL 種子已經在清單裡了。 Choose save path 選擇儲存路徑 Save path creation error 建立儲存路徑錯誤 Could not create the save path 無法建立儲存路徑 Downloaded: 已下載: Transfer 傳輸 Uploaded: 已上傳: Wasted: 已丟棄: UP limit: 上傳限制: DL limit: 下載限制: Time elapsed: 經過時間: Connections: 連線: Information 資訊 Created on: 建立於: Peers 下載者 Normal 一般 Maximum 最高 High this session 此作業階段 %1 max e.g. 10 max 最大 %1 Availability: 可得性: /s /second (i.e. per second) /s Seeded for %1 e.g. Seeded for 3m10s 已做種 %1 Rename... 重新命名... New name: 新名稱: The file could not be renamed 檔案無法重命名 This name is already in use in this folder. Please use a different name. 此名稱已在此資料夾中使用。請選擇另一個名稱。 The folder could not be renamed 此資料夾無法被重新命名 Rename the file 重新命名檔案 This file name contains forbidden characters, please choose a different one. 檔案名稱包含禁止使用之字元, 請選擇其他名稱。 I/O Error I/O 錯誤 This file does not exist yet. 檔案不存在。 This folder does not exist yet. 資料夾不存在。 Reannounce in: 重新公告於: Select All 全部選擇 Select None 全部不選 Do not download 不要下載 QBtSession %1 reached the maximum ratio you set. %1 已經到達你設定的最大比率了。 Removing torrent %1... 移除 torrent %1... Pausing torrent %1... 暫停 torrent %1... qBittorrent is bound to port: TCP/%1 e.g: qBittorrent is bound to port: 6881 qBittorrent 綁定埠: TCP/%1 UPnP support [ON] UPnP 支援 [開啟] UPnP support [OFF] UPnP 支援 [關閉] NAT-PMP support [ON] NAT-PMP 支援 [開啟] NAT-PMP support [OFF] NAT-PMP 支援 [關閉] HTTP user agent is %1 HTTP 使用者代理是: %1 Using a disk cache size of %1 MiB 使用磁碟快取大小為 %1 MiB DHT support [ON], port: UDP/%1 DHT 支援 [開啟], 埠: UDP/%1 DHT support [OFF] DHT 支援 [關閉] PeX support [ON] PeX 支援 [開啟] PeX support [OFF] PeX 支援 [關閉] Restart is required to toggle PeX support 切換 PeX 支援需重新啟動 Local Peer Discovery [ON] 本地下載者搜尋 [開啟] Local Peer Discovery support [OFF] 本地下載者搜尋支援 [關閉] Encryption support [ON] 加密支援 [開啟] Encryption support [FORCED] 加密支援 [強迫] Encryption support [OFF] 加密支援 [關閉] Embedded Tracker [ON] Failed to start the embedded tracker! Embedded Tracker [OFF] The Web UI is listening on port %1 Web UI 監聽的埠為: %1 Web User Interface Error - Unable to bind Web UI to port %1 Web UI 錯誤 - 無法綁定 Web UI 到埠 %1 '%1' was removed from transfer list and hard disk. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' 已經從傳輸清單和硬碟中刪除了。 '%1' was removed from transfer list. 'xxx.avi' was removed... '%1' 已經從傳輸清單中刪除了。 '%1' is not a valid magnet URI. '%1' 不是一個有效的磁性 URI。 '%1' is already in download list. e.g: 'xxx.avi' is already in download list. '%1' 已經在下載清單裡了。 '%1' resumed. (fast resume) '/home/y/xxx.torrent' was resumed. (fast resume) '%1' 已恢復下載。(快速恢復) '%1' added to download list. '/home/y/xxx.torrent' was added to download list. '%1' 已增加到下載清單。 Unable to decode torrent file: '%1' e.g: Unable to decode torrent file: '/home/y/xxx.torrent' 無法解碼 torrent 檔案: '%1' This file is either corrupted or this isn't a torrent. 這個檔案不是損壞就是並非 torrent。 Error: The torrent %1 does not contain any file. 錯誤: Torrent %1 沒有包含任何檔案。 Note: new trackers were added to the existing torrent. 備註: 新 tracker 已增加到現有的 torrent 中。 Note: new URL seeds were added to the existing torrent. 備註: URL 種子已增加到現有 torrent 中。 <font color='red'>%1</font> <i>was blocked due to your IP filter</i> x.y.z.w was blocked <font color='red'>%1</font> <i>因為你的 IP 過濾器而被封鎖了</i> <font color='red'>%1</font> <i>was banned due to corrupt pieces</i> x.y.z.w was banned <font color='red'>%1</font> <i>因為有損壞的分塊而被踢出</i> Recursive download of file %1 embedded in torrent %2 Recursive download of test.torrent embedded in torrent test2 遞迴下載在 torrent %2 裡的檔案 %1 Unable to decode %1 torrent file. 