import { h, Component, createRef } from '/js/web_modules/preact.js'; import htm from '/js/web_modules/htm.js'; const html = htm.bind(h); import Message from './message.js'; import ChatInput from './chat-input.js'; import { CALLBACKS, SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES } from '../../utils/websocket.js'; import { jumpToBottom, debounce } from '../../utils/helpers.js'; import { extraUserNamesFromMessageHistory, checkIsModerator, } from '../../utils/chat.js'; import { URL_CHAT_HISTORY, MESSAGE_JUMPTOBOTTOM_BUFFER, } from '../../utils/constants.js'; const MAX_RENDER_BACKLOG = 300; // Add message types that should be displayed in chat to this array. const renderableChatStyleMessages = [ SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.NAME_CHANGE, SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CONNECTED_USER_INFO, SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.USER_JOINED, SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT_ACTION, SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.SYSTEM, SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT, ]; export default class Chat extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.state = { chatUserNames: [], // Ordered array of messages sorted by timestamp. sortedMessages: [], newMessagesReceived: false, webSocketConnected: true, isModerator: false, }; this.scrollableMessagesContainer = createRef(); this.websocket = null; this.receivedFirstMessages = false; this.receivedMessageUpdate = false; this.hasFetchedHistory = false; // Force render is a state to force the messages to re-render when visibility // changes for messages. This overrides componentShouldUpdate logic. this.forceRender = false; // Unordered dictionary of messages keyed by ID. this.messages = {}; this.windowBlurred = false; this.numMessagesSinceBlur = 0; this.getChatHistory = this.getChatHistory.bind(this); this.handleNetworkingError = this.handleNetworkingError.bind(this); this.handleWindowBlur = this.handleWindowBlur.bind(this); this.handleWindowFocus = this.handleWindowFocus.bind(this); this.handleWindowResize = debounce(this.handleWindowResize.bind(this), 500); this.messageListCallback = this.messageListCallback.bind(this); this.receivedWebsocketMessage = this.receivedWebsocketMessage.bind(this); this.scrollToBottom = this.scrollToBottom.bind(this); this.submitChat = this.submitChat.bind(this); this.websocketConnected = this.websocketConnected.bind(this); this.websocketDisconnected = this.websocketDisconnected.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.setupWebSocketCallbacks(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleWindowResize); if (!this.props.readonly) { window.addEventListener('blur', this.handleWindowBlur); window.addEventListener('focus', this.handleWindowFocus); } this.messageListObserver = new MutationObserver(this.messageListCallback); this.messageListObserver.observe(this.scrollableMessagesContainer.current, { childList: true, }); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { const { username, chatInputEnabled } = this.props; const { username: nextUserName, chatInputEnabled: nextChatEnabled } = nextProps; const { webSocketConnected, chatUserNames, newMessagesReceived, sortedMessages, } = this.state; if (this.forceRender) { return true; } const { webSocketConnected: nextSocket, chatUserNames: nextUserNames, newMessagesReceived: nextMessagesReceived, } = nextState; // If there are an updated number of sorted message then a render pass // needs to take place to render these new messages. if ( Object.keys(sortedMessages).length !== Object.keys(nextState.sortedMessages).length ) { return true; } if (newMessagesReceived) { return true; } return ( username !== nextUserName || chatInputEnabled !== nextChatEnabled || webSocketConnected !== nextSocket || chatUserNames.length !== nextUserNames.length || newMessagesReceived !== nextMessagesReceived ); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { const { accessToken } = this.props; // Fetch chat history if (!this.hasFetchedHistory && accessToken) { this.hasFetchedHistory = true; this.getChatHistory(accessToken); } } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleWindowResize); if (!this.props.readonly) { window.removeEventListener('blur', this.handleWindowBlur); window.removeEventListener('focus', this.handleWindowFocus); } this.messageListObserver.disconnect(); } setupWebSocketCallbacks() { this.websocket = this.props.websocket; if (this.websocket) { this.websocket.addListener( CALLBACKS.RAW_WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, this.receivedWebsocketMessage ); this.websocket.addListener( CALLBACKS.WEBSOCKET_CONNECTED, this.websocketConnected ); this.websocket.addListener( CALLBACKS.WEBSOCKET_DISCONNECTED, this.websocketDisconnected ); } } // fetch chat history async getChatHistory(accessToken) { const { username } = this.props; try { const response = await fetch( URL_CHAT_HISTORY + `?accessToken=${accessToken}` ); const data = await response.json(); // Backlog of usernames from history const allChatUserNames = extraUserNamesFromMessageHistory(data); const chatUserNames = allChatUserNames.filter((name) => name != username); this.addNewRenderableMessages(data); this.setState((previousState) => { return { ...previousState, chatUserNames, }; }); } catch (error) { this.handleNetworkingError(`Fetch getChatHistory: ${error}`); } this.scrollToBottom(); } receivedWebsocketMessage(message) { this.handleMessage(message); } handleNetworkingError(error) { // todo: something more useful console.error('chat error', error); } // Give a list of message IDs and the visibility state they should change to. updateMessagesVisibility(idsToUpdate, visible) { let messageList = { ...this.messages }; // Iterate through each ID and mark the associated ID in our messages // dictionary with the new visibility. for (const id of idsToUpdate) { const message = messageList[id]; if (message) { message.visible = visible; messageList[id] = message; } } const updatedMessagesList = { ...this.messages, ...messageList, }; this.messages = updatedMessagesList; this.forceRender = true; } handleChangeModeratorStatus(isModerator) { if (isModerator !