/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #include #include #include #include #include "bittorrent.h" #include "misc.h" #include "downloadThread.h" #include "deleteThread.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ETAS_MAX_VALUES 3 #define ETA_REFRESH_INTERVAL 10000 #define MAX_TRACKER_ERRORS 2 // Main constructor bittorrent::bittorrent() : timerScan(0), DHTEnabled(false), preAllocateAll(false), addInPause(false), maxConnecsPerTorrent(500), maxUploadsPerTorrent(4), max_ratio(-1) { // To avoid some exceptions fs::path::default_name_check(fs::no_check); // Creating bittorrent session s = new session(fingerprint("qB", VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_BUGFIX, 0)); // Set severity level of libtorrent session s->set_severity_level(alert::info); // Enabling metadata plugin s->add_extension(&create_metadata_plugin); timerAlerts = new QTimer(); connect(timerAlerts, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(readAlerts())); timerAlerts->start(3000); ETARefresher = new QTimer(); connect(ETARefresher, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateETAs())); ETARefresher->start(ETA_REFRESH_INTERVAL); fastResumeSaver = new QTimer(); connect(fastResumeSaver, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(saveFastResumeAndRatioData())); fastResumeSaver->start(60000); // To download from urls downloader = new downloadThread(this); connect(downloader, SIGNAL(downloadFinished(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(processDownloadedFile(QString, QString))); connect(downloader, SIGNAL(downloadFailure(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(handleDownloadFailure(QString, QString))); // File deleter (thread) deleter = new deleteThread(this); qDebug("* BTSession constructed"); } // Main destructor bittorrent::~bittorrent() { // Disable directory scanning disableDirectoryScanning(); // Delete our objects delete deleter; delete fastResumeSaver; delete timerAlerts; delete ETARefresher; delete downloader; // Delete BT session delete s; } void bittorrent::preAllocateAllFiles(bool b) { bool change = (preAllocateAll != b); if(change) { qDebug("PreAllocateAll changed, reloading all torrents!"); preAllocateAll = b; // Reload All unfinished torrents QString hash; foreach(hash, unfinishedTorrents) { QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); continue; } reloadTorrent(h, b); } } } void bittorrent::deleteBigRatios() { if(max_ratio == -1) return; QString hash; foreach(hash, finishedTorrents) { QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); continue; } QString hash = h.hash(); if(getRealRatio(hash) > max_ratio) { QString fileName = h.name(); deleteTorrent(hash); emit torrent_deleted(hash, fileName, true); } } } void bittorrent::setDownloadLimit(QString hash, long val) { QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()) h.set_download_limit(val); saveTorrentSpeedLimits(hash); } void bittorrent::setUploadLimit(QString hash, long val) { qDebug("Set upload limit rate to %ld", val); QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()) h.set_upload_limit(val); saveTorrentSpeedLimits(hash); } void bittorrent::handleDownloadFailure(QString url, QString reason) { emit downloadFromUrlFailure(url, reason); } void bittorrent::startTorrentsInPause(bool b) { addInPause = b; } void bittorrent::updateETAs() { QString hash; foreach(hash, unfinishedTorrents) { QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid()) { if(h.is_paused()) continue; QString hash = h.hash(); QList listEtas = ETAstats.value(hash, QList()); // XXX: We can still get an overflow if remaining file size is approximately // 8.38*10^5 TiB (let's assume this can't happen) if(h.download_payload_rate() > 0.1) { if(listEtas.size() == ETAS_MAX_VALUES) { listEtas.removeFirst(); } listEtas << (qlonglong)((h.actual_size()-h.total_wanted_done())/(double)h.download_payload_rate()); ETAstats[hash] = listEtas; qlonglong moy = 0; qlonglong val; unsigned int nbETAs = listEtas.size(); Q_ASSERT(nbETAs); foreach(val, listEtas) { moy += (qlonglong)((double)val/(double)nbETAs); } if(moy < 0) { if(ETAstats.contains(hash)) { ETAstats.remove(hash); } if(ETAs.contains(hash)) { ETAs.remove(hash); } } else { ETAs[hash] = moy; } } else { // Speed is too low, we don't want an overflow. if(ETAstats.contains(hash)) { ETAstats.remove(hash); } if(ETAs.contains(hash)) { ETAs.remove(hash); } } } } // Delete big ratios if(max_ratio != -1) deleteBigRatios(); } long bittorrent::getETA(QString hash) const{ return ETAs.value(hash, -1); } // Return the