import React from 'react'; import { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react'; import ContentHeader from './ContentHeader'; export default { title: 'owncast/Components/Content Header', component: ContentHeader, parameters: {}, } as ComponentMeta; const Template: ComponentStory = args => ; export const Example = Template.bind({}); Example.args = { name: 'My Awesome Owncast Stream', summary: 'A calvacade of glorious sights and sounds', tags: ['word', 'tag with spaces', 'music'], logo: '', links: [ { platform: 'github', url: '', icon: '', }, { platform: 'Documentation', url: '', icon: '', }, { platform: 'mastodon', url: '', icon: '', }, ], }; export const LongContent = Template.bind({}); LongContent.args = { name: 'My Awesome Owncast Stream, streaming the best of streams and some lorem ipsum too', summary: 'A calvacade of glorious sights and sounds. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', tags: [ 'word', 'tag with spaces', 'music', 'more tags', 'a bunch', 'keep going', 'and more', 'just a few more', 'video games', 'things', 'stuff', 'ok some more', 'this should do it', ], logo: '', links: [ { platform: 'github', url: '', icon: '', }, { platform: 'Documentation', url: '', icon: '', }, { platform: 'mastodon', url: '', icon: '', }, ], };