import './app.css'; import 'toastify-js/src/toastify.css'; import debounce from 'just-debounce-it'; import { login } from 'masto'; import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'preact/hooks'; import { Route, Routes, useLocation, useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; import Toastify from 'toastify-js'; import { useSnapshot } from 'valtio'; import Account from './components/account'; import Compose from './components/compose'; import Drafts from './components/drafts'; import Icon from './components/icon'; import Link from './components/link'; import Loader from './components/loader'; import Modal from './components/modal'; import Bookmarks from './pages/bookmarks'; import Home from './pages/home'; import Login from './pages/login'; import Notifications from './pages/notifications'; import Settings from './pages/settings'; import Status from './pages/status'; import Welcome from './pages/welcome'; import { getAccessToken } from './utils/auth'; import states, { saveStatus } from './utils/states'; import store from './utils/store'; window.__STATES__ = states; function App() { const snapStates = useSnapshot(states); const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(false); const [uiState, setUIState] = useState('loading'); const navigate = useNavigate(); useLayoutEffect(() => { const theme = store.local.get('theme'); if (theme) { document.documentElement.classList.add(`is-${theme}`); document .querySelector('meta[name="color-scheme"]') .setAttribute('content', theme); } }, []); useEffect(() => { const instanceURL = store.local.get('instanceURL'); const accounts = store.local.getJSON('accounts') || []; const code = ([^&]+)/) || [])[1]; if (code) { console.log({ code }); // Clear the code from the URL window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, '/'); const clientID = store.session.get('clientID'); const clientSecret = store.session.get('clientSecret'); (async () => { setUIState('loading'); const tokenJSON = await getAccessToken({ instanceURL, client_id: clientID, client_secret: clientSecret, code, }); const { access_token: accessToken } = tokenJSON; store.session.set('accessToken', accessToken); window.masto = await login({ url: `https://${instanceURL}`, accessToken, disableVersionCheck: true, timeout: 30_000, }); const mastoAccount = await masto.v1.accounts.verifyCredentials(); // console.log({ tokenJSON, mastoAccount }); let account = accounts.find((a) => ===; if (account) { = mastoAccount; account.instanceURL = instanceURL.toLowerCase(); account.accessToken = accessToken; } else { account = { info: mastoAccount, instanceURL, accessToken, }; accounts.push(account); } store.local.setJSON('accounts', accounts); store.session.set('currentAccount',; setIsLoggedIn(true); setUIState('default'); })(); } else if (accounts.length) { const currentAccount = store.session.get('currentAccount'); const account = accounts.find((a) => === currentAccount) || accounts[0]; const instanceURL = account.instanceURL; const accessToken = account.accessToken; store.session.set('currentAccount',; (async () => { try { setUIState('loading'); window.masto = await login({ url: `https://${instanceURL}`, accessToken, disableVersionCheck: true, timeout: 30_000, }); setIsLoggedIn(true); } catch (e) { setIsLoggedIn(false); } setUIState('default'); })(); } else { setUIState('default'); } }, []); let location = useLocation(); const locationDeckMap = { '/': 'home-page', '/notifications': 'notifications-page', }; const focusDeck = () => { let timer = setTimeout(() => { const page = document.getElementById(locationDeckMap[location.pathname]); console.debug('FOCUS', location.pathname, page); if (page) { page.focus(); } }, 100); return () => clearTimeout(timer); }; useEffect(focusDeck, [location]); useEffect(() => { if ( !snapStates.showCompose && !snapStates.showSettings && !snapStates.showAccount ) { focusDeck(); } }, [snapStates.showCompose, snapStates.showSettings, snapStates.showAccount]); useEffect(() => { // HACK: prevent this from running again due to HMR if (states.init) return; if (isLoggedIn) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { // startStream(); startVisibility(); // Collect instance info (async () => { // Request v2, fallback to v1 if fail let info; try { info = await masto.v2.instance.fetch(); } catch (e) {} if (!info) { try { info = await masto.v1.instances.fetch(); } catch (e) {} } if (!info) return; console.log(info); const { uri, domain } = info; if (uri || domain) { const instances = store.local.getJSON('instances') || {}; instances[(domain || uri).toLowerCase()] = info; store.local.setJSON('instances', instances); } })(); }); states.init = true; } }, [isLoggedIn]); const { prevLocation } = snapStates; const backgroundLocation = useRef(prevLocation || null); const isModalPage = /^\/s\//i.test(location.pathname); if (isModalPage) { if (!backgroundLocation.current) backgroundLocation.current = prevLocation; } else { backgroundLocation.current = null; } console.debug({ backgroundLocation: backgroundLocation.current, location, }); const nonRootLocation = useMemo(() => { const { pathname } = location; return !