無法解碼 torrent 檔案 %1 。 Torrent name: %1 Torrent 名稱: %1 Torrent size: %1 Torrent 大小: %1 Save path: %1 儲存路徑: %1 The torrent was downloaded in %1. The torrent was downloaded in 1 hour and 20 seconds Torrent 已於 %1 下載完成。 Thank you for using qBittorrent. 感謝您使用 qBittorrent。 [qBittorrent] %1 has finished downloading [qBittorrent] 已下載完成 %1 An I/O error occured, '%1' paused. 發生 I/O 錯誤, '%1' 已暫停。 Reason: %1 原因: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping failure, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: 埠映射失敗, 訊息: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: Port mapping successful, message: %1 UPnP/NAT-PMP: 埠映射成功, 訊息: %1 File sizes mismatch for torrent %1, pausing it. 檔案大小和 torrent %1 不合, 暫停。 Fast resume data was rejected for torrent %1, checking again... 快速恢復資料被 torrent %1 拒絕, 重新檢查... Url seed lookup failed for url: %1, message: %2 找不到 URL: %1 的 URL 種子, 訊息: %2 Downloading '%1', please wait... e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait... 下載 '%1' 中, 請稍候... The network interface defined is invalid: %1 Trying any other network interface available instead. Listening on IP address %1 on network interface %2... Failed to listen on network interface %1 RSS Search 搜尋 Delete 刪除 Rename 重新命名 Refresh RSS streams 更新 RSS 資源 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Torrents:</span> <span style=" font-style:italic;">(double-click to download)</span></p></body></html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css"> p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;"> <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-weight:600;">Torrents:</span> <span style=" font-style:italic;">(double-click to download)</span></p></body></html> Download torrent 下載 torrent Open news URL 開啟消息 URL Copy feed URL 複製 feed URL New subscription 新訂閱 Mark items read 標記項目為已讀 Update all 全部更新 Update all feeds 更新全部 feed RSS feeds RSS feeds Update 更新 Feed URL Feed URL Article title 文章標題 Rename... 重新命名... New subscription... 新訂閱... RSS feed downloader... RSS feed 下載器... New folder... 新資料夾... Manage cookies... 管理 cookie... Settings... 設定... RSS Downloader... RSSImp Please type a rss stream url 請輸入一個 RSS 資源的 URL Stream URL: 資源 URL: Are you sure? -- qBittorrent 你確定? --qBittorrent &Yes 是(&Y) &No 否(&N) qBittorrent qBittorrent This rss feed is already in the list. 這個 RSS feed 已經在清單裡了。 Date: 日期: Author: 作者: Please choose a folder name 請選擇資料夾名稱 Folder name: 資料夾名稱: New folder 新資料夾 Are you sure you want to delete these elements from the list? 你確定要從清單裡刪除這些項目嗎? Are you sure you want to delete this element from the list? 你確定要從清單裡刪除這個項目嗎? Please choose a new name for this RSS feed 請為這個 RSS feed 選擇新名稱 New feed name: 新 feed 名稱: Name already in use 此名稱已使用 This name is already used by another item, please choose another one. 此名稱已被另一個項目使用, 請選擇一個新的名稱。 Overwrite attempt 嘗試複寫 You cannot overwrite %1 item. You cannot overwrite myFolder item. 你不能複寫 %1 項目。 Unread 未讀 RssArticle No description available 沒有可得的描述 RssFeed Automatically downloading %1 torrent from %2 RSS feed... 