Use the same save path editing behaviour in properties panel as in torrent addition dialog

This commit is contained in:
Christophe Dumez 2010-06-27 17:58:08 +00:00
parent c01f7102e6
commit 9f5d31b2b1
4 changed files with 343 additions and 285 deletions

View file

@ -2014,17 +2014,23 @@ void Bittorrent::addConsoleMessage(QString msg, QString) {
else if (file_renamed_alert* p = dynamic_cast<file_renamed_alert*>(a.get())) {
QTorrentHandle h(p->handle);
if(h.is_valid() && h.num_files() > 1) {
// Check if folders were renamed
QStringList old_path_parts = misc::toQStringU(h.get_torrent_info().orig_files().at(p->index).path.string()).split("/");
QString old_path = old_path_parts.join("/");
QStringList new_path_parts = misc::toQStringU(p->name).split("/");
if(old_path != new_path_parts.join("/")) {
old_path = h.save_path()+"/"+old_path;
qDebug("Detected folder renaming, attempt to delete old folder: %s", qPrintable(old_path));
if(h.is_valid()) {
if(h.num_files() > 1) {
// Check if folders were renamed
QStringList old_path_parts = misc::toQStringU(h.get_torrent_info().orig_files().at(p->index).path.string()).split("/");
QString old_path = old_path_parts.join("/");
QStringList new_path_parts = misc::toQStringU(p->name).split("/");
if(old_path != new_path_parts.join("/")) {
old_path = h.save_path()+"/"+old_path;
qDebug("Detected folder renaming, attempt to delete old folder: %s", qPrintable(old_path));
} else {
// Single-file torrent
// Renaming a file corresponds to changing the save path
emit savePathChanged(h);
@ -2204,297 +2210,297 @@ void Bittorrent::addConsoleMessage(QString msg, QString) {
QString msg = QString::fromLocal8Bit(p->message().c_str());
if(msg.contains("filesize", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && msg.contains("mismatch", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
if(p->error.value() == 134) {
if(p->error.value() == 134) {
// Mismatching file size (files were probably moved
addConsoleMessage(tr("File sizes mismatch for torrent %1, pausing it.").arg(;
} else {
addConsoleMessage(tr("Fast resume data was rejected for torrent %1, checking again...").arg(, QString::fromUtf8("red"));
addConsoleMessage(tr("Reason: %1").arg(misc::toQString(p->message())));
else if (url_seed_alert* p = dynamic_cast<url_seed_alert*>(a.get())) {
addConsoleMessage(tr("Url seed lookup failed for url: %1, message: %2").arg(misc::toQString(p->url)).arg(misc::toQString(p->message())), QString::fromUtf8("red"));
//emit urlSeedProblem(QString::fromUtf8(p->url.c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(p->msg().c_str()));
else if (torrent_checked_alert* p = dynamic_cast<torrent_checked_alert*>(a.get())) {
QTorrentHandle h(p->handle);
const QString &hash = h.hash();
qDebug("%s have just finished checking", qPrintable(hash));
// Save seed status
// Move to temp directory if necessary
if(!h.is_seed() && !defaultTempPath.isEmpty()) {
// Check if directory is different
const QDir current_dir(h.save_path());
const QDir save_dir(getSavePath(h.hash()));
if(current_dir == save_dir) {
// Mismatching file size (files were probably moved
addConsoleMessage(tr("File sizes mismatch for torrent %1, pausing it.").arg(;
} else {
addConsoleMessage(tr("Fast resume data was rejected for torrent %1, checking again...").arg(, QString::fromUtf8("red"));
addConsoleMessage(tr("Reason: %1").arg(misc::toQString(p->message())));
emit torrentFinishedChecking(h);
if(torrentsToPausedAfterChecking.contains(hash)) {
emit pausedTorrent(h);
else if (url_seed_alert* p = dynamic_cast<url_seed_alert*>(a.get())) {
addConsoleMessage(tr("Url seed lookup failed for url: %1, message: %2").arg(misc::toQString(p->url)).arg(misc::toQString(p->message())), QString::fromUtf8("red"));
//emit urlSeedProblem(QString::fromUtf8(p->url.c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(p->msg().c_str()));
else if (torrent_checked_alert* p = dynamic_cast<torrent_checked_alert*>(a.get())) {
QTorrentHandle h(p->handle);
const QString &hash = h.hash();
qDebug("%s have just finished checking", qPrintable(hash));
// Save seed status
// Move to temp directory if necessary
