#!/bin/sh # Human readable names of binary distributions DISTRO=(macOS linux) # Operating systems for the respective distributions OS=(darwin linux) # Architectures for the respective distributions ARCH=(amd64 amd64) # Version VERSION=$1 if [[ -z "${VERSION}" ]]; then echo "Version must be specified when running build" exit fi [[ -z "${VERSION}" ]] && VERSION='unknownver' || VERSION="${VERSION}" GIT_COMMIT=$(git rev-list -1 HEAD) GIT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) # Change to the root directory of the repository cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) echo "Cleaning working directories..." rm -rf ./webroot/hls/* ./hls/* ./webroot/thumbnail.jpg echo "Creating version ${VERSION} from commit ${GIT_COMMIT}" mkdir -p dist build() { NAME=$1 OS=$2 ARCH=$3 VERSION=$4 GIT_COMMIT=$5 echo "Building ${NAME} (${OS}/${ARCH}) release from ${GIT_BRANCH}..." mkdir -p dist/${NAME} mkdir -p dist/${NAME}/webroot/static # Default files cp config-example.yaml dist/${NAME}/config.yaml cp webroot/static/content-example.md dist/${NAME}/webroot/static/content.md cp -R webroot/ dist/${NAME}/webroot/ cp -R doc/ dist/${NAME}/doc/ cp -R static/ dist/${NAME}/static cp README.md dist/${NAME} pushd dist/${NAME} >> /dev/null CGO_ENABLED=1 ~/go/bin/xgo --branch ${GIT_BRANCH} -ldflags "-s -w -X main.GitCommit=${GIT_COMMIT} -X main.BuildVersion=${VERSION} -X main.BuildType=${NAME}" -targets "${OS}/${ARCH}" github.com/gabek/owncast mv owncast-*-${ARCH} owncast zip -r -q -8 ../owncast-$NAME-$VERSION.zip . popd >> /dev/null rm -rf dist/${NAME}/ } for i in "${!DISTRO[@]}"; do build ${DISTRO[$i]} ${OS[$i]} ${ARCH[$i]} $VERSION $GIT_COMMIT done # Create the tag # git tag -a "v${VERSION}" -m "Release build v${VERSION}" # # On macOS open the Github page for new releases so they can be uploaded # if test -f "/usr/bin/open"; then # open "https://github.com/gabek/owncast/releases/new" # open dist # fi # Docker build # Must authenticate first: https://docs.github.com/en/packages/using-github-packages-with-your-projects-ecosystem/configuring-docker-for-use-with-github-packages#authenticating-to-github-packages # DOCKER_IMAGE="owncast-${VERSION}" # echo "Building Docker image ${DOCKER_IMAGE}..." # # # Change to the root directory of the repository # cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) # # Github Packages # docker build --build-arg NAME=docker --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} --build-arg GIT_COMMIT=$GIT_COMMIT -t owncast . -f scripts/Dockerfile-build # docker tag $DOCKER_IMAGE docker.pkg.github.com/gabek/owncast/$DOCKER_IMAGE:$VERSION # docker push docker.pkg.github.com/gabek/owncast/$DOCKER_IMAGE:$VERSION # # Dockerhub # You must be authenticated via `docker login` with your Dockerhub credentials first. # docker tag owncast gabekangas/owncast:$VERSION # docker push gabekangas/owncast