import { MenuItem } from '@szhsin/react-menu'; import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'preact/hooks'; import { useParams, useSearchParams } from 'react-router-dom'; import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio'; import AccountInfo from '../components/account-info'; import EmojiText from '../components/emoji-text'; import Icon from '../components/icon'; import Link from '../components/link'; import Menu2 from '../components/menu2'; import Timeline from '../components/timeline'; import { api } from '../utils/api'; import pmem from '../utils/pmem'; import showToast from '../utils/show-toast'; import states from '../utils/states'; import { saveStatus } from '../utils/states'; import useTitle from '../utils/useTitle'; const LIMIT = 20; const MIN_YEAR = 1983; const MIN_YEAR_MONTH = `${MIN_YEAR}-01`; // Birth of the Internet const supportsInputMonth = (() => { try { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('type', 'month'); return input.type === 'month'; } catch (e) { return false; } })(); async function _isSearchEnabled(instance) { const { masto } = api({ instance }); const results = await{ q: 'from:me', type: 'statuses', limit: 1, }); return !!results?.statuses?.length; } const isSearchEnabled = pmem(_isSearchEnabled); function AccountStatuses() { const snapStates = useSnapshot(states); const { id, ...params } = useParams(); const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams(); const month = searchParams.get('month'); const excludeReplies = !searchParams.get('replies'); const excludeBoosts = !!searchParams.get('boosts'); const tagged = searchParams.get('tagged'); const media = !!searchParams.get('media'); const { masto, instance, authenticated } = api({ instance: params.instance }); const accountStatusesIterator = useRef(); const allSearchParams = [month, excludeReplies, excludeBoosts, tagged, media]; const [account, setAccount] = useState(); const searchOffsetRef = useRef(0); useEffect(() => { searchOffsetRef.current = 0; }, allSearchParams); const sameCurrentInstance = useMemo( () => instance === api().instance, [instance], ); const [searchEnabled, setSearchEnabled] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { // Only enable for current logged-in instance // Most remote instances don't allow unauthenticated searches if (!sameCurrentInstance) return; if (!account?.acct) return; (async () => { const enabled = await isSearchEnabled(instance); console.log({ enabled }); setSearchEnabled(enabled); })(); }, [instance, sameCurrentInstance, account?.acct]); async function fetchAccountStatuses(firstLoad) { const isValidMonth = /^\d{4}-[01]\d$/.test(month); const isValidYear = month?.split?.('-')?.[0] >= MIN_YEAR; if (isValidMonth && isValidYear) { if (!account) { return { value: [], done: true, }; } const [_year, _month] = month.split('-'); const monthIndex = parseInt(_month, 10) - 1; // YYYY-MM (no day) // Search options: // - from:account // - after:YYYY-MM-DD (non-inclusive) // - before:YYYY-MM-DD (non-inclusive) // Last day of previous month const after = new Date(_year, monthIndex, 0); const afterStr = `${after.getFullYear()}-${(after.getMonth() + 1) .toString() .padStart(2, '0')}-${after.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; // First day of next month const before = new Date(_year, monthIndex + 1, 1); const beforeStr = `${before.getFullYear()}-${(before.getMonth() + 1) .toString() .padStart(2, '0')}-${before.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')}`; console.log({ month, _year, _month, monthIndex, after, before, afterStr, beforeStr, }); let limit; if (firstLoad) { limit = LIMIT + 1; searchOffsetRef.current = 0; } else { limit = LIMIT + searchOffsetRef.current + 1; searchOffsetRef.current += LIMIT; } const searchResults = await{ q: `from:${account.acct} after:${afterStr} before:${beforeStr}`, type: 'statuses', limit, offset: searchOffsetRef.current, }); if (searchResults?.statuses?.length) { const value = searchResults.statuses.slice(0, LIMIT); value.forEach((item) => { saveStatus(item, instance); }); const done = searchResults.statuses.length <= LIMIT; return { value, done }; } else { return { value: [], done: true }; } } const results = []; if (firstLoad) { const { value: pinnedStatuses } = await masto.v1.accounts .$select(id) .statuses.list({ pinned: true, }) .next(); if (pinnedStatuses?.length && !tagged && !media) { pinnedStatuses.forEach((status) => { status._pinned = true; saveStatus(status, instance); }); if (pinnedStatuses.length >= 3) { const pinnedStatusesIds = =>; results.push({ id: pinnedStatusesIds, items: pinnedStatuses, type: 'pinned', }); } else { results.push(...pinnedStatuses); } } } if (firstLoad || !accountStatusesIterator.current) { accountStatusesIterator.current = masto.v1.accounts .