if(!h.is_seed() && !defaultTempPath.isEmpty()) {
// Check if directory is different
const QDir current_dir(h.save_path());
const QDir save_dir(getSavePath(h.hash()));
if(current_dir == save_dir) {
emit torrentFinishedChecking(h);
if(torrentsToPausedAfterChecking.contains(hash)) {
emit pausedTorrent(h);
a = s->pop_alert();
a = s->pop_alert();
void Bittorrent::recheckTorrent(QString hash) {
QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash);
if(h.is_valid() && h.has_metadata()) {
if(h.is_paused()) {
if(!torrentsToPausedAfterChecking.contains(h.hash())) {
torrentsToPausedAfterChecking << h.hash();
void Bittorrent::recheckTorrent(QString hash) {
QTorrentHandle h = getTorrentHandle(hash);
if(h.is_valid() && h.has_metadata()) {
if(h.is_paused()) {
if(!torrentsToPausedAfterChecking.contains(h.hash())) {
torrentsToPausedAfterChecking << h.hash();
QHash<QString, TrackerInfos> Bittorrent::getTrackersInfo(QString hash) const{
return trackersInfos.value(hash, QHash<QString, TrackerInfos>());
QHash<QString, TrackerInfos> Bittorrent::getTrackersInfo(QString hash) const{
return trackersInfos.value(hash, QHash<QString, TrackerInfos>());
int Bittorrent::getListenPort() const{
qDebug("LISTEN PORT: %d", s->listen_port());
return s->listen_port();
int Bittorrent::getListenPort() const{
qDebug("LISTEN PORT: %d", s->listen_port());
return s->listen_port();
session_status Bittorrent::getSessionStatus() const{
return s->status();
session_status Bittorrent::getSessionStatus() const{
return s->status();
QString Bittorrent::getSavePath(QString hash, bool fromScanDir, QString filePath, QString root_folder) {
QString savePath;
if(TorrentTempData::hasTempData(hash)) {
savePath = TorrentTempData::getSavePath(hash);
if(savePath.isEmpty()) {
savePath = defaultSavePath;
if(appendLabelToSavePath) {
qDebug("appendLabelToSavePath is true");
const QString &label = TorrentTempData::getLabel(hash);
if(!label.isEmpty()) {
savePath = misc::updateLabelInSavePath(defaultSavePath, savePath, "", label);
qDebug("getSavePath, got save_path from temp data: %s", qPrintable(savePath));
} else {
savePath = TorrentPersistentData::getSavePath(hash);
qDebug("SavePath got from persistant data is %s", qPrintable(savePath));
bool append_root_folder = false;
if(savePath.isEmpty()) {
if(fromScanDir && m_scanFolders->downloadInTorrentFolder(filePath))
savePath = QFileInfo(filePath).dir().path();
else {
QString Bittorrent::getSavePath(QString hash, bool fromScanDir, QString filePath, QString root_folder) {
QString savePath;
if(TorrentTempData::hasTempData(hash)) {
savePath = TorrentTempData::getSavePath(hash);
if(savePath.isEmpty()) {
savePath = defaultSavePath;
append_root_folder = true;
if(appendLabelToSavePath) {
qDebug("appendLabelToSavePath is true");
const QString &label = TorrentTempData::getLabel(hash);
if(!label.isEmpty()) {
savePath = misc::updateLabelInSavePath(defaultSavePath, savePath, "", label);
qDebug("getSavePath, got save_path from temp data: %s", qPrintable(savePath));
} else {
QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent");
if(!settings.value("ported_to_new_savepath_system", false).toBool()) {
append_root_folder = true;
if(!fromScanDir && appendLabelToSavePath) {
const QString &label = TorrentPersistentData::getLabel(hash);
if(!label.isEmpty()) {
qDebug("Torrent label is %s", qPrintable(label));
savePath = misc::updateLabelInSavePath(defaultSavePath, savePath, "", label);
if(append_root_folder && !root_folder.isEmpty()) {
// Append torrent root folder to the save path
savePath += QDir::separator();
savePath += root_folder;
qDebug("Torrent root folder is %s", qPrintable(root_folder));
TorrentPersistentData::saveSavePath(hash, savePath);
qDebug("getSavePath, got save_path from persistent data: %s", qPrintable(savePath));
// Clean path
savePath = misc::expandPath(savePath);
// Checking if savePath Dir exists
// create it if it is not
QDir saveDir(savePath);
if(!saveDir.exists()) {
if(!saveDir.mkpath(saveDir.absolutePath())) {
std::cerr << "Couldn't create the save directory: " << qPrintable(saveDir.path()) << "\n";
// XXX: Do something else?
