2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
* Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Christophe Dumez
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to
* link this program with the OpenSSL project's "OpenSSL" library (or with
* modified versions of it that use the same license as the "OpenSSL" library),
* and distribute the linked executables. You must obey the GNU General Public
* License in all respects for all of the code used other than "OpenSSL". If you
* modify file(s), you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
* but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
* exception statement from your version.
* Contact : chris@qbittorrent.org
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
#include <QNetworkProxy>
#include <QDesktopServices>
2014-07-05 16:44:13 +04:00
#include <QDebug>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QStringList>
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
#include "programupdater.h"
2015-05-06 14:53:27 +03:00
#include "core/utils/fs.h"
2015-04-13 19:19:53 +03:00
#include "core/preferences.h"
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
2013-09-21 11:59:58 +04:00
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
2014-10-12 17:12:16 +04:00
const QUrl RSS_URL("http://sourceforge.net/projects/qbittorrent/rss?path=/qbittorrent-mac");
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
const QString FILE_EXT = "DMG";
2014-10-12 17:12:16 +04:00
const QUrl RSS_URL("http://sourceforge.net/projects/qbittorrent/rss?path=/qbittorrent-win32");
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
const QString FILE_EXT = "EXE";
2014-01-25 22:39:42 +04:00
ProgramUpdater::ProgramUpdater(QObject *parent, bool invokedByUser) :
QObject(parent), m_invokedByUser(invokedByUser)
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
mp_manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
2014-07-05 16:44:13 +04:00
Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance();
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
// Proxy support
2014-07-05 16:44:13 +04:00
if (pref->isProxyEnabled()) {
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
QNetworkProxy proxy;
2014-07-05 16:44:13 +04:00
switch(pref->getProxyType()) {
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
case Proxy::SOCKS4:
case Proxy::SOCKS5:
case Proxy::SOCKS5_PW:
2014-07-05 16:44:13 +04:00
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
// Proxy authentication
2014-07-05 16:44:13 +04:00
if (pref->isProxyAuthEnabled()) {
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
ProgramUpdater::~ProgramUpdater() {
delete mp_manager;
void ProgramUpdater::checkForUpdates()
connect(mp_manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
this, SLOT(rssDownloadFinished(QNetworkReply*)));
// Send the request
2014-02-08 23:05:51 +04:00
QNetworkRequest request(RSS_URL);
request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", QString("qBittorrent/%1 ProgramUpdater (www.qbittorrent.org)").arg(VERSION).toLocal8Bit());
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
void ProgramUpdater::setUpdateUrl(QString title) {
m_updateUrl = "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/qbittorrent"+title;
qDebug("The Update URL is %s", qPrintable(m_updateUrl));
void ProgramUpdater::rssDownloadFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)
// Disconnect SIGNAL/SLOT
disconnect(mp_manager, 0, this, 0);
qDebug("Finished downloading the new qBittorrent updates RSS");
QString new_version;
2012-02-20 21:30:53 +04:00
if (!reply->error()) {
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
qDebug("No download error, good.");
QXmlStreamReader xml(reply);
QString item_title;
bool in_title = false;
bool in_item = false;
while (!xml.atEnd()) {
if (xml.isStartElement()) {
if (in_item && xml.name() == "title") {
in_title = true;
item_title = "";
} else if (xml.name() == "item") {
in_item = true;
} else if (xml.isEndElement()) {
2012-02-20 21:30:53 +04:00
if (in_item && xml.name() == "title") {
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
in_title = false;
2015-05-06 14:53:27 +03:00
const QString ext = Utils::Fs::fileExtension(item_title).toUpper();
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
qDebug("Found an update with file extension: %s", qPrintable(ext));
2012-02-20 21:30:53 +04:00
if (ext == FILE_EXT) {
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
qDebug("The last update available is %s", qPrintable(item_title));
new_version = extractVersionNumber(item_title);
2012-02-20 21:30:53 +04:00
if (!new_version.isEmpty()) {
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
qDebug("Detected version is %s", qPrintable(new_version));
2012-02-20 21:30:53 +04:00
if (isVersionMoreRecent(new_version))
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
} else if (xml.name() == "item") {
in_item = false;
} else if (xml.isCharacters() && !xml.isWhitespace()) {
2012-02-20 21:30:53 +04:00
if (in_item && in_title)
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
item_title += xml.text().toString();
2014-01-25 22:39:42 +04:00
emit updateCheckFinished(!m_updateUrl.isEmpty(), new_version, m_invokedByUser);
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
// Clean up
void ProgramUpdater::updateProgram()
2010-12-04 22:14:14 +03:00
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
// title on Windows: /qbittorrent-win32/qbittorrent-2.4.7/qbittorrent_2.4.7_setup.exe
// title on Mac: /qbittorrent-mac/qbittorrent-2.4.4/qbittorrent-2.4.4.dmg
2011-12-29 03:26:00 +04:00
QString ProgramUpdater::extractVersionNumber(const QString& title) const
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
2011-12-29 03:26:00 +04:00
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << title;
QRegExp regVer("qbittorrent[_-]([0-9.]+)(_setup)?(\\.exe|\\.dmg)");
if (regVer.indexIn(title) < 0) {
qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Failed to extract version from file name:" << title;
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
return QString::null;
2011-12-29 03:26:00 +04:00
} else {
QString version = regVer.cap(1);
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Extracted version:" << version;
return version;
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
2011-12-29 03:26:00 +04:00
bool ProgramUpdater::isVersionMoreRecent(const QString& remote_version) const
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00
2011-12-29 03:26:00 +04:00
QRegExp regVer("([0-9.]+)");
if (regVer.indexIn(QString(VERSION)) >= 0) {
QString local_version = regVer.cap(1);
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "local version:" << local_version << "/" << VERSION;
QStringList remote_parts = remote_version.split('.');
QStringList local_parts = local_version.split('.');
for (int i=0; i<qMin(remote_parts.size(), local_parts.size()); ++i) {
if (remote_parts[i].toInt() > local_parts[i].toInt())
return true;
if (remote_parts[i].toInt() < local_parts[i].toInt())
return false;
// Compared parts were equal, if remote version is longer, then it's more recent ( > 2.9.2)
if (remote_parts.size() > local_parts.size())
return true;
// versions are equal, check if the local version is a development release, in which case it is older (2.9.2beta < 2.9.2)
QRegExp regDevel("(alpha|beta|rc)");
if (regDevel.indexIn(VERSION) >= 0)
return true;
return false;
2010-10-24 01:46:05 +04:00