import { Button, Upload } from 'antd'; import { RcFile } from 'antd/lib/upload/interface'; import React, { useState, useContext, FC } from 'react'; import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'; import { FormStatusIndicator } from './FormStatusIndicator'; import { ServerStatusContext } from '../../utils/server-status-context'; import { postConfigUpdateToAPI, RESET_TIMEOUT, TEXTFIELD_PROPS_LOGO, } from '../../utils/config-constants'; import { createInputStatus, StatusState, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_PROCESSING, STATUS_SUCCESS, } from '../../utils/input-statuses'; import { NEXT_PUBLIC_API_HOST } from '../../utils/apis'; import { ACCEPTED_IMAGE_TYPES, getBase64, MAX_IMAGE_FILESIZE, readableBytes, } from '../../utils/images'; // Lazy loaded components const LoadingOutlined = dynamic(() => import('@ant-design/icons/LoadingOutlined'), { ssr: false, }); const UploadOutlined = dynamic(() => import('@ant-design/icons/UploadOutlined'), { ssr: false, }); // eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export export const EditLogo: FC = () => { const [logoUrl, setlogoUrl] = useState(null); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [logoCachedbuster, setLogoCacheBuster] = useState(0); const serverStatusData = useContext(ServerStatusContext); const { setFieldInConfigState, serverConfig } = serverStatusData || {}; const currentLogo = serverConfig?.instanceDetails?.logo; const [submitStatus, setSubmitStatus] = useState<StatusState>(null); let resetTimer = null; const { apiPath, tip } = TEXTFIELD_PROPS_LOGO; // Clear out any validation states and messaging const resetStates = () => { setSubmitStatus(null); clearTimeout(resetTimer); resetTimer = null; }; // validate file type and create base64 encoded img const beforeUpload = (file: RcFile) => { setLoading(true); // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return return new Promise<void>((res, rej) => { if (file.size > MAX_IMAGE_FILESIZE) { const msg = `File size is too big: ${readableBytes(file.size)}`; setSubmitStatus(createInputStatus(STATUS_ERROR, `There was an error: ${msg}`)); resetTimer = setTimeout(resetStates, RESET_TIMEOUT); setLoading(false); // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return return rej(); } if (!ACCEPTED_IMAGE_TYPES.includes(file.type)) { const msg = `File type is not supported: ${file.type}`; setSubmitStatus(createInputStatus(STATUS_ERROR, `There was an error: ${msg}`)); resetTimer = setTimeout(resetStates, RESET_TIMEOUT); setLoading(false); // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return return rej(); } getBase64(file, (url: string) => { setlogoUrl(url); setTimeout(() => res(), 100); }); }); }; // Post new logo to api const handleLogoUpdate = async () => { if (logoUrl !== currentLogo) { setSubmitStatus(createInputStatus(STATUS_PROCESSING)); await postConfigUpdateToAPI({ apiPath, data: { value: logoUrl }, onSuccess: () => { setFieldInConfigState({ fieldName: 'logo', value: logoUrl, path: '' }); setSubmitStatus(createInputStatus(STATUS_SUCCESS)); setLoading(false); setLogoCacheBuster(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)); // Force logo to re-load }, onError: (msg: string) => { setSubmitStatus(createInputStatus(STATUS_ERROR, `There was an error: ${msg}`)); setLoading(false); }, }); resetTimer = setTimeout(resetStates, RESET_TIMEOUT); } }; const logoDisplayUrl = `${NEXT_PUBLIC_API_HOST}logo?random=${logoCachedbuster}`; return ( <div className="formfield-container logo-upload-container"> <div className="label-side"> <span className="formfield-label">Logo</span> </div> <div className="input-side"> <div className="input-group"> <img src={logoDisplayUrl} alt="avatar" className="logo-preview" /> <Upload name="logo" listType="picture" className="avatar-uploader" showUploadList={false} accept={ACCEPTED_IMAGE_TYPES.join(',')} beforeUpload={beforeUpload} customRequest={handleLogoUpdate} disabled={loading} > {loading ? ( <LoadingOutlined style={{ color: 'white' }} /> ) : ( <Button icon={<UploadOutlined />} /> )} </Upload> </div> <FormStatusIndicator status={submitStatus} /> <p className="field-tip">{tip}</p> </div> </div> ); };