自動從 %2 RSS feed 下載 %1 torrent... RssItem No description available 沒有可得的描述 RssSettings RSS Reader Settings RSS 閱讀器設定 RSS feeds refresh interval: RSS feed 更新間隔: minutes 分鐘 Maximum number of articles per feed: 每個 feed 的最大文章數: RssSettingsDlg RSS Reader Settings RSS 閱讀器設定 RSS feeds refresh interval: RSS feed 更新間隔: minutes 分鐘 Maximum number of articles per feed: 每個 feed 的最大文章數: RssStream Automatically downloading %1 torrent from %2 RSS feed... 自動從 %2 RSS feed 下載 %1 torrent... ScanFoldersModel Watched Folder 監視資料夾 Download here 下載到此 SearchCategories All categories 所有類別 Movies 電影 TV shows 電視劇 Music 音樂 Games 遊戲 Anime 動畫 Software 軟體 Pictures 圖片 Books SearchEngine Cut 剪下 Copy 複製 Paste 貼上 Clear field 清除欄位 Clear completion history 清除已完成的紀錄 Empty search pattern 沒有搜尋模式 Please type a search pattern first 請先輸入一個搜尋模式 Results 結果 Searching... 搜尋中... Search Engine 搜尋引擎 Search has finished 搜尋完成 An error occured during search... 搜尋時發生錯誤... Search aborted 搜尋中止 Search returned no results 沒有搜尋結果 Results i.e: Search results 結果 Unknown 未知 Search 搜尋 Download error 下載錯誤 Python setup could not be downloaded, reason: %1. Please install it manually. Python 安裝程式無法下載。原因: %1。 請手動安裝。 Missing Python Interpreter 遺失 Python 解釋器 Python 2.x is required to use the search engine but it does not seem to be installed. Do you want to install it now? 使用搜尋引擎需要 Python 2.x, 但是它沒有安裝。 你想要現在安裝嗎? Confirmation 確認 Are you sure you want to clear the history? 你確定要刪除紀錄嗎? SearchTab Name i.e: file name 名稱 Size i.e: file size 大小 Seeders i.e: Number of full sources 種子 Leechers i.e: Number of partial sources 不完整種子 Search engine 搜尋引擎 SpeedLimitDialog KiB/s KiB/s StatusBar Connection status: 連線狀態: No direct connections. This may indicate network configuration problems. 沒有直接的連線。這表示你的網路設置可能有問題。 DHT: %1 nodes DHT: %1 個節點 Connection Status: 連線狀態: Online 線上 Global Download Speed Limit 全域下載速度限制 Global Upload Speed Limit 全域上傳速度限制 D: %1/s - T: %2 Download speed: x KiB/s - Transferred: x MiB 下載速度: %1/s - 已傳輸: %2 U: %1/s - T: %2 Upload speed: x KiB/s - Transferred: x MiB 上傳速度: %1/s - 已傳輸: %2 D: %1 B/s - T: %2 Download speed: x B/s - Transferred: x MiB 下載速度: %1 B/s - 已傳輸: %2 U: %1 B/s - T: %2 Upload speed: x B/s - Transferred: x MiB 上傳速度: %1 B/s - 已傳輸: %2 Offline. This usually means that qBittorrent failed to listen on the selected port for incoming connections. 離線。這通常表示 qBittorrent 監聽進來連線的埠失敗。 Click to disable alternative speed limits 點選來停用額外的速度限制 Click to enable alternative speed limits 點選來啟用額外的速度限制 qBittorrent needs to be restarted qBittorrent was just updated and needs to be restarted for the changes to be effective. TorrentCreatorDlg Select a folder to add to the torrent 選擇要增加到 torrent 的資料夾 Select a file to add to the torrent 選擇要增加到 torrent 的檔案 Please type an announce URL 請先輸入發佈的 URL Announce URL: Tracker URL 發佈的 URL: Please type a web seed url 請先輸入網頁種子 URL Web seed URL: 網頁種子 URL: No input path set 沒有設定輸入路徑 Please type an input path first 請先輸入輸入的路徑 Select destination torrent file 選擇 torrent 檔案目的地 Torrent Files torrent 檔案 Torrent creation 產生 torrent Torrent creation was unsuccessful, reason: %1 建立 torrent 不成功, 原因: %1 Created torrent file is invalid. It won't be added to download list. 建立的 torrent 檔案是無效的。它不會被加入到下載清單。 