import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'preact/hooks'; import { useHotkeys } from 'react-hotkeys-hook'; import { InView } from 'react-intersection-observer'; import { useDebouncedCallback } from 'use-debounce'; import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio'; import states, { statusKey } from '../utils/states'; import statusPeek from '../utils/status-peek'; import { groupBoosts, groupContext } from '../utils/timeline-utils'; import useInterval from '../utils/useInterval'; import usePageVisibility from '../utils/usePageVisibility'; import useScroll from '../utils/useScroll'; import Icon from './icon'; import Link from './link'; import Loader from './loader'; import NavMenu from './nav-menu'; import Status from './status'; function Timeline({ title, titleComponent, id, instance, emptyText, errorText, useItemID, // use statusID instead of status object, assuming it's already in states boostsCarousel, fetchItems = () => {}, checkForUpdates = () => {}, checkForUpdatesInterval = 60_000, // 1 minute headerStart, headerEnd, timelineStart, allowFilters, refresh, }) { const [items, setItems] = useState([]); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('default'); const [showMore, setShowMore] = useState(false); const [showNew, setShowNew] = useState(false); const [visible, setVisible] = useState(true); const scrollableRef = useRef(); console.debug('RENDER Timeline', id, refresh); const loadItems = useDebouncedCallback( (firstLoad) => { setShowNew(false); if (uiState === 'loading') return; setUIState('loading'); (async () => { try { let { done, value } = await fetchItems(firstLoad); if (value?.length) { if (boostsCarousel) { value = groupBoosts(value); } value = groupContext(value); console.log(value); if (firstLoad) { setItems(value); } else { setItems((items) => [...items, ...value]); } setShowMore(!done); } else { setShowMore(false); } setUIState('default'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); setUIState('error'); } finally { loadItems.cancel(); } })(); }, 1500, { leading: true, trailing: false, }, ); const itemsSelector = '.timeline-item, .timeline-item-alt'; const jRef = useHotkeys('j, shift+j', (_, handler) => { // focus on next status after active item const activeItem = document.activeElement.closest(itemsSelector); const activeItemRect = activeItem?.getBoundingClientRect(); const allItems = Array.from( scrollableRef.current.querySelectorAll(itemsSelector), ); if ( activeItem && < scrollableRef.current.clientHeight && activeItemRect.bottom > 0 ) { const activeItemIndex = allItems.indexOf(activeItem); let nextItem = allItems[activeItemIndex + 1]; if (handler.shift) { // get next status that's not .timeline-item-alt nextItem = allItems.find( (item, index) => index > activeItemIndex && !item.classList.contains('timeline-item-alt'), ); } if (nextItem) { nextItem.focus(); nextItem.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded?.(); } } else { // If active status is not in viewport, get the topmost status-link in viewport const topmostItem = allItems.find((item) => { const itemRect = item.getBoundingClientRect(); return >= 44 && itemRect.left >= 0; // 44 is the magic number for header height, not real }); if (topmostItem) { topmostItem.focus(); topmostItem.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded?.(); } } }); const kRef = useHotkeys('k, shift+k', (_, handler) => { // focus on previous status after active item const activeItem = document.activeElement.closest(itemsSelector); const activeItemRect = activeItem?.getBoundingClientRect(); const allItems = Array.from( scrollableRef.current.querySelectorAll(itemsSelector), ); if ( activeItem && < scrollableRef.current.clientHeight && activeItemRect.bottom > 0 ) { const activeItemIndex = allItems.indexOf(activeItem); let prevItem = allItems[activeItemIndex - 1]; if (handler.shift) { // get prev status that's not .timeline-item-alt prevItem = allItems.findLast( (item, index) => index < activeItemIndex && !item.classList.contains('timeline-item-alt'), ); } if (prevItem) { prevItem.focus(); prevItem.