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* Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Christophe Dumez
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QFile>
#include <QDir>
#include <QByteArray>
#include "misc.h"
#include "qtorrenthandle.h"
QTorrentHandle::QTorrentHandle(torrent_handle h) : h(h) {
t = h.get_torrent_info();
s = h.status();
// Getters
torrent_handle QTorrentHandle::get_torrent_handle() const {
return h;
torrent_info QTorrentHandle::get_torrent_info() const {
return t;
QString QTorrentHandle::hash() const {
return misc::toQString(t.info_hash());
QString QTorrentHandle::name() const {
return misc::toQString(h.name());
float QTorrentHandle::progress() const {
return s.progress;
QString QTorrentHandle::current_tracker() const {
return misc::toQString(s.current_tracker);
bool QTorrentHandle::is_valid() const {
return h.is_valid();
bool QTorrentHandle::is_paused() const {
return h.is_paused();
size_type QTorrentHandle::total_size() const {
return t.total_size();
size_type QTorrentHandle::total_done() const {
return s.total_done;
float QTorrentHandle::download_payload_rate() const {
return s.download_payload_rate;
float QTorrentHandle::upload_payload_rate() const {
return s.upload_payload_rate;
int QTorrentHandle::num_peers() const {
return s.num_peers;
int QTorrentHandle::num_seeds() const {
return s.num_seeds;
QString QTorrentHandle::save_path() const {
return misc::toQString(h.save_path().string());
fs::path QTorrentHandle::save_path_boost() const {
return h.save_path();
QStringList QTorrentHandle::url_seeds() const {
QStringList res;
std::vector<std::string> existing_seeds = t.url_seeds();
unsigned int nbSeeds = existing_seeds.size();
QString existing_seed;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<nbSeeds; ++i){
res << misc::toQString(existing_seeds[i]);
return res;
// get the size of the torrent without the filtered files
size_type QTorrentHandle::actual_size() const{
unsigned int nbFiles = t.num_files();
qDebug("/!\\ Error: Invalid handle");
return t.total_size();
QString hash = misc::toQString(t.info_hash());
QFile pieces_file(misc::qBittorrentPath()+QString::fromUtf8("BT_backup")+QDir::separator()+hash+QString::fromUtf8(".priorities"));
// Read saved file
if(!pieces_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){
qDebug("* Error: Couldn't open priorities file");
return t.total_size();
QByteArray pieces_priorities = pieces_file.readAll();
QList<QByteArray> pieces_priorities_list = pieces_priorities.split('\n');
if((unsigned int)pieces_priorities_list.size() != nbFiles+1){
std::cerr << "* Error: Corrupted priorities file\n";
return t.total_size();
size_type effective_size = 0;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<nbFiles; ++i){
int priority = pieces_priorities_list.at(i).toInt();
if( priority < 0 || priority > 7){
priority = 1;
effective_size += t.file_at(i).size;
return effective_size;
int QTorrentHandle::download_limit() const {
return h.download_limit();
int QTorrentHandle::upload_limit() const {
return h.upload_limit();
int QTorrentHandle::num_files() const {
return t.num_files();
bool QTorrentHandle::has_metadata() const {
return h.has_metadata();
entry QTorrentHandle::write_resume_data() const {
return h.write_resume_data();
QString QTorrentHandle::file_at(int index) const {
return misc::toQString(t.file_at(index).path.leaf());
size_type QTorrentHandle::filesize_at(int index) const {
return t.file_at(index).size;
std::vector<announce_entry> const& QTorrentHandle::trackers() const {
return h.trackers();
torrent_status::state_t QTorrentHandle::state() const {
return s.state;
QString QTorrentHandle::creator() const {
return misc::toQString(t.creator());
QString QTorrentHandle::comment() const {
return misc::toQString(t.comment());
size_type QTorrentHandle::total_failed_bytes() const {
return s.total_failed_bytes;
void QTorrentHandle::file_progress(std::vector<float>& fp) {
return h.file_progress(fp);
size_type QTorrentHandle::total_payload_download() {
return s.total_payload_download;
size_type QTorrentHandle::total_payload_upload() {
return s.total_payload_upload;
// Return a list of absolute paths corresponding
// to all files in a torrent
QStringList QTorrentHandle::files_path() const {
QString saveDir = misc::toQString(h.save_path().string()) + QDir::separator();
QStringList res;
torrent_info::file_iterator fi = t.begin_files();
while(fi != t.end_files()) {
res << QDir::cleanPath(saveDir + misc::toQString(fi->path.string()));
return res;
int QTorrentHandle::num_uploads() const {
return s.num_uploads;
// Setters
void QTorrentHandle::set_download_limit(int limit) {
void QTorrentHandle::set_upload_limit(int limit) {
void QTorrentHandle::pause() {
void QTorrentHandle::resume() {
void QTorrentHandle::remove_url_seed(QString seed) {
h.remove_url_seed(misc::toString((const char*)seed.toUtf8()));
void QTorrentHandle::add_url_seed(QString seed) {
h.add_url_seed(misc::toString((const char*)seed.toUtf8()));
void QTorrentHandle::set_max_uploads(int val){
void QTorrentHandle::prioritize_files(std::vector<int> v) {
void QTorrentHandle::set_ratio(float ratio) const {
void QTorrentHandle::replace_trackers(std::vector<announce_entry> const& v) const {
void QTorrentHandle::force_reannounce() {
void QTorrentHandle::set_sequenced_download_threshold(int val) {
void QTorrentHandle::set_tracker_login(QString username, QString password){
h.set_tracker_login(std::string(username.toUtf8().data()), std::string(password.toUtf8().data()));
// Operators
QTorrentHandle& QTorrentHandle::operator =(const torrent_handle& new_h) {
h = new_h;
t = h.get_torrent_info();
s = h.status();
return *this;
bool QTorrentHandle::operator ==(const QTorrentHandle& new_h) const{
QString hash = misc::toQString(t.info_hash());
return (hash == new_h.hash());