2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
* Bittorrent Client using Qt4 and libtorrent .
* Copyright ( C ) 2006 Christophe Dumez
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
* of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
* In addition , as a special exception , the copyright holders give permission to
* link this program with the OpenSSL project ' s " OpenSSL " library ( or with
* modified versions of it that use the same license as the " OpenSSL " library ) ,
* and distribute the linked executables . You must obey the GNU General Public
* License in all respects for all of the code used other than " OpenSSL " . If you
* modify file ( s ) , you may extend this exception to your version of the file ( s ) ,
* but you are not obligated to do so . If you do not wish to do so , delete this
* exception statement from your version .
* Contact : chris @ qbittorrent . org
# include "misc.h"
# include <QUrl>
# include <QDir>
# include <QFileInfo>
# include <QDateTime>
# include <QByteArray>
# include <QCoreApplication>
# else
# include <QApplication>
# include <QDesktopWidget>
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN
# include <shlobj.h>
2010-06-09 13:48:14 +04:00
# include <windows.h>
const int UNLEN = 256 ;
# else
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_MAC
# include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
# endif
# ifndef Q_WS_WIN
# ifdef Q_WS_MAC
# include <sys/param.h>
# include <sys/mount.h>
# else
# include <sys/vfs.h>
# endif
# else
# include <winbase.h>
# endif
2010-08-16 21:35:32 +04:00
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
# include <QDBusInterface>
# include <QDBusMessage>
# endif
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
QString misc : : QDesktopServicesDataLocation ( ) {
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN
2010-04-28 15:45:13 +04:00
LPWSTR path = new WCHAR [ 256 ] ;
QString result ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
# if defined Q_WS_WINCE
if ( SHGetSpecialFolderPath ( 0 , path , CSIDL_APPDATA , FALSE ) )
# else
if ( SHGetSpecialFolderPath ( 0 , path , CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA , FALSE ) )
# endif
result = QString : : fromWCharArray ( path ) ;
if ( ! QCoreApplication : : applicationName ( ) . isEmpty ( ) )
result = result + QLatin1String ( " \\ " ) + qApp - > applicationName ( ) ;
2010-05-30 21:51:40 +04:00
if ( ! result . endsWith ( " \\ " ) )
2010-06-05 22:59:05 +04:00
result + = " \\ " ;
2010-05-30 21:51:40 +04:00
return result ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
# else
# ifdef Q_WS_MAC
// http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Carbon/Reference/Folder_Manager/Reference/reference.html
FSRef ref ;
OSErr err = FSFindFolder ( kUserDomain , kApplicationSupportFolderType , false , & ref ) ;
if ( err )
return QString ( ) ;
QString path ;
QByteArray ba ( 2048 , 0 ) ;
if ( FSRefMakePath ( & ref , reinterpret_cast < UInt8 * > ( ba . data ( ) ) , ba . size ( ) ) = = noErr )
path = QString : : fromUtf8 ( ba ) . normalized ( QString : : NormalizationForm_C ) ;
path + = QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + qApp - > applicationName ( ) ;
return path ;
# else
QString xdgDataHome = QLatin1String ( qgetenv ( " XDG_DATA_HOME " ) ) ;
if ( xdgDataHome . isEmpty ( ) )
xdgDataHome = QDir : : homePath ( ) + QLatin1String ( " /.local/share " ) ;
xdgDataHome + = QLatin1String ( " /data/ " )
+ qApp - > applicationName ( ) ;
return xdgDataHome ;
# endif
# endif
QString misc : : QDesktopServicesCacheLocation ( ) {
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN
return QDesktopServicesDataLocation ( ) + QLatin1String ( " \\ cache " ) ;
# else
# ifdef Q_WS_MAC
// http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Carbon/Reference/Folder_Manager/Reference/reference.html
FSRef ref ;
OSErr err = FSFindFolder ( kUserDomain , kCachedDataFolderType , false , & ref ) ;
if ( err )
return QString ( ) ;
2010-06-09 19:13:52 +04:00
QString path ;
QByteArray ba ( 2048 , 0 ) ;
if ( FSRefMakePath ( & ref , reinterpret_cast < UInt8 * > ( ba . data ( ) ) , ba . size ( ) ) = = noErr )
2010-08-16 21:42:21 +04:00