} else {
qDebug("Created save folder at %s", qPrintable(saveDir.path()));
return savePath;
// Take an url string to a torrent file,
// download the torrent file to a tmp location, then
// add it to download list
void Bittorrent::downloadFromUrl(QString url) {
addConsoleMessage(tr("Downloading '%1', please wait...", "e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait...").arg(url)
, QPalette::WindowText
//emit aboutToDownloadFromUrl(url);
// Launch downloader thread
void Bittorrent::downloadFromURLList(const QStringList& urls) {
foreach(const QString &url, urls) {
void Bittorrent::addMagnetSkipAddDlg(QString uri) {
addMagnetUri(uri, false);
void Bittorrent::downloadUrlAndSkipDialog(QString url, QString save_path) {
//emit aboutToDownloadFromUrl(url);
const QUrl &qurl = QUrl::fromEncoded(url.toLocal8Bit());
savepath_fromurl[qurl] = save_path;
url_skippingDlg << qurl;
// Launch downloader thread
// Add to Bittorrent session the downloaded torrent file
void Bittorrent::processDownloadedFile(QString url, QString file_path) {
const int index = url_skippingDlg.indexOf(QUrl::fromEncoded(url.toLocal8Bit()));
if(index < 0) {
// Add file to torrent download list
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
// Windows hack
if(!file_path.endsWith(".torrent")) {
qDebug("Torrent name does not end with .torrent, fixing...");
if(QFile::rename(file_path, file_path+".torrent")) {
file_path += ".torrent";
savePath = TorrentPersistentData::getSavePath(hash);
qDebug("SavePath got from persistant data is %s", qPrintable(savePath));
bool append_root_folder = false;
if(savePath.isEmpty()) {
if(fromScanDir && m_scanFolders->downloadInTorrentFolder(filePath))
savePath = QFileInfo(filePath).dir().path();
else {
savePath = defaultSavePath;
append_root_folder = true;
} else {
qDebug("Failed to rename torrent file!");
QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent");
if(!settings.value("ported_to_new_savepath_system", false).toBool()) {
append_root_folder = true;
if(!fromScanDir && appendLabelToSavePath) {
const QString &label = TorrentPersistentData::getLabel(hash);
if(!label.isEmpty()) {
qDebug("Torrent label is %s", qPrintable(label));
savePath = misc::updateLabelInSavePath(defaultSavePath, savePath, "", label);
if(append_root_folder && !root_folder.isEmpty()) {
// Append torrent root folder to the save path
savePath += QDir::separator();
savePath += root_folder;
qDebug("Torrent root folder is %s", qPrintable(root_folder));
TorrentPersistentData::saveSavePath(hash, savePath);
qDebug("getSavePath, got save_path from persistent data: %s", qPrintable(savePath));
// Clean path
savePath = misc::expandPath(savePath);
// Checking if savePath Dir exists
// create it if it is not
QDir saveDir(savePath);
if(!saveDir.exists()) {
if(!saveDir.mkpath(saveDir.absolutePath())) {
std::cerr << "Couldn't create the save directory: " << qPrintable(saveDir.path()) << "\n";
// XXX: Do something else?
