Sizes are now given in bytes.
Dates are Unix timestamps and converted to ISO 8601 in the web UI.
Numbers are not converted to strings.
-1 is returned for undefined values.
Some keys have been splitted:
Torrent list (json/torrents)
* num_seeds: Torrent seeds connected to
* num_complete: Torrent seeds in the swarm
* num_leechs: Torrent leechers connected to
* num_incomplete: Torrent leechers in the swarm
Torrent generic properties (propertiesGeneral/hash)
* total_uploaded: Total data uploaded
* total_uploaded_session: Total data uploaded this session
* total_downloaded: Total data dowloaded
* total_downloaded_session: Total data downloaded this session
* time_elapsed: Torrent elapsed time
* seeding_time: Torrent elapsed time while complete
* nb_connections: Torrent connection count
* nb_connections_limit: Torrent connection count limit
Global transfer info (json/transferInfo)
* dl_info_speed: Global downalod rate
* dl_info_data: Data downloaded this session
* up_info_speed: Global upload rate
* up_info_data: Data uploaded this session