/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2019 Prince Gupta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If * you modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. */ #include "uithememanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/iconprovider.h" #include "base/logger.h" #include "base/preferences.h" #include "base/utils/fs.h" namespace { const QString CONFIG_FILE_NAME = QStringLiteral(":uitheme/config.json"); } UIThemeManager *UIThemeManager::m_instance = nullptr; void UIThemeManager::freeInstance() { delete m_instance; m_instance = nullptr; } void UIThemeManager::initInstance() { if (!m_instance) m_instance = new UIThemeManager; } UIThemeManager::UIThemeManager() { const Preferences *const pref = Preferences::instance(); if (pref->useCustomUITheme()) { if (!QResource::registerResource(pref->customUIThemePath(), "/uitheme")) { LogMsg(tr("Failed to load UI theme from file: \"%1\"").arg(pref->customUIThemePath()), Log::WARNING); } else { loadColorsFromJSONConfig(); applyPalette(); } } #if (defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MACOS)) m_useSystemTheme = pref->useSystemIconTheme(); #endif } UIThemeManager *UIThemeManager::instance() { return m_instance; } void UIThemeManager::applyStyleSheet() const { if (!Preferences::instance()->useCustomUITheme()) { qApp->setStyleSheet({}); return; } QFile qssFile(":uitheme/stylesheet.qss"); if (!qssFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qApp->setStyleSheet({}); LogMsg(tr("Couldn't apply theme stylesheet. stylesheet.qss couldn't be opened. Reason: %1").arg(qssFile.errorString()) , Log::WARNING); return; } qApp->setStyleSheet(qssFile.readAll()); } QIcon UIThemeManager::getIcon(const QString &iconId) const { return getIcon(iconId, iconId); } QIcon UIThemeManager::getIcon(const QString &iconId, const QString &fallback) const { #if (defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MACOS)) if (m_useSystemTheme) { QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme(iconId); if (icon.name() != iconId) icon = QIcon::fromTheme(fallback, QIcon(IconProvider::instance()->getIconPath(iconId))); return icon; } #else Q_UNUSED(fallback) #endif // cache to avoid rescaling svg icons static QHash iconCache; const auto iter = iconCache.find(iconId); if (iter != iconCache.end()) return *iter; const QIcon icon {IconProvider::instance()->getIconPath(iconId)}; iconCache[iconId] = icon; return icon; } QIcon UIThemeManager::getFlagIcon(const QString &countryIsoCode) const { if (countryIsoCode.isEmpty()) return {}; return QIcon(":/icons/flags/" + countryIsoCode.toLower() + ".svg"); } QColor UIThemeManager::getColor(const QString &id, const QColor &defaultColor) const { return m_colors.value(id, defaultColor); } QString UIThemeManager::getIconPath(const QString &iconId) const { #if (defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MACOS)) if (m_useSystemTheme) { QString path = Utils::Fs::tempPath() + iconId + ".png"; if (!QFile::exists(path)) { const QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme(iconId); if (!icon.isNull()) icon.pixmap(32).save(path); else path = IconProvider::instance()->getIconPath(iconId); } return path; } #endif return IconProvider::instance()->getIconPath(iconId); } void UIThemeManager::loadColorsFromJSONConfig() { QFile configFile(CONFIG_FILE_NAME); if (!configFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { LogMsg(tr("Failed to open \"%1\". Reason: %2").arg(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, configFile.errorString()), Log::WARNING); return; } QJsonParseError jsonError; const QJsonDocument configJsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(configFile.readAll(), &jsonError); if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { LogMsg(tr("\"%1\" has invalid format. Reason: %2").arg(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, jsonError.errorString()), Log::WARNING); return; } if (!configJsonDoc.isObject()) { LogMsg(tr("\"%1\" has invalid format. Reason: %2").arg(CONFIG_FILE_NAME, tr("Root JSON value is not an object")), Log::WARNING); return; } const QJsonObject colors = configJsonDoc.object().value("colors").toObject(); for (auto color = colors.constBegin(); color != colors.constEnd(); ++color) { const QColor providedColor(color.value().toString()); if (!providedColor.isValid()) { LogMsg(tr("Invalid color for ID \"%1\" is provided by theme").arg(color.key()), Log::WARNING); continue; } m_colors.insert(color.key(), providedColor); } } void UIThemeManager::applyPalette() const { struct ColorDescriptor { QString id; QPalette::ColorRole colorRole; QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup; }; const ColorDescriptor paletteColorDescriptors[] = { {QLatin1String("Palette.Window"), QPalette::Window, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.WindowText"), QPalette::WindowText, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Base"), QPalette::Base, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.AlternateBase"), QPalette::AlternateBase, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Text"), QPalette::Text, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.ToolTipBase"), QPalette::ToolTipBase, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.ToolTipText"), QPalette::ToolTipText, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.BrightText"), QPalette::BrightText, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Highlight"), QPalette::Highlight, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.HighlightedText"), QPalette::HighlightedText, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Button"), QPalette::Button, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.ButtonText"), QPalette::ButtonText, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Link"), QPalette::Link, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.LinkVisited"), QPalette::LinkVisited, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Light"), QPalette::Light, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Midlight"), QPalette::Midlight, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Mid"), QPalette::Mid, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Dark"), QPalette::Dark, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.Shadow"), QPalette::Shadow, QPalette::Normal}, {QLatin1String("Palette.WindowTextDisabled"), QPalette::WindowText, QPalette::Disabled}, {QLatin1String("Palette.TextDisabled"), QPalette::Text, QPalette::Disabled}, {QLatin1String("Palette.ToolTipTextDisabled"), QPalette::ToolTipText, QPalette::Disabled}, {QLatin1String("Palette.BrightTextDisabled"), QPalette::BrightText, QPalette::Disabled}, {QLatin1String("Palette.HighlightedTextDisabled"), QPalette::HighlightedText, QPalette::Disabled}, {QLatin1String("Palette.ButtonTextDisabled"), QPalette::ButtonText, QPalette::Disabled} }; QPalette palette = qApp->palette(); for (const ColorDescriptor &colorDescriptor : paletteColorDescriptors) { const QColor defaultColor = palette.color(colorDescriptor.colorGroup, colorDescriptor.colorRole); const QColor newColor = getColor(colorDescriptor.id, defaultColor); palette.setColor(colorDescriptor.colorGroup, colorDescriptor.colorRole, newColor); } qApp->setPalette(palette); }