torrent handle, given its hash QTorrentHandle bittorrent::getTorrentHandle(QString hash) const{ return QTorrentHandle(s->find_torrent(misc::fromString((hash.toStdString())))); } // Return true if the torrent corresponding to the // hash is paused bool bittorrent::isPaused(QString hash) const{ QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); return true; } if(torrentsToPauseAfterChecking.contains(hash)) return true; return h.is_paused(); } // Delete a torrent from the session, given its hash // permanent = true means that the torrent will be removed from the hard-drive too void bittorrent::deleteTorrent(QString hash, bool permanent) { qDebug("Deleting torrent with hash: %s", hash.toUtf8().data()); QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); return; } QString savePath = h.save_path(); QString fileName = h.name(); arborescence *files_arb = 0; if(permanent){ files_arb = new arborescence(h.get_torrent_info()); } // Remove it from session s->remove_torrent(h.get_torrent_handle()); // Remove it from torrent backup directory QDir torrentBackup(misc::qBittorrentPath() + "BT_backup"); QStringList filters; filters << hash+".*"; QStringList files = torrentBackup.entryList(filters, QDir::Files, QDir::Unsorted); QString file; foreach(file, files) { torrentBackup.remove(file); } // Remove it from ETAs hash tables ETAstats.remove(hash); ETAs.remove(hash); // Remove tracker errors trackersErrors.remove(hash); // Remove it from ratio table ratioData.remove(hash); int index = finishedTorrents.indexOf(hash); if(index != -1) { finishedTorrents.removeAt(index); }else{ index = unfinishedTorrents.indexOf(hash); if(index != -1) { unfinishedTorrents.removeAt(index); }else{ std::cerr << "Error: Torrent " << hash.toStdString() << " is neither in finished or unfinished list\n"; } } if(permanent && files_arb != 0) { // Remove from Hard drive qDebug("Removing this on hard drive: %s", qPrintable(savePath+QDir::separator()+fileName)); // Deleting in a thread to avoid GUI freeze deleter->deleteTorrent(savePath, files_arb); } } // Return a list of hashes for the finished torrents QStringList bittorrent::getFinishedTorrents() const { return finishedTorrents; } QStringList bittorrent::getUnfinishedTorrents() const { return unfinishedTorrents; } bool bittorrent::isFinished(QString hash) const { return finishedTorrents.contains(hash); } // Remove the given hash from the list of finished torrents void bittorrent::setUnfinishedTorrent(QString hash) { if(QFile::exists(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".finished")){ QFile::remove(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".finished"); } int index = finishedTorrents.indexOf(hash); if(index != -1) { finishedTorrents.removeAt(index); } if(!unfinishedTorrents.contains(hash)) { unfinishedTorrents << hash; } } // Add the given hash to the list of finished torrents void bittorrent::setFinishedTorrent(QString hash) { if(!QFile::exists(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".finished")) { QFile finished_file(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".finished"); finished_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); finished_file.close(); } if(!finishedTorrents.contains(hash)) { finishedTorrents << hash; } int index = unfinishedTorrents.indexOf(hash); if(index != -1) { unfinishedTorrents.removeAt(index); } // Remove it from ETAs hash tables ETAstats.remove(hash); ETAs.remove(hash); // Save fast resume data saveFastResumeAndRatioData(hash); } // Pause a running torrent bool bittorrent::pauseTorrent(QString hash) { bool change = false; QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid() && !h.is_paused()) { h.pause(); change = true; // Save fast resume data saveFastResumeAndRatioData(hash); qDebug("Torrent paused successfully"); }else{ if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("Could not pause torrent %s, reason: invalid", hash.toUtf8().data()); }else{ qDebug("Could not pause torrent %s, reason: already paused", hash.toUtf8().data()); } } // Create .paused file if necessary if(!QFile::exists(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".paused")) { QFile paused_file(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".paused"); paused_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); paused_file.close(); } // Remove it from ETAs hash tables ETAstats.remove(hash); ETAs.remove(hash); return change; } // Resume a torrent in paused state bool bittorrent::resumeTorrent(QString hash) { bool success = false; QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_valid() && h.is_paused()) { h.resume(); success = true; } // Delete .paused file if(QFile::exists(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".paused")) QFile::remove(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".paused"); int index = torrentsToPauseAfterChecking.indexOf(hash); if(index != -1) { torrentsToPauseAfterChecking.removeAt(index); success = true; } return success; } void bittorrent::loadWebSeeds(QString hash) { QFile urlseeds_file(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".urlseeds"); if(!urlseeds_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QByteArray urlseeds_lines = urlseeds_file.readAll(); urlseeds_file.close(); QList url_seeds = urlseeds_lines.split('\n'); QByteArray url_seed; QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); // First remove from the torrent the url seeds that were deleted // in a previous session QStringList seeds_to_delete; QStringList existing_seeds = h.url_seeds(); QString existing_seed; foreach(existing_seed, existing_seeds) { if(!url_seeds.contains(existing_seed.toUtf8())) { seeds_to_delete << existing_seed; } } foreach(existing_seed, seeds_to_delete) { h.remove_url_seed(existing_seed); } // Add the ones that were added in a previous session foreach(url_seed, url_seeds) { if(!url_seed.isEmpty()) { // XXX: Should we check if it is already in the list before adding it // or is libtorrent clever enough to know h.add_url_seed(url_seed); } } } // Add a torrent to the bittorrent session void bittorrent::addTorrent(QString path, bool fromScanDir, QString from_url, bool resumed) { QTorrentHandle h; entry resume_data; bool fastResume=false; QDir torrentBackup(misc::qBittorrentPath() + "BT_backup"); QString file, dest_file, scan_dir; // Checking if BT_backup Dir exists // create it if it is not if(! torrentBackup.exists()) { if(! torrentBackup.mkpath(torrentBackup.path())) { std::cerr << "Couldn't create the directory: '" << torrentBackup.path().toUtf8().data() << "'\n"; exit(1); } } // Processing torrents file = path.trimmed().replace("file://", "", Qt::CaseInsensitive); if(file.isEmpty()) { return; } Q_ASSERT(!file.startsWith("http://", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && !file.startsWith("https://", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && !file.startsWith("ftp://", Qt::CaseInsensitive)); qDebug("Adding %s to download list", file.toUtf8().data()); std::ifstream in(file.toUtf8().data(), std::ios_base::binary); in.unsetf(std::ios_base::skipws); try{ // Decode torrent file entry e = bdecode(std::istream_iterator(in), std::istream_iterator()); // Getting torrent file informations boost::intrusive_ptr t(new torrent_info(e)); qDebug(" -> Hash: %s", misc::toString(t->info_hash()).c_str()); qDebug(" -> Name: %s", t->name().c_str()); QString hash = misc::toQString(t->info_hash()); if(file.startsWith(torrentBackup.path())) { QFileInfo fi(file); QString old_hash = fi.baseName(); if(old_hash != hash){ qDebug("* ERROR: Strange, hash changed from %s to %s", old_hash.toUtf8().data(), hash.toUtf8().data()); } } if(s->find_torrent(t->info_hash()).is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Torrent is already in download list"); // Update info Bar if(!fromScanDir) { if(!from_url.isNull()) { // If download from url, remove temp file QFile::remove(file); emit duplicateTorrent(from_url); }else{ emit duplicateTorrent(file); } }else{ // Delete torrent from scan dir QFile::remove(file); } return; } //Getting fast resume data if existing if(torrentBackup.exists(hash+".fastresume")) { try{ std::stringstream strStream; strStream << hash.toStdString() << ".fastresume"; boost::filesystem::ifstream resume_file(fs::path(torrentBackup.path().toUtf8().data()) / strStream.str(), std::ios_base::binary); resume_file.unsetf(std::ios_base::skipws); resume_data = bdecode(std::istream_iterator(resume_file), std::istream_iterator()); fastResume=true; }catch (invalid_encoding&) {} catch (fs::filesystem_error&) {} } QString savePath = getSavePath(hash); // Adding files to bittorrent session if(preAllocateAll) { h = s->add_torrent(t, fs::path(savePath.toUtf8().data()), resume_data, storage_mode_allocate, true); qDebug(" -> Full allocation mode"); }else{ h = s->add_torrent(t, fs::path(savePath.toUtf8().data()), resume_data, storage_mode_sparse, true); qDebug(" -> Sparse allocation mode"); } if(!h.is_valid()) { // No need to keep on, it failed. qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); // If download from url, remove temp file if(!from_url.isNull()) QFile::remove(file); return; } // Connections