/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2010 Christophe Dumez * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org */ #include #include #include #include "torrentpersistentdata.h" #include "torrentcreatordlg.h" #include "fs_utils.h" #include "misc.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "torrentcreatorthread.h" #include "iconprovider.h" #include "qbtsession.h" const uint NB_PIECES_MIN = 1200; const uint NB_PIECES_MAX = 2200; using namespace libtorrent; TorrentCreatorDlg::TorrentCreatorDlg(QWidget *parent): QDialog(parent), creatorThread(0) { setupUi(this); // Icons addFile_button->setIcon(IconProvider::instance()->getIcon("document-new")); addFolder_button->setIcon(IconProvider::instance()->getIcon("folder-new")); createButton->setIcon(IconProvider::instance()->getIcon("document-save")); cancelButton->setIcon(IconProvider::instance()->getIcon("dialog-cancel")); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); setModal(true); showProgressBar(false); loadTrackerList(); // Piece sizes m_piece_sizes << 32 << 64 << 128 << 256 << 512 << 1024 << 2048 << 4096; loadSettings(); show(); } TorrentCreatorDlg::~TorrentCreatorDlg() { if (creatorThread) delete creatorThread; } void TorrentCreatorDlg::on_addFolder_button_clicked() { Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); QString last_path = pref->getCreateTorLastAddPath(); QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Select a folder to add to the torrent"), last_path, QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly); if (!dir.isEmpty()) { pref->setCreateTorLastAddPath(dir); textInputPath->setText(fsutils::toNativePath(dir)); // Update piece size if (checkAutoPieceSize->isChecked()) updateOptimalPieceSize(); } } void TorrentCreatorDlg::on_addFile_button_clicked() { Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); QString last_path = pref->getCreateTorLastAddPath(); QString file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select a file to add to the torrent"), last_path); if (!file.isEmpty()) { pref->setCreateTorLastAddPath(fsutils::branchPath(file)); textInputPath->setText(fsutils::toNativePath(file)); // Update piece size if (checkAutoPieceSize->isChecked()) updateOptimalPieceSize(); } } int TorrentCreatorDlg::getPieceSize() const { return m_piece_sizes.at(comboPieceSize->currentIndex())*1024; } // Main function that create a .torrent file void TorrentCreatorDlg::on_createButton_clicked() { QString input = fsutils::fromNativePath(textInputPath->text()).trimmed(); if (input.endsWith("/")) input.chop(1); if (input.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("No input path set"), tr("Please type an input path first")); return; } QStringList trackers = trackers_list->toPlainText().split("\n"); if (!trackers_list->toPlainText().trimmed().isEmpty()) saveTrackerList(); Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); QString last_path = pref->getCreateTorLastSavePath(); QString destination = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Select destination torrent file"), last_path, tr("Torrent Files")+QString::fromUtf8(" (*.torrent)")); if (!destination.isEmpty()) { pref->setCreateTorLastSavePath(fsutils::branchPath(destination)); if (!destination.toUpper().endsWith(".TORRENT")) destination += QString::fromUtf8(".torrent"); } else { return; } // Disable dialog setInteractionEnabled(false); showProgressBar(true); // Set busy cursor setCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)); // Actually create the torrent QStringList url_seeds = URLSeeds_list->toPlainText().split("\n"); QString comment = txt_comment->toPlainText(); // Create the creator thread creatorThread = new TorrentCreatorThread(this); connect(creatorThread, SIGNAL(creationSuccess(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(handleCreationSuccess(QString, QString))); connect(creatorThread, SIGNAL(creationFailure(QString)), this, SLOT(handleCreationFailure(QString))); connect(creatorThread, SIGNAL(updateProgress(int)), this, SLOT(updateProgressBar(int))); creatorThread->create(input, destination, trackers, url_seeds, comment, check_private->isChecked(), getPieceSize()); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::handleCreationFailure(QString msg) { // Remove busy cursor setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Torrent creation"), tr("Torrent creation was unsuccessful, reason: %1").arg(msg)); setInteractionEnabled(true); showProgressBar(false); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::handleCreationSuccess(QString path, QString branch_path) { // Remove busy cursor setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor)); if (checkStartSeeding->isChecked()) { // Create save path temp data boost::intrusive_ptr t; try { t = new torrent_info(fsutils::toNativePath(path).toUtf8().data()); } catch(std::exception&) { QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Torrent creation"), tr("Created torrent file is invalid. It won't be added to download list.")); return; } QString hash = misc::toQString(t->info_hash()); QString save_path = branch_path; TorrentTempData::setSavePath(hash, save_path); // Enable seeding mode (do not recheck the files) TorrentTempData::setSeedingMode(hash, true); emit torrent_to_seed(path); if (checkIgnoreShareLimits->isChecked()) QBtSession::instance()->setMaxRatioPerTorrent(hash, -1); } QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Torrent creation"), tr("Torrent was created successfully:")+" "+fsutils::toNativePath(path)); close(); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::on_cancelButton_clicked() { // End torrent creation thread if (creatorThread && creatorThread->isRunning()) { creatorThread->abortCreation(); creatorThread->terminate(); // Wait for termination creatorThread->wait(); } // Close the dialog close(); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::updateProgressBar(int progress) { progressBar->setValue(progress); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::setInteractionEnabled(bool enabled) { textInputPath->setEnabled(enabled); addFile_button->setEnabled(enabled); addFolder_button->setEnabled(enabled); trackers_list->setEnabled(enabled); URLSeeds_list->setEnabled(enabled); txt_comment->setEnabled(enabled); comboPieceSize->setEnabled(enabled); check_private->setEnabled(enabled); checkStartSeeding->setEnabled(enabled); createButton->setEnabled(enabled); checkIgnoreShareLimits->setEnabled(enabled && checkStartSeeding->isChecked()); //cancelButton->setEnabled(!enabled); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::showProgressBar(bool show) { progressLbl->setVisible(show); progressBar->setVisible(show); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::on_checkAutoPieceSize_clicked(bool checked) { comboPieceSize->setEnabled(!checked); if (checked) { updateOptimalPieceSize(); } } void TorrentCreatorDlg::updateOptimalPieceSize() { quint64 torrent_size = fsutils::computePathSize(textInputPath->text()); qDebug("Torrent size is %lld", torrent_size); if (torrent_size == 0) return; int i = 0; qulonglong nb_pieces = 0; do { nb_pieces = (double)torrent_size/(m_piece_sizes.at(i)*1024.); qDebug("nb_pieces=%lld with piece_size=%s", nb_pieces, qPrintable(comboPieceSize->itemText(i))); if (nb_pieces <= NB_PIECES_MIN) { if (i > 1) --i; break; } if (nb_pieces < NB_PIECES_MAX) { qDebug("Good, nb_pieces=%lld < %d", nb_pieces, NB_PIECES_MAX); break; } ++i; }while(i<(m_piece_sizes.size()-1)); comboPieceSize->setCurrentIndex(i); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::saveTrackerList() { Preferences::instance()->setCreateTorTrackers(trackers_list->toPlainText()); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::loadTrackerList() { trackers_list->setPlainText(Preferences::instance()->getCreateTorTrackers()); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::saveSettings() { Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); pref->setCreateTorGeometry(saveGeometry()); pref->setCreateTorIgnoreRatio(checkIgnoreShareLimits->isChecked()); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::loadSettings() { const Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); restoreGeometry(pref->getCreateTorGeometry()); checkIgnoreShareLimits->setChecked(pref->getCreateTorIgnoreRatio()); } void TorrentCreatorDlg::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; saveSettings(); QDialog::closeEvent(event); }