path = QString : : fromUtf8 ( ba ) . normalized ( QString : : NormalizationForm_C ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
path + = QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + qApp - > applicationName ( ) ;
return path ;
# else
QString xdgCacheHome = QLatin1String ( qgetenv ( " XDG_CACHE_HOME " ) ) ;
if ( xdgCacheHome . isEmpty ( ) )
xdgCacheHome = QDir : : homePath ( ) + QLatin1String ( " /.cache " ) ;
xdgCacheHome + = QLatin1Char ( ' / ' ) + QCoreApplication : : applicationName ( ) ;
return xdgCacheHome ;
# endif
# endif
long long misc : : freeDiskSpaceOnPath ( QString path ) {
if ( path . isEmpty ( ) ) return - 1 ;
2010-06-22 15:53:49 +04:00
path = path . replace ( " \\ " , " / " ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
QDir dir_path ( path ) ;
if ( ! dir_path . exists ( ) ) {
2010-06-22 15:53:49 +04:00
QStringList parts = path . split ( " / " ) ;
while ( parts . size ( ) > 1 & & ! QDir ( parts . join ( " / " ) ) . exists ( ) ) {
parts . removeLast ( ) ;
dir_path = QDir ( parts . join ( " / " ) ) ;
if ( ! dir_path . exists ( ) ) return - 1 ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
Q_ASSERT ( dir_path . exists ( ) ) ;
# ifndef Q_WS_WIN
unsigned long long available ;
struct statfs stats ;
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QString statfs_path = dir_path . path ( ) + " /. " ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
const int ret = statfs ( qPrintable ( statfs_path ) , & stats ) ;
if ( ret = = 0 ) {
available = ( ( unsigned long long ) stats . f_bavail ) *
( ( unsigned long long ) stats . f_bsize ) ;
return available ;
} else {
return - 1 ;
# else
typedef BOOL ( WINAPI * GetDiskFreeSpaceEx_t ) ( LPCTSTR ,
pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx = ( GetDiskFreeSpaceEx_t ) : : GetProcAddress
2010-04-28 15:45:13 +04:00
: : GetModuleHandle ( TEXT ( " kernel32.dll " ) ) ,
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
" GetDiskFreeSpaceExW "
) ;
if ( pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx )
ULARGE_INTEGER bytesFree , bytesTotal ;
unsigned long long * ret ;
2010-04-28 15:45:13 +04:00
if ( pGetDiskFreeSpaceEx ( ( LPCTSTR ) path . utf16 ( ) , & bytesFree , & bytesTotal , NULL ) ) {
ret = ( unsigned long long * ) & bytesFree ;
return * ret ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
} else {
return - 1 ;
} else {
return - 1 ;
# endif
2010-08-16 21:35:32 +04:00
void misc : : shutdownComputer ( ) {
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
// Use dbus to power off the system
// dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.Hal /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Shutdown
QDBusInterface computer ( " org.freedesktop.Hal " , " /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer " , " org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement " , QDBusConnection : : systemBus ( ) ) ;
computer . call ( " Shutdown " ) ;
# endif
2010-08-16 21:42:21 +04:00
# ifdef Q_WS_MAC
AEEventID EventToSend = kAEShutDown ;
AEAddressDesc targetDesc ;
static const ProcessSerialNumber kPSNOfSystemProcess = { 0 , kSystemProcess } ;
AppleEvent eventReply = { typeNull , NULL } ;
AppleEvent appleEventToSend = { typeNull , NULL } ;
OSStatus error = noErr ;
error = AECreateDesc ( typeProcessSerialNumber , & kPSNOfSystemProcess ,
sizeof ( kPSNOfSystemProcess ) , & targetDesc ) ;
if ( error ! = noErr )
return ( error ) ;
error = AECreateAppleEvent ( kCoreEventClass , EventToSend , & targetDesc ,
kAutoGenerateReturnID , kAnyTransactionID , & appleEventToSend ) ;
AEDisposeDesc ( & targetDesc ) ;
if ( error ! = noErr )
return ( error ) ;
error = AESend ( & appleEventToSend , & eventReply , kAENoReply ,
kAENormalPriority , kAEDefaultTimeout , NULL , NULL ) ;
AEDisposeDesc ( & appleEventToSend ) ;
if ( error ! = noErr )
return ( error ) ;
AEDisposeDesc ( & eventReply ) ;
# endif
2010-08-16 21:57:15 +04:00
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN
2010-08-16 22:34:30 +04:00
HANDLE hToken ; // handle to process token
TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp ; // pointer to token structure
if ( ! OpenProcessToken ( GetCurrentProcess ( ) , TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY , & hToken ) )
return ;
// Get the LUID for shutdown privilege.