/\/(login|welcome)$/.test(pathname); }, [location]); return ( <> ) : uiState === 'loading' ? ( ) : ( ) } /> } /> } /> {isLoggedIn && ( } /> )} {isLoggedIn && } />} {isLoggedIn && } />} {!!snapStates.showCompose && ( { const { newStatus } = results || {}; states.showCompose = false; window.__COMPOSE__ = null; if (newStatus) { states.reloadStatusPage++; setTimeout(() => { const toast = Toastify({ text: 'Status posted. Check it out.', duration: 10_000, // 10 seconds gravity: 'bottom', position: 'center', // destination: `/#/s/${}`, onClick: () => { toast.hideToast(); states.prevLocation = location; navigate(`/s/${}`); }, }); toast.showToast(); }, 1000); } }} /> )} {!!snapStates.showSettings && ( { if ( === e.currentTarget) { states.showSettings = false; } }} > { states.showSettings = false; }} /> )} {!!snapStates.showAccount && ( { if ( === e.currentTarget) { states.showAccount = false; } }} > )} {!!snapStates.showDrafts && ( { if ( === e.currentTarget) { states.showDrafts = false; } }} > )} ); } let ws; async function startStream() { if ( ws && (ws.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING || ws.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) ) { return; } const stream = await; console.log('STREAM START', { stream }); ws =; const handleNewStatus = debounce((status) => { console.log('UPDATE', status); const inHomeNew = states.homeNew.find((s) => ===; const inHome = === states.homeLast?.id; if (!inHomeNew && !inHome) { if (states.settings.boostsCarousel && status.reblog) { // do nothing } else { states.homeNew.unshift({ id:, reblog: status.reblog?.id, reply: !!status.inReplyToAccountId, }); console.log('homeNew 1', [...states.homeNew]); } } saveStatus(status); }, 5000); stream.on('update', handleNewStatus); stream.on('status.update', (status) => { console.log('STATUS.UPDATE', status); saveStatus(status); }); stream.on('delete', (statusID) => { console.log('DELETE', statusID); // delete states.statuses[statusID]; const s = states.statuses[statusID]; if (s) s._deleted = true; }); stream.on('notification', (notification) => { console.log('NOTIFICATION', notification); const inNotificationsNew = states.notificationsNew.find( (n) => ===, ); const inNotifications = === states.notificationLast?.id; if (!inNotificationsNew && !inNotifications) { states.notificationsNew.unshift(notification); } saveStatus(notification.status, { override: false }); }); = () => { console.log('STREAM CLOSED!'); if (document.visibilityState !== 'hidden') { startStream(); } }; return { stream, stopStream: () => {; }, }; } function startVisibility() { const handleVisible = (visible) => { if (!visible) { const timestamp =; store.session.set('lastHidden', timestamp); } else { const timestamp =; const lastHidden = store.session.get('lastHidden'); const diff = timestamp - lastHidden; const diffMins = Math.round(diff / 1000 / 60); if (diffMins > 1) { console.log('visible', { lastHidden, diffMins }); (async () => { try { const firstStatusID = states.homeLast?.id; const firstNotificationID = states.notificationsLast?.id; const fetchHome = masto.v1.timelines.listHome({ limit: 5, ...(firstStatusID && { sinceId: firstStatusID }), }); const fetchNotifications = masto.v1.notifications.list({ limit: 1, ...(firstNotificationID && { sinceId: firstNotificationID }), }); const newStatuses = await fetchHome; const hasOneAndReblog = newStatuses.length === 1 && newStatuses?.[0]?.reblog; if (newStatuses.length && !inHome) { if (states.settings.boostsCarousel && hasOneAndReblog) { // do nothing } else { states.homeNew = => { saveStatus(status); return { id:, reblog: status.reblog?.id, reply: !!status.inReplyToAccountId, }; }); console.log('homeNew 2', [...states.homeNew]); } } const newNotifications = await fetchNotifications; if (newNotifications.length) { const notification = newNotifications[0]; const inNotificationsNew = states.notificationsNew.find( (n) => ===, ); const inNotifications = === states.notificationLast?.id; if (!inNotificationsNew && !inNotifications) { states.notificationsNew.unshift(notification); } saveStatus(notification.status, { override: false }); } } catch (e) { // Silently fail console.error(e); } finally { startStream(); } })(); } } }; const handleVisibilityChange = () => { const hidden = document.visibilityState === 'hidden'; handleVisible(!hidden); console.log('VISIBILITY: ' + (hidden ? 'hidden' : 'visible')); }; document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', handleVisibilityChange); return { stop: () => { document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', handleVisibilityChange); }, }; } export { App };