Torrent was created successfully: 已經成功建立 torrent: TorrentFilesModel Name 名稱 Size 大小 Progress 進度 Priority 優先度 TorrentImportDlg Torrent Import This assistant will help you share with qBittorrent a torrent that you have already downloaded. Torrent file to import: ... ... Content location: Skip the data checking stage and start seeding immediately Import Torrent file to import Torrent files (*.torrent) %1 Files %1 is a file extension (e.g. PDF) Please provide the location of %1 %1 is a file name Please point to the location of the torrent: %1 Invalid torrent file This is not a valid torrent file. TorrentModel Name i.e: torrent name 名稱 Size i.e: torrent size 大小 Done % Done 完成 Status Torrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused) 狀態 Seeds i.e. full sources (often untranslated) 種子 Peers i.e. partial sources (often untranslated) 下載者 Down Speed i.e: Download speed 下載速度 Up Speed i.e: Upload speed 上傳速度 Ratio Share ratio 分享率 ETA i.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time left 預估剩餘時間 Label 標籤 Added On Torrent was added to transfer list on 01/01/2010 08:00 增加於 Completed On Torrent was completed on 01/01/2010 08:00 完成於 Tracker Down Limit i.e: Download limit 下載限制 Up Limit i.e: Upload limit 上傳限制 Amount downloaded Amount of data downloaded (e.g. in MB) Amount left Amount of data left to download (e.g. in MB) TrackerList URL URL Status 狀態 Peers 下載者 Message 訊息 [DHT] [DHT] Working 有效 Disabled 已停用 This torrent is private 這是私有 torrent Updating... 更新中... Not working 無效 Not contacted yet 尚未連接 [PeX] [PeX] [LSD] [LSD] Add a new tracker... 增加新 tracker... Remove tracker 移除 tracker Force reannounce 強迫重新公告 TrackersAdditionDlg Trackers addition dialog 增加 tracker 對話框 List of trackers to add (one per line): 要增加的 tracker 清單 (一行一個): µTorrent compatible list URL: µTorrent 相容清單 URL: I/O Error I/O 錯誤 Error while trying to open the downloaded file. 嘗試開啟已下載的檔案時發生錯誤。 No change 沒有改變 No additional trackers were found. 沒有找到額外的 tracker。 Download error 下載錯誤 The trackers list could not be downloaded, reason: %1 無法下載 tracker 清單, 原因: %1 TransferListDelegate Downloading 下載中 Paused 暫停 Queued i.e. torrent is queued 佇列 Seeding Torrent is complete and in upload-only mode 做種中 Stalled Torrent is waiting for download to begin 等待開始 Checking Torrent local data is being checked 檢查中 /s /second (.i.e per second) /s KiB/s KiB/second (.i.e per second) KiB/s TransferListFiltersWidget All 全部 Downloading 下載中 Completed 已完成 Active 活躍的 Inactive 不活躍的 All labels 所有標籤 Unlabeled 取消標籤 Remove label 移除標籤 New Label 新標籤 Label: 標籤: Invalid label name 無效的標籤名稱 Please don't use any special characters in the label name. 標籤名稱請不要使用任何特殊字元。 Paused 暫停 Add label... 增加標籤... Resume torrents 繼續 torrent Pause torrents 暫停 torrent Delete torrents 刪除 torrent TransferListWidget ETA i.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time left 預估剩餘時間 Column visibility 欄可見度 Open destination folder 開啟目的地資料夾 Force recheck 強迫重新檢查 Copy magnet link 複製磁性連結 Down Speed i.e: Download speed 下載速度 Up Speed i.e: Upload speed 上傳速度 Name i.e: torrent name 名稱 Size i.e: torrent size 大小 Done % Done 完成 Status Torrent status (e.g. downloading, seeding, paused) 狀態 Seeds i.e. full sources (often untranslated) 種子 Peers i.e. partial sources (often untranslated) 下載者 Ratio Share ratio 分享率 Torrent Download Speed Limiting torrent 下載速度限制 Torrent Upload Speed Limiting torrent 上傳速度限制 Super seeding mode 超級種子模式 Download in sequential order 依順序下載 Download first and last piece first 先下載第一和最後一塊 Label 標籤 New Label 新標籤 Label: 標籤: New... New label... 