#!/usr/bin/env bash # A recent version of ffmpeg is required for the loop of the provided videos # to repeat indefinitely. # Example: ./test/ocTestStream.sh ~/Downloads/*.mp4 rtmp://localhost/live/abc123 if ! ([[ $1 ]]) then echo "ocTestStream is used for sending pre-recorded content to a RTMP server." echo "Will default to localhost with the stream key of abc123 if one isn't provided." echo "./ocTestStream.sh *.mp4 [RTMPDESINATION]" exit fi # Make the destination optional and point to localhost with default key if [[ ${@: -1} == *"rtmp://"* ]]; then echo "RTMP is specified" DESTINATION_HOST=${@: -1} array=( $@ ) ARGS_LEN=${#array[@]} CONTENT=${array[@]:0:$ARGS_LEN-1} DESTINATION_HOST=${@: -1} FILE_COUNT=$( expr ${#} - 1 ) else DESTINATION_HOST="rtmp://localhost/live/abc123" array=( $@ ) ARGS_LEN=${#array[@]} CONTENT=${array[@]:0:$ARGS_LEN} FILE_COUNT=$( expr ${#} ) fi # Delete the old list of files if it exists if test -f list.txt; then rm list.txt fi for file in $CONTENT do echo "file '$file'" >> list.txt done function finish { rm list.txt } trap finish EXIT echo "Streaming a loop of ${FILE_COUNT} videos to $DESTINATION_HOST. Warning: If these files differ greatly in formats transitioning from one to another may not always work correctly... ctl+c to exit" ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -stream_loop -1 -re -f concat -safe 0 -i list.txt -vcodec libx264 -profile:v main -sc_threshold 0 -b:v 1300k -preset veryfast -acodec copy -f flv $DESTINATION_HOST