limit per torrent h.set_max_connections(maxConnecsPerTorrent); // Uploads limit per torrent h.set_max_uploads(maxUploadsPerTorrent); // Load filtered files loadFilesPriorities(h); // Load custom url seeds loadWebSeeds(hash); // Load speed limit from hard drive loadTorrentSpeedLimits(hash); // Load ratio data loadDownloadUploadForTorrent(hash); // Load trackers bool loaded_trackers = loadTrackerFile(hash); // Doing this to order trackers well if(!loaded_trackers) { saveTrackerFile(hash); loadTrackerFile(hash); } QString newFile = torrentBackup.path() + QDir::separator() + hash + ".torrent"; if(file != newFile) { // Delete file from torrentBackup directory in case it exists because // QFile::copy() do not overwrite QFile::remove(newFile); // Copy it to torrentBackup directory QFile::copy(file, newFile); } // Pause torrent if it was paused last time if((!resumed && addInPause) || QFile::exists(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".paused")) { torrentsToPauseAfterChecking << hash; qDebug("Adding a torrent to the torrentsToPauseAfterChecking list"); } // Incremental download if(QFile::exists(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".incremental")) { qDebug("Incremental download enabled for %s", t->name().c_str()); h.set_sequenced_download_threshold(1); } // Start torrent because it was added in paused state h.resume(); if(QFile::exists(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".finished")) { finishedTorrents << hash; }else{ unfinishedTorrents << hash; } // If download from url, remove temp file if(!from_url.isNull()) QFile::remove(file); // Delete from scan dir to avoid trying to download it again if(fromScanDir) { QFile::remove(file); } // Send torrent addition signal if(!from_url.isNull()) { emit addedTorrent(from_url, h, fastResume); }else{ emit addedTorrent(file, h, fastResume); } }catch (invalid_encoding& e) { // Raised by bdecode() std::cerr << "Could not decode file, reason: " << e.what() << '\n'; // Display warning to tell user we can't decode the torrent file if(!from_url.isNull()) { emit invalidTorrent(from_url); }else{ emit invalidTorrent(file); } if(fromScanDir) { // Remove .corrupt file in case it already exists QFile::remove(file+".corrupt"); //Rename file extension so that it won't display error message more than once QFile::rename(file,file+".corrupt"); } } catch (invalid_torrent_file&) { // Raised by torrent_info constructor // Display warning to tell user we can't decode the torrent file if(!from_url.isNull()) { emit invalidTorrent(from_url); }else{ emit invalidTorrent(file); } if(fromScanDir) { // Remove .corrupt file in case it already exists QFile::remove(file+".corrupt"); //Rename file extension so that it won't display error message more than once QFile::rename(file,file+".corrupt"); } } } // Check in .priorities file if the user filtered files // in this torrent. bool bittorrent::has_filtered_files(QString hash) const{ QFile pieces_file(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".priorities"); // Read saved file if(!pieces_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { return false; } QByteArray pieces_text = pieces_file.readAll(); pieces_file.close(); QList pieces_priorities_list = pieces_text.split('\n'); unsigned int listSize = pieces_priorities_list.size(); for(unsigned int i=0; i 7) { priority = 1; } if(!priority) { return true; } } return false; } // Set the maximum number of opened connections void bittorrent::setMaxConnections(int maxConnec) { s->set_max_connections(maxConnec); } void bittorrent::setMaxConnectionsPerTorrent(int max) { maxConnecsPerTorrent = max; // Apply this to all session torrents std::vector handles = s->get_torrents(); unsigned int nbHandles = handles.size(); for(unsigned int i=0; i handles = s->get_torrents(); unsigned int nbHandles = handles.size(); for(unsigned int i=0; istart_upnp(); } else { s->stop_upnp(); } } void bittorrent::enableNATPMP(bool b) { if(b) { s->start_natpmp(); } else { s->stop_natpmp(); } } void bittorrent::enableLSD(bool b) { if(b) { s->start_lsd(); } else { s->stop_lsd(); } } // Enable DHT bool bittorrent::enableDHT(bool b) { if(b) { if(!DHTEnabled) { boost::filesystem::ifstream dht_state_file((misc::qBittorrentPath()+QString::fromUtf8("dht_state")).toUtf8().data(), std::ios_base::binary); dht_state_file.unsetf(std::ios_base::skipws); entry dht_state; try{ dht_state = bdecode(std::istream_iterator(dht_state_file), std::istream_iterator()); }catch (std::exception&) {} try { s->start_dht(dht_state); s->add_dht_router(std::make_pair(std::string("router.bittorrent.com"), 6881)); s->add_dht_router(std::make_pair(std::string("router.utorrent.com"), 6881)); s->add_dht_router(std::make_pair(std::string("router.bitcomet.com"), 6881)); DHTEnabled = true; qDebug("DHT enabled"); }catch(std::exception e) { qDebug("Could not enable DHT, reason: %s", e.what()); return false; } } } else { if(DHTEnabled) { DHTEnabled = false; s->stop_dht(); qDebug("DHT disabled"); } } return true; } void bittorrent::saveTorrentSpeedLimits(QString hash) { qDebug("Saving speedLimits file for %s", hash.toUtf8().data()); QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); int download_limit = h.download_limit(); int upload_limit = h.upload_limit(); QFile speeds_file(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".speedLimits"); if(!speeds_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qDebug("* Error: Couldn't open speed limits file for torrent: %s", hash.toUtf8().data()); return; } speeds_file.write(misc::toQByteArray(download_limit)+QByteArray(" ")+misc::toQByteArray(upload_limit)); speeds_file.close(); } void bittorrent::loadTorrentSpeedLimits(QString hash) { // qDebug("Loading speedLimits file for %s", hash.toUtf8().data()); QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); QFile speeds_file(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".speedLimits"); if(!speeds_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { return; } QByteArray speed_limits = speeds_file.readAll(); speeds_file.close(); QList speeds = speed_limits.split(' '); if(speeds.size() != 2) { std::cerr << "Invalid .speedLimits file for " << hash.toStdString() << '\n'; return; } h.set_download_limit(speeds.at(0).toInt()); h.set_upload_limit(speeds.at(1).toInt()); } // Read pieces priorities from .priorities file // and ask QTorrentHandle to consider them void bittorrent::loadFilesPriorities(QTorrentHandle &h) { qDebug("Applying pieces priorities"); if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); return; } unsigned int nbFiles = h.num_files(); QString hash = h.hash(); QFile pieces_file(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".priorities"); if(!pieces_file.exists()){ return; } // Read saved file if(!pieces_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qDebug("* Error: Couldn't open priorities file: %s", hash.toUtf8().data()); return; } QByteArray pieces_priorities = pieces_file.readAll(); pieces_file.close(); QList pieces_priorities_list = pieces_priorities.split('\n'); if((unsigned int)pieces_priorities_list.size() != nbFiles+1) { std::cerr << "* Error: Corrupted priorities file\n"; return; } std::vector v; for(unsigned int i=0; i 7) { priority = 1; } //qDebug("Setting piece piority to %d", priority); v.push_back(priority); } h.prioritize_files(v); } void bittorrent::loadDownloadUploadForTorrent(QString hash) { QDir torrentBackup(misc::qBittorrentPath() + "BT_backup"); // Checking if torrentBackup Dir exists // create it if it is not if(! torrentBackup.exists()) { torrentBackup.mkpath(torrentBackup.path()); } // qDebug("Loading ratio data for %s", hash.toUtf8().data()); QFile ratio_file(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+ hash + ".ratio"); if(!ratio_file.exists() || !ratio_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { return; } QByteArray data = ratio_file.readAll(); QList data_list = data.split(' '); if(data_list.size() != 2) { std::cerr << "Corrupted ratio file for torrent: " << hash.toStdString() << '\n'; return; } QPair downUp; downUp.first = (size_type)data_list.at(0).toLongLong(); downUp.second = (size_type)data_list.at(1).toLongLong(); if(downUp.first < 0 || downUp.second < 0) { qDebug("** Overflow in ratio!!! fixing..."); downUp.first = 0; downUp.second = 0; } ratioData[hash] = downUp; } float bittorrent::getRealRatio(QString hash) const{ QPair downUpInfo = ratioData.value(hash, QPair(0,0)); size_type download = downUpInfo.first; size_type upload = downUpInfo.second; QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); download += h.total_payload_download(); Q_ASSERT(download >= 0); upload += h.total_payload_upload(); Q_ASSERT(upload >= 0); if(download == 0){ if(upload == 0) return 1.; return 10.; } float ratio = (double)upload / (double)download; Q_ASSERT(ratio >= 0.); if(ratio > 10.) ratio = 10.; return ratio; } // To remember share ratio or a torrent, we must save current // total_upload and total_upload and reload them on startup void bittorrent::saveDownloadUploadForTorrent(QString hash) { qDebug("Saving ratio data for torrent %s", hash.toUtf8().data()); QDir torrentBackup(misc::qBittorrentPath() + QString::fromUtf8("BT_backup")); // Checking if torrentBackup Dir exists // create it if it is not if(! torrentBackup.exists()) { torrentBackup.mkpath(torrentBackup.path()); } QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); return; } QPair ratioInfo = ratioData.value(hash, QPair(0,0)); size_type download = h.total_payload_download(); download += ratioInfo.first; size_type upload = h.total_payload_upload(); upload += ratioInfo.second; Q_ASSERT(download >= 0 && upload >= 0); QFile ratio_file(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+ hash + QString::fromUtf8(".ratio")); if(!ratio_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { std::cerr << "Couldn't save ratio data for torrent: " << hash.toStdString() << '\n'; return; } ratio_file.write(misc::toQByteArray(download) + QByteArray(" ") + misc::toQByteArray(upload)); ratio_file.close(); } // Only save fast resume data for unfinished and unpaused torrents (Optimization) // Called periodically and on exit void bittorrent::saveFastResumeAndRatioData() { QString hash; QStringList hashes = getUnfinishedTorrents(); foreach(hash, hashes) { QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(h.is_paused()) { // Do not need to save fast resume data for paused torrents continue; } saveFastResumeAndRatioData(hash); } } void bittorrent::saveFastResumeAndRatioData(QString hash) { QString file; QDir torrentBackup(misc::qBittorrentPath() + "BT_backup"); // Checking if torrentBackup Dir exists // create it if it is not if(! torrentBackup.exists()) { torrentBackup.mkpath(torrentBackup.path()); } // Extracting resume data QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); return; } if (h.has_metadata() && h.state() != torrent_status::checking_files && h.state() != torrent_status::queued_for_checking) { if(QFile::exists(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+hash+".torrent")) { // Remove old .fastresume data in case it exists QFile::remove(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+hash + ".fastresume"); // Write fast resume data entry resumeData = h.write_resume_data(); file = hash + ".fastresume"; boost::filesystem::ofstream out(fs::path(torrentBackup.path().toUtf8().data()) / file.toUtf8().data(), std::ios_base::binary); out.unsetf(std::ios_base::skipws); bencode(std::ostream_iterator(out), resumeData); } // Save ratio data saveDownloadUploadForTorrent(hash); } } bool bittorrent::isFilePreviewPossible(QString hash) const{ // See if there are supported files in the torrent QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); return false; } unsigned int nbFiles = h.num_files(); for(unsigned int i=0; istart(5000); } } // Disable directory scanning void bittorrent::disableDirectoryScanning() { if(!scan_dir.isNull()) { scan_dir = QString::null; if(timerScan->isActive()) { timerScan->stop(); } } if(timerScan != 0) delete timerScan; } // Set the ports range in which is chosen the port the bittorrent // session will listen to void bittorrent::setListeningPortsRange(std::pair ports) { s->listen_on(ports); } // Set download rate limit // -1 to disable void bittorrent::setDownloadRateLimit(long rate) { qDebug("Setting a global download rate limit at %ld", rate); s->set_download_rate_limit(rate); } session* bittorrent::getSession() const{ return s; } // Set upload rate limit // -1 to disable void bittorrent::setUploadRateLimit(long rate) { qDebug("set upload_limit to %fkb/s", rate/1024.); s->set_upload_rate_limit(rate); } // libtorrent allow to adjust ratio for each torrent // This function will apply to same ratio to all torrents void bittorrent::setGlobalRatio(float ratio) { if(ratio != -1 && ratio < 1.) ratio = 1.; if(ratio == -1) { // 0 means unlimited for libtorrent ratio = 0; } std::vector handles = s->get_torrents(); unsigned int nbHandles = handles.size(); for(unsigned int i=0; i trackers; QString line; foreach(line, lines) { QStringList parts = line.split("|"); if(parts.size() != 2) continue; announce_entry t(parts[0].toStdString()); t.tier = parts[1].toInt(); trackers.push_back(t); } if(trackers.size() != 0) { QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); h.replace_trackers(trackers); return true; }else{ return false; } } void bittorrent::saveTrackerFile(QString hash) { qDebug("Saving tracker file for %s", hash.toUtf8().data()); QDir torrentBackup(misc::qBittorrentPath() + "BT_backup"); QFile tracker_file(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+ hash + ".trackers"); if(tracker_file.exists()) { tracker_file.remove(); } tracker_file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash); std::vector trackers = h.trackers(); for(unsigned int i=0; iadd_extension(&create_ut_pex_plugin); } // Set DHT port (>= 1000) void bittorrent::setDHTPort(int dht_port) { if(dht_port >= 1000) { struct dht_settings DHTSettings; DHTSettings.service_port = dht_port; s->set_dht_settings(DHTSettings); qDebug("Set DHT Port to %d", dht_port); } } // Enable IP Filtering void bittorrent::enableIPFilter(ip_filter filter) { qDebug("Enabling IPFiler"); s->set_ip_filter(filter); } // Disable IP Filtering void bittorrent::disableIPFilter() { qDebug("Disabling IPFilter"); s->set_ip_filter(ip_filter()); } // Set BT session settings (user_agent) void bittorrent::setSessionSettings(session_settings sessionSettings) { qDebug("Set session settings"); s->set_settings(sessionSettings); } // Set Proxy void bittorrent::setProxySettings(proxy_settings proxySettings, bool trackers, bool peers, bool web_seeds, bool dht) { qDebug("Set Proxy settings"); if(trackers) s->set_tracker_proxy(proxySettings); if(peers) s->set_peer_proxy(proxySettings); if(web_seeds) s->set_web_seed_proxy(proxySettings); if(DHTEnabled && dht) { s->set_dht_proxy(proxySettings); } } // Read alerts sent by the bittorrent session void bittorrent::readAlerts() { // look at session alerts and display some infos std::auto_ptr a = s->pop_alert(); while (a.get()) { if (torrent_finished_alert* p = dynamic_cast(a.get())) { QTorrentHandle h(p->handle); if(h.is_valid()){ QString hash = h.hash(); qDebug("Received finished alert for %s", h.name().toUtf8().data()); setFinishedTorrent(hash); emit finishedTorrent(h); } } else if (file_error_alert* p = dynamic_cast(a.get())) { QTorrentHandle h(p->handle); qDebug("File Error: %s", p->msg().c_str()); if(h.is_valid()) emit fullDiskError(h); } else if (dynamic_cast(a.get())) { // Level: fatal emit portListeningFailure(); } else if (tracker_alert* p = dynamic_cast(a.get())) { // Level: fatal QTorrentHandle h(p->handle); if(h.is_valid()){ QString hash = h.hash(); QList > errors = trackersErrors.value(hash, QList >()); if(errors.size() > MAX_TRACKER_ERRORS) errors.removeAt(0); errors << QPair(QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss"), QString::fromUtf8(a->msg().c_str())); trackersErrors[hash] = errors; // Authentication if(p->status_code == 401) { emit trackerAuthenticationRequired(h); } } } else if (peer_blocked_alert* p = dynamic_cast(a.get())) { emit peerBlocked(QString::fromUtf8(p->ip.to_string().c_str())); } else if (fastresume_rejected_alert* p = dynamic_cast(a.get())) { QTorrentHandle h(p->handle); if(h.is_valid()){ qDebug("/!\\ Fast resume failed for %s, reason: %s", h.name().toUtf8().data(), p->msg().c_str()); emit fastResumeDataRejected(h.name()); } } else if (url_seed_alert* p = dynamic_cast(a.get())) { emit urlSeedProblem(QString::fromUtf8(p->url.c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(p->msg().c_str())); } else if (torrent_checked_alert* p = dynamic_cast(a.get())) { QTorrentHandle h(p->handle); if(h.is_valid()){ QString hash = h.hash(); qDebug("%s have just finished checking", hash.toUtf8().data()); int index = torrentsToPauseAfterChecking.indexOf(hash); if(index != -1) { torrentsToPauseAfterChecking.removeAt(index); // Pause torrent pauseTorrent(hash); qDebug("%s was paused after checking", hash.toUtf8().data()); } emit torrentFinishedChecking(hash); } } a = s->pop_alert(); } } QList > bittorrent::getTrackersErrors(QString hash) const{ return trackersErrors.value(hash, QList >()); } QStringList bittorrent::getTorrentsToPauseAfterChecking() const{ return torrentsToPauseAfterChecking; } // Reload a torrent with full allocation mode void bittorrent::reloadTorrent(const QTorrentHandle &h, bool full_alloc) { qDebug("** Reloading a torrent"); if(!h.is_valid()) { qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle"); return; } QDir torrentBackup(misc::qBittorrentPath() + "BT_backup"); fs::path saveDir = h.save_path_boost(); QString fileName = h.name(); QString hash = h.hash(); boost::intrusive_ptr t(new torrent_info(h.get_torrent_info())); qDebug("Reloading torrent: %s", fileName.toUtf8().data()); entry resumeData; // Checking if torrentBackup Dir exists // create it if it is not if(! torrentBackup.exists()) { torrentBackup.mkpath(torrentBackup.path()); } // Extracting resume data if (h.has_metadata()) { // get fast resume data resumeData = h.write_resume_data(); } // Remove torrent s->remove_torrent(h.get_torrent_handle()); // Add