新... Reset Reset label 重設 Rename 重新命名 New name: 新名稱: Rename... 重新命名... Invalid label name 無效的標籤名稱 Please don't use any special characters in the label name. 標籤名稱請不要使用任何特殊字元。 Added On Torrent was added to transfer list on 01/01/2010 08:00 增加於 Completed On Torrent was completed on 01/01/2010 08:00 完成於 Down Limit i.e: Download limit 下載限制 Up Limit i.e: Upload limit 上傳限制 Choose save path 選擇儲存路徑 Save path creation error 儲存路徑建立錯誤 Could not create the save path 無法建立儲存路徑 Set location... 設定位置... Preview file... 預覽檔案... Limit upload rate... 限制上傳速度... Limit download rate... 限制下載速度... Move up i.e. move up in the queue 向上移 Move down i.e. Move down in the queue 向下移 Move to top i.e. Move to top of the queue 移到最上面 Move to bottom i.e. Move to bottom of the queue 移到最下面 Priority 優先度 Resume Resume/start the torrent 繼續 Pause Pause the torrent 暫停 Delete Delete the torrent 刪除 UsageDisplay Usage: 使用: displays program version 顯示程式版本 disable splash screen 停用啟始畫面 displays this help message 顯示幫助訊息 changes the webui port (current: %1) 更改 webui 埠 (目前是: %1) [files or urls]: downloads the torrents passed by the user (optional) [檔案或 URLs]: 不經由使用者下載 torrent (選擇性) about qBittorrent qBittorrent I would like to thank the following people who volunteered to translate qBittorrent: 我想要感謝以下自願翻譯 qBittorrent 的人士: Please contact me if you would like to translate qBittorrent into your own language. 如果你想將 qBittorrent 翻譯到你的語言, 請與我聯絡。 addPeerDialog Peer addition 增加下載者 IP IP Port addTorrentDialog Torrent addition dialog 增加 torrent 對話框 Save path: 儲存路徑: ... ... Torrent content: torrent 內容: Add to download list in paused state 以暫停狀態增加到下載清單 Add 增加 Cancel 取消 Normal 一般 High Maximum 最高 Torrent size: torrent 大小: Unknown 未知 Free disk space: 剩餘磁碟空間: Download in sequential order (slower but good for previewing) 按照順序下載 (較慢但較好預覽) Skip file checking and start seeding immediately 停止檔案檢查並立刻開始做種 Label: 標籤: Select All 全部選擇 Select None 全部不選 Do not download 不要下載 authentication Tracker authentication tracker 驗證 Tracker: Tracker: Login 登入 Username: 使用者名稱: Password: 密碼: Log in 登入 Cancel 取消 confirmDeletionDlg Deletion confirmation - qBittorrent 刪除確認 - qBittorrent Are you sure you want to delete the selected torrents from the transfer list? 你確定要刪除在傳輸清單中所選擇的 torrent 嗎? Remember choice 記住選擇 Also delete the files on the hard disk 也把硬碟裡的檔案刪除 createTorrentDialog Cancel 取消 Torrent Creation Tool torrent 建立工具 Torrent file creation 建立 torrent 檔案 Announce urls (trackers): 發佈 URL (tracker): Comment (optional): 註解 (選擇性): Web seeds urls (optional): 網頁種子 URL (選擇性): File or folder to add to the torrent: 要增加到 torrent 裡的檔案或資料夾: Piece size: 分塊大小: 32 KiB 32 KiB 64 KiB 64 KiB 128 KiB 128 KiB 256 KiB 256 KiB 512 KiB 512 KiB 1 MiB 1 MiB 2 MiB 2 MiB 4 MiB 4 MiB Private (won't be distributed on DHT network if enabled) 私人的 (如果啟用, 不會分佈到 DHT 網路) Start seeding after creation 建立後開始做種 Create and save... 