} else {
qDebug("Created save folder at %s", qPrintable(saveDir.path()));
qDebug("Downloading torrent at path: %s", qPrintable(file_path));
emit newDownloadedTorrent(file_path, url);
} else {
addTorrent(file_path, false, url, false);
return savePath;
// Return current download rate for the BT
// session. Payload means that it only take into
// account "useful" part of the rate
float Bittorrent::getPayloadDownloadRate() const{
const session_status &sessionStatus = s->status();
return sessionStatus.payload_download_rate;
// Take an url string to a torrent file,
// download the torrent file to a tmp location, then
// add it to download list
void Bittorrent::downloadFromUrl(QString url) {
addConsoleMessage(tr("Downloading '%1', please wait...", "e.g: Downloading 'xxx.torrent', please wait...").arg(url)
, QPalette::WindowText
//emit aboutToDownloadFromUrl(url);
// Launch downloader thread
// Return current upload rate for the BT
// session. Payload means that it only take into
// account "useful" part of the rate
float Bittorrent::getPayloadUploadRate() const{
const session_status &sessionStatus = s->status();
return sessionStatus.payload_upload_rate;
void Bittorrent::downloadFromURLList(const QStringList& urls) {
foreach(const QString &url, urls) {
void Bittorrent::addMagnetSkipAddDlg(QString uri) {
addMagnetUri(uri, false);
void Bittorrent::downloadUrlAndSkipDialog(QString url, QString save_path) {
//emit aboutToDownloadFromUrl(url);
const QUrl &qurl = QUrl::fromEncoded(url.toLocal8Bit());
savepath_fromurl[qurl] = save_path;
url_skippingDlg << qurl;
// Launch downloader thread
// Add to Bittorrent session the downloaded torrent file
void Bittorrent::processDownloadedFile(QString url, QString file_path) {
const int index = url_skippingDlg.indexOf(QUrl::fromEncoded(url.toLocal8Bit()));
if(index < 0) {
// Add file to torrent download list
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
// Windows hack
if(!file_path.endsWith(".torrent")) {
qDebug("Torrent name does not end with .torrent, fixing...");
if(QFile::rename(file_path, file_path+".torrent")) {
file_path += ".torrent";
} else {
qDebug("Failed to rename torrent file!");
qDebug("Downloading torrent at path: %s", qPrintable(file_path));
emit newDownloadedTorrent(file_path, url);
} else {
addTorrent(file_path, false, url, false);
// Return current download rate for the BT
// session. Payload means that it only take into
// account "useful" part of the rate
float Bittorrent::getPayloadDownloadRate() const{
const session_status &sessionStatus = s->status();
return sessionStatus.payload_download_rate;
// Return current upload rate for the BT
// session. Payload means that it only take into
// account "useful" part of the rate
float Bittorrent::getPayloadUploadRate() const{
const session_status &sessionStatus = s->status();
return sessionStatus.payload_upload_rate;
// Save DHT entry to hard drive
void Bittorrent::saveDHTEntry() {
// Save DHT entry
if(DHTEnabled) {
entry dht_state = s->dht_state();
const QString dht_path = misc::cacheLocation()+QDir::separator()+QString::fromUtf8("dht_state");
boost::filesystem::ofstream out(dht_path.toLocal8Bit().constData(), std::ios_base::binary);
bencode(std::ostream_iterator<char>(out), dht_state);
qDebug("DHT entry saved");
}catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
// Save DHT entry to hard drive
void Bittorrent::saveDHTEntry() {
// Save DHT entry
if(DHTEnabled) {
entry dht_state = s->dht_state();
const QString dht_path = misc::cacheLocation()+QDir::separator()+QString::fromUtf8("dht_state");
boost::filesystem::ofstream out(dht_path.toLocal8Bit().constData(), std::ios_base::binary);
bencode(std::ostream_iterator<char>(out), dht_state);
qDebug("DHT entry saved");
}catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
void Bittorrent::applyEncryptionSettings(pe_settings se) {
qDebug("Applying encryption settings");
// Will fast resume torrents in
// backup directory
void Bittorrent::startUpTorrents() {
qDebug("Resuming unfinished torrents");
const QDir torrentBackup(misc::BTBackupLocation());
const QStringList &known_torrents = TorrentPersistentData::knownTorrents();
// Safety measure because some people reported torrent loss since
// we switch the v1.5 way of resuming torrents on startup
QStringList filters;
filters << "*.torrent";