LookupPrivilegeValue ( NULL , SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME ,
& tkp . Privileges [ 0 ] . Luid ) ;
tkp . PrivilegeCount = 1 ; // one privilege to set
tkp . Privileges [ 0 ] . Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED ;
// Get shutdown privilege for this process.
AdjustTokenPrivileges ( hToken , FALSE , & tkp , 0 ,
// Cannot test the return value of AdjustTokenPrivileges.
if ( GetLastError ( ) ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
return ;
bool ret = InitiateSystemShutdownA ( 0 , tr ( " qBittorrent will shutdown the computer now because all downloads are complete. " ) . toLocal8Bit ( ) . data ( ) , 10 , true , false ) ;
qDebug ( " ret: %d " , ( int ) ret ) ;
// Disable shutdown privilege.
tkp . Privileges [ 0 ] . Attributes = 0 ;
AdjustTokenPrivileges ( hToken , FALSE , & tkp , 0 ,
2010-08-16 21:57:15 +04:00
# endif
2010-08-16 21:35:32 +04:00
2010-04-06 13:17:33 +04:00
QString misc : : truncateRootFolder ( boost : : intrusive_ptr < torrent_info > t ) {
2010-06-19 18:39:23 +04:00
if ( t - > num_files ( ) = = 1 ) {
// Single file torrent
// Remove possible subfolders
QString path = QString : : fromUtf8 ( t - > file_at ( 0 ) . path . string ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
QStringList path_parts = path . split ( " / " , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
t - > rename_file ( 0 , path_parts . last ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
return QString : : null ;
2010-04-06 13:17:33 +04:00
QString root_folder ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( torrent_info : : file_iterator it = t - > begin_files ( ) ; it < t - > end_files ( ) ; it + + ) {
QString path = QString : : fromUtf8 ( it - > path . string ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
QStringList path_parts = path . split ( " / " , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
if ( path_parts . size ( ) > 1 ) {
root_folder = path_parts . takeFirst ( ) ;
2010-06-19 16:25:14 +04:00
t - > rename_file ( i , path_parts . join ( " / " ) . toUtf8 ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
2010-04-06 13:17:33 +04:00
+ + i ;
return root_folder ;
QString misc : : truncateRootFolder ( libtorrent : : torrent_handle h ) {
2010-06-19 18:39:23 +04:00
torrent_info t = h . get_torrent_info ( ) ;
if ( t . num_files ( ) = = 1 ) {
// Single file torrent
// Remove possible subfolders
QString path = QString : : fromUtf8 ( t . file_at ( 0 ) . path . string ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
QStringList path_parts = path . split ( " / " , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
t . rename_file ( 0 , path_parts . last ( ) . toUtf8 ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
return QString : : null ;
2010-04-06 13:17:33 +04:00
QString root_folder ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( torrent_info : : file_iterator it = t . begin_files ( ) ; it < t . end_files ( ) ; it + + ) {
QString path = QString : : fromUtf8 ( it - > path . string ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
QStringList path_parts = path . split ( " / " , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
if ( path_parts . size ( ) > 1 ) {
root_folder = path_parts . takeFirst ( ) ;
2010-06-19 16:25:14 +04:00
h . rename_file ( i , path_parts . join ( " / " ) . toUtf8 ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
2010-04-06 13:17:33 +04:00
+ + i ;
return root_folder ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
bool misc : : sameFiles ( QString path1 , QString path2 ) {
QFile f1 ( path1 ) ;
if ( ! f1 . exists ( ) ) return false ;
QFile f2 ( path2 ) ;
if ( ! f2 . exists ( ) ) return false ;
QByteArray content1 , content2 ;
if ( f1 . open ( QIODevice : : ReadOnly ) ) {
content1 = f1 . readAll ( ) ;
f1 . close ( ) ;
} else {
return false ;
if ( f2 . open ( QIODevice : : ReadOnly ) ) {
content1 = f2 . readAll ( ) ;
f2 . close ( ) ;
} else {
return false ;
return content1 = = content2 ;
void misc : : copyDir ( QString src_path , QString dst_path ) {
QDir sourceDir ( src_path ) ;
if ( ! sourceDir . exists ( ) ) return ;
// Create destination directory
QDir destDir ( dst_path ) ;
if ( ! destDir . exists ( ) ) {
