James Young d1f3fffe2f
reafctor: normalize component formatting (#2082)
* refactor: move/rename BanUserButton file

* refactor: move/rename Chart file

* refactor: update generic component filenames to PascalCase

* refactor: update config component filenames to PascalCase

* refactor: update AdminLayout component filename to PascalCase

* refactor: update/move VideoJS component

* chore(eslint): disable bad react/require-default-props rule

* refactor: normalize ActionButton component

* refactor: normalize ActionButtonRow component

* refactor: normalize FollowButton component

* refactor: normalize NotifyButton component

* refactor: normalize ChatActionMessage component

* refactor: normalize ChatContainer component

* refactor: normalize ChatJoinMessage component

* refactor: normalize ChatModerationActionMenu component

* refactor: normalize ChatModerationDetailsModal component

* refactor: normalize ChatModeratorNotification component

* refactor: normalize ChatSocialMessage component

* refactor: normalize ChatSystemMessage component

* refactor: normalize ChatTextField component

* refactor: normalize ChatUserBadge component

* refactor: normalize ChatUserMessage component

* refactor: normalize ContentHeader component

* refactor: normalize OwncastLogo component

* refactor: normalize UserDropdown component

* chore(eslint): modify react/function-component-definition rule

* refactor: normalize CodecSelector component

* refactor: update a bunch of functional components using eslint

* refactor: update a bunch of functional components using eslint, pt2

* refactor: update a bunch of functional components using eslint, pt3

* refactor: replace all component->component default imports with named imports

* refactor: replace all component-stories->component default imports with named imports

* refactor: remove default exports from most components

* chore(eslint): add eslint config files for the components and pages dirs

* fix: use-before-define error in ChatContainer

* Fix ChatContainer import

* Only process .tsx files in Next builds

Co-authored-by: Gabe Kangas <gabek@real-ity.com>
2022-09-07 00:00:28 -07:00

214 lines
6.6 KiB

import { Button } from 'antd';
import { Virtuoso } from 'react-virtuoso';
import { useState, useMemo, useRef, CSSProperties, FC } from 'react';
import { EditFilled, VerticalAlignBottomOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import {
} from '../../../interfaces/socket-events';
import styles from './ChatContainer.module.scss';
import { ChatMessage } from '../../../interfaces/chat-message.model';
import { ChatUserMessage } from '../ChatUserMessage/ChatUserMessage';
import { ChatTextField } from '../ChatTextField/ChatTextField';
import { ChatModeratorNotification } from '../ChatModeratorNotification/ChatModeratorNotification';
// import ChatActionMessage from '../ChatAction/ChatActionMessage';
import { ChatSystemMessage } from '../ChatSystemMessage/ChatSystemMessage';
import { ChatJoinMessage } from '../ChatJoinMessage/ChatJoinMessage';
export type ChatContainerProps = {
messages: ChatMessage[];
usernameToHighlight: string;
chatUserId: string;
isModerator: boolean;
showInput?: boolean;
height?: string;
function shouldCollapseMessages(messages: ChatMessage[], index: number): boolean {
if (messages.length < 2) {
return false;
const message = messages[index];
const {
user: { id },
} = message;
const lastMessage = messages[index - 1];
if (lastMessage?.type !== MessageType.CHAT) {
return false;
if (!lastMessage.timestamp || !message.timestamp) {
return false;
const maxTimestampDelta = 1000 * 60 * 2; // 2 minutes
const lastTimestamp = new Date(lastMessage.timestamp).getTime();
const thisTimestamp = new Date(message.timestamp).getTime();
if (thisTimestamp - lastTimestamp > maxTimestampDelta) {
return false;
return id === lastMessage?.user.id;
function checkIsModerator(message) {
const { user } = message;
const { scopes } = user;
if (!scopes || scopes.length === 0) {
return false;
return scopes.includes('MODERATOR');
export const ChatContainer: FC<ChatContainerProps> = ({
}) => {
const [atBottom, setAtBottom] = useState(false);
// const [showButton, setShowButton] = useState(false);
const chatContainerRef = useRef(null);
// const spinIcon = <LoadingOutlined style={{ fontSize: '32px' }} spin />;
const getNameChangeViewForMessage = (message: NameChangeEvent) => {
const { oldName, user } = message;
const { displayName, displayColor } = user;
const color = `var(--theme-color-users-${displayColor})`;
return (
<div className={styles.nameChangeView}>
<div style={{ marginRight: 5, height: 'max-content', margin: 'auto 5px auto 0' }}>
<EditFilled />
<div className={styles.nameChangeText}>
<span style={{ color }}>{oldName}</span>
<span className={styles.plain}> is now known as </span>
<span style={{ color }}>{displayName}</span>
const getUserJoinedMessage = (message: ChatMessage) => {
const { user } = message;
const { displayName, displayColor } = user;
const isAuthorModerator = checkIsModerator(message);
return (
const getConnectedInfoMessage = (message: ConnectedClientInfoEvent) => {
const modStatusUpdate = checkIsModerator(message);
if (!modStatusUpdate) {
// Important note: We can't return null or an element with zero width
// or zero height. So to work around this we return a very small 1x1 div.
const st: CSSProperties = { width: '1px', height: '1px' };
return <div style={st} />;
// Alert the user that they are a moderator.
return <ChatModeratorNotification />;
const getViewForMessage = (
index: number,
message: ChatMessage | NameChangeEvent | ConnectedClientInfoEvent,
) => {
switch (message.type) {
case MessageType.CHAT:
return (
message={message as ChatMessage}
showModeratorMenu={isModerator} // Moderators have access to an additional menu
highlightString={usernameToHighlight} // What to highlight in the message
sentBySelf={message.user?.id === chatUserId} // The local user sent this message
sameUserAsLast={shouldCollapseMessages(messages, index)}
isAuthorModerator={(message as ChatMessage).user.scopes?.includes('MODERATOR')}
case MessageType.NAME_CHANGE:
return getNameChangeViewForMessage(message as NameChangeEvent);
return getConnectedInfoMessage(message);
case MessageType.USER_JOINED:
return getUserJoinedMessage(message as ChatMessage);
case MessageType.SYSTEM:
return (
message={message as ChatMessage}
highlightString={usernameToHighlight} // What to highlight in the message
return null;
const MessagesTable = useMemo(
() => (
style={{ height, width: 'auto' }}
initialTopMostItemIndex={messages.length - 1} // Force alignment to bottom
itemContent={(index, message) => getViewForMessage(index, message)}
atBottomStateChange={bottom => setAtBottom(bottom)}
{!atBottom && (
<div className={styles.toBottomWrap}>
icon={<VerticalAlignBottomOutlined />}
onClick={() =>
index: messages.length - 1,
behavior: 'smooth',
Go to last message
[messages, usernameToHighlight, chatUserId, isModerator, atBottom],
return (
<div style={{ height: '100%' }}>
// <div className={s.chatHeader}>
// <span>stream chat</span>
// </div>
{showInput && <ChatTextField />}
ChatContainer.defaultProps = {
showInput: true,
height: 'calc(100vh - 170px)',