2010-12-15 22:51:19 +03:00
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
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< head >
2015-09-17 18:48:38 +03:00
< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" / >
< title > QBT_TR(Deletion confirmation - qBittorrent)QBT_TR< / title >
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/style.css" type = "text/css" / >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/mootools-1.2-core-yc.js" charset = "utf-8" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/mootools-1.2-more.js" charset = "utf-8" > < / script >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
var hashes = new URI().getData('hashes').split('|');
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
$('cancelBtn').addEvent('click', function(e){
new Event(e).stop();
$('confirmBtn').addEvent('click', function(e){
2016-01-10 12:00:29 +03:00
2015-09-17 18:48:38 +03:00
new Event(e).stop();
var cmd = 'command/delete';
2010-12-15 22:51:19 +03:00
2015-09-17 18:48:38 +03:00
cmd = 'command/deletePerm';
new Request({
url: cmd,
method: 'post',
data: {
'hashes': hashes.join('|')
onComplete: function() {
< / script >
2010-12-15 22:51:19 +03:00
< / head >
< body >
< br / >
2014-12-17 14:58:32 +03:00
< p > QBT_TR(Are you sure you want to delete the selected torrents from the transfer list?)QBT_TR< / p >
< input type = "checkbox" id = "deleteFromDiskCB" / > < label for = "deleteFromDiskCB" > < i > QBT_TR(Also delete the files on the hard disk)QBT_TR< / i > < / label > < br / > < br / >
2010-12-15 22:51:19 +03:00
< div style = "text-align: right;" >
2014-12-17 14:58:32 +03:00
< input type = "button" id = "cancelBtn" value = "QBT_TR(No)QBT_TR" / > < input type = "button" id = "confirmBtn" value = "QBT_TR(Yes)QBT_TR" / >
2010-12-15 22:51:19 +03:00
< / div >
< / body >
< / html >