if ( ! destDir . mkpath ( destDir . absolutePath ( ) ) ) return ;
// List source directory
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QFileInfoList content = sourceDir . entryInfoList ( ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
foreach ( const QFileInfo & child , content ) {
if ( child . fileName ( ) [ 0 ] = = ' . ' ) continue ;
if ( child . isDir ( ) ) {
copyDir ( child . absoluteFilePath ( ) , dst_path + QDir : : separator ( ) + QDir ( child . absoluteFilePath ( ) ) . dirName ( ) ) ;
continue ;
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QString src_child_path = child . absoluteFilePath ( ) ;
const QString dest_child_path = destDir . absoluteFilePath ( child . fileName ( ) ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
// Copy the file from src to dest
QFile : : copy ( src_child_path , dest_child_path ) ;
// Remove source file
2010-07-24 23:34:51 +04:00
safeRemove ( src_child_path ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
// Remove source folder
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QString dir_name = sourceDir . dirName ( ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
if ( sourceDir . cdUp ( ) ) {
sourceDir . rmdir ( dir_name ) ;
2010-04-10 18:17:26 +04:00
QString misc : : updateLabelInSavePath ( const QString & defaultSavePath , QString save_path , const QString old_label , const QString new_label ) {
if ( old_label = = new_label ) return save_path ;
2010-04-22 20:19:49 +04:00
qDebug ( " UpdateLabelInSavePath(%s, %s, %s) " , qPrintable ( save_path ) , qPrintable ( old_label ) , qPrintable ( new_label ) ) ;
2010-04-10 18:17:26 +04:00
if ( ! save_path . startsWith ( defaultSavePath ) ) return save_path ;
QString new_save_path = save_path . replace ( defaultSavePath , " " ) ;
QStringList path_parts = new_save_path . split ( QDir : : separator ( ) , QString : : SkipEmptyParts ) ;
if ( path_parts . empty ( ) ) {
if ( ! new_label . isEmpty ( ) )
path_parts < < new_label ;
} else {
if ( old_label . isEmpty ( ) | | path_parts . first ( ) ! = old_label ) {
2010-04-10 18:50:11 +04:00
if ( path_parts . first ( ) ! = new_label )
path_parts . prepend ( new_label ) ;
2010-04-10 18:17:26 +04:00
} else {
2010-04-10 18:50:11 +04:00
if ( new_label . isEmpty ( ) ) {
2010-04-10 18:17:26 +04:00
path_parts . removeAt ( 0 ) ;
2010-04-10 18:50:11 +04:00
} else {
if ( path_parts . first ( ) ! = new_label )
path_parts . replace ( 0 , new_label ) ;
2010-04-10 18:17:26 +04:00
new_save_path = defaultSavePath ;
if ( ! new_save_path . endsWith ( QDir : : separator ( ) ) ) new_save_path + = QDir : : separator ( ) ;
new_save_path + = path_parts . join ( QDir : : separator ( ) ) ;
2010-04-22 20:19:49 +04:00
qDebug ( " New save path is %s " , qPrintable ( new_save_path ) ) ;
2010-04-10 18:17:26 +04:00
return new_save_path ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
void misc : : moveToXDGFolders ( ) {
2010-07-24 23:34:51 +04:00
QDir old_qBtPath ( QDir : : homePath ( ) . replace ( " \\ " , " / " ) + " / " + " .qbittorrent " ) ;
if ( old_qBtPath . exists ( ) ) {
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
// Copy BT_backup folder
2010-07-24 23:34:51 +04:00
const QString old_BTBackupPath = old_qBtPath . absoluteFilePath ( " BT_backup " ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
if ( QDir ( old_BTBackupPath ) . exists ( ) ) {
copyDir ( old_BTBackupPath , BTBackupLocation ( ) ) ;
// Copy search engine folder
2010-07-24 23:34:51 +04:00
const QString old_searchPath = old_qBtPath . absoluteFilePath ( " search_engine " ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
if ( QDir ( old_searchPath ) . exists ( ) ) {
copyDir ( old_searchPath , searchEngineLocation ( ) ) ;
// Copy *_state files
2010-07-24 23:34:51 +04:00
if ( QFile : : exists ( old_qBtPath . absoluteFilePath ( " dht_state " ) ) ) {
QFile : : copy ( old_qBtPath . absoluteFilePath ( " dht_state " ) , QDir ( cacheLocation ( ) ) . absoluteFilePath ( " dht_state " ) ) ;
safeRemove ( old_qBtPath . absoluteFilePath ( " dht_state " ) ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
2010-07-24 23:34:51 +04:00
if ( QFile : : exists ( old_qBtPath . absoluteFilePath ( " ses_state " ) ) ) {