const QStringList &torrents_on_hd = torrentBackup.entryList(filters, QDir::Files, QDir::Unsorted);
foreach(QString hash, torrents_on_hd) {
qDebug("found torrent with hash: %s on hard disk", qPrintable(hash));
hash.chop(8); // remove trailing .torrent
if(!known_torrents.contains(hash)) {
std::cerr << "ERROR Detected!!! Adding back torrent " << qPrintable(hash) << " which got lost for some reason." << std::endl;
addTorrent(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+hash+".torrent", false, QString(), true);
void Bittorrent::applyEncryptionSettings(pe_settings se) {
qDebug("Applying encryption settings");
// End of safety measure
qDebug("Starting up torrents");
if(isQueueingEnabled()) {
priority_queue<QPair<int, QString>, vector<QPair<int, QString> >, std::greater<QPair<int, QString> > > torrent_queue;
foreach(const QString &hash, known_torrents) {
QString filePath;
if(TorrentPersistentData::isMagnet(hash)) {
filePath = TorrentPersistentData::getMagnetUri(hash);
} else {
filePath = torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+hash+".torrent";
const int prio = TorrentPersistentData::getPriority(hash);
torrent_queue.push(qMakePair(prio, hash));
qDebug("Priority_queue size: %ld", (long)torrent_queue.size());
// Resume downloads
while(!torrent_queue.empty()) {
const QString hash =;
qDebug("Starting up torrent %s", qPrintable(hash));
if(TorrentPersistentData::isMagnet(hash)) {
addMagnetUri(TorrentPersistentData::getMagnetUri(hash), true);
} else {
// Will fast resume torrents in
// backup directory
void Bittorrent::startUpTorrents() {
qDebug("Resuming unfinished torrents");
const QDir torrentBackup(misc::BTBackupLocation());
const QStringList &known_torrents = TorrentPersistentData::knownTorrents();
// Safety measure because some people reported torrent loss since
// we switch the v1.5 way of resuming torrents on startup
QStringList filters;
filters << "*.torrent";
const QStringList &torrents_on_hd = torrentBackup.entryList(filters, QDir::Files, QDir::Unsorted);
foreach(QString hash, torrents_on_hd) {
qDebug("found torrent with hash: %s on hard disk", qPrintable(hash));
hash.chop(8); // remove trailing .torrent
if(!known_torrents.contains(hash)) {
std::cerr << "ERROR Detected!!! Adding back torrent " << qPrintable(hash) << " which got lost for some reason." << std::endl;
addTorrent(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+hash+".torrent", false, QString(), true);
} else {
// Resume downloads
foreach(const QString &hash, known_torrents) {
qDebug("Starting up torrent %s", qPrintable(hash));
addMagnetUri(TorrentPersistentData::getMagnetUri(hash), true);
addTorrent(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+hash+".torrent", false, QString(), true);
// End of safety measure
qDebug("Starting up torrents");
if(isQueueingEnabled()) {
priority_queue<QPair<int, QString>, vector<QPair<int, QString> >, std::greater<QPair<int, QString> > > torrent_queue;
foreach(const QString &hash, known_torrents) {
QString filePath;
if(TorrentPersistentData::isMagnet(hash)) {
filePath = TorrentPersistentData::getMagnetUri(hash);
} else {
filePath = torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+hash+".torrent";
const int prio = TorrentPersistentData::getPriority(hash);
torrent_queue.push(qMakePair(prio, hash));
qDebug("Priority_queue size: %ld", (long)torrent_queue.size());
// Resume downloads
while(!torrent_queue.empty()) {
const QString hash =;
qDebug("Starting up torrent %s", qPrintable(hash));
if(TorrentPersistentData::isMagnet(hash)) {
addMagnetUri(TorrentPersistentData::getMagnetUri(hash), true);
} else {
addTorrent(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+hash+".torrent", false, QString(), true);
} else {
// Resume downloads
foreach(const QString &hash, known_torrents) {
qDebug("Starting up torrent %s", qPrintable(hash));
addMagnetUri(TorrentPersistentData::getMagnetUri(hash), true);
addTorrent(torrentBackup.path()+QDir::separator()+hash+".torrent", false, QString(), true);
QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent");
settings.setValue("ported_to_new_savepath_system", true);
qDebug("Unfinished torrents resumed");
QSettings settings("qBittorrent", "qBittorrent");
settings.setValue("ported_to_new_savepath_system", true);
qDebug("Unfinished torrents resumed");

View file

@ -210,9 +210,14 @@ Bittorrent* PropertiesWidget::getBTSession() const {
