import { h, Component } from '/js/web_modules/preact.js'; import htm from '/js/web_modules/htm.js'; import { URL_FOLLOWERS } from '/js/utils/constants.js'; const html = htm.bind(h); export default class FollowerList extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { followers: [], followersPage: 0, currentPage: 0, total: 0, }; } componentDidMount() { try { this.getFollowers(); } catch (e) { console.error('followers error: ', e); } } async getFollowers() { const { currentPage } = this.state; const limit = 24; const offset = currentPage * limit; const u = `${URL_FOLLOWERS}?offset=${offset}&limit=${limit}`; const response = await fetch(u); const followers = await response.json(); this.setState({ followers: followers.results, total:, }); } changeFollowersPage(page) { this.setState({ currentPage: page }); this.getFollowers(); } render() { const { followers, total, currentPage } = this.state; if (!followers) { return null; } const noFollowersInfo = html`

Be the first to follow this live stream.

By following this stream you'll get updates when it goes live, receive posts from the streamer, and be featured here as a follower.

Learn more about ${' '} The Fediverse, where you can follow this server as well as so much more.

`; const paginationControls = total > 1 && Array(total) .fill() .map((x, n) => { const activePageClass = n === currentPage && 'bg-indigo-600 rounded-full shadow-md focus:shadow-md text-white'; return html`
  • this.changeFollowersPage(n)} > ${n + 1}
  • `; }); return html`
    ${followers.length === 0 && noFollowersInfo} ${ => { return html` <${SingleFollower} user=${follower} /> `; })}
    `; } } function SingleFollower(props) { const { user } = props; const { name, username, link, image } = user; var displayName = name; var displayUsername = username; if (!displayName) { displayName = displayUsername.split('@', 1)[0]; } return html` { currentTarget.onerror = null; currentTarget.src = '/img/logo.svg'; }} />



    `; }