torrent again to session unsigned int timeout = 0; while(h.is_valid() && timeout < 6) { qDebug("Waiting for the torrent to be removed..."); SleeperThread::msleep(1000); ++timeout; } QTorrentHandle new_h; if(full_alloc) { new_h = s->add_torrent(t, saveDir, resumeData, storage_mode_allocate); qDebug("Using full allocation mode"); } else { new_h = s->add_torrent(t, saveDir, resumeData, storage_mode_sparse); qDebug("Using sparse mode"); } // Connections limit per torrent new_h.set_max_connections(maxConnecsPerTorrent); // Uploads limit per torrent new_h.set_max_uploads(maxUploadsPerTorrent); // Load filtered Files loadFilesPriorities(new_h); // Load speed limit from hard drive loadTorrentSpeedLimits(hash); // Load custom url seeds loadWebSeeds(hash); // Load ratio data loadDownloadUploadForTorrent(hash); // Pause torrent if it was paused last time if(QFile::exists(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".paused")) { new_h.pause(); } // Incremental download if(QFile::exists(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".incremental")) { qDebug("Incremental download enabled for %s", fileName.toUtf8().data()); new_h.set_sequenced_download_threshold(1); } } int bittorrent::getListenPort() const{ return s->listen_port(); } session_status bittorrent::getSessionStatus() const{ return s->status(); } QString bittorrent::getSavePath(QString hash) { QFile savepath_file(misc::qBittorrentPath()+"BT_backup"+QDir::separator()+hash+".savepath"); QByteArray line; QString savePath; if(savepath_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { line = savepath_file.readAll(); savepath_file.close(); qDebug(" -> Save path: %s", line.data()); savePath = QString::fromUtf8(line.data()); }else{ // use default save path qDebug("Using default save path because none was set"); savePath = defaultSavePath; } // Checking if savePath Dir exists // create it if it is not QDir saveDir(savePath); if(!saveDir.exists()) { if(!saveDir.mkpath(saveDir.path())) { std::cerr << "Couldn't create the save directory: " << saveDir.path().toUtf8().data() << "\n"; // XXX: handle this better return QDir::homePath(); } } return savePath; } // Take an url string to a torrent file, // download the torrent file to a tmp location, then // add it to download list void bittorrent::downloadFromUrl(QString url) { emit aboutToDownloadFromUrl(url); // Launch downloader thread downloader->downloadUrl(url); } // Add to bittorrent session the downloaded torrent file void bittorrent::processDownloadedFile(QString url, QString file_path) { // Add file to torrent download list emit newDownloadedTorrent(file_path, url); } void bittorrent::downloadFromURLList(const QStringList& url_list) { QString url; qDebug("DownloadFromUrlList"); foreach(url, url_list) { downloadFromUrl(url); } } // Return current download rate for the BT // session. Payload means that it only take into // account "useful" part of the rate float bittorrent::getPayloadDownloadRate() const{ session_status sessionStatus = s->status(); return sessionStatus.payload_download_rate; } // Return current upload rate for the BT // session. Payload means that it only take into // account "useful" part of the rate float bittorrent::getPayloadUploadRate() const{ session_status sessionStatus = s->status(); return sessionStatus.payload_upload_rate; } // Save DHT entry to hard drive void bittorrent::saveDHTEntry() { // Save DHT entry if(DHTEnabled) { try{ entry dht_state = s->dht_state(); boost::filesystem::ofstream out((misc::qBittorrentPath()+QString::fromUtf8("dht_state")).toUtf8().data(), std::ios_base::binary); out.unsetf(std::ios_base::skipws); bencode(std::ostream_iterator(out), dht_state); qDebug("DHT entry saved"); }catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << "\n"; } } } void bittorrent::applyEncryptionSettings(pe_settings se) { qDebug("Applying encryption settings"); s->set_pe_settings(se); } // Will fast resume torrents in // backup directory void bittorrent::resumeUnfinishedTorrents() { qDebug("Resuming unfinished torrents"); QDir torrentBackup(misc::qBittorrentPath() + "BT_backup"); QStringList fileNames, filePaths; // Scan torrentBackup directory QStringList filters; filters << "*.torrent"; fileNames = torrentBackup.entryList(filters, QDir::Files, QDir::Unsorted); QString fileName; foreach(fileName, fileNames) { filePaths.append(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+fileName); } // Resume downloads foreach(fileName, filePaths) { addTorrent(fileName, false, QString(), true); } qDebug("Unfinished torrents resumed"); }