import { h, Component } from ''; import htm from ''; // Initialize htm with Preact const html = htm.bind(h); import SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES from '../utils/socket-message-types.js'; import Message from './message.js'; import ChatInput from './chat-input.js'; import { CALLBACKS } from '../websocket.js'; import { URL_CHAT_HISTORY, setVHvar, hasTouchScreen } from '../utils.js'; import { extraUserNamesFromMessageHistory } from '../utils/chat.js'; export default class Chat extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.state = { inputEnabled: true, messages: [], chatUserNames: [], }; this.websocket = null; this.getChatHistory = this.getChatHistory.bind(this); this.receivedWebsocketMessage = this.receivedWebsocketMessage.bind(this); this.websocketDisconnected = this.websocketDisconnected.bind(this); // this.handleSubmitChatButton = this.handleSubmitChatButton.bind(this); this.submitChat = this.submitChat.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.setupWebSocketCallbacks(); this.getChatHistory(); if (hasTouchScreen()) { setVHvar(); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", setVHvar); // this.tagAppContainer.classList.add('touch-screen'); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { username: prevName } = prevProps; const { username, userAvatarImage } = this.props; // if username updated, send a message if (prevName !== username) { this.sendUsernameChange(prevName, username, userAvatarImage); } } setupWebSocketCallbacks() { this.websocket = this.props.websocket; if (this.websocket) { this.websocket.addListener(CALLBACKS.RAW_WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, this.receivedWebsocketMessage); this.websocket.addListener(CALLBACKS.WEBSOCKET_DISCONNECTED, this.websocketDisconnected); } } // fetch chat history getChatHistory() { fetch(URL_CHAT_HISTORY) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok ${response.ok}`); } return response.json(); }) .then(data => { // extra user names const chatUserNames = extraUserNamesFromMessageHistory(data); this.setState({ messages: data, chatUserNames, }); }) .catch(error => { // this.handleNetworkingError(`Fetch getChatHistory: ${error}`); }); } sendUsernameChange(oldName, newName, image) { const nameChange = { type: SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.NAME_CHANGE, oldName: oldName, newName: newName, image: image, }; this.websocket.send(nameChange); } receivedWebsocketMessage(message) { this.addMessage(message); // if (model.type === SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT) { // const message = new Message(model); // this.addMessage(message); // } else if (model.type === SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.NAME_CHANGE) { // this.addMessage(model); // } } // if incoming message has same id as existing message, don't add it addMessage(message) { const { messages: curMessages } = this.state; const existing = curMessages.filter(function (item) { return ===; }) if (existing.length === 0 || !existing) { const newState = { messages: [...curMessages, message], }; const updatedChatUserNames = this.updateAuthorList(message); if (updatedChatUserNames.length) { newState.chatUserNames = [...updatedChatUserNames]; } this.setState(newState); } // todo - jump to bottom // jumpToBottom(this.scrollableMessagesContainer); } websocketDisconnected() { // this.websocket = null; this.disableChat() } handleSubmitChatButton(event) { const { inputValue } = this.state; var value = inputValue.trim(); if (value) { this.submitChat(value); event.preventDefault(); return false; } event.preventDefault(); return false; } submitChat(content) { if (!content) { return; } const { username, userAvatarImage } = this.props; const message = { body: content, author: username, image: userAvatarImage, type: SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT, }; this.websocket.send(message); } disableChat() { this.setState({ inputEnabled: false, }); } enableChat() { this.setState({ inputEnabled: true, }); } updateAuthorList(message) { const { type } = message; const username = ''; const nameList = this.state.chatUserNames; if ( type === SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT && !nameList.includes( ) { return nameList.push(; } else if (type === SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.NAME_CHANGE) { const { oldName, newName } = message; const oldNameIndex = nameList.indexOf(oldName); return nameList.splice(oldNameIndex, 1, newName); } return []; } render(props, state) { const { username } = props; const { messages, inputEnabled, chatUserNames } = state; return ( html`
${ => (html`<${Message} message=${message} username=${username} />`)) } messages..
<${ChatInput} chatUserNames=${chatUserNames} inputEnabled=${inputEnabled} handleSendMessage=${this.submitChat} />
`); } }