/* - auto saves ,ajax call (submit when blur or onEnter) - set default text - show error state/confirm states - show info - label - min/max length - populate with curren val (from local sstate) load page, get all config vals, save to local state/context. read vals from there. update vals to state, andthru api. */ import React, { useState, useContext } from 'react'; import { Button, Form, Input, InputNumber, Tooltip } from 'antd'; import { FormItemProps } from 'antd/es/form'; import { InfoCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import { TEXTFIELD_DEFAULTS, TEXT_MAXLENGTH, RESET_TIMEOUT } from './constants'; import { TextFieldProps } from '../../../types/config-section'; import { fetchData, SERVER_CONFIG_UPDATE_URL } from '../../../utils/apis'; import { ServerStatusContext } from '../../../utils/server-status-context'; export const TEXTFIELD_TYPE_TEXT = 'default'; export const TEXTFIELD_TYPE_PASSWORD = 'password'; // Input.Password export const TEXTFIELD_TYPE_NUMBER = 'numeric'; export const TEXTFIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA = 'textarea'; export default function TextField(props: TextFieldProps) { const [submitStatus, setSubmitStatus] = useState(''); const [submitStatusMessage, setSubmitStatusMessage] = useState(''); const [hasChanged, setHasChanged] = useState(false); const [fieldValueForSubmit, setFieldValueForSubmit] = useState(''); let resetTimer = null; const serverStatusData = useContext(ServerStatusContext); const { setConfigField } = serverStatusData || {}; const { configPath = '', disabled = false, fieldName, handleResetValue, initialValues = {}, onSubmit, type, } = props; // Keep track of what the initial value is // Note: we're not using `initialValue` as a prop, because we expect this component to be controlled by a parent Ant
which is doing a form.setFieldsValue() upstream. const initialValue = initialValues[fieldName] || ''; // Get other static info we know about this field. const defaultDetails = TEXTFIELD_DEFAULTS[configPath] || TEXTFIELD_DEFAULTS; const { apiPath = '', maxLength = TEXT_MAXLENGTH, placeholder = '', label = '', tip = '', required = false, } = defaultDetails[fieldName] || {}; // Clear out any validation states and messaging const resetStates = () => { setSubmitStatus(''); setHasChanged(false); clearTimeout(resetTimer); resetTimer = null; } const postUpdateToAPI = async (postValue: any) => { setSubmitStatus('validating'); const result = await fetchData(`${SERVER_CONFIG_UPDATE_URL}${apiPath}`, { data: { value: postValue }, method: 'POST', auth: true, }); if (result.success) { setConfigField({ fieldName, value: postValue, path: configPath }); setSubmitStatus('success'); } else { setSubmitStatus('error'); setSubmitStatusMessage(`There was an error: ${result.message}`); } resetTimer = setTimeout(resetStates, RESET_TIMEOUT); }; // if field is required but value is empty, or equals initial value, then don't show submit/update button. otherwise clear out any result messaging and display button. const handleChange = (e: any) => { const val = type === TEXTFIELD_TYPE_NUMBER ? e : e.target.value; if ((required && (val === '' || val === null)) || val === initialValue) { setHasChanged(false); } else { resetStates(); setHasChanged(true); setFieldValueForSubmit(val); } }; // if you blur a required field with an empty value, restore its original value const handleBlur = e => { const val = e.target.value; if (required && val === '') { handleResetValue(fieldName); } }; // how to get current value of input const handleSubmit = () => { if ((required && fieldValueForSubmit !== '') || fieldValueForSubmit !== initialValue) { postUpdateToAPI(fieldValueForSubmit); // if an extra onSubmit handler was sent in as a prop, let's run that too. if (onSubmit) { onSubmit(); } } } // display the appropriate Ant text field let Field = Input as typeof Input | typeof InputNumber | typeof Input.TextArea | typeof Input.Password; let fieldProps = {}; if (type === TEXTFIELD_TYPE_TEXTAREA) { Field = Input.TextArea; fieldProps = { autoSize: true, }; } else if (type === TEXTFIELD_TYPE_PASSWORD) { Field = Input.Password; fieldProps = { visibilityToggle: true, }; } else if (type === TEXTFIELD_TYPE_NUMBER) { Field = InputNumber; } return (
{ hasChanged ? : null }
); }