QFile : : copy ( old_qBtPath . absoluteFilePath ( " ses_state " ) , QDir ( cacheLocation ( ) ) . absoluteFilePath ( " ses_state " ) ) ;
safeRemove ( old_qBtPath . absoluteFilePath ( " ses_state " ) ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
// Remove .qbittorrent folder if empty
QDir : : home ( ) . rmdir ( " .qbittorrent " ) ;
QString misc : : toValidFileSystemName ( QString filename ) {
qDebug ( " toValidFSName: %s " , qPrintable ( filename ) ) ;
filename = filename . replace ( " \\ " , " / " ) . trimmed ( ) ;
const QRegExp regex ( " [/:? \" *<>|] " ) ;
filename = filename . replace ( regex , " " ) . trimmed ( ) ;
qDebug ( " toValidFSName, result: %s " , qPrintable ( filename ) ) ;
return filename ;
bool misc : : isValidFileSystemName ( QString filename ) {
filename = filename . replace ( " \\ " , " / " ) . trimmed ( ) ;
if ( filename . isEmpty ( ) ) return false ;
const QRegExp regex ( " [/:? \" *<>|] " ) ;
if ( filename . contains ( regex ) )
return false ;
return true ;
# ifndef DISABLE_GUI
// Get screen center
QPoint misc : : screenCenter ( QWidget * win ) {
int scrn = 0 ;
const QWidget * w = win - > window ( ) ;
if ( w )
scrn = QApplication : : desktop ( ) - > screenNumber ( w ) ;
else if ( QApplication : : desktop ( ) - > isVirtualDesktop ( ) )
scrn = QApplication : : desktop ( ) - > screenNumber ( QCursor : : pos ( ) ) ;
scrn = QApplication : : desktop ( ) - > screenNumber ( win ) ;
QRect desk ( QApplication : : desktop ( ) - > availableGeometry ( scrn ) ) ;
return QPoint ( ( desk . width ( ) - win - > frameGeometry ( ) . width ( ) ) / 2 , ( desk . height ( ) - win - > frameGeometry ( ) . height ( ) ) / 2 ) ;
# endif
QString misc : : searchEngineLocation ( ) {
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QString location = QDir : : cleanPath ( QDesktopServicesDataLocation ( )
2010-08-16 21:42:21 +04:00
+ QDir : : separator ( ) + " search_engine " ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
QDir locationDir ( location ) ;
if ( ! locationDir . exists ( ) )
locationDir . mkpath ( locationDir . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
return location ;
QString misc : : BTBackupLocation ( ) {
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QString location = QDir : : cleanPath ( QDesktopServicesDataLocation ( )
2010-08-16 21:42:21 +04:00
+ QDir : : separator ( ) + " BT_backup " ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
QDir locationDir ( location ) ;
if ( ! locationDir . exists ( ) )
locationDir . mkpath ( locationDir . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
return location ;
QString misc : : cacheLocation ( ) {
2010-05-30 21:51:40 +04:00
QString location = QDir : : cleanPath ( QDesktopServicesCacheLocation ( ) ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
QDir locationDir ( location ) ;
if ( ! locationDir . exists ( ) )
locationDir . mkpath ( locationDir . absolutePath ( ) ) ;
return location ;
// return best userfriendly storage unit (B, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB)
// use Binary prefix standards from IEC 60027-2
// see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilobyte
// value must be given in bytes
QString misc : : friendlyUnit ( double val ) {
if ( val < 0 )
return tr ( " Unknown " , " Unknown (size) " ) ;
const QString units [ 5 ] = { tr ( " B " , " bytes " ) , tr ( " KiB " , " kibibytes (1024 bytes) " ) , tr ( " MiB " , " mebibytes (1024 kibibytes) " ) , tr ( " GiB " , " gibibytes (1024 mibibytes) " ) , tr ( " TiB " , " tebibytes (1024 gibibytes) " ) } ;
char i = 0 ;
while ( val > = 1024. & & i + + < 6 )
val / = 1024. ;
2010-06-27 18:19:24 +04:00
if ( i = = 0 )
return QString : : number ( ( long ) val ) + " " + units [ 0 ] ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
return QString : : number ( val , ' f ' , 1 ) + " " + units [ ( int ) i ] ;
bool misc : : isPreviewable ( QString extension ) {
extension = extension . toUpper ( ) ;
