import { Col, Collapse, Row, Typography } from 'antd';
import React from 'react';
import { CodecSelector as VideoCodecSelector } from '../../components/config/CodecSelector';
import { VideoLatency } from '../../components/config/VideoLatency';
import { CurrentVariantsTable } from '../../components/config/CurrentVariantsTable';

const { Panel } = Collapse;
const { Title } = Typography;

export default function ConfigVideoSettings() {
  return (
    <div className="config-video-variants">
      <Title>Video configuration</Title>
      <p className="description">
        Before changing your video configuration{' '}
          rel="noopener noreferrer"
          visit the video documentation
        </a>{' '}
        to learn how it impacts your stream performance. The general rule is to start conservatively
        by having one middle quality stream output variant and experiment with adding more of varied

      <Row gutter={[16, 16]}>
        <Col md={24} lg={12}>
          <div className="form-module variants-table-module">
            <CurrentVariantsTable />
        <Col md={24} lg={12}>
          <div className="form-module latency-module">
            <VideoLatency />

          <Collapse className="advanced-settings codec-module">
            <Panel header="Advanced Settings" key="1">
              <div className="form-module variants-table-module">
                <VideoCodecSelector />