建立且儲存... Progress: 進度: Add file 增加檔案 Add folder 增加資料夾 Tracker URLs: Web seeds urls: Comment: 註解: Auto createtorrent Select destination torrent file 選擇 torrent 檔案目的地 Torrent Files torrent 檔案 No input path set 沒有設定輸入路徑 Please type an input path first 請先輸入輸入的路徑 Torrent creation 產生 torrent Torrent was created successfully: 已經成功建立 torrent: Select a folder to add to the torrent 選擇要增加到 torrent 的資料夾 Please type an announce URL 請先輸入發佈的 URL Torrent creation was unsuccessful, reason: %1 建立 torrent 不成功, 原因: %1 Announce URL: Tracker URL 發佈的 URL: Please type a web seed url 請先輸入網頁種子 URL Web seed URL: 網頁種子 URL: Select a file to add to the torrent 選擇要增加到 torrent 的檔案 Created torrent file is invalid. It won't be added to download list. 建立的 torrent 檔案是無效的。它不會被加入到下載清單。 downloadFromURL Download Torrents from URLs 從 URL 下載 torrent Only one URL per line 每條線僅一個 URL Download 下載 Cancel 取消 Download from urls 從 URL 下載 No URL entered 沒有輸入 URL Please type at least one URL. 請輸入至少一個 URL。 downloadThread I/O Error I/O 錯誤 The remote host name was not found (invalid hostname) 找不到遠端主機的名稱 (無效的主機名) The operation was canceled 操作已取消 The remote server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed 在回應被接收及處理之前遠端伺服器已永遠關閉連線 The connection to the remote server timed out 連線到遠端伺服器逾時 SSL/TLS handshake failed SSL/TLS 握手失敗 The remote server refused the connection 遠端伺服器拒絕連線 The connection to the proxy server was refused 連線到代理伺服器被拒絕 The proxy server closed the connection prematurely 代理伺服器永遠關閉連線 The proxy host name was not found 找不到代理伺服器主機名 The connection to the proxy timed out or the proxy did not reply in time to the request sent 連線到代理伺服器逾時或是在要求的時間中沒有回應 The proxy requires authentication in order to honour the request but did not accept any credentials offered 為了執行要求, 代理伺服器需要認證但是不接受任何提供的憑證 The access to the remote content was denied (401) 存取遠端內容被拒絕 (401) The operation requested on the remote content is not permitted 對遠端內容要求的操作不被允許 The remote content was not found at the server (404) 遠端內容在伺服器上找不到 (404) The remote server requires authentication to serve the content but the credentials provided were not accepted 為了提供內容, 遠端代理伺服器需要認證, 但是不接受所提供的憑證 The Network Access API cannot honor the request because the protocol is not known 因為未知的協定, 網路存取 API 無法執行要求 The requested operation is invalid for this protocol 要求的操作對於此協定是無效的 An unknown network-related error was detected 偵測到一個未知的網路相關錯誤 An unknown proxy-related error was detected 偵測到一個未知的代理伺服器相關錯誤 An unknown error related to the remote content was detected 偵測到一個未知的遠端內容相關錯誤 A breakdown in protocol was detected 偵測到一個協定錯誤 Unknown error 未知的錯誤 engineSelect Search plugins 搜尋外掛 Installed search engines: 已安裝的搜尋引擎: Name 名稱 Url Url Enabled 已啟用 Install a new one 安裝新的 Check for updates 檢查更新 Close 關閉 Enable 啟用 Disable 停用 Uninstall 反安裝 You can get new search engine plugins here: <a href="http://plugins.qbittorrent.org">http://plugins.qbittorrent.org</a> 你可以在這裡取得新的搜尋引擎外掛: <a href="http:plugins.qbittorrent.org">http://plugins.qbittorrent.org</a> engineSelectDlg Uninstall warning 反安裝警告 Some plugins could not be uninstalled because they are included in qBittorrent. Only the ones you added yourself can be uninstalled. However, those plugins were disabled. 有些外掛不能反安裝, 因為他們包含在 qBittorrent 裡面。 只有你自己安裝的可以反安裝。 然而, 這些外掛已經停用。 Uninstall success 反安裝成功 Select search plugins 選擇搜尋外掛 qBittorrent search plugins qBittorrent 搜尋外掛 Search plugin install 安裝搜尋外掛 qBittorrent qBittorrent A more recent version of %1 search engine plugin is already installed. %1 is the name of the search engine 已安裝一個更新版本的 %1 搜尋引擎外掛。 