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded?.(); } } else { // If active status is not in viewport, get the topmost status-link in viewport const topmostItem = allItems.find((item) => { const itemRect = item.getBoundingClientRect(); return >= 44 && itemRect.left >= 0; // 44 is the magic number for header height, not real }); if (topmostItem) { topmostItem.focus(); topmostItem.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded?.(); } } }); const oRef = useHotkeys(['enter', 'o'], () => { // open active status const activeItem = document.activeElement.closest(itemsSelector); if (activeItem) {; } }); const { scrollDirection, nearReachStart, nearReachEnd, reachStart, reachEnd, } = useScroll({ scrollableRef, distanceFromEnd: 2, scrollThresholdStart: 44, }); useEffect(() => { scrollableRef.current?.scrollTo({ top: 0 }); loadItems(true); }, []); useEffect(() => { loadItems(true); }, [refresh]); useEffect(() => { if (reachStart) { loadItems(true); } }, [reachStart]); useEffect(() => { if (nearReachEnd || (reachEnd && showMore)) { loadItems(); } }, [nearReachEnd, showMore]); const lastHiddenTime = useRef(); usePageVisibility( (visible) => { if (visible) { const timeDiff = - lastHiddenTime.current; if (!lastHiddenTime.current || timeDiff > 1000 * 60) { (async () => { console.log('✨ Check updates'); const hasUpdate = await checkForUpdates(); if (hasUpdate) { console.log('✨ Has new updates', id); setShowNew(true); } })(); } } else { lastHiddenTime.current =; } setVisible(visible); }, [checkForUpdates], ); // checkForUpdates interval useInterval( () => { (async () => { console.log('✨ Check updates'); const hasUpdate = await checkForUpdates(); if (hasUpdate) { console.log('✨ Has new updates', id); setShowNew(true); } })(); }, visible && !showNew ? checkForUpdatesInterval : null, ); const hiddenUI = scrollDirection === 'end' && !nearReachStart; return ( <div id={`${id}-page`} class="deck-container" ref={(node) => { scrollableRef.current = node; jRef.current = node; kRef.current = node; oRef.current = node; }} tabIndex="-1" > <div class="timeline-deck deck"> <header hidden={hiddenUI} onClick={(e) => { if (!'a, button')) { scrollableRef.current?.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth', }); } }} onDblClick={(e) => { if (!'a, button')) { loadItems(true); } }} class={uiState === 'loading' ? 'loading' : ''} > <div class="header-grid"> <div class="header-side"> <NavMenu /> {headerStart !== null && headerStart !== undefined ? ( headerStart ) : ( <Link to="/" class="button plain home-button"> <Icon icon="home" size="l" /> </Link> )} </div> {title && (titleComponent ? titleComponent : <h1>{title}</h1>)} <div class="header-side"> {/* <Loader hidden={uiState !== 'loading'} /> */} {!!headerEnd && headerEnd} </div> </div> {items.length > 0 && uiState !== 'loading' && !hiddenUI && showNew && ( <button class="updates-button shiny-pill" type="button" onClick={() => { loadItems(true); scrollableRef.current?.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth', }); }} > <Icon icon="arrow-up" /> New posts </button> )} </header> {!!timelineStart && <div class="timeline-start">{timelineStart}</div>} {!!items.length ? ( <> <ul class="timeline"> { => { const { id: statusID, reblog, items, type, _pinned } = status; const actualStatusID = reblog?.id || statusID; const url = instance ? `/${instance}/s/${actualStatusID}` : `/s/${actualStatusID}`; let title = ''; if (type === 'boosts') { title = `${items.length} Boosts`; } else if (type === 'pinned') { title = 'Pinned posts'; } const isCarousel = type === 'boosts' || type === 'pinned'; if (items) { if (isCarousel) { // Here, we don't hide filtered posts, but we sort them last items.sort((a, b) => { if (a._filtered && !b._filtered) { return 1; } if (!a._filtered && b._filtered) { return -1; } return 0; }); return ( <li key={`timeline-${statusID}`}> <StatusCarousel title={title} class={`${type}-carousel`} > { => { const { id: statusID, reblog } = item; const actualStatusID = reblog?.id || statusID; const url = instance ? `/${instance}/s/${actualStatusID}` : `/s/${actualStatusID}`; return ( <li key={statusID}> <Link class="status-carousel-link timeline-item-alt" to={url} > {useItemID ? ( <Status statusID={statusID} instance={instance} size="s" contentTextWeight /> ) : ( <Status status={item} instance={instance} size="s" contentTextWeight /> )} </Link> </li> ); })} </StatusCarousel> </li> ); } const manyItems = items.length > 3; return, i) => { const { id: statusID } = item; const url = instance ? `/${instance}/s/${statusID}` : `/s/${statusID}`; const isMiddle = i > 0 && i < items.length - 1; const isSpoiler = item.sensitive && !!item.spoilerText; const showCompact = (isSpoiler && i > 0) || (manyItems && isMiddle && type === 'thread'); return ( <li key={`timeline-${statusID}`} class={`timeline-item-container timeline-item-container-type-${type} timeline-item-container-${ i === 0 ? 'start' : i === items.length - 1 ? 'end' : 'middle' }`} > <Link class="status-link timeline-item" to={url}> {showCompact ? ( <TimelineStatusCompact status={item} instance={instance} /> ) : useItemID ? ( <Status statusID={statusID} instance={instance} allowFilters={allowFilters} /> ) : ( <Status status={item} instance={instance} allowFilters={allowFilters} /> )} </Link> </li> ); }); } return ( <li key={`timeline-${statusID + _pinned}`}> <Link class="status-link timeline-item" to={url}> {useItemID ? ( <Status statusID={statusID} instance={instance} allowFilters={allowFilters} /> ) : ( <Status status={status} instance={instance} allowFilters={allowFilters} /> )} </Link> </li> ); })} {showMore && uiState === 'loading' && ( <> <li style={{ height: '20vh', }} > <Status skeleton /> </li> <li style={{ height: '25vh', }} > <Status skeleton /> </li> </> )} </ul> {uiState === 'default' && (showMore ? ( <InView onChange={(inView) => { if (inView) { loadItems(); } }} > <button type="button" class="plain block" onClick={() => loadItems()} style={{ marginBlockEnd: '6em' }} > Show more… </button> </InView> ) : ( <p class="ui-state insignificant">The end.</p> ))} </> ) : uiState === 'loading' ? ( <ul class="timeline"> {Array.from({ length: 5 }).map((_, i) => ( <li key={i}> <Status skeleton /> </li> ))} </ul> ) : ( uiState !== 'error' && <p class="ui-state">{emptyText}</p> )} {uiState === 'error' && ( <p class="ui-state"> {errorText} <br /> <br /> <button class="button plain" onClick={() => loadItems(!items.length)} > Try again </button> </p> )} </div> </div> ); } function StatusCarousel({ title, class: className, children }) { const carouselRef = useRef(); const { reachStart, reachEnd, init } = useScroll({ scrollableRef: carouselRef, direction: 'horizontal', }); useEffect(() => { init?.(); }, []); return ( <div class={`status-carousel ${className}`}> <header> <h3>{title}</h3> <span> <button type="button" class="small plain2" disabled={reachStart} onClick={() => { carouselRef.current?.scrollBy({ left: -Math.min(320, carouselRef.current?.offsetWidth), behavior: 'smooth', }); }} > <Icon icon="chevron-left" /> </button>{' '} <button type="button" class="small plain2" disabled={reachEnd} onClick={() => { carouselRef.current?.scrollBy({ left: Math.min(320, carouselRef.current?.offsetWidth), behavior: 'smooth', }); }} > <Icon icon="chevron-right" /> </button> </span> </header> <ul ref={carouselRef}>{children}</ul> </div> ); } function TimelineStatusCompact({ status, instance }) { const snapStates = useSnapshot(states); const { id } = status; const statusPeekText = statusPeek(status); const sKey = statusKey(id, instance); return ( <article class="status compact-thread" tabindex="-1"> {!!snapStates.statusThreadNumber[sKey] ? ( <div class="status-thread-badge"> <Icon icon="thread" size="s" /> {snapStates.statusThreadNumber[sKey] ? ` ${snapStates.statusThreadNumber[sKey]}/X` : ''} </div> ) : ( <div class="status-thread-badge"> <Icon icon="thread" size="s" /> </div> )} <div class="content-compact" title={statusPeekText}> {statusPeekText} {status.sensitive && status.spoilerText && ( <> {' '} <span class="spoiler-badge"> <Icon icon="eye-close" size="s" /> </span> </> )} </div> </article> ); } export default Timeline;