if ( extension = = " AVI " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MP3 " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " OGG " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " OGM " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " WMV " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " WMA " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MPEG " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MPG " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " ASF " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " QT " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " RM " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " RMVB " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " RMV " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " SWF " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " FLV " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " WAV " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MOV " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " VOB " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MID " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " AC3 " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MP4 " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MP2 " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " AVI " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " FLAC " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " AU " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MPE " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MOV " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MKV " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " AIF " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " AIFF " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " AIFC " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " RA " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " RAM " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " M4P " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " M4A " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " 3GP " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " AAC " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " SWA " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MPC " ) return true ;
if ( extension = = " MPP " ) return true ;
2010-03-20 22:37:28 +03:00
if ( extension = = " M3U " ) return true ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
return false ;
bool misc : : removeEmptyTree ( QString path ) {
QDir dir ( path ) ;
foreach ( const QString & child , dir . entryList ( QDir : : AllDirs ) ) {
if ( child = = " . " | | child = = " .. " ) continue ;
return removeEmptyTree ( dir . absoluteFilePath ( child ) ) ;
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QString dir_name = dir . dirName ( ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
if ( dir . cdUp ( ) ) {
return dir . rmdir ( dir_name ) ;
return false ;
2010-07-23 02:19:42 +04:00
QString misc : : bcLinkToMagnet ( QString bc_link ) {
QByteArray raw_bc = bc_link . toUtf8 ( ) ;
raw_bc = raw_bc . mid ( 8 ) ; // skip bc://bt/
raw_bc = QByteArray : : fromBase64 ( raw_bc ) ; // Decode base64
// Format is now AA/url_encoded_filename/size_bytes/info_hash/ZZ
QStringList parts = QString ( raw_bc ) . split ( " / " ) ;
if ( parts . size ( ) ! = 5 ) return QString : : null ;
QString filename = parts . at ( 1 ) ;
QString hash = parts . at ( 3 ) ;
QString magnet = " magnet:?xt=urn:btih: " + hash ;
magnet + = " &dn= " + filename ;
return magnet ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
QString misc : : magnetUriToName ( QString magnet_uri ) {
QString name = " " ;
QRegExp regHex ( " dn=([^&]+) " ) ;
const int pos = regHex . indexIn ( magnet_uri ) ;
if ( pos > - 1 ) {
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QString found = regHex . cap ( 1 ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
// URL decode
name = QUrl : : fromPercentEncoding ( found . toLocal8Bit ( ) ) . replace ( " + " , " " ) ;
return name ;
QString misc : : magnetUriToHash ( QString magnet_uri ) {
QString hash = " " ;
QRegExp regHex ( " urn:btih:([0-9A-Za-z]+) " ) ;
// Hex
int pos = regHex . indexIn ( magnet_uri ) ;
if ( pos > - 1 ) {
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QString found = regHex . cap ( 1 ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
if ( found . length ( ) = = 40 ) {
