**Minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client.**

**🗣️ Pronunciation**: [`/fænpi/`](https://ythi.net/how-do-you-pronounce/phanpy/english/) ([`FAN-pee`](https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/the-official-name-pronunciation-guide.3474941/)) [🔊 Listen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIUbWe-ysJI)
This is an alternative web client for [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/).
- 🏢 **Production**: https://phanpy.social
- `production` branch
- break less often
- slower fixes unless critical
- 🏗️ **Development**: https://dev.phanpy.social
- `main` branch
- may see new cool stuff sooner
- may break more often
- may be fixed much faster too
🐘 Follow [@phanpy on Mastodon](https://hachyderm.io/@phanpy) for updates ✨
Everything is designed and engineered following my taste and vision. This is a personal side project for me to learn about Mastodon and experiment with new UI/UX ideas.
## Features
- 👪 Multiple accounts
- 🪟 Compose window pop-out/in
- 🌗 Light/dark/auto theme
- 🔔 Grouped notifications
- 🪺 Nested comments thread
- 📬 Unsent draft recovery
- 🎠 Boosts Carousel™️
- ⚡ Shortcuts™️ with view modes like multi-column or tab bar
- #️⃣ Multi-hashtag timeline
## Design decisions
- **Status actions (reply, boost, favourite, bookmark, etc) are hidden by default**.