$select(id) .statuses.list({ limit: LIMIT, exclude_replies: excludeReplies, exclude_reblogs: excludeBoosts, only_media: media, tagged, }); } const { value, done } = await; if (value?.length) { results.push(...value); value.forEach((item) => { saveStatus(item, instance); }); } return { value: results, done, }; } const [featuredTags, setFeaturedTags] = useState([]); useTitle( `${account?.displayName ? account.displayName + ' ' : ''}@${ account?.acct ? account.acct : 'Account posts' }`, '/:instance?/a/:id', ); useEffect(() => { (async () => { try { const acc = await masto.v1.accounts.$select(id).fetch(); console.log(acc); setAccount(acc); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } try { const featuredTags = await masto.v1.accounts .$select(id) .featuredTags.list(); console.log({ featuredTags }); setFeaturedTags(featuredTags); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } })(); }, [id]); const { displayName, acct, emojis } = account || {}; const filterBarRef = useRef(); const TimelineStart = useMemo(() => { const cachedAccount = snapStates.accounts[`${id}@${instance}`]; const filtered = !excludeReplies || excludeBoosts || tagged || media || !!month; return ( <> masto.v1.accounts.$select(id).fetch()} authenticated={authenticated} standalone />
{filtered ? ( ) : ( )} { if (excludeReplies) { showToast('Showing post with replies'); } }} class={excludeReplies ? '' : 'is-active'} > + Replies { if (!excludeBoosts) { showToast('Showing posts without boosts'); } }} class={!excludeBoosts ? '' : 'is-active'} > - Boosts { if (!media) { showToast('Showing posts with media'); } }} class={media ? 'is-active' : ''} > Media { => ( { if (tagged !== { showToast(`Showing posts tagged with #${}`); } }} class={tagged === ? 'is-active' : ''} > # {} { // The count differs based on instance 😅 } {/* {tag.statusesCount} */} ))} {searchEnabled && (supportsInputMonth ? ( ) : ( // Fallback to for year { const { value, validity } = e; if (!validity.valid) return; setSearchParams( value ? { month: value, } : {}, ); }} /> ))}
); }, [ id, instance, authenticated, featuredTags, searchEnabled, ...allSearchParams, ]); useEffect(() => { // Focus on .is-active const active = filterBarRef.current?.querySelector('.is-active'); if (active) { console.log('active', active, active.offsetLeft); filterBarRef.current.scrollTo({ behavior: 'smooth', left: active.offsetLeft - (filterBarRef.current.offsetWidth - active.offsetWidth) / 2, }); } }, [featuredTags, searchEnabled, ...allSearchParams]); const accountInstance = useMemo(() => { if (!account?.url) return null; const domain = new URL(account.url).hostname; return domain; }, [account]); const sameInstance = instance === accountInstance; const allowSwitch = !!account && !sameInstance; return ( { // states.showAccount = { // account, // instance, // }; // }} >
} id="account-statuses" instance={instance} emptyText="Nothing to see here yet." errorText="Unable to load posts" fetchItems={fetchAccountStatuses} useItemID view={media ? 'media' : undefined} boostsCarousel={snapStates.settings.boostsCarousel} timelineStart={TimelineStart} refresh={[ excludeReplies, excludeBoosts, tagged, media, month + account?.acct, ].toString()} headerEnd={ } > { (async () => { try { const { masto } = api({ instance: accountInstance, }); const acc = await masto.v1.accounts.lookup({ acct: account.acct, }); const { id } = acc; location.hash = `/${accountInstance}/a/${id}`; } catch (e) { console.error(e); alert('Unable to fetch account info'); } })(); }} > {' '} Switch to account's instance ({accountInstance}) } /> ); } function MonthPicker(props) { const { class: className, disabled, value, min, max, onInput = () => {}, } = props; const [_year, _month] = value?.split('-') || []; const monthFieldRef = useRef(); const yearFieldRef = useRef(); const checkValidity = (month, year) => { const [minYear, minMonth] = min?.split('-') || []; const [maxYear, maxMonth] = max?.split('-') || []; if (year < minYear) return false; if (year > maxYear) return false; if (year === minYear && month < minMonth) return false; if (year === maxYear && month > maxMonth) return false; return true; }; return (
{' '} { const { value: year, validity } = e.currentTarget; const month = monthFieldRef.current.value; if (!validity.valid || !checkValidity(month, year)) return { value: '', validity: { valid: false, }, }; onInput({ value: year ? `${year}-${month}` : '', validity: { valid: true, }, }); }} style={{ width: '4.5em', }} />
); } export default AccountStatuses;