const sha1_hash sha1 ( QString ( QByteArray : : fromHex ( regHex . cap ( 1 ) . toLocal8Bit ( ) ) ) . toStdString ( ) ) ;
qDebug ( " magnetUriToHash (Hex): hash: %s " , qPrintable ( misc : : toQString ( sha1 ) ) ) ;
return misc : : toQString ( sha1 ) ;
// Base 32
QRegExp regBase32 ( " urn:btih:([A-Za-z2-7=]+) " ) ;
pos = regBase32 . indexIn ( magnet_uri ) ;
if ( pos > - 1 ) {
2010-07-23 18:05:53 +04:00
const QString found = regBase32 . cap ( 1 ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
if ( found . length ( ) > 20 & & ( found . length ( ) * 5 ) % 40 = = 0 ) {
const sha1_hash sha1 ( base32decode ( regBase32 . cap ( 1 ) . toStdString ( ) ) ) ;
hash = misc : : toQString ( sha1 ) ;
qDebug ( " magnetUriToHash (base32): hash: %s " , qPrintable ( hash ) ) ;
return hash ;
QString misc : : boostTimeToQString ( const boost : : optional < boost : : posix_time : : ptime > boostDate ) {
2010-05-01 21:37:12 +04:00
if ( ! boostDate | | ! boostDate . is_initialized ( ) | | boostDate - > is_not_a_date_time ( ) ) return tr ( " Unknown " ) ;
2010-05-01 22:07:56 +04:00
struct std : : tm tm ;
try {
tm = boost : : posix_time : : to_tm ( * boostDate ) ;
} catch ( std : : exception e ) {
return tr ( " Unknown " ) ;
2010-05-01 21:37:12 +04:00
time_t t = mktime ( & tm ) ;
if ( t < 0 )
return tr ( " Unknown " ) ;
QDateTime dt = QDateTime : : fromTime_t ( t ) ;
if ( dt . isNull ( ) | | ! dt . isValid ( ) )
return tr ( " Unknown " ) ;
return dt . toString ( Qt : : DefaultLocaleLongDate ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
// Replace ~ in path
QString misc : : expandPath ( QString path ) {
path = path . trimmed ( ) ;
if ( path . isEmpty ( ) ) return path ;
if ( path . length ( ) = = 1 ) {
if ( path [ 0 ] = = ' ~ ' ) return QDir : : homePath ( ) ;
if ( path [ 0 ] = = ' ~ ' & & path [ 1 ] = = QDir : : separator ( ) ) {
path = path . replace ( 0 , 1 , QDir : : homePath ( ) ) ;
} else {
if ( QDir : : isAbsolutePath ( path ) ) {
path = QDir ( path ) . absolutePath ( ) ;
return QDir : : cleanPath ( path ) ;
// Take a number of seconds and return an user-friendly
// time duration like "1d 2h 10m".
QString misc : : userFriendlyDuration ( qlonglong seconds ) {
2010-05-21 15:46:12 +04:00
if ( seconds < 0 | | seconds > = MAX_ETA ) {
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
return QString : : fromUtf8 ( " ∞ " ) ;
2010-05-21 15:25:30 +04:00
if ( seconds = = 0 ) {
return " 0 " ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
if ( seconds < 60 ) {
return tr ( " < 1m " , " < 1 minute " ) ;
int minutes = seconds / 60 ;
if ( minutes < 60 ) {
return tr ( " %1m " , " e.g: 10minutes " ) . arg ( QString : : number ( minutes ) ) ;
int hours = minutes / 60 ;
minutes = minutes - hours * 60 ;
if ( hours < 24 ) {
2010-06-21 18:10:20 +04:00
return tr ( " %1h %2m " , " e.g: 3hours 5minutes " ) . arg ( QString : : number ( hours ) ) . arg ( QString : : number ( minutes ) ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
int days = hours / 24 ;
hours = hours - days * 24 ;
if ( days < 100 ) {
2010-06-21 18:10:20 +04:00
return tr ( " %1d %2h " , " e.g: 2days 10hours " ) . arg ( QString : : number ( days ) ) . arg ( QString : : number ( hours ) ) ;
2010-03-20 22:09:27 +03:00
return QString : : fromUtf8 ( " ∞ " ) ;
2010-06-05 22:59:05 +04:00
2010-06-09 13:48:14 +04:00
QString misc : : getUserIDString ( ) {
QString uid = " 0 " ;
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN
char buffer [ UNLEN + 1 ] = { 0 } ;
DWORD buffer_len = UNLEN + 1 ;
if ( ! GetUserNameA ( buffer , & buffer_len ) )
uid = QString ( buffer ) ;
# else
uid = QString : : number ( getuid ( ) ) ;
# endif
return uid ;
2010-06-05 22:59:05 +04:00
QStringList misc : : toStringList ( const QList < bool > & l ) {
QStringList ret ;
foreach ( const bool & b , l ) {
if ( b )
ret < < " 1 " ;
ret < < " 0 " ;
return ret ;
QList < int > misc : : intListfromStringList ( const QStringList & l ) {
QList < int > ret ;
foreach ( const QString & s , l ) {
ret < < s . toInt ( ) ;
return ret ;
QList < bool > misc : : boolListfromStringList ( const QStringList & l ) {
QList < bool > ret ;
2010-08-16 21:42:21 +04:00
foreach ( const QString & s , l ) {
if ( s = = " 1 " )
ret < < true ;
ret < < false ;
return ret ;
2010-06-05 22:59:05 +04:00