== this.state.isModerator) { this.setState((previousState) => { return { ...previousState, isModerator: isModerator }; }); } } handleWindowFocusNotificationCount(readonly, messageType) { // if window is blurred and we get a new message, add 1 to title if ( !readonly && messageType === SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT && this.windowBlurred ) { this.numMessagesSinceBlur += 1; } } addNewRenderableMessages(messagesArray) { // Convert the array of chat history messages into an object // to be merged with the existing chat messages. const newMessages = messagesArray.reduce( (o, message) => ({ ...o, []: message }), {} ); // Keep our unsorted collection of messages keyed by ID. const updatedMessagesList = { ...newMessages, ...this.messages, }; this.messages = updatedMessagesList; // Convert the unordered dictionary of messages to an ordered array. // NOTE: This sorts the entire collection of messages on every new message // because the order a message comes in cannot be trusted that it's the order // it was sent, you need to sort by timestamp. I don't know if there // is a performance problem waiting to occur here for larger chat feeds. var sortedMessages = Object.values(updatedMessagesList) // Filter out messages set to not be visible .filter((message) => message.visible !== false) .sort((a, b) => { return Date.parse(a.timestamp) - Date.parse(b.timestamp); }); // Cap this list to 300 items to improve browser performance. if (sortedMessages.length >= MAX_RENDER_BACKLOG) { sortedMessages = sortedMessages.slice( sortedMessages.length - MAX_RENDER_BACKLOG ); } this.setState((previousState) => { return { ...previousState, newMessagesReceived: true, sortedMessages, }; }); } // handle any incoming message handleMessage(message) { const { type: messageType } = message; const { readonly, username } = this.props; // Allow non-user chat messages to be visible by default. const messageVisible = message.visible || messageType !== SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT; // Show moderator status if (messageType === SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CONNECTED_USER_INFO) { const modStatusUpdate = checkIsModerator(message); this.handleChangeModeratorStatus(modStatusUpdate); } // Change the visibility of messages by ID. if (messageType === SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.VISIBILITY_UPDATE) { const idsToUpdate = message.ids; const visible = message.visible; this.updateMessagesVisibility(idsToUpdate, visible); } else if ( renderableChatStyleMessages.includes(messageType) && messageVisible ) { // Add new message to the chat feed. this.addNewRenderableMessages([message]); // Update the usernames list, filtering out our own name. const updatedAllChatUserNames = this.updateAuthorList(message); if (updatedAllChatUserNames.length) { const updatedChatUserNames = updatedAllChatUserNames.filter( (name) => name != username ); this.setState((previousState) => { return { ...previousState, chatUserNames: [...updatedChatUserNames], }; }); } } // Update the window title if needed. this.handleWindowFocusNotificationCount(readonly, messageType); } websocketConnected() { this.setState((previousState) => { return { ...previousState, webSocketConnected: true, }; }); } websocketDisconnected() { this.setState((previousState) => { return { ...previousState, webSocketConnected: false, }; }); } submitChat(content) { if (!content) { return; } const message = { body: content, type: SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT, }; this.websocket.send(message); } updateAuthorList(message) { const { type } = message; let nameList = this.state.chatUserNames; if ( type === SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT && !nameList.includes(message.user.displayName) ) { nameList.push(message.user.displayName); return nameList; } else if (type === SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.NAME_CHANGE) { const { oldName, user } = message; const oldNameIndex = nameList.indexOf(oldName); nameList.splice(oldNameIndex, 1, user.displayName); return nameList; } return []; } scrollToBottom() { jumpToBottom(this.scrollableMessagesContainer.current); } checkShouldScroll() { const { scrollTop, scrollHeight, clientHeight } = this.scrollableMessagesContainer.current; const fullyScrolled = scrollHeight - clientHeight; const shouldScroll = scrollHeight >= clientHeight && fullyScrolled - scrollTop < MESSAGE_JUMPTOBOTTOM_BUFFER; return shouldScroll; } handleWindowResize() { this.scrollToBottom(); } handleWindowBlur() { this.windowBlurred = true; } handleWindowFocus() { this.windowBlurred = false; this.numMessagesSinceBlur = 0; window.document.title = this.props.instanceTitle; } // if the messages list grows in number of child message nodes due to new messages received, scroll to bottom. messageListCallback(mutations) { const numMutations = mutations.length; if (numMutations) { const item = mutations[numMutations - 1]; if (item.type === 'childList' && item.addedNodes.length) { if (this.state.newMessagesReceived) { if (!this.receivedFirstMessages) { this.scrollToBottom(); this.receivedFirstMessages = true; } else if (this.checkShouldScroll()) { this.scrollToBottom(); } this.setState((previousState) => { return { ...previousState, newMessagesReceived: false, }; }); } } // update document title if window blurred if ( this.numMessagesSinceBlur && !this.props.readonly && this.windowBlurred ) { this.updateDocumentTitle(); } } } updateDocumentTitle() { const num = this.numMessagesSinceBlur > 10 ? '10+' : this.numMessagesSinceBlur; window.document.title = `${num} 💬 :: ${this.props.instanceTitle}`; } render(props, state) { const { username, readonly, chatInputEnabled, inputMaxBytes, accessToken } = props; const { sortedMessages, chatUserNames, webSocketConnected, isModerator } = state; const messageList = (message) => html`<${Message} message=${message} username=${username} key=${} isModerator=${isModerator} accessToken=${accessToken} />` ); if (readonly) { return html`
`; } return html`