
244 lines
7.7 KiB

package outbox
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// SendLive will send all followers the message saying you started a live stream.
func SendLive() error {
textContent := data.GetFederationGoLiveMessage()
// If the message is empty then do not send it.
if textContent == "" {
return nil
tagStrings := []string{}
reg := regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+")
tagProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsTagProperty()
for _, tagString := range data.GetServerMetadataTags() {
tagWithoutSpecialCharacters := reg.ReplaceAllString(tagString, "")
hashtag := apmodels.MakeHashtag(tagWithoutSpecialCharacters)
tagString := getHashtagLinkHTMLFromTagString(tagWithoutSpecialCharacters)
tagStrings = append(tagStrings, tagString)
// Manually add Owncast hashtag if it doesn't already exist so it shows up
// in Owncast search results.
// We can remove this down the road, but it'll be nice for now.
if _, exists := utils.FindInSlice(tagStrings, "owncast"); !exists {
hashtag := apmodels.MakeHashtag("owncast")
tagsString := strings.Join(tagStrings, " ")
var streamTitle string
if title := data.GetStreamTitle(); title != "" {
streamTitle = fmt.Sprintf("<p>%s</p>", title)
textContent = fmt.Sprintf("<p>%s</p><p>%s</p><p>%s</p><a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", textContent, streamTitle, tagsString, data.GetServerURL(), data.GetServerURL())
activity, _, note, noteID := createBaseOutboundMessage(textContent)
// Attach an image along with the Federated message.
previewURL, err := url.Parse(data.GetServerURL())
if err == nil {
var imageToAttach string
previewGif := filepath.Join(config.WebRoot, "preview.gif")
thumbnailJpg := filepath.Join(config.WebRoot, "thumbnail.jpg")
uniquenessString := shortid.MustGenerate()
if utils.DoesFileExists(previewGif) {
imageToAttach = "preview.gif"
} else if utils.DoesFileExists(thumbnailJpg) {
imageToAttach = "thumbnail.jpg"
if imageToAttach != "" {
previewURL.Path = imageToAttach
previewURL.RawQuery = "us=" + uniquenessString
apmodels.AddImageAttachmentToNote(note, previewURL.String())
if data.GetNSFW() {
// Mark content as sensitive.
sensitive := streams.NewActivityStreamsSensitiveProperty()
b, err := apmodels.Serialize(activity)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("unable to serialize go live message activity", err)
return errors.New("unable to serialize go live message activity " + err.Error())
if err := SendToFollowers(b); err != nil {
return err
if err := Add(note, noteID, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SendPublicMessage will send a public message to all followers.
func SendPublicMessage(textContent string) error {
originalContent := textContent
textContent = utils.RenderSimpleMarkdown(textContent)
tagProp := streams.NewActivityStreamsTagProperty()
hashtagStrings := utils.GetHashtagsFromText(originalContent)
for _, hashtag := range hashtagStrings {
tagWithoutHashtag := strings.TrimPrefix(hashtag, "#")
// Replace the instances of the tag with a link to the tag page.
tagHTML := getHashtagLinkHTMLFromTagString(tagWithoutHashtag)
textContent = strings.ReplaceAll(textContent, hashtag, tagHTML)
// Create Hashtag object for the tag.
hashtag := apmodels.MakeHashtag(tagWithoutHashtag)
activity, _, note, noteID := createBaseOutboundMessage(textContent)
b, err := apmodels.Serialize(activity)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("unable to serialize custom fediverse message activity", err)
return errors.New("unable to serialize custom fediverse message activity " + err.Error())
if err := SendToFollowers(b); err != nil {
return err
if err := Add(note, noteID, false); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// nolint: unparam
func createBaseOutboundMessage(textContent string) (vocab.ActivityStreamsCreate, string, vocab.ActivityStreamsNote, string) {
localActor := apmodels.MakeLocalIRIForAccount(data.GetDefaultFederationUsername())
noteID := shortid.MustGenerate()
noteIRI := apmodels.MakeLocalIRIForResource(noteID)
id := shortid.MustGenerate()
activity := apmodels.CreateCreateActivity(id, localActor)
object := streams.NewActivityStreamsObjectProperty()
note := apmodels.MakeNote(textContent, noteIRI, localActor)
return activity, id, note, noteID
// Get Hashtag HTML link for a given tag (without # prefix).
func getHashtagLinkHTMLFromTagString(baseHashtag string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<a class=\"hashtag\" href=\"https://directory.owncast.online/tags/%s\">#%s</a>", baseHashtag, baseHashtag)
// SendToFollowers will send an arbitrary payload to all follower inboxes.
func SendToFollowers(payload []byte) error {
localActor := apmodels.MakeLocalIRIForAccount(data.GetDefaultFederationUsername())
followers, _, err := persistence.GetFederationFollowers(-1, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("unable to fetch followers to send to", err)
return errors.New("unable to fetch followers to send payload to")
for _, follower := range followers {
inbox, _ := url.Parse(follower.Inbox)
req, err := requests.CreateSignedRequest(payload, inbox, localActor)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("unable to create outbox request", follower.Inbox, err)
return errors.New("unable to create outbox request: " + follower.Inbox)
return nil
// UpdateFollowersWithAccountUpdates will send an update to all followers alerting of a profile update.
func UpdateFollowersWithAccountUpdates() error {
// Don't do anything if federation is disabled.
if !data.GetFederationEnabled() {
return nil
id := shortid.MustGenerate()
objectID := apmodels.MakeLocalIRIForResource(id)
activity := apmodels.MakeUpdateActivity(objectID)
actor := streams.NewActivityStreamsPerson()
actorID := apmodels.MakeLocalIRIForAccount(data.GetDefaultFederationUsername())
actorIDProperty := streams.NewJSONLDIdProperty()
actorProperty := streams.NewActivityStreamsActorProperty()
obj := streams.NewActivityStreamsObjectProperty()
b, err := apmodels.Serialize(activity)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("unable to serialize send update actor activity", err)
return errors.New("unable to serialize send update actor activity")
return SendToFollowers(b)
// Add will save an ActivityPub object to the datastore.
func Add(item vocab.Type, id string, isLiveNotification bool) error {
iri := item.GetJSONLDId().GetIRI().String()
typeString := item.GetTypeName()
if iri == "" {
log.Errorln("Unable to get iri from item")
return errors.New("Unable to get iri from item " + id)
b, err := apmodels.Serialize(item)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("unable to serialize model when saving to outbox", err)
return err
return persistence.AddToOutbox(iri, b, typeString, isLiveNotification)