/* * Bittorrent Client using Qt and libtorrent. * Copyright (C) 2020 Prince Gupta * Copyright (C) 2019 sledgehammer999 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to * link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with * modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library), * and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public * License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you * modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s), * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ #include "loglistview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "logmodel.h" #include "uithememanager.h" namespace { const QString SEPARATOR = QStringLiteral(" - "); int horizontalAdvance(const QFontMetrics &fontMetrics, const QString &text) { #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0)) return fontMetrics.horizontalAdvance(text); #else return fontMetrics.width(text); #endif } QString logText(const QModelIndex &index) { return QString::fromLatin1("%1%2%3").arg(index.data(BaseLogModel::TimeRole).toString(), SEPARATOR , index.data(BaseLogModel::MessageRole).toString()); } class LogItemDelegate final : public QStyledItemDelegate { public: using QStyledItemDelegate::QStyledItemDelegate; private: void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const override { painter->save(); QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index); // paints background, focus rect and selection rect const QStyle *style = option.widget ? option.widget->style() : QApplication::style();; const QRect textRect = style->subElementRect(QStyle::SE_ItemViewItemText, &option, option.widget) .adjusted(1, 0, 0, 0); // shift 1 to avoid text being too close to focus rect QFont font = option.font; if (option.font.pointSize() > 0) font.setPointSize(option.font.pointSize()); // somehow this needs to be set directly otherwise painter will use default font painter->setFont(font); const QPen originalPen = painter->pen(); QPen coloredPen = originalPen; coloredPen.setColor(Qt::darkGray); painter->setPen(coloredPen); const QString time = index.data(BaseLogModel::TimeRole).toString(); style->drawItemText(painter, textRect, option.displayAlignment, option.palette, (option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled), time); painter->setPen(originalPen); const QFontMetrics fontMetrics = painter->fontMetrics(); // option.fontMetrics adds extra padding to QFontMetrics::width const int separatorCoordinateX = horizontalAdvance(fontMetrics, time); style->drawItemText(painter, textRect.adjusted(separatorCoordinateX, 0, 0, 0), option.displayAlignment, option.palette , (option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled), SEPARATOR); coloredPen.setColor(index.data(BaseLogModel::ForegroundRole).value()); painter->setPen(coloredPen); const int messageCoordinateX = separatorCoordinateX + horizontalAdvance(fontMetrics, SEPARATOR); style->drawItemText(painter, textRect.adjusted(messageCoordinateX, 0, 0, 0), option.displayAlignment, option.palette , (option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled), index.data(BaseLogModel::MessageRole).toString()); painter->restore(); } QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const override { const QSize minimumFontPadding(4, 4); const QSize fontSize = option.fontMetrics.size(0, logText(index)) + minimumFontPadding; const QSize defaultSize = QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index); const QSize margins = (defaultSize - fontSize).expandedTo({0, 0}); return fontSize + margins; } }; } LogListView::LogListView(QWidget *parent) : QListView(parent) { setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); setItemDelegate(new LogItemDelegate(this)); #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, false); #endif } void LogListView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Copy)) copySelection(); else QListView::keyPressEvent(event); } void LogListView::copySelection() const { QStringList list; const QModelIndexList selectedIndexes = selectionModel()->selectedRows(); for (const QModelIndex &index : selectedIndexes) list.append(logText(index)); QApplication::clipboard()->setText(list.join('\n')); }