Search plugin update 更新搜尋外掛 Sorry, update server is temporarily unavailable. 抱歉, 更新伺服器暫時不可用。 All your plugins are already up to date. 你所有的外掛都已經是最新版本。 %1 search engine plugin could not be updated, keeping old version. %1 is the name of the search engine %1 搜尋引擎外掛不能升級, 將保持舊版本。 %1 search engine plugin could not be installed. %1 is the name of the search engine %1 搜尋引擎外掛不能安裝。 All selected plugins were uninstalled successfully 所有選擇的外掛都已經成功反安裝了 %1 search engine plugin was successfully updated. %1 is the name of the search engine %1 搜尋引擎外掛已經成功更新。 %1 search engine plugin was successfully installed. %1 is the name of the search engine %1搜尋引擎外掛已經成功安裝。 Sorry, %1 search plugin install failed. %1 is the name of the search engine 抱歉, 安裝搜尋外掛 %1 失敗。 New search engine plugin URL 新搜尋引擎外掛 URL URL: URL: Yes No misc B bytes B KiB kibibytes (1024 bytes) KiB MiB mebibytes (1024 kibibytes) MiB GiB gibibytes (1024 mibibytes) GiB TiB tebibytes (1024 gibibytes) TiB Unknown Unknown (size) 未知 < 1m < 1 minute < 1 分鐘 %1m e.g: 10minutes %1 分鐘 Unknown 未知 %1h %2m e.g: 3hours 5minutes %1 小時 %2 分鐘 %1d %2h e.g: 2days 10hours %1 天 %2 小時 qBittorrent will shutdown the computer now because all downloads are complete. 因為所有下載已經完成, qBittorrent 現在會將電腦關機。 options_imp Choose a save directory 選擇儲存的目錄 Choose an ip filter file 選擇一個 IP 過濾檔案 Filters 過濾器 Choose export directory 選擇輸出目錄 Add directory to scan 增加要掃描的目錄 Folder is already being watched. 資料夾已在監視中。 Folder does not exist. 資料夾不存在。 Folder is not readable. 資料夾不可讀取。 Failure 失敗 Failed to add Scan Folder '%1': %2 增加掃描資料夾: '%1': %2 失敗 pluginSourceDlg Plugin source 外掛來源 Search plugin source: 搜尋外掛來源: Local file 本地檔案 Web link 網頁連結 preview Preview selection 選擇預覽 File preview 預覽檔案 The following files support previewing, <br>please select one of them: 下列檔案支援預覽, <br>請選擇其中一個: Preview 預覽 Cancel 取消 previewSelect Preview impossible 不可預覽 Sorry, we can't preview this file 抱歉, 我們無法預覽這個檔案 Name 名稱 Size 大小 Progress 進度 search_engine Search 搜尋 Status: 狀態: Stopped 已停止 Download 下載 Search engines... 搜尋引擎... torrentAdditionDialog Unable to decode torrent file: 無法解碼 torrent 檔案: Choose save path 選擇儲存路徑 Empty save path 輸入儲存路徑 Please enter a save path 請輸入儲存路徑 Save path creation error 建立儲存路徑錯誤 Could not create the save path 無法建立儲存路徑 Invalid file selection 無效的選擇檔案 You must select at least one file in the torrent 你必須至少選擇 torrent 裡的一個檔案 Priority 優先度 (%1 left after torrent download) e.g. (100MiB left after torrent download) (在 torrent 下載後還剩下 %1) (%1 more are required to download) e.g. (100MiB more are required to download) (還有 %1 需要下載) Seeding mode error 做種模式錯誤 You chose to skip file checking. However, local files do not seem to exist in the current destionation folder. Please disable this feature or update the save path. 你選擇跳過檔案檢查。然而, 本地檔案似乎不在目的地資料夾中。請停用此功能或更新儲存路徑。 Rename... 重新命名... New name: 新名稱: The file could not be renamed 檔案無法重新命名 This name is already in use in this folder. Please use a different name. 此名稱已在此資料夾中使用。請選擇另一個名稱。 The folder could not be renamed 此資料夾無法被重新命名 Rename the file 重新命名檔案 Unable to decode magnet link: 無法解碼磁性連結: Magnet Link 磁性連結 Invalid label name 無效的標籤名稱 Please don't use any special characters in the label name. 標籤名稱請不要使用任何特殊字元。 This file name contains forbidden characters, please choose a different one. 檔案名稱包含禁止使用之字元, 請選擇其他名稱。