void PropertiesWidget::updateSavePath(QTorrentHandle& _h) {
if(h.is_valid() && h == _h) {
QString p = TorrentPersistentData::getSavePath(h.hash());
p = h.save_path();
QString p;
if(h.has_metadata() && h.num_files() == 1) {
p = h.firstFileSavePath();
} else {
p = TorrentPersistentData::getSavePath(h.hash());
p = h.save_path();
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_OS2)
p = p.replace("/", "\\");
@ -237,9 +242,14 @@ void PropertiesWidget::loadTorrentInfos(QTorrentHandle &_h) {
try {
// Save path
QString p = TorrentPersistentData::getSavePath(h.hash());
p = h.save_path();
QString p;
if(h.has_metadata() && h.num_files() == 1) {
p = h.firstFileSavePath();
} else {
p = TorrentPersistentData::getSavePath(h.hash());
p = h.save_path();
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_OS2)
p = p.replace("/", "\\");
@ -699,8 +709,8 @@ void PropertiesWidget::renameSelectedFile() {
bool ok;
// Ask user for a new url seed
const QString &url_seed = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New url seed", "New HTTP source"),
tr("New url seed:"), QLineEdit::Normal,
QString::fromUtf8("http://www."), &ok);
tr("New url seed:"), QLineEdit::Normal,
QString::fromUtf8("http://www."), &ok);
if(!ok) return;
qDebug("Adding %s web seed", qPrintable(url_seed));
if(!listWebSeeds->findItems(url_seed, Qt::MatchFixedString).empty()) {
@ -747,16 +757,27 @@ void PropertiesWidget::renameSelectedFile() {
void PropertiesWidget::on_changeSavePathButton_clicked() {
if(!h.is_valid()) return;
QString dir;
const QDir saveDir(h.save_path());
dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose save path"), h.save_path());
dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose save path"), QDir::homePath());
QString new_path;
if(h.has_metadata() && h.num_files() == 1) {
new_path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Choose save path"), h.firstFileSavePath());
} else {
const QDir saveDir(h.save_path());
new_path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose save path"), h.save_path());
new_path = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose save path"), QDir::homePath());
// Check if savePath exists
QDir savePath(misc::expandPath(dir));
QString save_path_dir = new_path.replace("\\", "/");
QString new_file_name;
if(h.has_metadata() && h.num_files() == 1) {
QStringList parts = save_path_dir.split("/");
new_file_name = parts.takeLast(); // Skip file name
save_path_dir = parts.join("/");
QDir savePath(misc::expandPath(save_path_dir));
QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Save path creation error"), tr("Could not create the save path"));
@ -767,7 +788,24 @@ void PropertiesWidget::renameSelectedFile() {
if(!BTSession->useTemporaryFolder() || h.is_seed())
// Update save_path in dialog
QString display_path = savePath.absolutePath();
QString display_path;
if(h.has_metadata() && h.num_files() == 1) {
// Rename the file
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_OS2)
if(h.file_at(0).compare(new_file_name, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0) {
if(h.file_at(0).compare(new_file_name, Qt::CaseSensitive) != 0) {
qDebug("Renaming single file to %s", qPrintable(new_file_name));
h.rename_file(0, new_file_name);
// Also rename it in the files list model
PropListModel->setData(PropListModel->index(0, 0), new_file_name);
display_path = new_path;
} else {
display_path = savePath.absolutePath();
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_OS2)
display_path = display_path.replace("/", "\\");

View file

@ -459,6 +459,19 @@ QString QTorrentHandle::root_path() const {
return save_path();
QString QTorrentHandle::firstFileSavePath() const {
QString fsave_path = TorrentPersistentData::getSavePath(hash());
fsave_path = save_path();
fsave_path = fsave_path.replace("\\", "/");
fsave_path += "/";
fsave_path += misc::toQStringU(h.get_torrent_info().file_at(0).path.string());
return fsave_path;
bool QTorrentHandle::has_error() const {
return h.is_paused() && !h.status().error.empty();

View file

@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ class QTorrentHandle {
bool priv() const;
bool first_last_piece_first() const;
QString root_path() const;
QString firstFileSavePath() const;
bool has_error() const;
QString error() const;
void downloading_pieces(bitfield &bf) const;